Absolute Great Teacher

Chapter 88: Favorability hits the screen


Hearing this crackling roar, Lu Zhiruo opened her eyes and saw Qin Rong facing Sun Mo, bowing deeply.

"I just did something trivial. You were able to succeed because you are indeed a genius."

Sun Mo praised.

The smile on his face was touched by the warm sunshine and was full of affinity. It warms people's hearts.

After hearing this, the students immediately felt very fond of Sun Mo.

This girl named Qin Rong was able to enter the God Refining Realm entirely because of Sun Mo's encouragement and the powerful effect of his 'good words'. However, he did not take any credit or be arrogant at all. Instead, he praised Qin Rong's qualifications.

This kind of encouragement will greatly increase Qin Rong's confidence.

"thank you!"

Qin Rong choked up as she thought of her experiences over the past six months.

Every time after a level-up failure, the emotions of panic, loss, fear, and self-doubt will become more severe, hanging over your head like a dark cloud that cannot be dissipated all day long.

Qin Rong really wants to find someone to talk to!

Now, the clouds have cleared.

Looking at Sun Mo's angular face and seeing him looking at her with a look of appreciation for genius, Qin Rong was both proud and shy.

"Teacher Sun, thank you!"

Qin Rong wiped her tears, bowed again, turned to Feng Zewen, and knelt down directly: "Teacher, I'm sorry!"

"Huh? Why is he apologizing?"

Many students are confused.

But many teachers showed envy. Feng Zewen really had a good student!

Qin Rong apologized because she was promoted to the God Refining Realm under the aura of Sun Mo's famous teacher. This was a huge shame for Feng Zewen.

As a disciple, it is not right for the teacher to be humiliated, so Qin Rong knelt down and apologized.

"Get up!"

Feng Zewen helped Qin Rong up, then patted her shoulder, with a look of shame on his face: "It's because I care less about you. If I had discovered your problem earlier, you should have entered the God Refining Realm three months ago. ”


Qin Rong covered her mouth in surprise. She didn't expect Teacher Feng, who was always strict, to say such a thing.

"Master Sun, I lost!"

Feng Zewen looked at Sun Mo: "Thank you!"


Hearing Feng Zewen's apology, the whole audience was in an uproar, especially the trainee teachers, whose faces were instantly filled with disbelief.

You know, Feng Zewen is a one-star famous teacher, but what about Sun Mo? Not only has he just joined the job, this is just his first public class.

He actually asked a famous teacher to admit defeat in such a public place. This is amazing. If you tell anyone, you can show off for several years.

Sun Mo was surprised. He thought he would be met with a tougher and more crazy counterattack by Feng Zewen, but he didn't expect that he would admit defeat cleanly. This was a bit open-minded!

Suddenly, Sun Mo didn't hate Feng Zewen so much anymore. He was still prepared to get pregnant with one shot, but no, he couldn't use it with one shot.

Very good, you can save it for next time and use it as a king fried.

"I just did a trivial thing."

Sun Mo understood that at times like this, he must be humble.

"Master Sun, I wish you greater success in the future. You guys, let's go."

After Feng Zewen finished speaking, he greeted his students and left the classroom, but on the way out, he added: "I would like to admit defeat. I will send three barrels of Liangzhou grape wine to your office later."

Feng Zewen left, and the large staircase classroom filled with more than 300 people inside and outside fell silent for a while.

All eyes were fixed on Sun Mo, the new teacher who made a one-star famous teacher admit defeat.

"Why isn't it me standing there?"

Many trainee teachers looked at Sun Mo and had this idea. They were extremely envious, but then they turned into disappointment and inferiority. Even if they stood there, they couldn't achieve the level of Sun Mo.

He is not just a softie, he is really talented.

"Let me tell you, how can a woman like Principal An Hui fall in love with a fool?"

Rudy laughed at himself. It's a pity that as Sun Mo's roommate, he had many opportunities to have a good relationship with him, but he didn't take advantage of them.

Alas, I don’t know if it’s too late to make amends now.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The applause rang out, from scattered to fiery, filling the classroom in an instant.

Gao Ben's public class.

"What's going on? Just now there were fluctuations in spiritual energy, and now there's loud applause!"

"It's so noisy, no, I have to go take a look!"

"Go together! Go together!"

The students could no longer sit still and began to duck out of the back door of the classroom.

When Gao Ben finished writing on the blackboard and looked back, he was stunned.

There are only four students left in the entire classroom, and they all belong to themselves.

Because of the violent fluctuations of spiritual energy just now, many students ran out, and there were only a few of them. After this burst of applause, the remaining dozen or so also left.

"Knock on you!"

Gao Ben knew that he should maintain a teacher's demeanor in front of students and not get angry, but he couldn't help it.

All destroyed!

My first public class was completely ruined!

"What is going on outside? The class environment at Zhongzhou University is too bad, right?"

Gao Ben complained that he suddenly regretted coming to this school.

The four students looked at each other.

Finally, a boy boldly asked: "Teacher, something seems to be going on outside. How about we go take a look? We can help!"

"You want to watch the excitement, right?"

Gao Ben revealed the boy's little thought with one sentence: "Continue class!"

Although he said this, Gao Ben was just angry. His mind was filled with anger and unwillingness. As for the idea of teaching, he had already given up.

The first step in my career as a teacher, I sprained my foot as soon as I took the step. What a fucking girl! Wait, you have five direct students

Gao Ben raised his head, scanned the classroom, and found that there were only four of them.

"Are you kidding? Where is Fu Chao?"

Gao Ben couldn't bear it any longer and exploded, "I'm your teacher, but you don't even listen to my lessons?" I have to peel off your skin!

The applause lasted for a long time.

At this time, outside the large staircase classroom where Sun Mo was attending class, there were already crowds of students watching the excitement. Two people in a row successfully advanced to the next level, and the burst of spiritual energy fluctuations attracted a large number of onlookers.

Some students were asking, and after knowing what happened, their faces were full of regrets, why they didn't come earlier to occupy a seat.

"The teacher is great! The teacher is great!"

Lu Zhiruo clapped her little hands excitedly and kept repeating this sentence.


Favorability from Lu Zhiruo +30, friendly (368/1000).

"That's natural. I've already guessed this result!"

Li Ziqi looked at Sun Mo and became more and more proud that she had indeed chosen the right teacher.


Favorability from Li Ziqi +20, friendly (176/1000).

Hearing the system prompt, Sun Mo couldn't help but turn around and look at his five students. They were sitting in the first row and looking at him.

Noticing Sun Mo's gaze, Tantai Yutang showed a smile. Xuanyuan Po still had a bored expression on his face, clapping his hands from time to time. Looking at him, he seemed to want to leave early to practice.

Jiang Leng saw Sun Mo looking over and forced a smile.


Favorability from Jiang Leng +5, neutral (75/100).

Sun Mo's eyelids twitched a little. It was difficult for him, the three students, to deal with.

Tantai Yutang was such a lunatic. Even though he was only fourteen years old, most people would not be able to guess what he was thinking. As for Xuanyuan Po's lack of favorability, Sun Mo had already predicted it.

This is a fighting ghost who doesn't care about anything except training, fighting, and fighting. But Jiang Leng, do you want to be so realistic

You contributed five favorability points, is it because I glanced at you instead of admiring my Carry's wonderful performance throughout the game

"Vice Principal Zhang, what do you think of Sun Mo's performance?"

An Xinhui asked.


Zhang Hanfu snorted coldly, his expression extremely ugly, and this Feng Zewen was so useless that he couldn't even handle a newly hired teacher.

Looking at Zhang Hanfu's appearance, An Xinhui felt happy. She had finally let go of the bad temper she had been feeling for more than half a year.


Favorability from An Xin Hui +10, neutral (15/100).

After being favored by his fiancée, Sun Mo curled his lips, finally it was not +1.

The public class was not over yet, and Sun Mo was about to say something, but the favorability + data was right in front of his left eye, like a waterfall flowing down, completely filling the screen.

"Congratulations to the host, the total favorability gained is +526."

"Most of these favorability points are generated because you helped two students advance to the next level, and the students recognized your guidance ability. At the same time, there are also a small number of teachers who appreciate you and have dozens of favorability points."

System explanation.

"I'm so good, and they only contribute a few dozen favorability points?"

Sun Mo was surprised.

"Just be content. Teachers are all proud creatures, especially famous teachers. Basically, they don't convince others easily. Look at Feng Zewen, although he gave in, has he developed a favorable impression? Not really!"

The system scoffed.

"Sun Mo, remember, even if you defeat a hundred famous teachers, you may not get the worship of one famous teacher in your life."

"I do not believe!"

Sun Mo was unhappy. As soon as he uttered three words, the system's prompt sounded.


"The task is released. Please gain the heartfelt admiration of a teacher within one year and be rewarded with a diamond treasure chest. If you fail, you will be brutally punished."

"Do you want to be so cruel?"

Sun Mo was speechless. Looking at the reward, it turned out to be a diamond treasure chest. He knew that the system was not lying. It was really difficult to gain the admiration of a teacher.

In fact, Sun Mo's rationality told him that the system was right. Gu Xiuxun did not give him any favorability points, and neither did Jin Mujie.

"If I were really ruthless, I would let you be worshiped by a famous teacher."

The system snorted coldly, I saved face for you.

"No, think of something happy, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to help but beat you."

Sun Mo took a deep breath.

The favorability score exceeds 2000, which is great. I feel like a little rich man. I will go to the mall later and buy a Xingyue Fruit to try.

But before that, there is something else to say.

Sun Mo returned to the podium and scanned the entire audience.

"Anyone else who has doubts about me can stand up now and ask questions."

Sun Mo's voice instantly silenced the noisy classroom.