Absolute Choice

Chapter 97: Dark door


As Xiao Xiao guessed, the strength of the Summoning of the Undead technique is closely related to the casting time. Due to Shi Xiaobai's ridicule, the red archbishop did not choose to hold back the ultimate move, but immediately used the Summoning of the Undead technique again when all the skeleton soldiers were killed.

Judging from various behaviors, whether he is risking his own strength to invade the world, or being disrupted by Shi Xiaobai's ridicule, it can be seen that the red archbishop has a very high self-esteem and is easily angered. Heart.

Xiao Xiao was keenly aware of this and prepared to use this to delay time.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Although the red archbishop has a glass heart, he is not a fool. If he can become an archbishop in the virtual church, no matter how stupid he is, he will not be that stupid.

He knew that the longer he stayed in this world, the greater the risk. After some inner struggle, he finally decided to choose the safest method. In fact, he should have done so from the beginning, but anger went to his head. .

But it's not too late!

Jet-black airflow continued to rise from the ground, rushing towards the black light ball in the palm of the red archbishop. Ghost-like roars echoed between the sky and the earth, and the eerie and terrifying atmosphere enveloped the forest with a layer of deathly gray.

The next summoning of the dead will end everything.

... ...

Xiao Xiao lost consciousness for a moment and realized the seriousness of the situation.

The undead summoning technique that the red archbishop exerted with all his strength must be of a level that can crush them.

"We must interrupt his spellcasting!"

Xiao Xiao hurriedly shouted to Shi Xiaobai, who was a thousand meters away, but after shouting, he seemed to realize something and shook his head with a wry smile.

The red-clothed archbishop was obviously very afraid of Shi Xiaobai's pig-killing knife, and he deliberately flew above a hundred meters before amplifying the move. Unless Shi Xiaobai could fly, there was nothing he could do against the red-clothed archbishop.

Now the only person who can interrupt the red archbishop's continuous casting of spells is her!

But can her arrows break the Cardinal's defenses

Xiao Xiao smiled bitterly, but her eyes immediately became determined. No matter whether she could or not, she had to give it a try.

Xiao Xiao raised the crystal bow and pointed it at the red robe in the sky. The psychic energy surged from his body to his fingertips and turned into a hard psychic arrow. He drew the arrow string full, took a deep breath, and released the arrow!

"Bloody Yellow Spring!"

Xiao Xiao did not dare to have any reservations about this arrow.


A black shield suddenly flashed and blocked the arrow in mid-air!

"Dark Shield!"

Xiao Xiao sighed. Even Feng Wuhen was protected by the dark shield. Of course, the red archbishop also had the protection of the dark shield.

Xiao Xiao thought of the four bloody underworlds that were perfectly blocked by the dark shield before, and suddenly became discouraged. She couldn't shake the dark shield even with crystal arrows, let alone using psychic arrows that were one level lower in hardness

Facing this black shield, she was weak and helpless.

Suddenly a voice came from far away.

"This shield is ten times weaker than before!"

Xiao Xiao quickly followed the sound and saw that Shi Xiaobai's figure had disappeared into the forest, but his voice came from the forest and reached her ears.

This sentence was specially said to her.

Wait, this pervert said that the Dark Shield is ten times weaker than before

How did you get it

After Xiao Xiao thought for a while, her eyes lit up. If she remembered correctly, there is an ability in God's Vision called "Eye of Data". "Eye of Data" can accurately digitize various information about things. If Shi Xiaobai has the eye of data, so he can indeed see the strength of the dark shield.

But isn’t this little pervert’s divine vision “insightful of weaknesses”

Xiao Xiao was a little puzzled. Although the six divine senses have many forms of ability, no one has ever had multiple divine senses, let alone multiple abilities. Theoretically speaking, "eyes of data" and "insight into weaknesses" are They cannot coexist in the same pair of eyes.

Xiao Xiao shook her head and temporarily put these doubts behind her. There was no time for her to explore these intellectual issues now.

"It seems that the red archbishop cannot take defense into consideration when casting spells, so the dark shield is ten times weaker."

Xiao Xiao came to the most reasonable judgment, and a glimmer of hope rose in her heart.

Since the dark shield is ten times weaker, she may not be able to break it!

Xiao Xiao released his psychic power again and condensed it into a new psychic arrow.

... ...

After a while, Xiao Xiao weakly put down the crystal bow.

Ten times, exactly ten "bloody underworld" shots, ten "bloody underworld" shots continuously and with full force, but the dark shield did not break from beginning to end, and did not even tremble slightly!

As promised, what if it's ten times weaker

Xiao Xiao sighed quietly and looked up at the sky. The gradually condensing black light group had become extremely huge and gradually formed the shape of a huge door.

Xiao Xiao could not imagine how many undead armies would surge out if the Red Archbishop succeeded in suppressing this ultimate move. That would probably be a number that would make them completely despair.

"Is that the end?"

Xiao Xiao's lips trembled slightly, and a trace of despair arose in her heart.

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from the forest, and a figure suddenly appeared in mid-air!

Xiao Xiao looked intently and his pupils shrank violently. The figure leaping high was clearly Shi Xiaobai. He was holding a butcher knife and stabbing into the sky, as if he wanted to pierce the black haze in the sky.

However, the highest height Shi Xiaobai reached after jumping was only a dozen meters.

The red archbishop was far above a hundred meters in the sky.

This knife stabbed a lonely person without any suspense. Shi Xiaobai struggled in mid-air for half a second, and then fell to the ground in a funny posture, falling upside down.

What is this fool doing

Xiao Xiao was stunned.

Just when she was stunned, she saw Shi Xiaobai quickly getting up from the ground. This time she saw the whole process.

Shi Xiaobai looked around and found a taller tree. After climbing to the top of the tree like a monkey, he stood unsteadily and then kicked hard, leaping high into the sky.

However, the tallest tree in the forest is only more than ten meters tall. This jump is destined to be impossible to touch the red archbishop who is a hundred meters away!

Shi Xiaobai failed and fell without any suspense, but immediately got up from the ground and continued his impossible attempt.

"This fool thinks he can jump ninety meters?"

Xiao Xiao was speechless, but for some reason she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

She wanted to shout to Shi Xiaobai, "Give up, you are doing something stupid." But there seemed to be a fish bone stuck in her throat and she couldn't say anything.

In the past, she would have scorned such ridiculous behavior, and even laughed secretly in her heart.

But at this moment, her eyes were slightly red.

Somewhat touched, but more ashamed.

When she was about to give up.

But he still makes ridiculous efforts.

He still had hope despite the distance of ninety meters.

But she looked at the few centimeters where she let go of her hand, feeling desperate.

He never said "don't give up" to her, and he didn't ask her to continue to persevere at this critical moment of life and death. He just silently, unswervingly, and tried his best to do the best he could.

And she... what is she doing

"What a fool."

Xiao Xiao exhaled, and something seemed to quietly pass through her heart, but it seemed to be filled with something again.

She raised the crystal bow, white psychic energy suddenly spurted out from her fingertips, and a psychic arrow slowly condensed.

not enough! not enough! not enough!

Xiao Xiao gritted his teeth and did not stop releasing his psychic power. The white energy continued to flow into the psychic arrow, making it more solid and harder.

Feeling that the little spiritual energy in his body was being drained bit by bit, the corners of Xiao Xiao's mouth gradually opened in an arc.

Gradually, his body began to weaken, his vision began to blur, his feet kept shaking, and his hands were almost unable to hold the increasingly dazzling psychic arrows, but Xiao Xiao still did not stop, as if he wanted to squeeze out all his power. The earth releases psychic powers.

At the moment when he was about to lose his strength, Xiao Xiao finally let go!

Let go, let go, and you will be able to hold on to hope again!

This arrow is called never give up!

... ...

Xiao Xiao could not see the arrow shooting into the sky, because the moment she let go, she had already fallen back and fell to the ground.

But she knew that this arrow would succeed, because her bloody underworld reached a state of mastery when she shot this arrow, and because this arrow used up all her strength.

Sure enough, after a deafening explosion sounded in the sky, an angry voice immediately sounded.

Xiao Xiao imagined the furious look of the red archbishop, smiled knowingly, and struggled to get up from the ground, but just raising her upper body had already consumed the last of her strength.

But it is enough to support your upper body.

Because Shi Xiaobai happened to fall from mid-air, when he got up from the ground, he turned around and saw her.

She and him looked at each other from a distance, thousands of meters apart.

She nodded at him.

He waved to her.

At this moment, suddenly a huge black door fell from the sky. The door stood upright and inserted into the earth, as if a high black wall spanned most of the forest, separating Xiao Xiao and Shi Xiaobai at both ends of the door.

In front of Xiao Xiao's vision, there was only darkness.

In the darkness, dozens of huge bone dragons flew out, and rows of black skeleton soldiers stepped out.

They appeared from both ends of the door, some to the left and some to the right. This dark door separated the forest into two worlds, but they were the same hell.

Xiao Xiao's face suddenly turned white, because several bone dragons were roaring towards her, but she had no strength to escape at all.

(PS: It will be on the shelves on October 14th, well, it feels like it’s already soon.)