Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 106: Danger is coming [Additional update for the evil helmsman who loves angels]


The violent tremor echoed throughout the entire sewer in a short period of time.

The cicada pupa sends out a distress signal, which is one of its talents. This trembling has the ability to disrupt the heart rate. If it happens to an ordinary person with a weak body, it may even cause heart fibrillation and sudden death.

Chen Feng's arms felt numb, but he didn't hesitate at all. He directly picked the cicada pupa off and stuffed it into the cloth bag he had prepared in advance. At the same time, he quickly put the rest of the cicada pupae into the bag!


Even after being put in, the cicada pupae were still not obedient. They caused the entire bag to shake and sway randomly in the air.

Chen Feng had only seen others selling cicada pupae, but had never caught them himself. He had no idea that these guys actually had such means!

The disordered heart rate did not have much effect on Chen Feng. What he was afraid of was that they would use it to notify the queen insect!

The thought just came to me.


A gust of cold wind blew by, and Chen Feng suddenly felt a chill on his back. Without even turning back to look, a flame ignited in his hand, turning it into a long sword, and he swung it towards the back!

"call out!"

A sound of flapping wings was heard, and the sense of threat behind Chen Feng was eliminated, but he did not dare to be negligent and turned around directly.

At this moment, the air suddenly became turbid, with a faint thick fishy smell that made people want to vomit. The cold wind just now was also very cold and bone-chilling, like countless knives cutting on the skin, making it unbearable!

Phantom sound poisonous cicada.

This insect was about 1.5 meters long, and its wings behind it flapped rapidly. Even Chen Feng's eyesight could not observe the trajectory of the wings.

These weak insects, which were just covered with armor in peacetime, have turned into monsters over one meter long after the baptism of evolution. Especially their wings, which make a buzzing sound, which is disturbing and makes people feel annoyed.

The Phantom Poison Cicada was flying in the air. When it saw that all the cicada pupae on the iron frame had been stolen, it let out a cry that could tear the sky apart. Its speed more than doubled as it rushed towards Chen Feng!

The larvae were stolen and their way to survival was blocked, and it was obvious that the two sides had reached a point of life and death.

At the same time, some colorful powder appeared in the air.

Toxic fan!

These poisonous powders are filled with deadly toxins. Once approached, even a bronze professional will foam at the mouth, become paralyzed, and become food for monsters to slaughter.

Chen Feng retreated quickly. Even though he had the body of a fire demon, he would still be in trouble once he came into contact with the powder.

"It's like a boat capsized in a ditch. After stealing the younger one, the older one actually blocked my door!"

Chen Feng thought about it and realized that now was not the time to show off his strength, so he suddenly stretched out his hands and began to form seals.

The power from Chen Feng gathered around him, as if a gate to hell had opened. A strong figure suddenly broke through the dimension and emerged from the crack.

The Messenger of Death stood out from the crowd, shaking its head. Facing the powder, it did not dodge at all, but rushed forward directly, holding the epic blade and wielding it with great power. There was an atmosphere of wild wind and tyranny everywhere.

Its eyes burst with piercing colors, and the next moment it opened its arms and slashed forward with an arc-shaped blade!

The epic blade in the hands of the messenger is made of the tooth of an epic warrior. It can cut hair with a blow and is so cold that it makes people tremble with fear.

The Phantom Sound Poison Cicada is extremely aggressive. At its level, its reaction speed and speed have already reached the extreme. During the battle, it likes to use this high speed to circle around the enemy, and then use poison gas and phantom sound.

If it were allowed to get close to Chen Feng, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, it had never expected that Chen Feng had the ability to summon.

Caught off guard!

The Messenger raised the tip of his knife, as if compressing the storm that was raging across the world into a dot. It was fast, so fast that the Phantom Poison Cicada didn't even have the chance to dodge and was hit directly!


The insect's body was broken into two pieces, blood splattered high, and a bloody smell hit my face.

Although the Phantom Poison Cicada is strong, its fragile body is its weakness. It did not expect that its swift speed would become a death warrant, and it was directly cut in half by the Messenger of Death.


The body of the Phantom Poison Cicada fell to the ground, and at this moment, Chen Feng took a step forward and ran back the way he came. His face was solemn and his movements were so fast that they seemed to break the limit.

The noise was too loud!

Whether it was the cicada pupa or the phantom poisonous cicada, these insects made too much noise, which may have attracted the attention of the three-winged demon fly.

Insect King.

Silver Peak.

Any label indicates that this is a dangerous character.

Chen Feng was a cautious and safe person. His tracks had been exposed. At this time, he tried to leave here as quickly as possible without even turning over the corpse of the Phantom Sound Poison Cicada.


Chen Feng ran at full speed, squeezing out all his potential, and soon he was only a dozen meters away from the entrance.

The reputation of the three-winged poisonous fly is too loud. Before he is completely sure, Chen Feng does not want to meet it under such circumstances.

When Chen Feng encountered some obstacles, he didn't even try to dodge them. He just made a deep leap and avoided them.

Almost there!

You can leave the sewer soon!

Chen Feng had now fully exhausted his physical strength, but when he was only seven or eight meters away from the exit, a piercing chill spread from his spine to his neck. The sudden change made his arms begin to go numb, and he trembled a few times without realizing it.

His pace slowed down, and Chen Feng frowned slightly.

At the corner of the entrance, a half-face blocked Chen Feng's retreat. It seemed as if it appeared out of thin air, or as if it had already been here, quietly waiting for him.

Chen Feng is a man of meticulous mind and good at figuring things out. He knows very well that the most terrifying creature here is the insect king that he has never seen!

The three-winged demon fly is not the most powerful among the five insect kings, but its incredibly fast speed makes up for its shortcoming in attack power.

At this time, in front of Chen Feng was a half face. Half of it was on the other side of the wall, and the other half was exposed to his field of vision.

It's like a curious baby hiding in the dark.

This is the face of a baby, with pale skin, but the lips are as red as if they were coated with blood.

It only revealed one eye, with resentment, joy, confusion, excitement and a variety of emotions lingering and flickering in this eye.


It's like two completely different creatures were forcibly fused together, with the cunning of an insect and the innocence of a baby.

"Three-winged demon fly!"

Chen Feng raised his head, let out a long sigh, and all his energy and spirit were lifted.