Absolute Resonance

Chapter 48: Met Shi Kong


In the next two days, no one came to provoke Li Luo again, but whenever he went out, the eyes cast around him seemed to have some weird meaning.

But would Li Luo care about this? Obviously not.

After all, compared with what he experienced in the previous two years, it was really nothing.

Bailing Garden, Feng Restaurant.

Li Luo and Zhao Kuo came here to look for food, but when they went upstairs, they found that the spacious lobby was overcrowded, full of young girls full of vigor, and there was a lot of laughter from time to time.

"There are too many people." Zhao Kuo said speechlessly.

Li Luo was also a little helpless. Just as he was about to leave, he saw someone waving at him not far away by the window.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be Lu Qing'er.

"Go, go and have a meal."

Li Luo was not polite when he saw this, and walked over with Zhao Kuo, but as he got closer, he saw that there were Ti Faqing and Song Yunfeng at the same table with Lu Qinger.

"If you don't mind, just sit here, there is still space." Lu Qing'er pointed to the vacant seat with her slender fingers, and said.

Tifa at the same table took a good look at Li Luo, but instead of sneering as before, she drank water quietly.

On the contrary, Song Yunfeng frowned slightly, showing some dissatisfaction appropriately. He felt that someone with good eyesight would understand what to do at this time.

Then, he saw Li Luo sitting down next to him, and smiled gratefully: "It's still a classmate, it's a relief."

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The corner of Song Yunfeng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said lightly: "Li Luo, I heard that you are causing trouble again. Now there are so many people from other schools in Bailing Garden, can you stop discrediting Nanfeng School? Those of us who are also students of Nanfeng Academy feel a little embarrassed."

Hearing this, Li Luo pondered and said, "If what I have done makes you feel embarrassed, then I suggest you drop out of school as soon as possible."

What he said directly caused anger to surface in Song Yunfeng's eyes, while Lu Qing'er on the other side slightly curved his lips.

Song Yunfeng sneered and said, "Whether I will drop out or not, it doesn't matter if you say it, Li Luo, I'm doing this for your own good, don't think that you can wantonly offend people from other schools if you draw with me in the preliminary exam. You yourself know best whether your draw is of any use here."

But Li Luo didn't listen to what he said, but said to Lu Qing'er who was greeting the waiter, "Order a meal for us, thank you."

Lu Qing'er did not respond coldly, but when talking to the waiter, it was obvious that she added two expensive meals.

Seeing this, Song Yunfeng became even more angry, and faintly jealous, because he had never spoken to Lu Qing'er like this before, but Li Luo, a bastard, dared to order her around in front of him.

"The big exam will start tomorrow, are you all ready?" However, Lu Qing'er obviously didn't intend to listen to their cynicism, so she took the initiative to speak.

Several people nodded, and then the topic changed along the way.

Li Luo didn't participate much, but concentrated on eating.

But halfway through eating, he suddenly noticed that the atmosphere on the table paused slightly, and immediately looked in a certain direction, only to see a figure walking up there.

The young man's appearance was not too outstanding, but he faintly exuded an oppressive aura, that aura, even with a gentle smile on his face, was still not to be underestimated.

Dongyuan Academy, Master Kong, son of the governor of Tianshu County.

And this master went upstairs, looked directly at Li Luo and the others, and then walked over with a smile: "Everyone, is it okay to get a seat?"

Lu Qing'er raised her eyes and said lightly, "Sorry, the seats are full."

Shi Hong smiled and borrowed a chair from the side. The people at that table obviously knew him, so no one dared to stop him.

Shi Hong sat down on the other side of Song Yunfeng, and said: "Qing'er, my father and Uncle Lu are considered acquaintances, there is no need to be so cold?"

"You and I are in a competitive relationship, why pretend to be friendly? Isn't it tiring to pretend?" Lu Qing'er said.

Shi Hong smiled helplessly, and said: "You and I will definitely enter the Shengxuanxing Academy in the future, but we will be classmates at that time, so there is no need to be so unfamiliar."

"Yunfeng, are you right?" He also asked Song Yunfeng at the side.

Song Yunfeng nodded calmly.

Satisfied, Li Luo put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at Lu Qing'er, and said, "Have you finished eating? Are you going for a walk to digest?"

Lu Qing'er nodded when she heard the words, of course she knew that it was Li Luo who helped her resolve the situation, after all, she didn't want to stay here and say these useless things to the fake-faced Shi Kong.

Seeing this, Shi Kun squinted his eyes for a moment. He held a broad bean in his finger, and flicked it with his fingers. There seemed to be a faint sound of thunder, and a silver light was directly aimed at Li Luo's face with the momentum of thunder. Shot away.

But just when the silver light was about to hit Li Luo, a cold chopstick flew towards him, knocking the broad bean entwined with the power of thunder out, and finally the chopsticks were ruthlessly inserted into the building. In the column, the cold air spreading on it caused some hoarfrost to emerge nearby.

Lu Qing'er stared at Shi Kong with cold eyes, a faint chill rose up all over her body, and said, "Master Kong, don't make trouble for nothing."

The movement here also caused some commotion in the lobby, and one after another surprised eyes projected over, and when they found out that the conflict was between Lu Qing'er and Shi Kong, they suddenly became very interested. Could it be that this year's college entrance examination is the most powerful competition? The first two, are they going to make an early move here

Amidst all the attention, Shi Hong said with a smile: "Missed... Young Palace Master, don't be angry."

Li Luo shook his head and said helplessly: "I'm not angry, but you are wasting too much food. It seems that brother, your tutor is not qualified. Doesn't the governor usually teach you? If there is no leather whip at home, I can give it to you." You two."

Shi Hong said with a smile on his face, "Young Palace Master is right, I will pay more attention next time."

"If you know your mistakes and correct them, then you will still be a good boy."

Li Luo nodded in praise, then turned and left with Zhao Kuo.

Lu Qing'er gave Shi Kong a cold look, and followed, Tifaqing quickly followed, and Song Yunfeng looked at Shi Kong first, then got up and left.

Shi Hong looked at their leaving figures and didn't care. He stretched out his hand and threw the remaining broad beans on the plate into his mouth, chewed them lightly, with a smile on his lips, but indifference in his eyes.

"This Li Luo, is he hiding his strength, or is he really incapable? He still wants to find out."

He whispered to himself, then smiled and shook his head.

Forget it, an abolished Young Palace Master shouldn't pose much of a threat. As long as Lu Qing'er is eliminated, then this time, Nanfeng Academy will definitely not be able to hold the signboard of the number one academy in Shu County that day.

But this guy is really annoying.

It seems that it is necessary to make some arrangements so that he can get out early and be eliminated.