Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 100: Love


It was unusually quiet around.

Chen Feng didn't say anything and no one dared to make any sound.

This is an era where strong people emerge in large numbers. Doomsday is like a bloody sacrifice. More than 60% of the world's population has died. Professionals absorb the life elements to their heart's content and strengthen themselves.

Xu Zhe.

The name itself is a taboo.

Chen Feng took a look and saw the other party standing aside, as if thinking about something, with countless thoughts flashing through his eyes, just like the blooming of a night-blooming cereus, blooming and withering, over and over again, calculating everything.

He has strange abilities, and after awakening, his brain has been strengthened.

When other people think about a problem, they can only come up with two or three results, but as soon as he uses his brain, more than a dozen ideas will suddenly appear. He can calculate everything thoroughly and there will never be any hidden dangers!

Such a person would be entrusted with important tasks no matter which force he joined, but... what no one expected was that he actually chose to join a cult.

Heart-eating religion.

The leader is an extreme lunatic who preaches that anyone who can swallow fifty human hearts will become a professional.

When disaster strikes, ordinary people live a precarious life, but this rumor allows ordinary people to see a glimmer of hope in despair.

During that period, large-scale attacks and killings occurred in J City. Some weak survivors, including women, children, and even the elderly, were often found dead in dark corners. Their bodies were intact, but their hearts had been dug out.

The Heart-Eating Cult thus aroused the wrath of the entire city, and was cleared out by forces from many sides. No matter how powerful the Heart-Eating Cult was, it could not compete with a city. In just two days, its roots were completely uprooted, and its backbone members suffered heavy casualties. Apart from the leader, only three or two small people escaped, and it was impossible for the Cult to form a force of its own.

Logically speaking, there was no possibility for the Heart-Eating Cult to make a comeback. Their headquarters was busted out and all of their followers had their spines broken and were hung on trees as a punishment.

However, such a weak and evil church, after being silent for a period of time, suddenly broke out again. Compared with the last time, this time it was even more like a prairie fire, sweeping across the city.

With a plan and on a large scale, the city had been infiltrated at some point without anyone noticing. Even some high-ranking officials had become believers of the Heart-Eating Cult and provided them with protection.

In just one week, more than three hundred people were killed and the entire city fell into panic.

And the person who led this disaster was Xu Zhe.

Some forces re-formed an alliance and wanted to wipe out the Heart-Eating Cult again, but they fell into Xu Zhe's trap. More than 30 professionals were killed, their hearts were dug out, their bodies were stripped naked and thrown into the wilderness.

Win the victory.

The Heart-Eating Cult was even more rampant. During its heyday, there were more than 2,000 followers. Driven by the doctrine, every one of them was a paranoid lunatic, and all wanted to devour hearts and become professionals.


This is simply a cancer!

During that period, even some professionals did not dare to go out alone, for fear of being ambushed by the Heart-Eating Cult's followers and having their hearts used as food.

It was at that time that Xu Zhe was called the executioner and was wanted by the entire city.

No one knows why Xu Zhe could have had a better career, but he joined a cult and committed numerous murders.

However, there was one thing that attracted the attention of some people. Xu Zhe once said in person that as long as Yang Zheng's limbs were broken and thrown out of J City, the Heart-Eating Cult would be disbanded on the spot and would never do evil again.

Even he himself could commit suicide to atone for his sin!

But by that time, Yang Zheng had already risen to prominence. Not only did he hold a high official position, but the war group he founded also dominated the J City. Faced with such a figure, who would dare to accept Xu Zhe's proposal

There are many different opinions on this matter.

The hatred between Yang Zheng and Xu Zhe was completely exposed to everyone. There were some rumors that Yang Zheng killed Xu Zhe's woman, which was the cause of the feud.


As soon as the statement was made, it was overturned.

In that era, women had long become a kind of consumer commodity. As long as you could afford it, not to mention one, even ten or a hundred, as long as you made a beckoning, someone would crawl onto your bed.

Some senior executives have completely released the darkness in their hearts, and the ways of doing things are countless: mother and daughter, sisters, and even brother and sister. As long as you want, there is nothing that cannot be achieved.

For the sake of a woman, he was willing to go against the entire city and do such a heartless thing. For those in power, this was simply impossible.

After all, they are used to thinking about problems from their own perspective. If they become professionals, and top professionals at that, would they still lack women

Even a fool can answer this kind of question.

However, now that Chen Feng is facing this matter directly, he finds that this might really be the real reason why Xu Zhe joined the Heart-Eating Cult!

Everyone knows that Yang Zheng is lustful.

Three hundred forbidden delicacies, this is not made up out of nothing.

Yang Zheng is greedy by nature. He will pay any price to get what he wants. In this situation, how can Liang Jingyao resist such a thug

Either obey or... die.

Chen Feng did not expect that Xu Zhe was actually a romantic man. For the sake of a woman, he truly lost his humanity, became furious, and caused a sea of bloodshed.

Xu Zhe knew that Yang Zheng was extremely powerful, and if he wanted revenge he had to find another way!

Chen Feng couldn't judge whether this was right or wrong.

For the sake of a woman, he was willing to go against the whole world. His original intention was just to seek revenge, but in the process, he caused too much killing. Countless families were torn apart because of him, innocent people had their chests and hearts dug out, and their blood, flesh and bones were scattered in the wild, forming a mass grave.

Hateful? But also respectable!

Chen Feng kept thinking and had a taste of talent. Of course, he wanted to recruit Xu Zhe as his subordinate. First, the other party was gifted and second, he had extraordinary abilities.

Even when the Heart-Eating Cult was in a weak situation, he was able to help them rise, move between various forces, and even win several battles.

Such a talent.

Born to be a manager.

Although Wei Xun is a silver, he has no talent for management. He is more like a general, suitable for expeditions, fighting, and annexing forces for himself.

Xu Zhe is the best candidate. With him in charge, everything will be arranged in an orderly manner without any mistakes.

If such a person were to be let go, it would be a huge loss!

The dragon has a reverse scale, if you touch it you will die!

Being without desires means being strong, and that is the true fearlessness.

If there is a reverse scale, there is a weakness. This shows that he still has something in his heart. If you want to control such a person, you have to start from his weakness...