Absolute Resonance

Chapter 89: The situation in Luolan Mansion


South Wind City, East Gate.

Standing in front of the chariot, Li Luo looked at Nanfeng City with a complicated and melancholy expression. Since he could remember, he had lived here most of the time, but today, he was finally leaving.

All kinds of past events flashed through his mind, and finally Li Luo lifted the curtain of the car, turned over and entered the compartment.

"Let's move."

Following his order, the convoy of vehicles in front and behind the chariot immediately started to move. The journey to Daxia City this time was quite long. Even at full speed, it would take nearly ten days. As the young master of the palace, safety is naturally the top priority, so defense forces are indispensable.

The convoy rumbled away, carrying smoke and dust along the way.

The chariot was speeding, but the spacious compartment was extremely stable. Li Luo sat cross-legged on one side of the coffee table. Opposite him, Cai Wei sat gracefully, holding a volume of books and reading with gusto.

In the innermost part of the carriage, there is also a small production room, where Yan Lingqing practiced the strange light of spiritual water to pass the boring time on the road.

This time Li Luo went to Great Xia City, accompanied by Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing, who had already completed the handover of work in Tianshu County during this time.

"Sister Cai Wei, what's the current situation in Luolan Mansion?" Li Luo asked suddenly after a long while looking at the trees passing by behind him through the car window.

Cai Wei lifted her eyes from the scroll, pondered for a moment, and said, "It shouldn't be too good, you should know how attractive this fragrant bun in Luolan Mansion is, and it has a lot of people all over the counties of Great Xia. Huge industry, annual profits of millions of gold, this is enough to make any power envious."

"Nowadays, the Luolan Mansion is full of internal and external troubles. This feeling is undoubtedly that children are busy holding money in the market, attracting a lot of covetousness. I think if it is not because Luolan Mansion still has some power, and the potential that Qing'e has shown If it frightened some people, perhaps there would have been some forces that would have taken action against Luo Lan's mansion long ago."

Li Luo was silent for a while, shook his head slightly, and said, "If there is a powerful force that is not inferior to Luo Lan's mansion, it is not enough to rely on these deterrents."

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Jiang Qing'e does have astonishing potential, but it is only potential after all. Even in Li Luo's view, if it were not for the protection of being a student of the Saint Xuanxing Academy, some forces would take the risk to attack her in this great summer. Tried to kill it.

Cai Wei was slightly startled, and said softly, "Then what do you think?"

Li Luo slowly said: "It's because of my parents' remaining prestige...or in other words, those powerful forces who covet my parents can't really be sure that my parents are dead, so they are worried that if they do too much, they will be killed." One day, my parents came back suddenly... How should we deal with the situation at that time?"

Facing the anger of the two Marquis Realm powerhouses, in this Great Xia, any force may need to maintain some fear.

Cai Wei thought for a while, then nodded slightly in agreement: "Young Palace Master thinks very clearly."

"However, this prestige will weaken with the passage of time. After all, a hungry tiger will not let go of a fat sheep that keeps walking in front of its eyes." Li Luo sighed and said.

Even he doesn't know how long Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan's residual prestige can last, perhaps, if one day, those forces confirm certain news, I'm afraid Luo Lan Mansion will usher in a catastrophe.

What will be at that point in time

Li Luo pursed his lips. He felt that it might be the Luolan Mansion's funeral next year... At that time, Pei Hao would definitely take the lead in launching the attack, which would trigger a series of destruction actions against Luo Lan Mansion.

Looking at it this way, time is really tight. Now he is just a child of the Ten Seals Realm. These enemies are really ferocious like tigers and wolves. Can't we give him a few more years

A few years later, he strives to reach the feudal marquis status with Jiang Qing'e, when the time comes, he will go to your house to have a lively feast!


Li Luo sighed, unfortunately, those people probably wouldn't give him such a long time.

"In this great summer, what is the attitude of the top forces of all parties towards the Luo Lan Mansion?" Li Luo asked again.

"The top forces of the Great Xia, if the two special existences of Shengxuanxing Academy and Jinlong Baohang are eliminated, in terms of strength, the Royal Court of the Great Xia is the strongest, but the Royal Court has been a little chaotic in recent years. When he was young, he was assisted by the prince regent in state affairs, and under the royal court were all the long-established families and the five great mansions."

"Among the five major mansions, Duze Mansion and Jiyan Mansion are the most hostile to my Luolan Mansion, Lanling Mansion is neutral, and Jinque Mansion has a fair relationship with Luo Lan Mansion. Maybe some of them want to use Luo Lan Mansion to consume the power of the other two mansions. intention." Cai Wei said slowly.

"Most of these forces are headquartered in Daxia City. In the past, the Young Palace Master was in Nanfeng City, so it was difficult for some disturbances to affect you, but as you arrive in Daxia City, there may be some troubles in the future."

Li Luo nodded. He was already prepared for this. After all, although Jiang Qing'e was in charge of the Luolan Mansion, no matter what, he was the legitimate young master of the Luo Lan Mansion.

No one paid attention to him before, because he hid in Nanfeng City, far away from the center of Daxia, and because of his previous empty appearance, I am afraid that all forces would treat him as a useless person, so they ignored him.

And as he stepped into the center of the vortex of Great Xia, he would naturally be contaminated by the storm.

But this is also what he should do as the Young Palace Master. After all, he can't let Jiang Qing'e bear all the pressure alone. In the past, he couldn't stand up, and he really didn't have the qualifications. Now he barely has some strength. No matter what, he They will not let Jiang Qing'e carry everything in front alone.

"I see... "

Li Luo nodded slightly, and smiled helplessly: "My father and mother really left a mess."

All of this was caused by insufficient strength, so he must improve his strength as soon as possible, and in this Great Xia, there is no place for practice that can compare with the Saint Xuanxing Academy.

So he was very fortunate that this time, he got the admission quota of Shengxuanxing Academy.


The journey is long, but accompanied by beauty, the journey does not feel boring, but like traveling in mountains and rivers.

Days passed in the blink of an eye.

The convoy is about to arrive at the capital of Daxia.

Li Luo stood on the carriage frame, looking into the distance. At the end of the spacious avenue, the outline of an incomparably huge city could be vaguely seen. pressure.

It made people a little breathless.

Compared with this, Nanfeng City is not as good as Baiyi.

"As expected of a royal city." Li Luo sighed.

At this time, Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing were also standing behind him, their pretty cheeks were full of joy and relaxation, they finally came back again.

"This journey has gone smoothly, better than I thought." Li Luo smiled at the two girls.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw some figures suddenly appearing on the high slope not far away, and then a flag seemed to be raised.

From a distance, Li Luo could see that the flag was embroidered with a golden finch with outstretched wings, shining brightly in the sunlight.

"That's... Jinque Mansion?" Cai Wei who was on the side asked in surprise.

Li Luo was slightly stunned. He didn't go too secretively when he went to the king's city this time. It's not difficult for all interested people to know his whereabouts. It's just that he originally thought that some hostile forces would come to stop or play tricks, but he didn't expect to see him first. It turned out to be Jinque Mansion, which is said to have a pretty good relationship with Luo Lan Mansion.

What are they trying to do

While Li Luo was puzzled, the convoy moved forward, and then saw a person riding a fiery red horse galloping down the high slope. When approaching the convoy, a loud voice came: "My lady, please come to Luolan's house, the young The Lord will gather on the mountain."

"Miss Jinque Mansion?"

Li Luo looked at Cai Wei, who pondered slightly, and said, "It should be the daughter of the Golden Sparrow Mansion, Si Qiuying, she is the same age as you, and she should also enter the Saint Xuanxing Academy with you."

"But she's waiting for you here, what does it mean? You haven't met her, have you?"

Li Luo pondered for a while, and said, "Could it be another person who admires my beauty?"

Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing rolled their eyes at the same time.

Li Luo smiled and said, "It's useless to think too much, you'll know once you see it."

With a leap, he turned onto a strong red horse.

"Don't you need guards?" Cai Wei asked.

Li Luo waved his hand, no one would really be stupid enough to do anything to him outside the king's city, after all, no matter how lonely Luo Lan's mansion was, it still had some strength.

The red horse roared, galloped away, and then climbed up the high slope with a wisp of smoke and dust.

On a high slope, in a meadow, there was a luxurious plush carpet, and a long table was placed on it. Behind the long table, a green-haired girl sat on her knees, looking quietly at Li Luo who came off his horse.