Absolute Resonance

Chapter 13: Li Luo of the Bottomless Pit


With excitement, Li Luo stayed up all night.

In the early morning, on the attic of the room, Li Luo rubbed his heavy eyelids, but looked at the sandalwood box in front of him with regret.

About half of the Lingshui Qiguang has not been used up.

Li Luo found that he still overlooked one point. Although he himself is empty, he is not worried about the erosion of impurities in the strange light of spiritual water, but... it takes time to absorb a strange light of spiritual water, and it is impossible for him Mix dozens of spirit water strange lights together and use them directly. If they interfere with each other, it will cause the spirit water strange lights to fail.

So after one night, he only absorbed twenty-seven strange lights of spiritual water.

Of course, if this was only known to outsiders, they might think that Li Luo is crazy... because they have never heard of it, that someone dared to play like this...

Absorbing twenty-seven strange lights of spiritual water overnight, the impurities contained in it will accumulate, and it may not be long before it will seal its phase palace.

Generally speaking, only those who are at the end of the road will choose such a desperate and almost crazy move.

That's really make or break.

"However, the effect is good..."

The regret in Li Luo's eyes lasted for a while before dissipating, and then his eyes became brighter, because in his perception, the light of his first phase palace was more pure than yesterday, which even Even with the strength flowing in it, it has become more vigorous and pure.

According to this progress, Li Luo made a little calculation. If he wanted to raise his "water light phase" to the fifth grade, he might need nearly a hundred fourth-grade spiritual water strange lights.

Calculated in this way, Li Luo's promotion from the fourth rank to the fifth rank will probably consume nearly 200,000 sky-high gold.

Li Luo was actually able to accept this amount, but... when he was promoted in the same way, he felt a little bad all over.

Because after the fifth grade, the price of those fifth grade spiritual water wonders will increase exponentially, and the promotion of the phase grade will be more difficult.

Doesn't that mean, from the fifth rank to the sixth rank, you have to consume nearly a million gold pieces

Grade six to grade seven... is it millions

What's next

For a moment, Li Luo suddenly felt a little suffocated. Although he didn't take care of things, he also knew that the income of various chambers of commerce and industries in the entire Luolan Mansion for a year was only about millions of heavenly gold.

He swallowed Luo Lan's mansion alive. I'm afraid it will be difficult to provide the sky-high amount of gold that will be consumed to promote him to the eighth rank, right

This so-called acquired appearance... is simply a bottomless pit!

Li Luo rubbed the center of his brows. The Luo Lan Mansion left by his father and mother may really not be able to support him, a prodigal son in the future...

"However, if I can refine the strange light of spiritual water myself in the future, I can save a lot."

Li Luo thought of his water-light appearance. In a sense, this is his unique advantage. If he can make good use of this point, the strange light of spiritual water he will refine in the future may be the only one on the market. One copy, from this point of view, learning Tempering Physiognomy must also be put on the agenda.

"It seems that my father and mother have thought of this too... that's why they let me become a tempering master, lest Luo Lan's mansion will be overwhelmed by me in time." Li Luo sighed, feeling the foresight of his father and mother again .

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In the end, Li Luo didn't dare to continue to think about this issue. Anyway, at least before the sixth rank, he should be able to barely support it. As for the later situation, let's wait and see at that time.

So he shook his head, went straight back to the bedroom, and went to rest.

In the next two days, Li Luo turned on the Liver Explosion Mode, and practiced the "Canglan Meditation Map" during the day. After reaching the extreme, he practiced physiognomy for two hours, and then began to take Lingshui Qiguang to improve his health. Compatibility rank.

And the effect of this full-strength practice is not bad, his strength level has been rapidly raised to the fourth seal, and his own fourth-grade water and light phase is also becoming more and more pure.

At this time, Li Luo felt that nothing could stop his progress.

Until the spiritual water and strange light run out.


In the old house, in a counting room.

Cai Wei was sitting in front of the table wearing a long skirt, her figure was slim and her chest was a little turbulent, but at this moment, she was looking at some ledgers in front of her with a slight frown on her beautiful oval face.

"Guanshi, the income of Luolan Mansion in Tianshu County seems to have dropped a bit this year." Cai Wei raised her eyes from the account book and looked at the digital stewards in front of her.

The middle-aged man known as Steward Gu nodded with a wry smile, and said, "The chief steward is right, there are nine chambers of commerce in Luolan Mansion in Tianshu County, 18 mines and medicines... just because the mansion In the past year, the three houses in Tianshu County have eroded us a bit, and the Song family is the most important among them. Among the nine chambers of commerce, two of them were broken up by the Song family by various means this year. In the end it was swallowed by it."

Cai Wei's beautiful eyes are a bit cold. Luo Lan's mansion started from Nanfeng City in Tianshu County, and since then it has risen to become one of the four great mansions of the Great Xia Kingdom at an astonishing speed.

However, in Tianshu County, besides the Luolan Mansion, there are three major families. Although these three families cannot compare with the complete Luolan Mansion in terms of overall scale, they are also considered veteran forces in Tianshu County. Deep-rooted and deeply rooted.

Back then when the two Patriarchs were still around, the Luolan Mansion was in full swing. These three families were extremely obedient and obedient, but they never thought that now that the two Patriarchs disappeared, they would take advantage of internal and external troubles in the Luo Lan Mansion and start jumping up. Jump up.

Cai Wei had heard Jiang Qing'e say before that behind these three families, there may be instructions from other top forces, and they are nothing more than constantly testing the reality of the current Luolan Mansion.

There are three families in Tianshu County, the Song family, the Bei family, and the Tifa family. Among them, the Song family is the most powerful and has the most hands and feet in the past two years. Chamber of Commerce, Industry.

And you must know that the Patriarch of the Song family would visit with annual gifts every year in the past few years.

This change before and after is really like singing an opera.

However, Cai Wei has experienced a lot, and naturally she is not naive. The existence of the Luo Lan Mansion has already squeezed the interests of the three major families. There is no morality, but the positions are different, so it is natural to treat each other as enemies.

But... now Luolan Mansion really can't spare extra strength to fight the fire in Tianshu County. After all, other places need support everywhere, and the existence of Pei Hao... attracted Luo Lan Mansion even more. To add insult to injury.

Cai Wei was silent for a moment, and finally said decisively: "Some chambers of commerce that cannot reverse their profits and losses should be closed for the time being. There is no need to entangle with the other party."

Temporary forbearance is necessary, as long as the Luo Lan Mansion stabilizes, the three families will have to honestly spit out how much they eat.

Hearing that she had made a decision, the following stewards also agreed, because they also understood that the current situation of Luolan Mansion in Tianshu County was indeed a bit dwarfed by comparison.

Da da.

At this time, someone knocked on the door suddenly, Cai Wei said please come in, the door was pushed open, and only Li Luo walked in.

Seeing this, the stewards quickly saluted.

Li Luo waved his hands, while Cai Wei asked them to retreat first, cast her beautiful eyes on the former, and said, "Young Palace Master, what's the matter?"

Li Luo coughed lightly, and said with a smile, "It's true that I need to bother Sister Cai Wei with a little matter."

Sister Cai Wei blinked her narrow and charming eyes, feeling a little uneasy, but she still asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Luo showed a gentle smile, and said, "It's not other things, it's just that the previous fifty copies of the fourth-grade spiritual water are used up, so I want to trouble Sister Cai Wei to help me buy another hundred copies."

The expression on Cai Wei's white and smooth oval face froze little by little at this moment, she stared at Li Luo with beautiful eyes, her full chest was slightly heaving.

"Purchase another hundred copies? The fourth-grade spiritual water strange light?"

Cai Wei couldn't help but clenched her hands tightly. How long has she been managing the finances of Luo Lan Mansion in Tianshu County? Is it about to go bankrupt

So she endured and endured, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, she slapped the table with her hand, her brows stood on end.

"Li Luo, don't you want my old lady to do it?"