Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1421: Rat man


Mask didn't take Bahamut's threat seriously at all. After all, the other party was still his defeated opponent. If Chen Feng hadn't stopped him, the other party would have become a corpse by now. How could he have the qualifications to shout in front of him

Chen Feng did not stop it at this moment, and it seemed that he approved of the other party's behavior.

Chen Feng had his own intentions for not killing Bahamut before, and he was not completely inclined towards Bahamut. Besides, he was a newcomer and it was inevitable that he would attract hostility from some local forces.

It would be too cheap to take action on your own, so let Mask take the initiative, this is the true way of a king.

After this, even if the creatures around him had some opinions about him, they would definitely not express them again. After all, Mask's strength had already shocked them. If they dared to offend him again, they would have to think about whether they would become a pile of bones and appear in some deserted corner of the forest.

Musk has proven himself.

However, nothing should be too extreme. After all, Chen Feng still has his own plans. Then he said calmly: "Okay, let's stop here and disperse the corrosive energy."

Mask was not stupid, so he naturally knew that Chen Feng had some plans before. Although he still felt a little disgusted with Bahamut at this time, he didn't want to show it too much, and then he sucked hard.

The black mist floating around was swallowed into the opponent's stomach.

However, although the corrosive energy was absorbed, it caused permanent damage to the surrounding area, and these damages could not be restored to normal levels in a short period of time.

Bahamut expressed his support for Chen Feng's reconciliation, and walked back to the camp with the elf girl in his arms.

After entering the camp, everything here also made Chen Feng feel a little surprised. He originally thought that most of the creatures loyal to Bahamut were aliens, but after seeing some humans among them, he had to face it.

The other party seemed to have established a stronghold similar to Order in the jungle.

What is the ultimate purpose of this god from another dimension

Is it also for the purpose of dominating the world

Isn't this your enemy

Thinking of this, a layer of viciousness slowly emerged in Chen Feng's eyes. Chen Feng possessed the ability to absorb faith. In order to reach the top, he naturally regarded all human beings as potential believers to be cultivated.

However, if Bahamut's goal is also to dominate the world, then they will have to fight each other, and even their lives may be affected!

Mask was walking beside him when he suddenly felt a hint of murderous intent. He couldn't help but frown. He really couldn't understand his nominal master. He had just stopped him from killing Bahamut, and now he showed some obvious murderous intent.

Could it be that the other person has a split personality? In just a short while, he developed such multifaceted emotions.

Mask shook his head. He couldn't figure out what Chen Feng was thinking, so he stopped thinking about it and shifted his attention to other creatures.

In addition to the existing humans, lizardmen, wood elves and tree giants, there are also goblins, ogres and ratmen!

There are actually such ugly and disgusting guys here!

Skaven are extremely nervous and anxious creatures. Their metabolism makes them burn energy at an alarming rate, so they are unnaturally agile. But this also makes them very hungry. Excessive fatigue may cause Skaven to become extremely weak or even die. Therefore, after the battle, the first thing the Skaven do is to have a "feast" on the dead.

Female ratmen are very rare, and at best are only semi-intelligent, and are mainly used as tools to mass-produce rat pups. This is why there are so many ratmen.

The creatures were in such a poor condition that not even the goblins could stand it.

You know, goblins are disgusting enough. Even if they are not creatures of the abyss, they are still disgusting to many lives. Only ogres are willing to live with them. But even when goblins face ratmen, they are still dwarfed by them.

From this we can see that rat people are an evil race that combines disgustingness and ugliness.

Some clean-loving races have even said that ratmen should disappear more than demons!

Of all the armies of known jungle creatures, none can match the numbers of the Skaven. When the Skaven are not using silent tunnels and bursting from the underground, they spread a war that is mainly plague-based, extremely inhumane and lightning-fast.

Ratmen are experts in plague warfare. They use their foul-smelling bodies to spread germs around. After being infected, few people can survive. Especially for infants and young children, the lethality can reach 100%.

In some dimensions, there have even been some moves to destroy the ratmen. Some superiors extremely hate these creatures that bring disasters to the lives of the people on the continent. Therefore, in order to eliminate hidden dangers, they often eradicate them completely!

Anyone who had experienced the plague knew that the battlefield was like a nightmare scene, with a large group of starving tribes and wave after wave of ratmen spreading the disease.

Of course, when fighting alone, the Skaven warriors are no different from ordinary people. Without the help of allies, the Skaven will cowardly flee the battlefield and will only fight hard when they are facing a dead end. Therefore, for every Skaven, the strength of the race and the number of people are everything.

Ratman society is a world without order. Everything depends on strength and cunning. The weak can only be eaten or enslaved. Every ratman is constantly fighting for status throughout his life, whether it is to defend his own rights or to usurp the throne. Betrayal is despised by ordinary people, but it is very common for ratmen.

As the god of thieves, Mask once had a group of ratmen followers under his command. However, during a mission, a ratman angered him, and he personally issued the order to kill him.

Millions of ratmen under his command were executed, and their corpses even turned a fertile land into a ruin where only the undead could survive.

If he hadn't seen it now, Mask would have even forgotten that such a creature existed in the world!

However, unlike the ratmen I had encountered before, the ratmen here looked extremely gentle. What were those ratmen doing in the corner? Were they taking a bath

How is this possible

Even Mask couldn't help but open his eyes wide with a look of disbelief. In his knowledge, rat people would only take a few baths in their lives because they firmly believed that a smelly body was the basis for survival in this world.

The reason why Mask was so angry before was that when a ratman who had been promoted to the epic level met him, he did not dress up but met him with a smelly body.

Mask felt that he was being looked down upon, so he issued an order of destruction, killing the epic-level ratmen on the spot and completely eliminating the other race.


If the rat people at that time could be like they are now and take more baths on weekdays, they would not end up with the tragic end of being destroyed.

Naturally, no ratman knew what Mask was thinking. If they knew that this seemingly extremely beautiful girl in front of them was actually a ratman killer, I wonder what they would think

Chen Feng was invited and arranged to stay in a wooden house.

The house looked like it had just been built, and it was filled with a faint fragrance. The food was even lighter, some rice porridge and some pickles.

This is the request made by Chen Feng.

Having just returned from the abyss and having seen too many horrible scenes, Chen Feng's stomach was now feeling a little nauseous, and he couldn't eat any meat or fish.

After a short rest, Bahamut, who had arranged everything, pushed the door and walked in. At this time, the fatigue on His face was gone, and His spirit had obviously recovered to its peak state.

Chen Feng also put down the bowl of porridge, raised his head, and said, "Tell me your purpose, passerby."

For a native creature like Chen Feng, a being like Bahamut who traveled from another dimension is naturally just a passerby.

Bahamut looked at Chen Feng deeply. From the previous conversation, it was proved that the human in front of him was very different from the humans he had known before. The other person's eyes seemed to have magical power and could directly see through his body.

Did the other party really recognize his true identity

Under Chen Feng's scrutiny, Bahamut even had such a bizarre idea in his mind!