Absolute Great Teacher

Chapter 37: Why him?


Qin Fen failed to recruit Xuanyuan Po, which was a shame. Naturally, he would not talk nonsense, but ordinary ugly and relatively ugly people did not have such concerns. What's more, the process of Sun Mo's submission to Xuanyuan Po was really shocking, and This result was like a toad eating swan meat. It was so surprising. So when they returned to the dormitory, they couldn't wait to tell their roommates about it, and the news spread wider and wider.

The second day of the admissions meeting arrived, and the school was still crowded.

Sitting in the cafeteria, Zhang Sheng stirred the gruel in front of him with a gloomy expression. He almost broke his leg yesterday because he talked too much and his voice became hoarse, but he didn't recruit a single student.

"Don't be depressed. It's so difficult for trainee teachers to recruit students. I was rejected more than twenty times yesterday."

Yuan Feng took a bite of the bun and could only turn his grief and anger into appetite.

Zhang Sheng was too lazy to talk to Yuan Feng, thinking to himself, how dare you, a bastard like you, have the nerve to compete with me? But when he thought that he had been rejected more than thirty times, his face became even more ugly.

"You are all idiots. You don't even know what you are missing?"

Zhang Sheng felt that the students who rejected him were really blind.

Rudy ate the rice porridge. After finishing it, he had to cook the pig's feet. He knew how much he weighed, so he never thought about recruiting students.

"As long as I serve Teacher Zhou well and ask him to write more nice comments for me, my qualification to stay in school will be secure."

Rudy didn't ask for much, staying in school first and then slowly working his way up.

"Have you heard? Sun Mo deceived Xuanyuan Po!"

"Is it fake? Xuanyuan Po doesn't even look down on Liu Mubai, how can he compete with Sun Mo?"

"Isn't Sun Mo going to the logistics department? Is he qualified to accept a disciple?"

The trainee teachers at the next table were discussing while eating.

Yuan Feng was curious and leaned over. After listening to a few words, he was shocked: "Are you kidding me? Where did this news come from? Can a person like Sun Mo recruit Xuanyuan Po?"

"Someone saw it with their own eyes, and Qin Fen and Gu Xiuxun were still present at the time..."

Before the trainee teacher could finish speaking, he heard a bang, which startled him. He turned around and saw that it was Zhang Sheng who slapped his chopsticks on the table.

"Fart!" Zhang Sheng shouted angrily: "Why is that Sun Mo?"

"Yes, if Gu Xiuxun and Qin Fen were present, then Xuanyuan Po would be even less likely to choose Sun Mo?" Yuan Feng sat back and continued eating breakfast: "Stop spreading rumors, it must be Sun Mo who wants to expand his reputation. To facilitate the recruitment of students, I deliberately found people to spread rumors."

Hearing what Yuan Feng said, the trainee teachers also began to express doubts. After all, the possibility of Sun Mo recruiting Xuanyuan Po was basically zero.

"I see!"

Zhang Sheng, who was angry, suddenly realized, let me just say, what I can't do, Sun Mo can't do it either!

Teaching building, office.

There are no classes these days, but the regular teachers are not idle either. Not to mention that they are also selecting students. When the admissions meeting is over, classes will officially begin, and teaching plans and other materials must be prepared in advance.

Zhou Lin pushed the door open and smiled before saying anything: "Teachers, have you learned anything?"

"It's Assistant Xiaolin." Teacher Zhou Shanyi, who was a bit fat, patted his belly and immediately said, "What? Are you here to find out information for Principal An?"

"I'm very concerned about it too!"

Zhou Lin rolled her eyes pretending to be angry. Teacher Zhou was not angry, but rather enjoyed it. After all, beautiful women can be tolerated no matter what they do.

"Didn't the school collect the information of those outstanding students and send them to us? I looked around and saw several of them, and I made some small gains."

Teacher Jiang Yongnian, whose hair was meticulously combed, picked up the tea cup and took a sip with a contented look on his face. He had just reached his thirties, so he was very competitive.

Whether a teacher's teaching ability is strong or not is not something he or she says, but depends on his or her grades. What is a grade? Can you teach outstanding students? The first step is to recruit students.

Although there are no rewards from the school, every year at the admissions meeting, teachers secretly compete with each other for outstanding students.

"Oh, then I have to congratulate Teacher Jiang."

Zhou Lin congratulated.

"Speaking of which, Liu Mubai, who has such a high vision, also fell in love with a young man named Xuanyuan Po. But guess what?"

Jiang Yongnian stroked the teacup with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Zhou Lin praised it.

"They refused."

Although Jiang Yongnian is a one-star famous teacher, he knows that Liu Mubai, who has not yet received the title of 'one-star famous teacher', is a very strong competitor, so it is very satisfying to see him defeated.

"Today's young people are too ambitious. Only when they hit a wall do they realize how precious an opportunity they have lost!"

Lian Zheng valued Liu Mubai very much, so he was very angry with Xuanyuan Po.

"Did a famous master with a star take action?"

Zhou Lin was not surprised. The teachers spoke highly of Liu Mubai, and even An Anhui had high hopes for him, but the students didn't know that.


Jiang Yongnian pretended to be secretive: "What do you think?"

"Is it one of the teachers here?"

Zhou Lin glanced around, thinking of nice words in her mind, ready to compliment.


Jiang Yongnian shook his head.

Zhou Lin fell silent and her face became serious. Her IQ and EQ were not bad. Since Jiang Yongnian continued to deny it, it meant that getting that Xuanyuan Po teacher must be special. Then she had an idea.

"Is it Gu Xiuxun?"

Yes, it would only be a surprise if a student teacher got a genius.

"Guess again!" Jiang Yongnian chuckled: "By the way, he is not a graduate of those three nine prestigious universities."

Zhou Lin's eyebrows frowned. She handled the information on the intern teachers herself and memorized them all. Is there anyone who stands out

"Guess what? It's Sun Mo!"

Integrity is dissatisfied. Jiang Yongnian said this just to ridicule Liu Mubai. The subtext told everyone that Liu Mubai was compared to a trainee teacher.


Zhou Lin was like a fighting cock encountering an enemy, and her neck instantly stood up.

"Sun Mo." Jiang Yongnian added fuel to the fire and told the news he heard: "But this kid is so scheming that he actually knows how to play this kind of word trick."

The teachers in the office didn't say anything, but most of them had the same opinions. They felt that Sun Mo had deceived a young man like Xuanyuan Po who was ignorant of the world by using words to attack his heart.

"I think Sun Mo's status as Principal An's fiancé plays a greater role."

Lian Zheng believed that Sun Mo was trying to show off his identity, not to mention students and adults who didn't know the inside story would be frightened.

"No matter what the outcome is, I'm afraid Xuanyuan Po will be ruined."

Jiang Yongnian lamented that if he was given a chance, he would definitely have a place on the Qingyun list.

Zhou Lin chatted with everyone for a while, then came out and went straight to the principal's office.

"What's wrong?"

An Anhui heard Zhou Lin's rapid footsteps and thought something big had happened.

"Xuanyuan Po has become Sun Mo's disciple." Zhou Lin spoke very quickly and told the news she just heard: "Before it's not too late, please quickly ask Sun Mo to give up Xuanyuan Po and hand it over to Liu Mubai."

"Calm down first!"

An Anhui handed the water glass to Zhou Lin.

"How can I still be calm? If this continues, that Xuanyuan Po will be useless."

Zhou Lin is very anxious. For the current Zhongzhou University, no good talent can be wasted. Only by teaching outstanding students can they have the capital to return to the nine prestigious schools.

A summer breeze blew in, ruffling An Hui's hair.

"Miss, that boy must be pretending to be your fiancé and deceiving you. You must warn him, otherwise you will not know how many good prospects will be delayed by him!"

Zhou Lin was indignant.

"No!" An Xinhui shook his head, and some distant memories came to mind: "Sun Mo is not that kind of person!"

"My eldest lady, people's hearts can change. You always think so well of others."

Zhou Lin was depressed.

"I believe in Sun Mo."

An Xinhui insisted.

"Okay, even if Sun Mo didn't use your fiancé's name to deceive anyone, but just recruited Xuanyuan Po through scheming, what will happen next? Can he, a graduate of Songyang College, teach Xuanyuan Po?"

Zhou Lin sneered: "I've asked around. This young man is someone Liu Mubai values and even several famous teachers pay attention to him. He must be a genius, but he was snatched away by Sun Mo. What is this?"

An Xinhui continued to work at her desk.

"Miss, please think of a way. Even if Gu Xiuxun and Qin Fen get Xuanyuan Po, Sun Mo? Why him?"

Zhou Lin was unhappy, as if she saw a beautiful bride being slept with by a smelly and dirty old man next door. She felt sick just thinking about it.

"Why can't it be him?"

An Xinhui asked suddenly.

"because… "

Of course Zhou Lin had a lot of reasons, but before she could explain them, she was interrupted by An Hui.

"Okay, go to work."

An Anhui's tone became stern.

Although the eldest lady usually treats people very well, she has a sense of majesty when she is angry. Zhou Lin did not dare to disobey An Hui, curled her lips, and left reluctantly.

An Xinhui returned to her desk to work, but there were a few distracting thoughts in her mind, so she put down her pen and walked to the window, overlooking the campus.

"Xiao Momo, it doesn't matter if you can't help me, but I hope you can prove yourself and not be underestimated by those people."

An Anhui stroked the carved window lattice and looked at the plants and trees on the campus. She seemed to see the little boy who was always following her behind like a little tail shouting "Sister, sister", so the corner of her mouth , couldn't help but let out a smile.

This campus has its own beautiful childhood. I must defend it. Want to be delisted? Unless you step over your own body!

Sun Mo was sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, drinking porridge and admiring the books floating in front of him. They were filled with purple light, magnificent and mysterious.

"System, say it again!"

Sun Mo demanded.

"Congratulations, you have obtained the entry-level 'Illuminated throughout the present and the past, without a trace on the sand of Hengsha', the quality of the technique and the magical skill!"