Absolute Resonance

Chapter 99: want to resign


In the fountain clearing.

When Li Luo burned the three fires for the new official to take office, everyone looked at him with complicated expressions. The previous disapproval in their eyes had completely dissipated, replaced by a sense of solemnity.

Elder Zheng Ping also heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He was really afraid that Li Luo would be young and energetic, and directly cut off those wavering phase tempering masters out of Xiyang House with a single knife. In that case, it would be great , Kexi Yangwu will also be greatly hurt by this.

The point is that this will cause a bad reputation. After these tempering masters are driven away, Dexi Yangwu will definitely be notorious in the circle of tempering masters in Daxia City. If you want to restore these reputations in the future, you don’t know that you will have to pay What an effort.

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But fortunately, Li Luo didn't choose the most direct method. On the contrary, his three fires burned away the worries of Xiyangwu and the tempering masters, and also let them see the future potential of Xiyangwu.

Although this may not immediately eliminate Pang Qianchi's influence and hands and feet in Xiyang House, it is a good start. He believes that with Li Luo's methods and the temptation of the mysterious source water, In the future, Xiyang House will gradually end the chaos and start to get better.

Pang Qianchi looked at Li Luo with a gloomy expression, then turned and left without saying any more nonsense.

In the current situation, Li Luo has already grasped some people's hearts in Xiyang House as quickly as possible. His instigation has completely failed, and now he can only temporarily lie dormant and wait for future opportunities.

Following Pang Qianchi's departure, the phase masters present looked at each other for a moment, and finally saluted Li Luo: "I have met the president."

Li Luo waved his hands with a smile, and said, "Let's go to our own business first. Don't worry, Xiyang House will soon be on the right track. In the future, Xiyang House will definitely be stronger than before."

After hearing the words, many tempering masters dispersed one after another.

As the crowd dispersed, Li Luofang let out a heavy breath, then he turned around and looked at the three women who had been watching but hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end.

"How?" he asked with a smile.

The three girls, even including Jiang Qing'e, stared at Li Luo's face for a long time. They didn't speak, but the look in their eyes clearly contained a bit of amazement.


Jiang Qing'e chuckled lightly, her eyes filled with appreciation: "You did even better than I imagined."

She couldn't help not appreciating it, after all, she had always been willing to deal with the problems on Xiyangwu's side, but she had no way to intervene and could only maintain that stalemate.

After all, she is not a phase temperer herself, and she doesn't know much about these things. Of course, the most important thing is that there are too many problems in Luo Lan's mansion, and she really can't tell too much about Xiyang House.

She saw Li Luo's three fire moves before, and she couldn't fault them, especially the burnt roster. , This will cut off Pang Qianchi's control over the tempering masters in Xiyangwu to the greatest extent.

Although it is impossible to clean up for a while, it is a good trend.

Of course, the most important point in all of this is the high-purity secret source water that Li Luo produced, which is extremely attractive to the phase master.

And on the premise of having the source water of the secret method, the subsequent ones can achieve such good results.

Yan Lingqing supported the silver mirror frame, and stared at Li Luo with an inexplicable smile on her red lips: "It seems that the secret method source water is really easy to use, but I don't know if it is enough for the Young Palace Master?"

As for Li Luo's secret source of water, among the three women present, only Yan Lingqing could vaguely guess where it came from. This was also what she saw when Li Luo was assisting her at the Lingshui Qiguang Festival in Tianshu County. Some clues.

Hearing this, Li Luo also sighed. What Yan Lingqing said is indeed a difficult problem. Now he is only the strength of the ten seals, and the source water of the secret method that can be condensed every day is only a little, and he promised Xiyang, Tianshu County before. On the other side of the house, it is already a big burden to provide them with a certain amount of mysterious source water every month, but now, if it is necessary to provide it to the headquarters of Xiyang House, it will really kill him. Squeeze it dry.

But the good news is that he is not far away from breaking through to the Physiognomy Master Realm. Once the breakthrough is completed and the Physiognomy Seed is condensed in the Physiognomy Palace, his own Physiognomy will be improved by leaps and bounds.

At that time, it should be barely able to withstand the squeeze.

Cai Wei stared at Li Luo with a bit of resentment, and said, "You just promised 20% of Xiyang House's annual income with a single mouth, and you don't know how to feel sorry for my sister every time I buy spirits for you." How dejected was Shui Qiguang?"

Li Luo was a little embarrassed, and said: "Sister Cai Wei, we have to look ahead. The situation in Xiyang House is too bad now, and a large number of tempering masters have been lost. We must stabilize people's hearts, and then use this to attract more tempering phases." Master joins Xiyang House, this will make Xiyang House better and better."

"Yeah, I was taught a lesson by the Young Palace Master." Cai Wei said with a smile, her eyes were charming.

Jiang Qing'e smiled and said, "Sister Cai Wei is just joking with you. We believe in your ability. Xiyang House will definitely be in your hands and become the top ten Lingshui Qiguang House in Daxia."

"Oh, I hope." Li Luo sighed helplessly. He had just arrived in Daxia City, and he directly carried such a big burden, and he wanted to make Xiyang House into the top ten of Daxia. Building a house is not a simple matter. Even if he can produce a high-purity source water of the secret method, this alone may not be enough.

The other top ten Spiritual Water Strange Light Houses all have more than one kind of secret method source water and source light, so in the future, Xiyang House will really become stronger and bigger, I am afraid that it must find a way to get some other secret methods Yuanshui, Yuanguang, cannot completely rely on him alone.

Li Luo chatted with the three women for a while, and then went to the meeting hall with Elder Zheng Ping who was waiting at the side. Since he has become the president of Xiyang House, it is necessary to understand all the affairs in it.

And this understanding, is the whole day.

When the night covered the Great Xia City, Li Luofang in the conference hall slumped on the chair a little tiredly, then looked at Jiang Qing'e who had been with him all day with some sympathy, and said: "Sister Qing'e, the past few years It's really hard work for you."

Now he just took over a Xiyang House, and he is already so tired. I really don't know how hard it was when Jiang Qing'e took over the chaotic Luolan Mansion.

Jiang Qing'e also stretched her arms, revealing her exquisite curves. Although some curves are smaller than Cai Wei's, the overall proportions are almost perfect.

"If you really love me, just take care of Xiyang House, I don't want to be distracted here." Jiang Qing'e said.

Hearing this, Li Luo felt a headache. After reading the information of Xiyang House for a day, he had some definite understanding of Xiyang House, but it was this understanding that made him a little helpless.

Because, there are so many fucking problems with Xiyang House.

If he had known this earlier, he would not have dared to boast that Haikou would turn the Xiyang House into the top ten Lingshui Qiguang House in the Great Xia Kingdom.

If he wasn't afraid that Jiang Qing'e would drag him directly to the training room for a discussion, he really wanted to say, is it too late to resign now

(Today's chapter.)