Absolute Great Teacher

Chapter 87: show time


Gao Ben's brows have been furrowed for five minutes. What on earth is going on outside? Why is it so noisy? Someone seemed to be shouting just now, is a teacher fainted

However, Gao Ben had no time to care about this kind of thing. Seeing that there were only a few dozen students left in the classroom, he felt unhappy and wanted to curse.

"After class, I must go and report to An Anhui. During class, no noise is allowed in the teaching building. Violators will be severely punished!"

Gao Ben was depressed. These students were too lackluster and ran out to watch the excitement when there was a noise outside. Don't they know how to cherish the opportunity to listen to his class

But this time, the number of people in the first public class was probably not as good as Gu Xiuxun's. This made Gao Ben very angry. He only beat Sun Mo and Zhang Lan. What's the point

"Qin Rong!"

The girl replied with a graceful manner.

"What level is it?"

Sun Mo seemed to be asking, but in fact he already knew. Under the divine insight technique, Qin Rong's data could be seen at a glance.

Fifteen years old, ninth level of body training realm.

Strength 8. Although she is not a violent woman, she can kill a cow with one punch.

Intelligence 7, IQ above average.

Agile 9, this is your advantage.

Will 3. I have been extremely anxious recently.

Potential value, high.

Note that the three attempts to attack the God Refining Realm failed due to various unexpected reasons, thus leaving a huge psychological shadow.

If she is not guided out of her predicament in time, her entire future will be ruined.

"Forging Realm, Ninth Level!"

After Qin Rong finished speaking, she heard exclamations coming from all around. From the corner of her eye, she could still see the envious glances from those students, but she was not at all proud because she had been in this state for half a year. .

Three attempts to advance to the next level failed, which put Qin Rong under tremendous psychological pressure. She did not dare to try again. What if she failed again


Sun Mo asked casual questions, all about cultivation.

Qin Rong was worthy of being Feng Zewen's chosen direct disciple, and with her high potential, she answered Sun Mo's questions in a clear and coherent manner.


Feng Zewen snorted proudly, trying to find a loophole in my students to attack me? Dreaming!

"Why not hit the realm of refining gods? If you can enter the realm of refining gods at the age of fourteen, it will be a very dazzling achievement!"

Sun Mo deliberately induced the topic.

In fact, when he was browsing the data of students in the classroom just now, he paid special attention to whether there were any direct students of Feng Zewen.

Because he knew that Feng Zewen would definitely attack, and his students would be the pawns, so when Sun Mo saw the notes from these more than ten students, he began to think about how to use them and fight back.

Now, the opportunity has come.

Qin Rong's expression darkened. Of course she understood what Sun Mo said. If she succeeded, she would be valued by Master Feng, and both guidance and resources would be tilted towards her. However, she failed three times.

This has exhausted the teacher's patience.

When I failed to advance to the level for the first time, my teacher was still very worried and comforted me, but after my second failure, my teacher was even more disappointed.

As for the third time, Qin Rong didn't dare to tell the teacher at all because she couldn't bear the consequences.

Even though everyone is the teacher's student, there are differences between closeness and distance. Good students can always get some preferential treatment.

And now, Qin Rong's three failures have proven that she is an inferior product.

Although Feng Zewen would not drive Qin Rong away, he naturally did not value her that much.

"Have you failed three times?"

Sun Mo touched Qin Rong's shoulder.

When she heard the word 'three times', Qin Rong was like a wild cat whose tail had been stepped on. The hairs all over her body stood up and she screamed loudly.

"NO, I have not."

Qin Rong strongly denied: "Twice, only twice."

When he said these words, Qin Rong secretly glanced at Feng Zewen, his eyes full of fear and nervousness, for fear of being discovered by him.

Seeing Qin Rong's fierce reaction, some teachers guessed that Sun Mo was right.

"The first time I advanced was seven months ago, the second time was five months ago, and the third time was two and a half months ago."

Sun Mo spoke frankly.

Qin Rong's mouth suddenly grew bigger and she looked at Sun Mo dumbfounded. How could he know? What she said at this time was not bad at all, but then she trembled and refuted.

"No, I didn't, you just said it!"

Qin Rong looked at Feng Zewen with pleading eyes: "Teacher, don't believe his words."

"Sun Mo, are you finished?"

Feng Zewen frowned.

Sun Mo ignored Feng Zewen, but grabbed Qin Rong's shoulders, stared into her eyes, and shouted: "Look at me!"

Qin Rong looked at Sun Mo subconsciously, with deep fear and horror in her eyes, and at the same time, there was also a hint of admiration.

There was nothing she could do about it. Qin Rong was completely shocked by Sun Mo's prediction of the right time to advance to the third level.

This is something even my own teacher can’t do!

"Qin Rong, no one's path to cultivation can be smooth sailing. Even a saint always falls down and gets up again, repeating the process."

"Qin Rong, what we cultivators fear most is not falling, but the fear of never getting up again after falling!"

"Isn't it just that you failed three times? Keep trying. Even if you fail four or five times, so what? You are still young. Many people at your age are still struggling at the fifth or sixth level of physical training. "

Sun Mo's voice was louder than his voice.

Hearing this, Qin Rong's eyes gradually lost their worries and regained some of their energy. Yes, her cultivation level was originally higher than that of her peers. How many times did she allow herself to fail

"Qin Rong, think about when you were a child, think about how you have been praised by your parents and teachers all the way up to now, and have you been envied and jealous by the students around you?"

"Qin Rong, you are a genius, an undisputed genius!"

"You have to believe in yourself. You just stopped temporarily and took a rest. When you have a good rest, you will continue on your way. You will continue to be the genius Qin Rong who is praised by parents and teachers and envied by students!"

Sun Mo's words were sincere. Judging from the potential value, in the entire Zhongzhou Academy, there was not much higher than Qin Rong. She deserved the title of genius.

As a teacher, what Sun Mo despises the most is the death of a genius, so even if Qin Rong is Feng Zewen's student, he really hopes that this girl can cheer up.

Qin Rong's eyes became brighter and brighter, gradually overflowing with pride and confidence.

Yes, I have been praised all the way along the way. Isn't it because I failed three times in trying to reach the God Refining Realm? Why are you afraid

"Qin Rong, if you look back, those who are not as good as you have already caught up with you. Are you so willing to be surpassed by them?"

By the end of the sentence, Sun Mo had already roared, and the whole classroom was filled with his echo.

At the same time, Sun Mo's body also lit up with golden light.

In an instant, light scattered and swept across the entire classroom.

"Good advice?"

The students and teachers present were stunned.

This is the aura of a famous teacher!

Those light spots sprinkled on Qin Rong's body, making her body glow with golden light, but she didn't notice it at all.

She looked at Sun Mo with nothing but enthusiasm and determination in her eyes.

"No, I'm a genius and I won't let anyone catch up to me."


After saying this, a burst of spiritual energy burst out from Qin Rong's body, forming a vortex around her body, and then the spiritual energy from all directions was attracted and gathered crazily.

"What's going on here?"

"Level up? Yes, this is about to advance!"

"Oh my God, she actually reached the level at this time?"

The students were shocked to death.

"Awesome, my fiancé."

An Anhui was a little surprised. She didn't expect Sun Mo to choose this kind of counterattack. Had he planned it long ago? Or was it just luck

Lu Zhiruo clutched Li Ziqi's clothes tightly, closed her big eyes nervously, and did not dare to look.

Feng Zewen's brows furrowed tightly.

His current mood is the most complicated. He wants his student to advance successfully, but he also doesn't want her to succeed.

Because once she steps into the God Refining Realm, it will be all thanks to Sun Mo.

But after a few seconds, Feng Zewen gave up this idea, and there was only worry and regret in his eyes: "I should pay more attention to Qin Rong."

Sun Mo stood nearby with a calm expression. He had done everything he could, and now it was time to see the result.

Qin Rong is a genius with high potential. Although she failed to advance to the next level three times in a row, it also means that she has accumulated enough. The only difference now is her state of mind.

The so-called God Refining Realm is to temper your will and not be fooled by external things. You can have a tough will and a strong soul.

Qin Rong failed three times because she was too worried about gains and losses. Now she was inspired by Sun Mo's words, coupled with the effect of golden and jade words.

At this time, her willpower reached 10 and she no longer had any worries.

boom! boom! boom!

The spiritual energy around Qin Rong exploded, blowing up the dust on the ground and everyone's hair and clothes.

The entire classroom was silent, and all eyes were looking at Qin Rong.

This girl, who looks like a summer flower, entered the realm of refining gods at the age of fifteen!

"I succeeded!"

Qin Rong looked at Sun Mo and cried with joy. Then she stood with her feet together and bent down deeply: "Teacher Sun, thank you!"

The girl's voice flew out of the window on this summer morning, like a bird soaring freely among the blue sky and white clouds.

Everyone could tell that Qin Rong's thank you was filled with gratitude, admiration, and even a hint of worship.

Seeing this scene, Feng Zewen, who originally looked like a fighting dog, ready to tear Sun Mo apart at any time, slumped like a deflated rubber ball.


Completely lost!

Qi Shengjia could no longer control the excitement in his chest. He suddenly stood up and screamed out.

"Teacher Sun, you are awesome!"

Because he exerted too much force, the honest man was hoarse and his voice broke.