Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1445: It is inevitable


Fan Zhiteng and Uncle Gao now completely shut their mouths. They were like ghosts lurking in dark corners, quietly watching everything in front of them.

They couldn't help but wonder what the purpose of these spear hedgehogs coming here was.

As the number of spear hedgehogs continued to increase, Fan Zhiteng's entire mental space became more and more depressed.

This means that these spear hedgehogs exert some fatal pressure on their own team.

"Everyone look up to the sky!"

Fan Zhiteng has the ability to control minds. After the war began, he connected many people around him and joined them in his own mind.

The reason for doing this is, of course, for communication.

Just when Fan Zhiteng's pressure was about to accumulate to the extreme, no one knew who was shouting in surprise, and everyone looked up at the sky at the same time. Sure enough, they saw a strong wind blowing outside, sand and rocks flying, and thick dark clouds rolling in, covering the entire sky at a very fast speed!

You know, when the few of them were just lurking and those spear hedgehogs had not yet appeared, the surroundings were unusually clear, without any dark clouds.

In an instant, the sunny day of the Dragon Boat Festival turned into a dark cloudy day, with rolling dark clouds roiling wildly, as if hiding thousands of ferocious demons with bared fangs and claws...

Everyone felt extremely stuffy and had difficulty breathing, as if a huge mountain was pressing down on their heads. Some people even began to tremble uncontrollably.

Outside the window, the strong wind blew up large pieces of yellow sand and the fallen leaves on the ground. The trees were rustling in the wind, and even some small stones were blown away. It can be seen how terrifying the power of this strong wind has reached.

Just when many people were shocked at what was going on, the ground suddenly began to shake, and then countless terrible rats ran out from it.

The smallest of these rats is as big as a hound, while the largest is as big as a calf. They also have extremely sharp teeth that can even cut steel bars in half.

The professionals in charge of lurking were all well-known masters of order, but when they saw the dense swarms of rats crawling out from the ground, they still had an indescribable feeling.

At the top of a big tree, Wei Xun frowned as he looked at everything in front of him. The number of these rats was even greater than he had imagined.

This is exactly the same as the previously destroyed stronghold.

What does this mean? The Rat God that he has been chasing for several months may be hiding in this deep pit.

If the previous plan was followed, an attack would be launched immediately once these terrifying creatures were seen, but Wei Xun has now obviously given up the first option.

Because the target of these mice did not seem to be humans. To be precise, these mice did not see any trace of humans at all, but instead focused all their attention on the hedgehogs.

Do these mice and hedgehogs have a grudge against each other

They agreed to start a war today, and humans just strayed here by mistake. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Although it is clear that these spear hedgehogs are not kind beasts, compared to the terror rats, since they can choose to go to war with each other, Wei Xun will certainly not attack them rashly.

He would give the other party a quiet battle scene without any interruption from anyone.

What was most shocking was that it was not just rats that rushed out from the ground, but also some extremely ugly insects.

These long worms have rings connected to each other, a bit like silkworms, but they are hundreds of times larger than silkworms. Each one is one meter long and more than 20 centimeters in diameter. With their shiny green skin, they look like long winter melons at first glance!

They flapped their thin wings similar to those of bees, their bodies suddenly expanded and contracted, and with a few "puff" sounds, they sprayed yellow turbid water columns from their pointed mouthparts!

These water jets sprayed onto the spear hedgehog's body, and thick black smoke immediately came out with a "sizzling" sound, as violently as boiling crude oil. The next second, the spear hedgehog died.

In addition to this kind of insect, there are also some caterpillar-like creatures that are held in the arms of some rats.

If it were peacetime, mice would walk on all fours and would naturally not make this move. But it is different now. The rats have completed their evolution and have the ability to walk upright. Some rats walk on two legs, and then hold the caterpillars in their arms, squeezing them continuously, and the caterpillars will spit out corrosive liquid like flames.

Once the liquid sprayed on the spear hedgehog's body, the spear hedgehog didn't even make a move to resist, and fell directly to the ground, turning into a pool of blood.

The spear hedgehogs will not sit still and wait for death. Under the influence of this situation, they also begin to fight back, using the spears on their bodies to continuously shoot at the insects.

The rats and insects were killed one by one.

But the bug task force had not yet fully appeared. Just when the Spear Hedgehog had suppressed the bug's offensive, a buzzing sound began to rise from underground.

Beetles with huge wings flew out from them. They were extremely fast. In just a moment, dozens of hedgehogs had their heads cut off by the beetles and their bodies fell to the ground.

When the head fell off, many beetles seemed to want to replenish their strength. They actually held the head firmly with their legs, and then moved their mouthparts with a smacking sound, chewing the head like an octopus ball, filling their mouths with scarlet plasma.

Fan Zhiteng, who was sitting on the tree, looked at everything in front of him with great surprise.

As a formal member of the exploration team, Fan Zhiteng had come into contact with death before, but this was the first time he had participated in such unimaginable death battles.

The appearance of rats and insects together undoubtedly surprised everyone. Who could have thought that the rats had enslaved the insects to work for them in some unknown way.

As the surroundings continue to develop, the number of insects has been decreasing. Of course, it is only limited to the scope of the Order. Because they know Chen Feng's iron blood, after paying countless lives, the insects have begun to retreat and no longer cause misunderstandings to the Order, for fear of being implicated for no reason.

But unlike the order around them, in the outside world, insects are always the dominant existence. They reproduce quickly and there are many species. They can often reproduce hundreds or thousands of offspring in about a year.

After all, humans have to be pregnant for ten months before giving birth to a baby, but insects are different. They can lay dozens or even hundreds of eggs at a time.

Faced with this base number, insects are undoubtedly a nightmare for other forces.

It is difficult to find bugs around Order. That's because, from the very beginning, Chen Feng adopted the method of massacre to exterminate the bugs. No matter how terrible the bugs are, they become weak under the attack of countless people and professionals.

In fact, a long time ago, Chen Feng advocated that people who lacked food should use insects as food to replenish their energy, and there was indeed a mature food chain in the order.

The insects that are extremely scary outside are turned into extremely delicious food in the hands of the people of order. In other places, the harm caused by insects is even more terrifying than zombies and monsters combined.

It was unknown what kind of hatred these spear hedgehogs had with the terror rats, but they came with great force, and there was no lack of legendary aura surging in them, which showed that they were well prepared. However, what these hedgehogs did not expect was that the terror rats had gathered so many insects. Compared with the terror rats that could only crawl on the ground, the insects' attack methods were undoubtedly more tricky.

But these guys were seen flying in the air, opening their mouths, and then spraying streams of corrosive liquid on the enemy. In just a moment of confrontation, most of the spear hedgehogs were killed, and most of them had bright red granulations on their bodies, which was indescribably painful and terrifying.

This made some powerful people from the Order gasp in shock. All this was simply beyond some people's imagination.

Who could have thought that things would develop to this point.

In addition to fear, everyone couldn't help feeling a little relieved. They couldn't imagine that if this group of spear hedgehogs hadn't prepared in advance and attacked the terror rats, they would be the ones facing the double attack of the terror rats and insects.

It cannot be denied that even though these bugs and rats are scary, they still cannot cause any impact on those legendary strongmen, but what about the gold-level professionals

We all know that ants can kill elephants. Once the number of these insects accumulates to the extreme, it will obviously have a terrible impact on humans.

Faced with the constant harassment from the insects, the Spear Hedgehog was obviously extremely furious. Just when everyone thought that the Spear Hedgehog was about to be devastated or even destroyed to death, a long howl sounded from the Spear Hedgehog's camp, and then a hedgehog as big as an elephant appeared.

The other party's body looked extremely huge. Not only was it smaller than a hedgehog in peacetime, but it was also dozens of times larger than its fellow creatures that were already in a mutated state. Its entire body was shining golden, as if it was coated with a layer of gold. Just a glance at it gave one the feeling that it was blinding others' eyes.

This hedgehog is obviously the king among spear hedgehogs. Its terrifying aura spreads out like boiling magma. It gives people a sense of déjà vu that it could destroy everything around it at any time.

Wei Xun slowly narrowed his eyes. He felt the long-lost pressure from this hedgehog. The other party was not an ordinary golden existence, but a monster that was above the legend and half a step to the epic level.

As time goes by, it is clear that a half-epic monster has appeared in the outside world!

Although Wei Xun had been prepared that the Rat God was an enemy who was half a step away from being an epic when he arrived, he had not expected that the Rat God, who was just a spear-like hedgehog blocking his way, was already on the same level as himself before he even saw him.

When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured.

"Everyone hide your whereabouts, this is a critical period, do not reveal your identity!"

In just a moment, a complete battle plan appeared in Wei Xun's mind. At this moment, he narrowed his eyes and looked forward.

The horrifying murderous intent in his heart was completely suppressed, not allowing even a trace of it to leak out.

All we have to do now is wait, wait for those insects and hedgehogs to fight to the extreme, until the final moment, and then the warriors of order will step into the battlefield and reap the lives of those insects.

Wei Xun just finished his thoughts.

"Boom boom"

The whole earth is shaking!

The violent wind that swept everything was rushing towards us with great force. The suffocating feeling of destruction was like a burning meteorite crashing into the earth!

“Here it comes!”

A cold light flashed in Wei Xun's eyes.

“Yes, here it comes!”

Because of telepathy, Fan Zhiteng on the side bit his lips, and his body tensed up like a long bow.

At this moment, the professional who had looked relaxed before undoubtedly began to get nervous, and just when Fan Zhiteng found that he could not control his trembling, a broad and powerful hand suddenly rested on his body.

Fan Zhiteng turned his head and saw Uncle Gao staring at him. He could only rely on telepathy to transmit information: "Why, are you scared now?"

Fan Zhiteng wanted to refute, but just as he was about to speak, he saw Uncle Gao's eyes that seemed to see through everything, and then shook his head and said, "Yeah."

He knew that he couldn't deceive the other party.

“There’s no shame in being afraid.”

Uncle Gao did not laugh at the other person. Instead, he looked at everything in front of him and, for the first time ever, spoke to him through telepathy.

"Although you have participated in some battles, this level of victory may be the first time you have seen it. But it's different for me. I have seen it before."

"You know, I started out following the Order. At that time, the Order was not as strong as it is now. We were just a group of professionals who had just been promoted and were not even too familiar with our own powers. At that time, we really had to take one step at a time. If we took a wrong step, we might fall into the abyss and die at any time."

"At that time, the Order had many enemies, both internal and external. Don't be afraid of you laughing at me, but when I saw the insect swarm for the first time, I was so scared that I peed my pants. I couldn't imagine how we would fight against those insects flying at us. I even thought I would die, and that I would be caught in the air by the insects and torn into pieces and become their food."

"But in the end..."

Uncle Gao took a deep breath, his lips moved slightly, but his eyes flashed with an incomparable determination.

"But I survived in the end. From then on, I knew one thing: bugs are not scary because they are destined to be no match for humans. After that, I began to believe in order and my teammates, because I believed that as long as we can unite as one, no matter how terrifying the bugs are, they will never be our opponents."

"Xiao Fan, I know you are scared, but it doesn't matter. We have me, other companions, and Lord Wei Xun to protect us. We are a team. Don't forget at any time that you will become stronger because your companions are by your side, understand?"

Fan Zhiteng understood some of Uncle Gao's explanation. He was undoubtedly very moved, as if he had just said a few words and the other party interrupted him.

And now, in order to make myself feel more relaxed, he actually said so many words to me regardless of the danger. If I am still as petty as I am now, how can I be worthy of Uncle Gao's care

Thinking of this, Fan Zhiteng also took a small deep breath, and then exhaled slowly. He found that after the other party's guidance, his body really stopped shaking, and his vision could be focused on the battlefield without being affected in any way.

Just when Fan Zhiteng had just calmed down, the giant spear hedgehog next to him also started his own attack. More and more of his men were killed by the enemy, which caused extreme resentment in the opponent's heart.

It wants to kill these guys in front of it, the ugly bugs and the hateful rats. No enemy can escape from its hands today!

The ground was shaking violently, raising dust, and the earth was cracking, with spider webs spreading in all directions!

Many professionals lying on the trees were shaking so badly that they couldn't even stand steadily, but they didn't dare to fall down now, because everyone knew that once they fell down, they would be trampled into a pool of meat in the next second.


Suddenly, the ground broke apart, and a huge shiny orange-black beetle emerged from it. Its body was covered with sharp spikes like swords and spears. Its blue compound eyes emitted a cold deathly light, and there were three pairs of large gray-black spikes at the corners of its mouth. Its forelimbs had evolved into two huge pincers. At a glance, one would think it was a giant scorpion!

The Spear Hedgehog has a BOSS, and insects naturally have their own king. Feeling the terrible attack, this giant pincer beetle no longer hid, but appeared directly on the battlefield.

As soon as it appeared, its pair of blue compound eyes looked down at the giant spear hedgehog a hundred meters away, slowly stretched out its three pairs of large spikes, and made a sharp insect-like sound, shaking the air!

This sound of insects chirping is the horn of the Zerg's attack!

Encouraged by the opponent, the insects that had been a little panicked by the appearance of the giant spear hedgehog stabilized their formation again. They no longer fled, but transformed into terrifying killers, their compound eyes filled with scarlet color like wild beasts.

This gives people a feeling that these are not just insects that can be easily stepped on to death in peacetime, but are simply the most terrifying beasts.

This is the charm of evolution. Under the transformation of unknown energy, the originally pitiful insects have become killers that dominate the world.

More and more insects came out from the ground, including some rare species, such as blood-veined centipedes and escaping beetles. These insects, which were already rare in the world, were suddenly swarming here. Even a telepath like Fan Zhiteng could not count their number.

When these insects gathered together, it was like a dam collapse. Countless lands were destroyed. The originally fertile lands were devastated beyond recognition. Wherever they passed, not an inch of land remained intact!

There were terror rats mixed in with them, and their narrow eyes also revealed a fierce light, as if they were mocking the spear hedgehog for falling into the trap.

The giant spear beetle is ready to attack. It knows how terrifying the opponent is, but it also knows that if it wants to survive, this battle is inevitable and it has to fight!