Absolute Great Teacher

Chapter 51: Beat up!


"no need."

Sun Mo sat down and took out the "Jiuzhou Zhuxian Zhi" he borrowed from Yuelaixuan. He was so busy these days that he didn't bother to read it.


Li Ziqi was stunned. Teacher, are you really so confident? What if the car overturns? That's embarrassing.

In Li Ziqi's view, since you have time, you should make full use of it.

"Teacher is so cool!"

Lu Zhiruo was simple and didn't have many ideas in her mind. She just felt that the calm and composed Sun Mo had the demeanor of a famous teacher.


Come to Lu Zhiruo's favorability +15.

Reputation relationship with Lu Zhiruo, neutral (98/100).

Sun Mo glanced at Papaya Girl, "Your sensitive points that generate good feelings are so speechless. After seeing my powerful ancient massage technique, you didn't react. As a result, when I picked up a novel, I contributed A favorability score of 15...

But he was stronger than Xuanyuan Po. Seeing that he couldn't compete with Zouping, this kid sat cross-legged and meditated. He really didn't think about anything except battle-related matters.

"It's really not necessary. If the Zou brothers are about the same strength, then Zouping is now close to the peak of the first level and has almost crushed Zou An."

Yue Rongbo explained that he admired Sun Mo's confident and calm posture.

Jin Mujie is a strict and fair teacher. When there were still ten minutes left before the time limit, she sent a student to inform both parties that they must arrive at the square in front of the teaching building on time. Once they are late, they will be treated as a 'waiver'.

When Sun Mo came down, he found that seven to eight hundred people had gathered in the square, more than those who had just watched.

"Everyone is silent. You both start preparing. The competition will begin in three minutes!"

Jin Mujie spoke, and the whole place fell silent.

"how do you feel?"

Qin Fen asked.

“Sleep great!”

Zou An stretched out and looked at Zou Ping, with a flash of disdain in his eyes. The age of keeping a low profile has passed. From today on, I want to let people in my family know that I am much better than your brother. I am the owner of the family. The most perfect heir.

"Very well, let's go and win the victory that belongs to us."

Qin Fen patted Zou An on the back.

Soon, the two people were ten meters apart and stood in the center of the designated arena.

"Brother, you have to be careful!"

Zouping moved his hands and feet excitedly.

In the past, every time they competed against each other, although the winning rates were almost the same, Zouping was actually very disappointed. After all, he was the elder brother and should be stronger, so over time, he hated the competition. But today, Zouping felt more confident than ever before.

"Ha ha!"

Zou An was too lazy to talk.

"In order to avoid accidental injuries, the two sides competed with bare hands!"

After confirming that both parties had no objections, Jin Mujie called the start.

Zou An kicked off his feet and ran out!

In his eyes, he did not see his stupid and mediocre brother, but his own future plans.

Go all out and defeat Zouping in seconds, then enjoy the attention and cheers of the audience, and then ask Qin Fen to fulfill his agreement and help him introduce Liu Mubai to become his direct disciple, and then use his connections to step onto a bigger stage. , become a winner in life.


Thinking of the happy place, Zou An couldn't help but smile, and then the smile froze.

"What the hell?"

Zou An was shocked, how could his brother kill him in just a blink of an eye? Isn't this speed too fast


The strong wind stirred up the body, and a heavy punch came.

Zou An instinctively raised his arms to block.

He had seen this move many times in hundreds of competitions in the past, so he did not panic. He even had time to think about his next counterattack. But the next moment, a huge bang came from his left shoulder. Blow.


Zou An fell and flew out.


Qin Fen's eyes nearly popped out in shock. Did he say that you were better? Are you sure you can win? Why did he get knocked away after just one encounter

"Can win!"

Zouping shouted excitedly, stepped on the floor with his right foot, shot out like a sharp arrow, caught up with Zou An, and struck hard with his black-headed fist.

boom! boom! boom!

Zou An is like a small boat swaying in the wind in a heavy rain, leaning left and right, and may capsize at any time.

"Am I dreaming?"

Zou An's face was full of surprise. The pain from the punches on his body from time to time made him grin, but the most unbearable thing was the situation of being crushed.

When did brother become so powerful

Zou An wanted to fight back, but he couldn't. Regardless of the strength of his fists, the flexibility of his body, and the speed of his punches, Zou Ping was faster than him.

"You can become so powerful in just one hour?"

Because he knew his brother's strength well, the surprise on Zou An's face turned into shock, and he glanced at Sun Mo subconsciously.

This trainee teacher is not simple. No wonder Xuanyuan Po chose to become his teacher.

"Brother, give up, you can't beat me."

Zouping persuaded him to surrender, and he felt very happy. He had wanted to say this three years ago, but he never had the chance, but today, he did it.


Favorability from Zouping +15.

Reputation relationship with Zouping, neutral (25/100).

Sun Mo watched the competition. Although he got the favorability points contributed by Zouping, he was not happy because this kid hadn't won yet and he started to get distracted.

Sure enough, in such a pause, Zou An caught him, and he immediately counterattacked, swinging his right arm back and lashing towards Zouping like a whip.

Aconite tail flick!

"Is this the trick again?"

Zouping's heart skipped a beat. This was his younger brother's specialty move. He had suffered losses countless times before. He knew how to defend, but his physical fitness couldn't keep up, so he could only fight to the death.

This is called being aggressive. You can see the bullying, but you can't stop it!


The right arm hit, but it hit not Zouping's shoulder blade, but his crossed arms.


Zou An was shocked and was kicked in the stomach.


Zou An fell over.

"Did I block it? Haha, I actually blocked this move?"

Zouping laughed and looked at Zou An again. His eyes had changed from cautious to looking down, and even had a hint of confidence.

"It's just a coincidence!"

Zou An shouted unconvinced that he could not wait any longer and had to use his killing move, otherwise he would lose.


Qin Fen cursed, wishing he could go out and fight for Zou An himself.

"Gonna win!"

Li Ziqi is happy.

Lu Zhiruo clutched Sun Mo's sleeve tightly and watched the fierce battle.

"This is the Zou family's secret skill Wutou Fist? It's interesting!"

Xuanyuan Po was ready to find an opportunity to challenge the twins.

Zou An pulled back his right arm, and the spiritual energy gathered on the edge of his fist, and began to glow with black light. This was his special skill. Once used, he could immediately turn the tables.

"Brother, you are the one who can't win!"

Zou An laughed at him. In the past competitions, as long as he put up a posture, his brother would attack him in anger, but it was useless and it was too late.

"Hmph, I was knocked away by you on purpose, so that I could distance myself and perform my special skills."

What Zou An said was not only to create psychological pressure for Zouping, but also to cover up the embarrassment of being beaten away. However, his response and judgment of the situation were very good, but this time, his brother did not rush over as eagerly as before.

Zouping took a deep breath, pulled back his right arm, and assumed the same posture as Zou An.


Zou An was so surprised that he almost bit off his tongue.

What the hell? Brother, what are you going to do? You actually mastered this trick? No, you used this trick before and failed eight times out of ten...

Humph, you want to work hard and impress famous teachers? Tell you, it's impossible, I will let you know that the gap between you and me is as big as heaven and earth!

Zou An abandoned his complicated thoughts and was about to attack when he saw Zou Ping shoot over first. The momentum was like a dragon spear fired by a ballista.

Domineering, fierce, and indomitable!

Aconite sticks through the sun!


Zouping's clothes were flying, dust was rising from his chest, and his long fist was like a rainbow piercing the sun, piercing towards him.

Zou An panicked, and sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead. He forced himself to take a breath and anxiously performed his stunt.

Aconite sticks through the sun!

It doesn't take a famous teacher, even the students can see the same stunt, and the power that Zouping exerts is even more powerful.

Fists clash!


Zou Pingan stood up, but Zou An fell to the ground like a broken sack that was blown away. His right hand clicked and completed ninety degrees.

"Ah, my hands!"

Zou An screamed while holding his hands.

"The competition is over, Zouping wins!"

After Jin Mujie finished speaking, she moved and appeared next to Zou An, immediately treating him.

"Won? Did I win?"

Zouping looked at his fist with disbelief on his face. Then he glanced at his knocked down brother, then excitedly pumped his fist and shouted!

"I won!"

This sound was the catharsis that Zou Ping had suppressed by Zou An for many years. As an elder brother, he should crush his younger brother.

Zou An looked at Zou Ping with an embarrassed expression, and his lips kept trembling.

If you lose, it's all over. The planned career path has been ended before it even started. The winner in life no longer belongs to you.

"Oye, win!"

Li Ziqi cheered, Teacher Sun is really amazing!


Favorability from Li Ziqi +10.

Reputation relationship with Li Ziqi, friendly (116/1000).

Bang bang bang!

Lu Zhiruo clapped her little hands.


Favorability from Lu Zhiruo +15.

Reputation relationship with Lu Zhiruo, friendly (113/1000).

Sun Mo pouted. Zouping and Zou An's potential was above average. Sun Mo originally had little desire to recruit them, but now that he saw this scene, he was even less interested.

Let's not talk about Zou An for now, Zouping is a bit cold-blooded by nature. He injured his younger brother and could be said to be unable to control his moves. However, he did not comfort him at the first time, but was immersed in the pleasure of victory, which was a bit... It makes no sense.

There was also favorability, both Li Ziqi and Lu Zhiruo contributed, which showed that they admired their guidance, but Zouping had no reaction.

The children of this big family are a bit like burning bridges!

"Brother, are you convinced?"

Zouping asked arrogantly.

"There's no way I can lose. Ever since I was little, I've always given up to you in every competition. My talent is obviously better than yours!"

Zou An stared at Zouping, confused.

"Forget it, I've been letting you go, don't you believe it? The current result is the best proof!"

Zouping was very proud.

Zou An was silent, was my judgment really wrong? Zouping's talent is better than mine? Could it be that he deliberately hid his clumsiness when he lost before

"No, you can beat me because a huge change has taken place in this moment!" Zou An looked at Sun Mo in shock: "What guidance did you give him?"

Sun Mo stood there, like a narcissus, soaked in the afternoon sunshine.