Absolute Resonance

Chapter 5: Pei Hao


After leaving Jinlong Baohang, in the chariot, Jiang Qing'e did not speak, Li Luo remained silent, just holding the box, wondering what he was thinking.

Until the chariot arrived outside a magnificent manor, inside the manor, there were hills and pavilions, which were extremely magnificent.

This is the old house where Li Luo's parents founded the Luolan Mansion.

The four lions, horses and beasts stopped at the gate of the manor, and Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e got out of the chariot.

"Compared to before, this place is really much deserted." Jiang Qing'e said with a sigh as she looked at the manor.

Back when Li Luo's parents were still alive, this was the headquarters of the Luolan Mansion. The busyness at that time was in stark contrast to the desertedness of today.

"The headquarters of Xuanluo Mansion has already been transferred to Wangcheng. This is just an old house, so it's natural that it's deserted." Li Luo laughed.

While the two were talking, someone came up from behind the gate.

The leading old man has a simple and gentle smile on his face, and beside him, there is a woman with mature makeup and a beautiful face, especially her plump, exquisite figure, like ripe honey Peach-like, swaying and charming.

"Uncle Liu."

Li Luo yelled at the old man. This old man was an old man who followed his parents in the early years. Now he is taking care of the old house and taking care of Li Luo's daily life.

But that strange mature woman made Li Luo a little confused.

"Uncle Liu, long time no see." Jiang Qing'e nodded at the old man, and then introduced to Li Luo, "This is Sister Cai Wei, she is my assistant in Wangcheng, and she helps me take care of Luolan Mansion A lot of business."

"I've met the Young Palace Master." The mature beauty named Cai Wei smiled at Li Luo, her eyes seemed to scrutinize Li Luo.

Li Luo nodded and smiled: "Thank you, Miss Cai Wei."

"For a while later, Sister Cai Wei will stay in Nanfeng City to take care of some properties of Luolan Mansion in Tianshu County, and everything will be reported to you." Jiang Qing'e continued.

Li Luo was stunned. With the transfer of the headquarters of Luolan Mansion to Wangcheng, many industries in Tianshu County have not changed, but they are very stable. How could Sister Qing'e suddenly send a capable general to take over

"Did something happen?" Li Luo asked after pondering for a moment.

Jiang Qing'e's sudden return this time was obviously not just because tomorrow was his seventeenth birthday.

Jiang Qing'e was silent for a while, and her delicate face became a little more serious, and then she walked towards the manor, and at the same time motioned for Li Luo to follow.

"Although you stayed in Nanfeng City, you must have heard some rumors about Luolan Mansion, right? I didn't tell you about these things before, for fear of affecting you." Walking on the gravel road, there are spots of light in the shade When it fell, Jiang Qing'e's voice was clear and cold.

Li Luo nodded. Although he did not interfere with Luo Lan's mansion, he could guess that with his parents missing for several years, Luo Lan's mansion would not be peaceful.

In this Great Xia Kingdom, it is not a simple matter to open a mansion, and one of the hard conditions is that only the prince can open the mansion.

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Now in Daxia, there are five major mansions, and Luolan Mansion is one of them.

Among the five mansions, the Luolan Mansion was established in the shortest time and rose the fastest, because Li Luo's parents had all stepped into the Marquis Realm back then.

Yang Xuanhou, Li Taixuan.

Lanhou, Tantai Lan.

This is the most important reason why Luolan Mansion quickly entered the five major mansions after its establishment. Compared with the long history of the other four major mansions, Luolan Mansion is undoubtedly extremely young, but this also shows that the In terms of background, Luo Lan's mansion is much weaker than the other four mansions.

But originally this was not a problem, with the talent and strength of Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan, it is enough to smooth out this gap in the next time.

Unfortunately, they suddenly disappeared.

Losing these two pillars, the strength of Luo Lan Mansion can be said to have declined rapidly. At the beginning, the power of the two marquises was still there, but no one dared to stir up trouble, but as time went by, Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan There was no news for a long time, and finally there was even a rumor that they had fallen on the princely battlefield.

Luolan Mansion is one of the five great mansions of the Great Xia Kingdom, and there are many properties under it. It is an indescribably fat piece of meat. In the Great Xia Kingdom, there are countless forces coveting and coveting it.

Therefore, with the passage of time, the residual prestige left by Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan gradually weakened. In the past two years, some forces began to open their fangs to Luo Lan's mansion uncontrollably.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Qing'e, who was still practicing at the Shengxuanxing Academy, had to temporarily take over the Luo Lan House. However, although Jiang Qing'e's reputation in the Great Xia Kingdom has become stronger and stronger in the past two years, she has never stepped into it after all. Fenghoujing is still not as strong as a deterrent, so facing a pack of wolves, she also decisively abandoned some properties of Luolan Mansion, intending to use this to gain some time to recover and grow.

This behavior of constantly giving up is also one of the main reasons why the outside world thinks that Luo Lan's mansion is precarious.

But Li Luo recognized this very much. After all, he didn't have enough strength. If he still occupied Jinshan by force, it would only lead to more troubles. Appropriate forbearance was the only long-term solution.

"Although the popularity of Luolan Mansion has dropped a lot in the past two years, it seems to have stabilized overall, right?" Li Luo asked with some doubts.

Jiang Qing'e pursed her red lips, and said calmly: "For the time being, the external pressure has been relieved, but this time, the problem lies within Luo Lan's mansion."

Li Luo's eyes froze for a moment, and he said slowly, "Is that Senior Brother Pei Hao?"

Jiang Qing'e and the mature woman Cai Wei at the side all looked at Li Luo in surprise.

"Sister Qing'e has not taken over Luo Lan's mansion for too long, but your charm is unmatched. Now in Luo Lan's mansion, your prestige is not low, and looking at Luo Lan's mansion, the only one who can stand against you Yes, there is only this registered student accepted by my parents." Li Luo smiled at their surprised gazes.

Pei Hao, was a homeless young man, and was almost killed because he offended his enemies. Li Luo's parents accidentally rescued him at that time. Seeing how pitiful he was, they took him into the Luo Lan Mansion. After entering the Luo Lan Mansion, he also worked hard. He showed a good talent in doing things, but he got mixed up in Luo Lan's house, so in the end, Li Luo's parents accepted him as a registered student.

After having this identity, Pei Hao's status in Luo Lan's mansion also rose steadily. When Li Luo's parents disappeared, he was already quite powerful in Luo Lan's mansion.

Back when his parents were still around, this Senior Brother Pei Hao would come to contact him from time to time, but this kind of contact has decreased a lot in the past two years, especially after the news about his emptiness came out... .

From this point of view, this Senior Brother Pei Hao is quite real.

"Pei Hao has always had objections to me being in charge of the Luolan Mansion these years, and has acted recklessly on many decisions in the mansion. He has a high prestige in the Luolan Mansion. Nearly half of the nine pavilions in the mansion are close to him. It caused a very bad influence." Jiang Qing'e said lightly.

"Actually, if he can contribute to the Luo Lan Mansion, I can bear all of this. Even the so-called position in charge, if it wasn't for the appointment of Master and Mistress before he left, I wouldn't want to show up."

Li Luo nodded. Jiang Qing'e's character actually doesn't like these house affairs very much. With her talent, it is most suitable for her to concentrate on cultivation.

Of course, in the final analysis, it is because he, the young master, is not very good... However, he and Jiang Qing'e both understand that in his current state, this so-called talent of emptiness will not convince the public at all. If the mansion master comes to take charge of the Luo Lan mansion, the foundation established by his parents may soon fall apart.

After all, in this world, strength is the foundation of convincing people.

"It's really hard for Sister Qing'e." Li Luo thanked her sincerely.

Jiang Qing'e shook her head: "No need, after all, you and I had a marriage contract, and this Luo Lan Mansion also has my share."

So direct.

Li Luo was dumbfounded, and Cai Wei on the side covered her lips and smiled softly, charmingly.

"Since the disappearance of master and wife, people in the mansion have been fluctuating. Although I tried my best to appease you, the situation in Luo Lan's mansion can still be seen at a glance, and Pei Hao took the opportunity to win people's hearts and restrain me everywhere. Behind him, there may be other forces secretly helping." Jiang Qing'e continued.

Li Luo reached out to catch the fallen leaves in front of him, and said, "This is... a white-eyed wolf."

"Tomorrow Pei Hao will lead people to Nanfeng City to talk with me, but there is a high probability that we will not be able to reach an agreement, and the worst outcome of not being able to agree, I am afraid that the Luolan Mansion will directly split up. This is just for the current situation of the Luolan Mansion. It will be a serious injury." Jiang Qing'e's golden pupils looked extraordinarily cold at this time, and even had a faint killing intent.

Li Luo also frowned. Luolan Mansion is surrounded by wolves in Daxia, and if it really splits, the strength of Luo Lan Mansion will be greatly weakened, and it will become more and more in the future. trouble.

But in the end, he could only sigh helplessly, because with his current state of strength, he could not have any influence on the situation at all. The so-called Young Mansion Master, I am afraid that not many people in Luo Lan Mansion would look straight at him. Look, it can't even be said that many people in this mansion have directly forgotten him as the young mansion master.

And all of this is because he has no strength and no future.

"Sorry, I can't help you much," Li Luo said.

Jiang Qing'e shook her head, and said softly: "Don't worry, even if Luo Lan's mansion is not stable right now, when it is finally handed over to you, I will definitely make it complete."

Li Luo didn't speak, because in fact he didn't really care about it, because no matter how strong the Luo Lan Mansion was, it was still a foreign object. In this world, only one's own strength is the foundation of everything.

If he can step into the princely realm one day, all the problems will be easily solved.

Afterwards, the two returned to the old house and had dinner together, Jiang Qing'e went straight to get busy, obviously making some preparations for tomorrow.

And Li Luo didn't bother her, went to the training room to practice physiognomy for two hours, and then went back to the room to rest.

Li Luo didn't sleep for a long time tonight, until after twelve o'clock in the morning, he rolled over from the bed, and then opened today's suitcase from under the bed.

The mysterious black crystal ball was also taken out, and he held it carefully. At this moment, Li Luo could feel his heart beating violently.

"Father, old lady, what did you leave me?"

Li Luo patted his violently beating heart lightly, and then teased himself comfortingly.

"It's not really just a birthday cake that's been in storage for a few years..."