Absolute Resonance

Chapter 53: Inexpensive


The moment Li Luo's drink reached his ears, thousands of thoughts also flashed through Yu Lang's mind. After all, closing his eyes would undoubtedly give the other party an opportunity to take advantage of the current situation, but because of his understanding of Li Luo's behavior style In the end, he still gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

So, at the moment when the glaring light burst out, Yu Lang avoided the stimulation of the light, and relying on the previous memory route, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the ghost face fruit.

On the other hand, the figure who made a surprise attack was startled by the sudden strong light, his eyes were stinging, and his body speed involuntarily slowed down a bit.

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The bright light flashes and disappears quickly.

But Yu Lang grabbed the ghost face fruit, and immediately his face was stern, and a thin sword shot out from his sleeve, and the green force surged, bringing the sound of breaking wind, and mercilessly faced the figure who was close at hand Stab away.


At this time, the raider also knew that his attack had failed, and he snorted coldly, punched out with a fist, and the yellow phase roared, and directly bumped Yu Lang head-on with heavy force.

When the force exploded, the body of the raiding figure just flickered, while looking at Yu Lang, the figure shot out backwards and landed on the ground not far away.

And the moment Yu Lang succeeded, Li Luo and Zhao Kuo also quickly got out of the attack range of the ghost-faced magic vine tree, and then rushed to Yu Lang's side, staring at the figure in front of them coldly.

"Hehe, what a quick reaction, I didn't get this." Facing the cold eyes of the three, the figure laughed lightly.

At this time, he also revealed his figure, a tall and strong young man with short hair, muscular body, full of a sense of brutal strength, giving people a visually oppressive atmosphere.

"People from Dongyuan Academy?" Zhao Kuo saw the crystal badge on the other's chest at a glance. The school badge there belonged to Dongyuan Academy.

"It's Lian Zhong from Dongyuan Academy. He is the second place in Dongyuan Academy. He is the sixth-grade earth aspect and the eight-seal strength." Yu Lang revealed the identity and information of the other party in one word, and he is indeed the one who compiled the examination materials. He is a person who knows the top students of various universities.

Li Luo looked indifferent, and said: "Do people from Dongyuan Academy like to grab things so much? Your teaching philosophy is very problematic."

"In the rules of the big exam, there is nothing that says you can't grab it." Na Lian said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if you grab something, the key is to hide for a long time like a gopher, but if you haven't snatched it, then you will be a little angry." Li Luo laughed.

The smile on Lian Zhong's face faded a little. He had planned this sneak attack for a long time. He thought that he would be able to catch him, and he would be able to taunt the other party at that time, but he didn't expect that Li Luo's reaction was so fast. Gave a counterattack and let him miss.

"Li Luo, I really underestimated you."

Lian Zhong stared at Li Luo, then smiled lightly and said, "But this is just a side dish, you don't have to be complacent."

"I hear what you mean, are you still staring at me?"

"I can't help it. The boss let go. He has no time to greet you, so let us have some fun for you." Lian Zhong smiled helplessly.

"Master Kong?" Li Luoruo was thoughtful.

"It's meaningless to fight with you here now. After all, you can't grab points here. After passing this level and starting the knockout round, I will come to you." Lian Zhong said.

Immediately, he glanced at Zhao Kuo and Yu Lang, and said: "You two, if you are smart enough, you should separate from him earlier. If the boss lets go, everyone in my Dongyuan Academy will target him. Follow along. It’s just asking for bad luck.”

"Fuck your ass."

Zhao Kuo rolled his eyes and scolded, "I wish you dogs from Dongyuan Academy would come and give you points."

Yu Lang shook the rapier in his hand, and said with a thoughtful face, "Li Luo and I are life-and-death friends, and our love is as deep as the sea. He wants me to leave him, unless...you add money."

"Things that are not interesting, then you can do whatever you want." Lian Zhong shook his head, and he didn't bother to say more. As soon as his figure moved, he threw it towards the depths of the dark forest.

"Add more, add less, you should at least give the number, and if it doesn't work, you can still bargain!" Yu Lang said hurriedly.

He still wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Li Luo: "There's no need to waste time here, and it's really boring to fight here, and you can't grab his points."

"Damn it, you're so arrogant." Yu Lang cursed, obviously still very angry, and he didn't know whether he was angry at Lianzhong for trying to sneak attack or because the other party refused to raise the price.

Zhao Kuo looked at Li Luo, frowned and said, "Brother Luo, if the people from Dongyuan Academy really want to target you, let's find other people to counter them."

If you don't find someone, the other party is obviously a lot of people.

"No hurry, let's take a look first."

Li Luo looked more calm, and Shi Hong obviously didn't take him too seriously, so the task of cleaning him up was given to Lian Zhong and others, but if the other party really wanted to do this, then he would I don't mind letting the other party know what it means to beat a dog with a meat bun.

Hey, no, I'm not a dog.

"Here, this is the harvest this time." At this time, Yu Lang handed over the ghost face fruit in his hand.

"Give it to Zhao Kuo first, he suffered the worst." Li Luo laughed.

At this moment, Zhao Kuo still had streaks of blood on his body, which looked quite miserable, but these were only skin traumas, and with his defensive power, he would be able to recover soon.

Hearing this, Zhao Kuo didn't say much, and reached out to take the ghost face fruit. Anyway, he would help Li Luo and Yu Lang grab another ghost face fruit later.

He held the ghost face fruit, then crushed it, took out the core, squeezed it hard, and finally squeezed out a drop of green juice, which dripped on the crystal tablet on his chest and blended into it.

Then the points on the crystal card jumped directly to one hundred.

"Let's go, continue to work on the second one." Li Luo said, and then continued to deepen with the two.

In the next hour, the three of them found two ghost face magic vine trees again, and then continued to do the same, but this time there was no other interference, so the two ghost face fruits were successfully obtained. The basic points of Li Luo and Yu Lang, It also reached one hundred.

After the base score reached 100, it would be useless to continue to capture the ghost face fruit, so the three of them stopped staying and started heading towards the direction of the third-level knockout round at full speed.


At the foot of Bailing Mountain, on the huge crystal wall, the points are constantly changing and beating.

Countless lines of sight focused on it, but it was very lively.

On the scoreboard, the front row is still dominated by full scores, a full two hundred basic points, and among these people, Lu Qing'er, Shi Kong and others lead the way.

And the most conspicuous thing is that above the crystal wall, there are two mirrors projecting the picture, which is quite visually impactful.

The first one is Lu Qing'er, she is standing pretty on a ghost-faced magic vine tree, and at this time, the headache-inducing vines of the magic vine tree are all frozen by ice crystals, her long hair flutters, her body With a slender figure, coupled with that beautiful and moving face, at that moment, I don't know how many people have appreciated the charm of the number one person in Nanfeng Academy.

And the second picture is Shi Kong, he is holding a ghost face fruit with a smile on his face, behind it is a magic vine tree emitting black smoke, and there are occasional lightning flashes on it.

Both of them defeated the magic vine tree and took the ghost face fruit by themselves.

Their impressive record has also made them more popular. Everyone knows that the first place in this year's exam is likely to be between these two.

Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing didn't pay too much attention to these pictures. Their eyes were locked on the scoreboard. When they saw that Li Luo's score finally changed from zero to one hundred, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this review level is just to get basic points, if Li Luo really enters with two zero points, it would be too weird.

And as more and more students won the ghost face fruit by various means, the atmosphere here began to become more and more boiling, because everyone knew that the two evaluation tests were just a foreplay. It is to provide everyone with some basic points for the next knockout match.

Therefore, when the knockout rounds started, this big test was just officially opened.


In Bailing Mountain.

Li Luo, Yu Lang, and Zhao Kuo walked out of the dark forest, and a stream appeared in front of them. On the other side of the stream, there was a continuous hilly area with complex terrain, full of trees and boulders.

The three of them looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that crossing the stream was the venue for the knockout round.

However, they didn't hesitate much. As their strength surged, their figures flashed across the river that was several feet wide, and they set foot on the other side of the river, starting the knockout round of the big exam.