Absolute Resonance

Chapter 102: bad boy


Li Luo followed Lu Qing'er through the hall and entered a spacious corridor partitioned by bead chains. The two of them were so close that Li Luo could even smell the faint fragrance of a girl.

"Your physiognomy seems to have improved a lot... Have you entered the realm of physiognomy?" Li Luo asked suddenly.

Lu Qing'er nodded slightly, and said, "I broke through a few days ago, how about you?"

"It should take some time." Li Luo said with a smile. He has entered the Ten Seals Realm for a while, and now he is starting to prepare for his impact on the Physician Realm.

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"Come on, in less than half a month, Shengxuanxing Academy will start, and the competition will be quite fierce." Lu Qing'er said.

Li Luo nodded with a smile. Just about to speak, his expression changed suddenly, and he turned his head to look at his side. At some point, a little boy about eight years old came and hid in the shadow of his body.

The little boy's eyes were black, but his appearance was extraordinarily cute, but he was just hiding and sneaking.

"Little brat, let's go play." Li Luo said, curling his lips.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw not far away, there seemed to be a few figures shuttling through the crowd, looking left and right, obviously looking for someone.

The little boy said quietly: "Help me hide it."

Although the voice was soft, it sounded a bit commanding. It seemed that the family background should be very good, maybe he was the young master of a certain family.

But Li Luo didn't bother to talk to him, and with a wave of his sleeve, he was about to drive him out.

"I'll give you three thousand gold!" The little boy sensed that something was wrong, and said hastily.

"You think I'm short of money?" Li Luo frowned, feeling humiliated. Do you think I'm someone like Yu Lang

Bear kids are really annoying.

So Li Luo stretched out his palm and said in a deep voice, "Five thousand."

Hearing this, the little boy quickly took out a golden dragon ticket with a face value of five thousand gold and handed it to Li Luo without saying a word.

Seeing that the other party was so straightforward, Li Luo was also taken aback, and immediately stuffed the Golden Dragon Ticket into his sleeve, and said flatly: "It is our duty to weed out the strong and help the weak."

Immediately, he put his palm on the little boy's shoulder and released a water shadow technique. Under the light, the little boy's figure became much lighter.

The little boy touched his body curiously, feeling very amused.

A few figures not far away gradually faded away after walking around for a while.

Li Luo ignored the child and continued to follow Lu Qing'er. She did not stop Li Luo's actions. This child is obviously a son of a noble family. Those who are looking for him should be guards. As long as he is still in Jinlongbao OK, nothing will go wrong.

The two turned around the corridor, and finally, led by Lu Qing'er, they entered a circular auction room, where there were already some figures seated.

Li Luo and Lu Qing'er randomly found an empty seat and sat down, but as soon as he sat down here, he saw that the seat on the left also sat down alone.

He took a look and found that it was the little boy just now, so he frowned and said sternly, "What are you doing with me? You don't want to ask for the money back, do you? Very problematic."

The little boy curled his lips and was about to speak when he coughed suddenly, his little face looked a little pale.

This body seemed to be weaker than Li Luo's.

Seeing this, Li Luo was a little worried. Could this brat be trying to blackmail him

The ordinary Lu Qing'er smiled and said, "Let him stay here first."

Li Luo hid the little boy before, but now if he is allowed to run around, it will not be good to cause trouble at that time, so leave him here first, and she will notify the people from Jinlong Baohang to take over later, so I can check it out Which family is this from

Li Luo nodded, looked at the little boy coughing violently, and suddenly threw a small glass bottle over, which contained some source water he had condensed.

"Drink it if you feel uncomfortable."

Although I don't know how this brat got into such a state, but the source water he condensed with the power of water and light has some special healing effects, which should make this brat feel better, so that he won't be wronged when the time comes. over him.

The bear kid caught the glass bottle, obviously a little surprised, he looked at the unknown liquid inside the bottle, his eyes were a little weird, this person seems a bit stupid, how could he take something given by a stranger

But it's not good to lose it, so he stuffed it in his arms casually, and continued to look at the auction field curiously.

Li Luo was also annoyed when he saw that the brat didn't accept his kindness at all, so forget it, do whatever you want, and immediately turned his head away, ignoring him.

While Li Luo was waiting for the auction to start, Du Ze Beixuan and Ning Zhao also found seats to sit down in the other direction of the field.

Duze Beixuan looked at Li Luo's direction with a smile, and said softly, "What does this young mansion master buy wood and earth-type exotic materials for?"

Ning Zhao shook his head. He looked at Lu Qing'er who was sitting with Li Luo with a gloomy expression.

But Duze Beixuan didn't care about it. When Li Luo first arrived in Daxia City, he planned to make trouble for him, but was stopped by Si Qiuying from the Golden Sparrow Mansion. He happened to meet here today, so he always had to play Let's play.

Duze Mansion and Luo Lan Mansion have deep grievances, as long as Li Luo can make him feel uncomfortable, then he will be very happy.

Although it can't do any harm to Li Luo here, it's very refreshing to feel disgusted.

So, in Duze Beixuan's slightly expectant mood, half an hour waited for the time to pass, and suddenly there was a sound of bells and drums in the arena.

This is where the auction begins.

On the auction stage, a bidder appeared, a middle-aged man, who made a routine opening speech to everyone in the arena, and then directly announced the start of the auction.

The bidding here is not one by one, but several materials are directly put on the stage, and then bid at the same time.

So the scene quickly became lively.

"Material No. 1, 800-year-old fire python fruit, 10,000-level rare material, the base price is 11,000 gold, and someone bid 12,000 gold!"

"Material No. 2, Feng Lingshi, the base price of a thousand-level exotic material is 16,000, and someone bid 13,000!"

"Material No. 3..."

The voice of the bidder's generosity kept ringing, and whenever someone raised a card in the field, he immediately shouted out the bid.

The atmosphere was lively, but Li Luo expressed that he was a little bored, because he hadn't seen what he wanted yet.

In the fiery atmosphere, pieces of thousands of rare materials were successfully photographed, and after waiting for ten minutes, Li Luo finally saw what he wanted.

There are four pieces of materials in this round of bidding, including two pieces of wood and two pieces of soil. The bidding price for each material is around 15,000 gold.

These four materials are all in the tens of thousands, just in line with Li Luo's requirements.

"A thousand-year-old green wood heart, a thousand-level exotic material, with a base price of fifteen thousand!"

"Dragon Soil Essence, a thousand-level rare material, with a base price of fifteen thousand!"


When these four exotic materials just appeared, Li Luo didn't hesitate anymore, and directly raised the price to 20,000 yuan. After previous observations, he found that the prices of these 10,000-level exotic materials were mostly around 20,000 yuan , he was too lazy to compete with others a little bit, and directly showed his determination to win.

In this way, other people who are also interested in these materials should hesitate.

And the situation was exactly as Li Luo expected. When he raised the four materials to 20,000 each, the other people present understood his determination, hesitated for a while, and died down.

After all, the price of tens of thousands of materials is only this price, and it is obviously not worthwhile to raise it too high. Besides, this is not a unique product. It is gone today and will appear again tomorrow, so there is no rush.

"Is there anything higher than 20,000?"

The bidder looked around the audience and announced loudly.

"If not, then these four materials..."

And just as the auctioneer said this, a sign was finally raised, and then there was a slow laugh.

"Twenty-five thousand."

Hearing the sudden price increase, Li Luo sighed with some melancholy. Sure enough, the legendary auction house was bound to be provoked.