Absolute Great Teacher

Chapter 112: Change classrooms and grab seats!


Du Xiao saw Sun Mo testing his combat prowess in the Combat Strength Hall a few days ago. He didn't know what he did. Just after eating a meal, his combat prowess suddenly increased a lot. In addition, there have been rumors about him in the whole school recently, so Du Xiao became interested in him.

There happened to be no classes today, so Du Xiao came to Sun Mo's public class.

At the door of the teaching building, Du Xiao saw Gao Cheng who was in the same office, waved his hand and said hello: "Normal College!"

"Master Du!"

Gao Cheng immediately forced out a smile.

The two chatted for a while and soon discovered that they both seemed to be going to the same place.

"Are you going to attend Teacher Sun's public class?"

Master Du asked.

"Yeah, I heard that the 'Hand of God' is very powerful, I'll go and learn it!"

Gao Cheng's attitude is very self-effacing.

He joined the job a year earlier than Du Xiao. This spring, he applied for the one-star famous teacher qualification assessment, but failed. Since then, his personality has changed a lot.

A person who used to be very confident and arrogant has now become much more versatile. At least when talking to others, he always smiles before saying anything.

"Du Xiao, you must get the qualification of a famous teacher!"

Du Xiao was silently alert.

This is how it is in school. Only when you have strength can you have the confidence to be proud, and only then can you have the capital to be respected and looked upon highly by others.

The two people went up to the third floor and saw dozens of people gathering in the corridor in front of a classroom.

"Are there any famous teachers in class today?"

Gao Cheng frowned slightly.

If it is confirmed that there are famous teachers in class, Gao Cheng is not going to listen to Sun Mo's class, but to listen to the famous teachers. Even if they are not teaching the subjects he studies, listening to their teaching style and methods will also be beneficial to himself. is beneficial.

After failing once, Gao Cheng became much more humble and worked harder.

"have no idea."

Du Xiao shook her head, but then frowned. She had been employed for more than three years and had been to the teaching building many times. She was already quite familiar with the classroom layout here.

Next to that corridor is room 308, which is the classroom where Sun Mo will be attending class.

"Wait a minute, is it 308 next to it? Is Master Sun going to use this classroom later?"

Gao Cheng also reacted, and then his face showed shock.

It wasn't that he reacted slowly, but that there were too many students. This number could usually only be achieved by famous teachers in class, so Gao Cheng didn't think about Sun Mo at all.

In his opinion, it would be good for a newly hired teacher to have more than ten students attending classes.


Du Xiao nodded.

The two stopped talking, but they speeded up their pace in unison. When they walked to the classroom, they looked inside and their eyes became a little blurry.

"Are you kidding me? It's full?"

Gao Cheng subconsciously turned around and looked at the door number. Yes, in addition to 308, there was also a number one size smaller, fifty, written underneath. This meant that it was a classroom with fifty people.

In fact, Gao Cheng can tell how big the classroom is by visual inspection, but his instinct is not to admit it, because if he admits it, he will be jealous.

He has been taking classes for more than four years. Relying on the reputation he has accumulated, the number of people currently attending classes is only about thirty people. In Sun Mo's first public class, he almost surpassed him.

No, it's not overtaking, it's crushing!

Also include those in the corridor.

Gao Cheng listened to the noise outside the classroom, thinking that there were dozens of students in the corridor, and his mood suddenly became depressed. A huge pressure, like a rope, was put around his neck, and then tightened violently. , almost suffocating him.

"There are so many students!"

Du Xiao held back a forced smile, hey, is this the so-called genius

She has been working for three years, and the number of students in the class has only remained at about forty, and this was barely achieved after more than a year of persistence.

"No seats left!"

Gao Cheng shrugged his shoulders and prepared to leave.

"I'll go find Assistant Zhou Lin to help change classrooms."

After Du Xiao finished speaking, he left in a hurry.


Gao Cheng looked at Du Xiao's leaving figure and was a little surprised. Is this woman so easy to talk to

As a colleague, Gao Cheng felt that he was somewhat familiar with Du Xiao.

This woman has an ordinary appearance and is very hard-working. She has been working hard to obtain the qualification of a one-star famous teacher. She never goes to dinner parties among colleagues and will not flatter any teacher.

To put it bluntly, she is the kind of woman who doesn't care about the relationship between colleagues and doesn't protect her. But now, she actually takes the initiative to help Sun Mo change classrooms

"Is it for the hand of God?"

Gao Cheng guessed that this was the only reason.

Zhou Lin, as An Anhui's assistant, has a position where she can do all kinds of work. The work may not be tiring, but it is too much and cumbersome.

Boom! Boom!

Du Xiao knocked on the office door.

"Master Du, is something wrong?"

Zhou Lin pinched her eyebrows.

"Sun Mo's classroom is too small and needs to be changed to a larger one."

Du Xiao expressed his intention.

Zhou Lin was a little stunned and didn't understand why Du Xiao cared about this matter, but she still explained: "Principal An has already changed it for him!"

After the first public class, no matter how Zhou Lin disliked Sun Mo, she had to admit that this guy had a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

When An Anhui arranged the courses, she specially selected a classroom with fifty people for Sun Mo.

This approach can be considered as showing great importance to Sun Mo.

You must know that new teachers usually start classes in a small classroom with thirty students, because even if they are given a large classroom, most of them will not be able to fill it with dozens of students.

Du Xiao bit his lower lip and remembered his past.

In a classroom of thirty people, nine people showed up for his first formal lecture.

The number of students did not reach double figures. After class, Du Xiao hid in the dormitory and cried secretly for a long time.

Alas, it brought back sad memories again. Du Xiao shook his head and explained the reason: "The one with fifty people is not enough. I just passed by and saw dozens of students in the corridor, waiting for someone to move the hole."


Zhou Lin was shocked, is it true

"It's almost time for class. Please quickly change his classroom. If Sun Mo can maintain this number of students, our Zhongzhou Academy will have another rookie teacher."

Du Xiao thought of Liu Mubai. Since he joined the class, he has had no less than fifty people, which is quite impressive.

"I'll make arrangements!"

Zhou Lin stood up and hurried out of the classroom.

When I arrived outside Classroom 308, I saw that there were indeed a lot of students gathered.

"The eldest lady's vision is indeed better than mine!"

Zhou Lin sighed, Sun Mo, I hope you can continue this performance and don't let it be a flash in the pan.

Zhou Lin walked into the classroom and clapped her hands.

"Attention everyone, Teacher Sun's class will be held here later. Because there are too many people, it has been moved to classroom 302. Please move!"

After Zhou Lin finished speaking, she wrote this paragraph on the blackboard to prevent students who would later attend the class from finding the classroom.

"Wow, let's change the classroom. Teacher Sun is so awesome!"

Zhou Xu praised.

In any school, the strength of a teacher is measured by the number of students who attend his public classes. After all, this cannot be faked.


Favorability from Zhou Xu +15, friendly (96/100).

Qi Shengjia didn't speak, but he looked excited and felt happy for Teacher Sun.


Favorability from Qi Shengjia +20, friendly (513/1000).

Wang Hao's reaction was much simpler. He rushed to 301: "What are you waiting for? Go grab a seat!"

The students in the corridor all reacted, and with a roar, they all ran towards 301.

"I'm sorry, did you make a mistake?"

"I came to reserve my seat at around 6 o'clock in the morning, and now you tell me that I have to change classrooms? Then I didn't wait in vain?"

"Ouch, don't push!"

The students in the classroom also moved, anxious.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Lin was very surprised. She didn't expect Sun Mo's appeal to be so strong.

"Change the classroom!"

Gao Cheng shook his head, a little envious and a little disappointed.

It can take a new teacher a few months at the earliest and more than a year at the latest to change from a classroom of 30 people to a classroom of 50 people.

Unexpectedly, Sun Mo did it as soon as he joined the job.

"Some people actually say that Sun Mo is a freeloader. Ha, it's really ridiculous!"

Du Xiao snorted lightly.

When Sun Mo recruited five students, some people still suspected that he was borrowing An Hui's reputation, but what about now

He couldn't have An Hui helping him with the class, right

They are just awesome, no doubt about it.

When Zhou Lin heard this, her cheeks were a little hot and she felt like she was slapped in the face, because she was questioning Sun Mo in the first place.

"Hurry up and leave. If you stay later, you might not be able to get a seat."

Gao Cheng urged.

When Sun Mo took the lesson plan and came to 308, he saw that there was no one there, and his face suddenly darkened, right? What about students

All kidnapped

Sun Mo's first reaction was that someone was messing with him, and then he saw Zhou Lin sitting in the first row walking over.

"Teacher Sun, because there are too many people coming to class, I will help you move to classroom 302."

Zhou Lin explained.

"Oh, thanks!"

Sun Mo nodded.

"You don't need to thank me, this is my job."

Zhou Lin stretched out her hand: "Then I wish Master Sun that he can teach in the large staircase classroom as soon as possible!"


Sun Mo gently squeezed Zhou Lin's finger, then turned and left.

Classroom 302 was full of whispers. Students frequently looked at the door, anxiously waiting for Sun Mo's arrival.

"Qin Rong, is Teacher Sun's divine hand real?"

A girl asked. She and Qin Rong lived in the same dormitory building. She had met several times before, but they were not familiar with her. This time she came to class and saw Qin Rong there, so she sat next to her.

Upon hearing this, the nearby students immediately shut up and looked over.

"I heard that Teacher Sun knew how many times you failed to advance to the next level by touching you?"

Another student asked, wanting to confirm the authenticity of the rumors.

"Not only that, but there is also a specific time?"

Everyone is extremely curious. It is the legendary 'Hand of God'. By touching it, you can know the student's physical condition, bones, and talent.

Many students came to attend the class today, just to let Sun Mo have a try and see what their qualifications are and what martial arts they are suitable for.

As these people looked at Qin Rong and stopped making any sound, the people around him also noticed the movement here and all looked over.

Qin Rong had rarely been stared at by so many eyes, and she felt embarrassed and at a loss for a moment.