Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1: journal


"On May 15, there was a torrential rain. Heavy rain continued from the sky. Many parts of China were affected. Dams collapsed, riverbanks broke, and an epidemic was imminent."

"On May 23, there was a severe drought. The sun was blazing brightly, and the average temperature across the country was 43 degrees. Crops were destroyed on a large scale, and countless livestock were killed or injured."

"On May 26, there was a heavy snowstorm, the wind was freezing, the temperature dropped suddenly, and the northern part of the country experienced a freezing temperature drop. All power and communications were paralyzed."

"May 27th, sunny..."

Chen Feng closed his notebook and looked out the window expressionlessly.

Today is the 27th. Unlike the weird and unpredictable weather in the past few days, today is surprisingly sunny and windy, and everywhere is filled with a sense of joy and normalcy after the disaster.

After all, large-scale disasters have occurred across the country in the past few days, and agriculture, animal husbandry, and human life have all suffered huge impacts.


It's not just China. In the past few days, disasters have occurred all over the world, including tsunamis, tornadoes, volcanoes, and hurricanes. This planet, which has given birth to billions of human beings, is like a temper tantrum child, showing its demonic nature.

According to a conservative estimate, in just these few days, millions of people have been killed worldwide, and countless more are missing. This is a disaster from the sky, an unforeseen danger, and the largest turmoil in the history of civilization.

Fortunately, the days of change have finally calmed down today, the sky is clear, and the disasters that have plagued mankind have disappeared at the same time within one day.

In the face of nature, the once arrogant humans were shivering in their rooms like guinea pigs, with no other options except begging. But today the weather cleared up, and everyone went out of their houses to enjoy this rare day.

The dead are dead, but the living need to continue.

Through the window, Chen Feng looked at the smiling faces on the street, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. However, this smile was a little lonely, a little gloomy, and a little helpless, but there was no relaxation and comfort.

Only he knows best what will happen today. Those so-called disasters are just appetizers. Human beings, who claim to be the most intelligent species on the planet, like to trample on any living creature and even exterminate their own kind for the sake of profit. Today, they will experience real fear.

Less than three hours later, an energy storm appeared and power equipment was paralyzed on a large scale. During this period, humans not only had to face loneliness and darkness, but also death.

The end of the world is coming.

Some space cracks opened up, and countless monsters that had never been seen before came to the planet.

The ferocious Zerg, violent zombies, cruel dragons, gluttonous ogres, and some strange and unfamiliar life forms. For a time, the entire planet became a huge slaughterhouse, and humans became the targets of these predators' wanton slaughter.

There’s more to it than that.

Those who died in the disaster and whose corpses have been buried in the soil for a long time will be resurrected. They will drag their tireless bodies forward and devour all the life they see.

Ants, cockroaches, and grasshoppers, which are so cowardly that they can be crushed by humans, will mutate and their bodies will start to swell. Tiny mosquitoes can even grow as thick as an adult's arm. A simple blood-sucking can turn a human into a mummy.

The beasts that were restricted by force, lost their freedom and were trapped in zoos like pets began to regress. Old elephants grew hair and their fangs protruded. Snakes that had their fangs removed shed their skin and were reborn as ten-meter-long pythons. The giant bears and tigers that were served on the dining table and bullied by humans mutated into ferocious beasts that could resist bullets and artillery shells with their flesh and blood alone.

Overnight, the genetic chains of all species were restarted. Humans were no longer the overlords of this planet. In this new era, they were reduced to cannon fodder and food.

For some people, this is the worst era. The world is collapsing, the economy is paralyzed, and perhaps the rich and powerful who once dominated everything have become scum and will only become food for "predators." The high-ranking and arrogant stars and socialites, without the support of their parents and backers, have become cowardly slaves.

And for some people, this is also the best of times. The genes are restarted, and it is not only the insects and beasts that benefit. Some lucky ones undergo mutations and become invisible, able to fly, control fire, control water, and even manipulate beasts for their own use. Before the end of the world, they are most likely students who failed the exam, frustrated employees in the workplace, or even scavengers in the garbage dump.

Before the end of the world, they were the inferior class of the world, looked at with mocking eyes, discriminated against and hated by their own kind. But when the end of the world came, they suddenly became "evolved people". Compared with ordinary people, they had easier access to life and food. Even those goddesses who could only be fantasized about on computers or in minds before, all became slaves who wagged their tails and begged for mercy at their feet.

In one day, all the rules of the world were reshuffled.

Some people are alive, but their life is worse than death.

Some people died, but...

"This is really a wonderful experience." Chen Feng spread out his hands and looked at the arms without any scars, a ripple in his eyes.


After surviving the apocalypse for more than a decade, even though he was one of the lucky ones who gained some special abilities, this dark era still left him scarred.

The world is collapsing and people's hearts are scattered.

With the advent of the technological age, human beings were constrained by books and laws and became civilized people dressed in brocade, adhering to filial piety, friendship and love.

But when the end of the world comes, the cloak of civilization is destroyed, and humans, freed from their restraints, are no longer friendly and kind. On the contrary, in order to stay alive, couples harm each other and brothers kill each other.

For a piece of moldy steamed bun, a couple who were once in love may turn against each other with knives. A weapon of self-preservation may lead to fratricide. Selfishness, survival of the fittest, and respect for the strong are the basis for survival in this world.

But Chen Feng found out too late.

It takes a process for people to gradually turn evil. Even those murderers and dictators who shocked the world were lovely elves in their infancy.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, although Chen Feng had abilities, his conscience was gone. He would rescue the weak and lend a helping hand to refugees, but in the end, it was difficult to be a good person.

This is a world where people eat each other.

After experiencing accusations, betrayal, frame-up, and severe injuries, Chen Feng finally understood the true meaning of this world, but it was too late by then.

He had lost too many opportunities and suffered too many heavy blows. Even if he had gained enlightenment, his strength had already stopped. His final fate was to be buried in a forest of stones forever, and to be devoured by vicious insects and beasts.

But things change unpredictably.

Who would have thought that he would be reborn and return to the eve of the doomsday.

Feeling the chaotic memories in his mind, Chen Feng closed his eyes. His greatest gain in this rebirth was not the so-called fighting skills, but the insight into the weaknesses of insects and ferocious beasts, and those so-called treasures.

It's the cognition of this world.

Compared to others who need to get familiar with this new era, Chen Feng—

Darkening does not require a process.

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