Absolute Resonance

Chapter 98: Li Luo's wrist


Facing Li Luo's half-smile expression, the corners of Pang Qianchi's eyes twitched slightly. He never thought that Li Luo would directly pull out such a big killer.

The exact situation of the Xiyangwu branch in Tianshu County had not been reported to the headquarters before, so even Pang Qianchi was not particularly clear about what happened there...

But now he understands that the reason for such a huge improvement in the Xiyangwu branch is Li Luo's secret method source water with a purity of up to the seventh rank.

However, how could Li Luo have such a level of secret source water? !

Could it be that the two palace masters stayed behind? But if this is the case, why not take it out earlier, with this quality of secret source water, Xiyang House will definitely be many times stronger than it is now!

Pang Qianchi was in a state of confusion, and at this time Li Luo ignored him, but looked at the other phase masters, and said, "The current me, am I qualified to be the president?"

The field was quiet, and the phase tempering masters who had shouted before were all a little embarrassed and silent at this moment.

But this kind of silence is obviously a kind of default.

The anger on Elder Zheng Ping's face finally dissipated completely at this time, he said with a smile: "I have no objection."

He represents some neutral factions in Xiyangwu, and now he speaks, obviously intending to fully support Li Luo.

Pang Qianchi looked at this scene expressionlessly, with endless anger in his heart. Originally, he was bound to win the position of president today, but Li Luo's sudden appearance completely wiped out the opportunity he had worked so hard to create. was destroyed.

Right now, he has no reason to prevent Li Luo from becoming the president.

But the good thing is that before that, he had secretly recruited many tempering masters, so even if Li Luo won this round, it was not really a win.

He can arrange for these people who are attracted by him to continue to fight with Li Luoming slowly, and Li Luo will definitely go to Shengxuanxing Academy in the future, so he won't spend too much time in the headquarters. Didn't Pang Qianchi have the final say on Xiyang House

This Xiyangwu headquarters has long been managed by him in an airtight manner. Do you really think that a young mansion master can change anything

Thinking of this in his heart, Pang Qianchi's mood also gradually calmed down, let's just continue to fight slowly, Pei Hao has already said that as long as he survives until next year's government festival, he will fight at that time , and when Luo Lan's mansion changes, what young mansion master, who will take him seriously

When Pang Qianchi fell silent, Li Luo glanced at the audience and said with a smile, "Since everyone has no objections, I will be the president of Xiyangwu headquarters in the future. Please take care of me."

Many phase masters from Xiyang House bowed their hands in congratulations. After all, the source water of the seventh-rank secret method is really attractive.

"It is said that there are three fires for a new official to take office, so I will burn the first fire."

Li Luo smiled, looked at Pang Qianchi, and said, "Vice President Pang has done a lot of hard work, I will grant you a one-year vacation for the time being, so you can rest at home."

This is obviously to temporarily idle Pang Qianchi.

Hearing this, Pang Qianchi's expression was very calm. The young mansion master is also a little naive, does he really think that if he is left idle, his power in Xiyang House can be cut off

Those who are secretly attracted by him will become his eyeliner, allowing him to interfere with many affairs of Xiyang House in another form.

Among the crowd, some phase masters frowned. Li Luo's move seemed a little too impatient, which may not be conducive to the stability of Xiyang House.

But before anyone could speak for Pang Qianchi, Li Luo suddenly said, "I know that among you, some people have already been won over by Pang Qianchi and joined Pei Hao's camp."

As soon as this remark came out, many people's hearts were shocked immediately, and their expressions were faintly unnatural.

Pang Qianchi also frowned. He stared at Li Luo, not knowing what the young master was going to do. It's not hard to guess, but what can you do

"Everyone may be secretive because of the secret communication with Pang Qianchi, but you may have underestimated the intelligence power of Luo Lan Mansion..."

Li Luo looked calm. He took out a scroll sealed with a wax seal from his sleeve, and said calmly, "Even the names that Pang Qianchi recruited are here."

The commotion in the crowd was even worse, but this time, no one spoke, but waited quietly.

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The atmosphere became tense for a while.

Pang Qianchi stared at Li Luo. Is this young mansion master planning to do the liquidation according to the list? If this is the case, it would be too courageous, but the price paid for this is the complete paralysis of Xiyang House.

The current Xiyang House has been driven away by Han Zhi for some tempering masters. If Li Luo drives away another group, to be honest, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Xiyang House to recover in the short term, which will be great. loss.

Elder Zheng Ping also looked solemn. He knew that if the current matter was not handled properly, the entire Xiyang House would face a catastrophic impact.

The condensed atmosphere lasted for a while, making it difficult for people to even breathe.

"I haven't opened the list yet."

And it was in this frozen atmosphere that Li Luo said lightly, then took out the torch, lit the sealed scroll in his hand, and the flame quickly engulfed the scroll.

Li Luo casually threw away the ignited scroll.

The pupils of the many tempering masters in the field widened little by little at this time, and the flames were reflected in their pupils.

They didn't understand what Li Luo was doing.

However, Pang Qianchi's face, which looked like a joke, became a little gloomy at this moment, and some fear began to appear in the eyes that looked at Li Luo.

He already guessed what Li Luo wanted to do.

"Everyone, everyone knows the situation of Luolan Mansion in the past few years. At this time, if you can still stay in Xiyang House, it is considered that you still have some affection for Xiyang House."

"It's human nature for you to be shaken in such turbulent times, so here I promise, in the name of the Young Palace Master, that everything you have done before will be written off with this list. In the future, you are still willing to contribute to Xiyang House, you are a member of Xiyang House."

"So you don't have to worry that the handle you left behind because you were bewitched by some people before will become a weapon used by the other party to coerce and coerce."

As Li Luo's faint voice fell, the eyes of many tempering masters present became a little complicated. Although they didn't know whether the list in Li Luo's hand was real, it didn't matter, the important thing was Li Luo The young master's public promise.

Obviously, for the stability of Xiyang House, the Young Palace Master showed the greatest tolerance and heart.

"Besides, in the future, Xiyang House intends to spend 20% of its income every year. These profits will be rewarded to Xiyang House's tempering masters in various forms to increase their salary."

If it was said that Li Luo burned the roster before, it made many of the tempering masters present complicated, then this time's action made some uncontrollable joy appear on their faces.

These tempering masters will come to the Lingshui Qiguang House, firstly to improve themselves, and secondly to earn salary, after all, everyone has a family waiting to support them.

But now, Li Luo first took out the high-purity secret magic spirit water, which will benefit the future improvement of Xiyangwu's phase master, and now he has increased his salary. You must know that Xiyangwu's annual income of 20% can be It's not a small amount. This wave of release can almost increase the treatment of the tempering masters in Xiyangwu by a large amount, which is not inferior to those of the top ten Lingshui Qiguangwu.

Therefore, the Xiyang House in the future can be said to have a bright future and a rich future.

How can this prevent these phase tempering masters from being overjoyed, and they also believe that after these measures are announced, more phase tempering masters will be willing to come to Xiyang House.

Anyone with a little sensitivity can feel that the future Xiyang House seems to be showing signs of taking off.

Many phase masters present looked at Li Luo with extremely hot eyes.

This Young Palace Master seems to have more terrifying energy than they imagined.

And Pang Qianchi's complexion turned pale little by little at this time, Li Luo's move was beyond his expectation, it almost cut off most of the Tempering Master he was controlling directly.

After these few sets of combined punches, it turned out that the forces that had been painstakingly managed for a long time were directly pushed to the verge of collapse.

At this moment, Pang Qianchi felt troublesome. This young palace master who was almost ignored by them before had stronger wrists than they had imagined.