Absolute Resonance

Chapter 113: school day


After the party that night, Li Luo once again immersed himself in the world of physiognomy. Time passed like this, and in a blink of an eye, it was time for the start of school at Shengxuanxing Academy.

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However, it is worth mentioning that during these days, Li Luo refined a large amount of spiritual water and strange light to evolve the second phase, and now, his wood-earth phase has directly leapt from the first rank to the fourth rank.

The wood-earth aspect of this grade can barely be used for some purposes just now.

Right now, Li Luo's strength is quite good in a certain sense. The strength of the first white race in the Xiangshi realm, the first phase palace has the sixth-grade water and light phase, and the second phase palace has the fourth-grade wood and earth. Mutually.

The two phase palaces are running at the same time, and the two phase force seeds are refining and absorbing the energy of the world, which not only makes Li Luo's own cultivation speed faster than before, but also makes his upper limit of phase force higher than that of the same level. People are much stronger.

It can be said that the current Li Luo has only begun to experience the benefits brought by the multi-phase palace.

And with all these blessings, Li Luo felt that it shouldn't be too difficult for him to find a mentor from Zihui in the teacher selection competition, right


The Great Xia City was extremely ebullient on this day, because today was the opening day of the Saint Xuanxing Academy.

Although Shengxuanxing Academy is not located in Daxia City, Daxia City is less than half a day away from the academy. From the perspective of radiation range, Shengxuanxing Academy is still within the area of Daxia City.

Therefore, if one wants to go to the Saint Xuanxing Institute, Great Xia City is one of the only ways to pass, and this is the center of Great Xia, which attracts students from all walks of life to settle here.

The Saint Xuanxing Academy has a detached position in the Great Xia Kingdom, and every move it makes will attract the attention of all parties. The admission of new students is even more important, because these freshmen are considered to represent the Great Xia Kingdom. This year's most outstanding fresh blood, in the future, maybe there will be a powerful Marquis coming out of it.

If some investment can be made in advance, the future returns will be beyond imagination.

When Great Xia City was boiling because of the opening of the Saint Xuanxing Academy, on the spacious road, the carriages of Luo Lan Mansion had already passed by, heading for a distant place.

"The Holy Xuanxing Academy is located in the southwest of Daxia City, and it was built on the back of the ancient Kunshan Mountains. You should know this ancient Kunming Mountain Range. This is the largest and longest mountain range in Daxia. It even almost divides the entire Daxia territory. Second, there are countless spirit beasts living in the ancient Kun Mountain Range. It can be said that in the entire Great Xia, more than half of the spirit beasts are in the Ancient Kun Mountain Range, and even in its depths, there are even princes. It is a super beast, so even those who are strong in the feudal realm don't dare to go too deep into it." In the speeding chariot, Jiang Qing'e was popularizing some basic knowledge of the Saint Xuanxing Academy to Li Luo.

"However, for the Saint Xuanxing Academy, the ancient Kunshan Mountains are also a natural training place to hone the students, and even the academy will issue some tasks to open up the ancient Kunshan Mountains, and the students will complete them as honing and training. Cultivate." Yan Lingqing, who was on the side, also adjusted her silver glasses and added.

Now she and Jiang Qing'e are both students of the Sanxing Institute of Shengxuanxing Academy. Before that, she was in Xiyang House more to hone herself. Now that school has started, naturally she has to go back to the academy for a while.

"You will come across this information slowly in the future, but for freshmen like you, the most important thing today is the so-called teacher selection competition. As I said before, this is the most important thing to enter the Saint Xuanxing Academy , at the very least, before you reach Samsung Academy, your mentor will be your guide and supporter."

Jiang Qing'e stared at Li Luo with her golden eyes, and said slowly: "Li Luo, don't underestimate the identity of a student of Shengxuanxing Academy, let alone the identity of a Zihui tutor student, in a sense, he even Not much less than you, the Young Master of the Luolan Mansion."

"Because this means that behind him, there is a strong man in the Marquis Realm."

"Now the situation in Luolan Mansion is precarious in Daxia. I have a ninth-grade luminous appearance. Everyone knows that I have extraordinary potential, but don't they have some intentions to directly kill me in advance?"

"It's not that they don't want to, it's that they don't dare."

"Because of my excellence and potential, even the Saint Xuanxing Academy attaches great importance to it. Under such circumstances, no one dares to assassinate me by abnormal means. They can only choose the most open and aboveboard way to deal with me. As long as I resist these, there will be opportunities to fight back in the future."

"So Li Luo, after entering the Shengxuanxing Academy, you must show your potential and make the higher education officials value you. This will be the greatest protection for you."

Li Luo looked at Jiang Qing'e's stern and beautiful face, and nodded slightly. Luo Lan's mansion has huge interests involved. Under such interests, there is no shortage of people who take risks, even assassination. It is rare, but if you want to put an end to these things, becoming a student of Mentor Zihui is obviously the safest way.

"Don't worry, I will do my best in this teacher selection competition."

Yan Lingqing on the side held her fragrant cheeks and said with a smile: "Qing'e, it's really rare for you to be so talkative."

Immediately, she turned her head to look at Li Luo, and said, "You are pregnant with the water aspect, and after your studies are on the right track, if you want to try to go to the Tempering Physiognomy Academy to minor in Tempering Physiognomy, you can ask me, and I will recommend it for you."

Li Luo said with a smile: "Then thank you, Miss Lingqing first."

"When you arrive at Shengxuanxing Academy later, Lingqing will take you to report, and then prepare for the teacher selection competition. This is a grand event at Shengxuanxing Academy today. Even the leaders of the top forces in Daxia City will be present in person. Watch." Jiang Qing'e said.

"You won't take me?" Li Luo asked.

"Do you really want to start in hell? If you don't care, I really don't care." Jiang Qing'e showed a smile on her beautiful face.

Li Luo froze, and said resentfully: "Forget it, wait until I grow up."

Of course he understood what Jiang Qing'e meant. Given her popularity in Shengxuanxing Academy, if the two of them were too close, it might bring some "unnecessary disasters" to Li Luo.

Although this is a bit of a deception, but if it doesn't irritate people, it's better to be less irritating.

Li Luo also didn't want to go to the school and be beaten for no reason.

Seeing Li Luo's resentful appearance, Yan Lingqing couldn't help laughing coquettishly, and even Jiang Qing'e's lips curved slightly.

The horses and chariots were speeding, and two or three hours later, Li Luo heard the noise outside the car starting to boil.

With a feeling in his heart, he lifted the curtain of the car and looked towards the end of the avenue.

I can only see that there is a majestic mountain rising from the ground. Behind the mountain, there are endless lush mountains, from which the wild and ancient atmosphere rises to the sky, giving people a sense of majesty.

There is a stone ladder going up in front of the mountain, as if it goes straight to the sky. At the end of the stone ladder is a portal made of white jade. It seems that the stars are blooming strangely. Five characters emerge, and the characters exude endless There is a heavy feeling, and at the same time, an inexplicable coercion is released, as if even this world has been suppressed by it.

Saint Xuanxing Academy.

"The handwriting on this portal was written by a king-level powerhouse." Jiang Qing'e's leisurely voice came from behind Li Luo.

Li Luo's heart was shocked, the king-level powerhouse...

He looked at the five handwritings that seemed to have vitality, but they were only left by the words, as if they were full of energy and spirit, full of spirituality.

It is hard to imagine how powerful the person who wrote it possessed.

It's really... yearning.

A scorching look flashed across Li Luo's eyes, and then he looked at the looming huge college buildings at the end of the stone staircase, anticipation welling up in his heart.

He felt that his life would start a real chapter here.