Absolute Resonance

Chapter 117: Su Xin Vice President


As time went by, there were more and more new students in the giant hall, and there was a lot of voices.

And on the stepped circular stands, the heads of the top forces of the Great Xia Kingdom began to appear one after another. From this, it can also be seen that the transcendent status of the Saint Xuanxing Academy, the forces of all parties are against it. , all with a bit of awe.

Especially with the sound of a bell and drum, several figures could be seen walking out of the crowd on the topmost circular stand, attracting a lot of attention.

One of them is a beautiful woman wearing a big red robe. On the red robe, there are stars twinkling, and in the center of the stars, there is a moonlight blooming.

The beautiful woman has a gentle expression, giving people a sense of intimacy.

"That's Su Xin, Vice President of Shengxuanxing Academy. It seems that she will host the teacher selection competition this time." Some voices came from among the freshmen.

Li Luo looked at this beautiful woman in a big red robe. The latter gave him the feeling that it was like a vast ocean. Under its gentleness, it felt majestic and vast.

It is said that the vice-presidents of Shengxuanxing Academy are all selected from Zihui's mentors. Obviously, this beautiful woman also possesses the strength of the Marquis Realm, and she is also the best among them.

Beside Vice President Su Xin was a child wearing a golden robe. The child looked only about seven or eight years old, with a young and delicate face, fair skin, and big black eyes revealing a sense of spirituality.

The dragon pattern embroidered on his golden robe reveals his identity, and he is obviously the current Lord of the Great Xia Royal Court.

"The little emperor that Jinlong Baoxing saw?" Li Luo looked at the child, his appearance was a bit different from what he saw that day, obviously the appearance should have changed a little last time.

Next to the little emperor, there was a tall figure wearing a white palace dress, with blue silk coiled into a phoenix bun, with golden steps swaying, swaying in an elegant arc, exuding a dignified air.

Her face is also extremely beautiful, with a tall Qiong nose, narrow eyes, and snow-like skin. Of course, the most shocking thing is the plump peaks on her chest. The magnificent arc made Li Luo sigh secretly. , I finally met a woman who could be comparable to Sister Cai Wei.

It's just that the temperaments of the two women are completely different, one is coquettish, the other is noble mixed with majesty.

"It's the current king, and the eldest princess!"

"Princess Eldest is still a student of the Four Star Academy of our Saint Xuanxing Academy, and she is also in charge of the law enforcement team, so don't commit crimes in the academy in the future, or no one will be able to save you." Some whispers sounded.

After admiring the eldest princess, Li Luo turned his eyes to the last person. It was a tall and strong middle-aged man. There, in terms of aura, it even surpassed Vice President Su Xin.

Li Luo stared at this majestic middle-aged man, but knew his identity in his heart.

This person should be the most powerful person in the Great Xia Kingdom today, the regent, Gong Yuan.

The four of them showed up, and countless people in this huge hall bowed their heads to salute them. In this Saint Xuanxing Academy, there is no such thing as kneeling down. Even if the Lord of the Royal Court comes here, he is only a visitor. That's all.

The four also nodded to everyone present, the little emperor, the eldest princess, and the regent took their seats, and vice president Su Xin came to the front of the stand.

"Freshmen, on behalf of Shengxuanxing Academy, I welcome you to this ancient institution."

Vice President Su Xin's soft voice swept through people's hearts like a stream of water, gradually calming down the noise in the giant hall, and making everyone's mood peaceful.

Li Luo also noticed this change, and was a little shocked at once. This Vice President Su Xin is really unfathomable. Just words can affect the change of state of mind.

The originally boring welcome words, in the mouth of this deputy dean Su Xin, are soothing, and you can listen quietly.

"Next, the most important teacher selection competition for freshmen will start. This teacher selection competition will determine your future mentors in the Saint Xuanxing Academy. It will be very important to you."

When Vice President Su Xin talked about the teacher selection competition, everyone concentrated and did not dare to miss a single word, because they all understood the importance of this teacher selection competition.

"When the teacher selection competition starts, the teleportation array under your feet will be activated, and you will be sent to a specific area. In this area, there are many spirit beasts of different levels. These spirit beasts will Carrying silver or gold talismans."

"The silver talisman corresponds to the Yinhui tutor, and the gold talisman corresponds to the Jinhui tutor. If you defeat the beast and get any talisman, you can be assigned to the corresponding tutor in the future."

"But other than that, if you can complete some tasks, you may also get gold and silver seals. As for how the tasks are released, you will know after the teacher selection competition begins."

"Of course, someone may ask, where is Zihui tutor?"

Vice President Su Xin smiled slightly, and said: "Mentor Zihui doesn't have a corresponding talisman, because they will inspect the performance of all the students in the teacher selection competition, and if they think you have the potential, then they will naturally give you qualifications in person. "


There was constant uproar in the field, many students whispered to each other, and some students who had a clear understanding of their own strength shook their heads in regret. Everyone knew that the Zihui instructors of the Shengxuanxing Academy were all powerful in the Marquis Realm. If they could practice under their sect, Then the guidance and cultivation resources they can obtain will exceed other students, but obviously, it is not so easy to be favored by Zihui instructor.

Li Luo also frowned slightly. This so-called performance is really a bit general.

Vice President Su Xin said some rules again, and finally encouraged: "Ten minutes later, the teacher selection competition will start, all students, please get ready."

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After finishing speaking, she didn't say any more, and turned around and took her seat.

"Deputy Dean Suxin, I heard that five Zihui instructors will select students this time?" The princess asked with a friendly smile on Vice Dean Suxin.

Vice President Su Xin nodded and said with a smile: "I don't know which little guys will be fancy by them."

"The quality of this year's freshmen is quite high. The one from the General's Mansion will definitely cause competition among the five Zihui instructors," said the eldest princess.

"Upper grade eight, among the freshmen of any class, there are only a handful of them, and it is inevitable to cause competition."

While the two were talking, the King Regent on the side smiled slightly, and said with a sigh: "Compared to the excellence of the students, the background of the Saint Xuanxing Academy is even more amazing. , is enough to establish a family, but they are willing to stay in the Saint Xuanxing Academy as tutors, which is really enviable."

Vice President Su Xin smiled and said: "Wang Ting rules all the counties of Great Xia, and his strength cannot be underestimated. The regent is too humble."

"Don't dare to compare, dare not compare." The regent said with a smile.

While they were talking and communicating, the sound of bells and drums suddenly sounded in the giant hall, and everyone's expressions froze, and then they saw a bright light emerge from the floor of the hall.

A series of light circles emerged, covering all the students.

A strong light appeared in front of Li Luo's eyes, and before he had time to adapt, he felt the world spinning.

The teacher selection competition has begun.

(Today, public WeChat released a picture of Lu Qinger, you can go and have a look.)