Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1449: Weisson's resistance


"Swallow, the dark side is right. With my own talent, it is simply nonsense to want to advance to the epic level. Only if I swallow all this energy can I break through the limit and enter the highest realm!"

"A long time ago, you completed the blood sacrifice and gained the body of a demon. I am now many times stronger than you were before. If you don't even have this much courage, how can you be qualified to serve in the Order?"

"Compared to weakness, this little pain is nothing!"

Wei Xun has been striving for power all along. In fact, the reason why he has the strength he has today is because of the things he has paid behind the scenes, which are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

On his journey of continuous promotion, he had spurted blood countless times, fainted countless times, gone insane countless times, and had his will depressed countless times... But all the pain mentioned above was far less than one ten-thousandth of the mental pain!

In this world, weakness is the real original sin. Compared with this, physical pain is nothing.

As the Minister of the Blood War Department, Wei Xun often gives people an extremely sinister and terrifying image, but who really knows that the reason he can obtain these powers is to try to survive.

Wei Xun is not a good person.

This is an indisputable fact.

In the beginning, in order to survive, he did not hesitate to kill his own friend. From the moment he did so, he had abandoned his humanity. After so long, he had the opportunity to become a father, but for various reasons, he still forced the woman who was pregnant with his child to abort.

Because he has never been sure of his own strength.

He didn't want anything to appear that he wanted to protect but didn't have the ability to protect. This time, for himself, and for the power he had always admired, Wei Xun completely exploded and entered an unimaginable state of horror.

As he got closer and closer to the black, resentful sphere, Wei Xun's face was filled with a mad and distorted look, and with his burnt black hair standing up, he looked like a ghost descended to the earth, hideous and scary. However, the indomitable will that he burst out was like an overwhelming divine power. He dared to go against the heaven, dared to resist the will of heaven and earth and thunder, and dared to go against fate!

Wei Xun's belief is unshakable. Even the scythe of the god of death cannot make him surrender or become discouraged!


In the next second, an extremely terrifying energy directly hit Wei Xun's body. This power was unimaginable. It was like all the negative energy in the world gathered together, and it completely submerged Wei Xun in an instant.

Circles of terrifying energy vibrated back and forth in Wei Xun's body. The defeated Wei Xun trembled all over and was in great pain. It seemed that his bone marrow was about to break... But, so what!

Wei Xun will not give up easily!

The pair of eyes, as sharp as those of an imperial dragon, were still extremely clear, emitting two sharp rays of light, tightly locked onto the black ball in front of him. In Wei Xun's eyes, only power was truly eternal, and only power would not abandon him.

If you lose your power, then what is the difference between you and the ants you kill.

If one day he really can no longer be promoted, Wei Xun will feel that he is a walking corpse, and there is no point in continuing to live because he cannot follow in Chen Feng's footsteps. What a horrible thing that would be.

This evil force is not only aimed at Wei Xun, but also has an unimaginable terrifying impact on everyone around him.

When feeling the dark power, many people even had complicated hallucinations in their eyes, with their dead relatives and enemies standing in front of them in a row.

The enemy replaced the lost head on his body, and the dead relative stretched out his arms and tried to ask for help, but everyone knew that the relative was already dead, and what appeared before them now was just an accumulation of negative energy.

A man who looked to be in his early thirties was now lying on the treetop and shivering. He kept staring at everything in front of him, as if he had seen something that he could not imagine.

"No! How could you appear in front of me? You shouldn't be here. I buried you and the child with my own hands. Shouldn't you have been reincarnated long ago now?"

The man's eyes were filled with fear and regret, as if he had done something that even he could not forgive himself for. At this moment, he was just like a child. Where was the courage that a strong golden-level man should have in the past

No one would know what a horrible experience the man is going through in his consciousness. In his sight, a gentle woman is standing beside him, and there is another girl beside her, but they both have serious wounds on their abdomens, as if they were eaten by some monster, and countless blood is flowing out.


"Why did you abandon us?"

"My daughter and I both believed that you would come back, and you also said that you would come back to take care of us and bring me food. We promised you that we would not go anywhere, so why did you never come back?"

The woman's voice was extremely shrill, like countless crows circling around the man's ears. The pressure it created made his breathing stagnate, and he was unable to connect reality with everything before his eyes.

The woman continued to cry, "If you had told me earlier, we would have understood you, understood that you are a coward and dare not take care of us. However, you clearly found order, but you did not come back to pick us up the first time. Instead, you remembered our existence after a few days of stability. You could have not saved me, but why, why can you not care about Nannan's life?"

The woman's voice was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, making the man's eyes become extremely strange, as if he hadn't slept for several days. He was confused and extremely possessed, as if he had been possessed by some evil ghost or evil spirit, making people instinctively feel an extreme fear.


Just when everyone was still watching Wei Xun intently, the man suddenly roared, and the sound even startled Wei Xun who was far away.

"I didn't abandon you. I was just too hungry and passed out. When I woke up, I returned home immediately, but at that time... But at that time..."

When he said this, the man's voice was extremely weak. He looked extremely painful and sad, as if he would burst into tears in the next second.

"You were already dead by then, and were torn into pieces and eaten by unknown monsters. Since then, I have lived with guilt every day. You are right, I harmed you and Nannan. I can't make up for it. Only death can atone for my sins!"

The soldier on the side finally realized something. Just when the other party tried to rescue the other party, the man's action in the next second made everyone so surprised that they couldn't say anything.

But the man took out his weapon and pierced his own neck.

It staggered and fell from the tree, no longer able to work for order!

“Damn it!”

A strong man of the gold rank was corroded by the extremely dark energy in the black ball just because he looked at it for a few seconds. He didn't even last for a few minutes and died on the spot.

After indirectly killing a person, some faint laughter actually came out of the black ball, as if the other party had caused all this and also knew about it.


The deafening sound of thunder rang out again in the black ball...

After absorbing a life, the black ball continued to bulge, as if it was nurturing life. The terrifying aura it emitted was so terrifying that even Wei Xun couldn't help but frown.

You know, ever since he decided to absorb the negative energy, he has been constantly bearing the energy from it, and sometimes, he would enter into a mysterious illusion.

However, unlike the golden warrior who committed suicide, Wei Xun's strength has reached the half-step epic level. Naturally, he is more than ten times stronger than the golden warrior. What's more, Wei Xun also has super mental power. Therefore, although these energies appeared, they did not actually have much impact on Wei Xun.

But the situation before him was different. The suddenly deformed black ball seemed to be a rebellion against himself. Before, in order to condense the resentment within, the Rat God even sacrificed thousands of his own terrifying rats. His anger and regret towards the king had already given him the purest will of destruction.

And now, after realizing that he was intentionally devouring the other party's energy, the negative emotions inside him obviously made some counterattacks, which was a counterattack against himself.

The other party did not want to be swallowed up like this, but instead made a desperate attempt to destroy Wei Xun first and solve the problem from the root.

“Damn it!”

Wei Xun rarely loses his composure, but it is different now. He really hates these dark energies. He even feels a little regretful, because once he completely consumes these energies and does not clean them up, he may slowly corrode and become a very dark entity.

Not long ago, Wei Xun discovered a strange thing, that is, in addition to animal souls, he could even absorb human souls.

However, Wei Xun at that time still had the most basic humanity. Even though he was pursuing power, he would not rashly kill too many people and devour their souls. If he did so, what was the difference between him and the so-called demons and devils

Of course, in addition to his own control, Wei Xun also knew that although Chen Feng looked extremely cold on the surface, he still had humanity in his heart.

Wei Xun was very clear about one thing: everything he had today depended on Chen Feng. If he really did something that would enrage God and man, Chen Feng would not hesitate at all. In the next second, no, perhaps just a moment, he would be punished and become a cold corpse.

This is how ruthless Chen Feng is, and this is also the reason why Wei Xun is afraid of him.

As Wei Xun was thinking, the black ball had completely changed its appearance. At this time, the opponent had completely turned into a giant python with a skeleton shape.

No, judging from its size alone, the opponent was simply the skeleton of a divine dragon, with a pair of eye sockets burning with faint ghostly fire facing Wei Xun, and its whole body was filled with endless murderous aura and ferocity, just like the vengeful souls who had died unjustly in the three thousand hells roaring in unison, filled with an overwhelming aura of killing, as if to destroy all living beings in the entire world!

"How could... How could this guy become like this?"

Wei Xun was also stunned by the sudden appearance of the huge monster. This monster was dozens of meters long, equivalent to a building. Every white bone was emitting crystal daylight, and the bone spurs on its back were floating up and down. Just one glance and his eyes seemed to be pierced, and he could not see anything clearly.

Wei Xun had seen many enemies and had fought with many of them, but in his fighting career, the monster that appeared before him could definitely be ranked in the top three.

The evil will fused in the black ball was too terrifying, just like a bottle of ink. There was no time for it to be stained clear. When no one absorbed it, these energies gathered together in order to slowly gather. Just now, when Wei Xun decided to absorb it, the evil energy produced a trace of resistance.

As its consciousness of resistance continued to grow, its hatred for Wei Xun naturally also surged, so it carried the power to destroy the world and turned into this appearance in a mighty manner, and then appeared in front of Wei Xun in this posture.

Even though Wei Xun could be considered a strong man, at this moment, his muscles tensed, his heart pounded, he held his breath and concentrated, his eyes fixed firmly on the opponent, completely entering into an extreme battle.

Just as Wei Xunzhu was thinking, the giant skeleton python transformed by evil energy next to him slowly raised its head and let out a deafening roar, turning the surrounding land into an ocean. Endless waves rose up layer by layer, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

"Everyone be careful!"

At this time, Wei Xun could not care about the safety of too many people because he was completely besieged by evil energy. However, as the main commander of this mission, if everyone died because of the evil energy, he would also be to blame.

What's more, he had planned to subdue the opponent. If after defeating the Rat God, he did not absorb the opponent, but let the opponent slowly leave and then corrode the surrounding creatures, then they would not have suffered this disaster at all.

But there was no point in saying all this now. What he had to do now was to try his best to prevent the energy from spreading outwards while he still had the strength.

I must stop all this!

"Who do you think you are? You are nothing more than a monster transformed from simple energy."

Wei Xun rubbed his hands together, and found that his arms suddenly changed appearance, just like the arms of the demons in the abyss, becoming dark and huge. He raised his arms with amazing momentum, like a long rainbow!


With a loud roar, Wei Xun's body flew up like a hurricane, and rushed directly in front of the monster like a cannonball. He raised his arms high, and hammered down at the monster head-on as if he was splitting mountains and seas.

This attack was extremely terrifying. It is no exaggeration to say that in the face of desperation, Wei Xun exerted extraordinary strength. This energy was so terrifying that he was even stronger than he was the previous second.

And this may be the kind of pre-war promotion that everyone likes in the end times.

Under unimaginable pressure, Wei Xun surpassed himself and put himself in an extremely terrifying state. It all happened so fast that even the demonized monster had no time to react and was immediately hit by Wei Xun.

The terrible energy began to spread, and tiny cracks appeared on the monster's hard skull. That was not the end. Wei Xun's energy exploded in the next instant, spreading out terrifying explosive energy, all of which acted on the tiny wound, instantly causing the tiny wound to spread into cracks, cracking in all directions!

One hit!

With just one strike, Wei Xun left a huge crack in the monster's mind.

How domineering and incredible this is!

What was even more shocking was that when Wei Xun broke the opponent's skull, an extremely pure yet harmless black energy appeared.

Wei Xun knew that he had tamed a part of the power by relying on his powerful strength. He couldn't help but think that if Chen Feng was here, he might be able to kill it with one punch. At that time, what kind of vengeful spirits would all be transformed into pure energy and absorbed into Chen Feng's body.

Just like the ghosts in conventional consciousness, they are also afraid of some Taoist priests with strong yang energy. When those wronged souls and loser ghosts encounter people who are afraid of them and have weak yang energy, they will immediately turn into scary appearances, as if they can kill them with just a snap of their fingers.

But when they really met those Taoist priests with some skills, they immediately changed their appearance and became so obedient that they were subdued without even the courage to resist.

How similar is all this to what is happening right now

He smashed the opponent's head with a punch, and the previously fierce energy became completely docile. After this, Wei Xun felt a sense of lightness all over his body, and even the feeling of weakness from the previous consumption of strength was swept away.

Feeling all this, Wei Xun's eyes seemed to be shining. Looking at the monster that was roaring there, his eyes were filled with a deadly murderous intent.

He seemed to have found a certain pattern.

As long as you keep defeating and injuring your opponent, you can rely on the energy in his body to feed yourself. At that time, as long as you waste some time, you can always slowly wear down the opponent!

Thinking of this, Wei Xun felt that his body was filled with strength, and his face immediately became cold. The next second, he appeared in front of the monster again, trying to immediately confirm his idea.


Seeing that Wei Xun did not stop and just appeared in front of it, the monster beside it was also extremely frightened. It naturally knew that Wei Xun had never intended to let it live. In this case...

Just as Wei Xun was getting closer, a black lightning suddenly appeared in the sky. The lightning contained a weird and evil absolute energy, and was extremely powerful, like a flaming meteorite breaking through the atmosphere and hitting the earth. Even a master of the legendary level had to avoid its edge!


Wei Xun is not afraid!

At this time, he was already in a half-step epic state. Although he was not completely immune to these lightning attacks, it was not a big deal for him to withstand them with his physical body.

Wei Xun endured the pain and walked towards the monster step by step. With his unswerving persistence and unshakable faith, he finally pounced in front of the monster, then raised his fists and punched the monster again and again.

During the continuous hammering process, the monster's body began to break, and then streams of energy flowed out. At this time, Wei Xun looked like a possessed person. He opened his mouth and sucked hard. In just a few seconds, he swallowed up all the energy without leaving any.

The monster's pupils, which had been flickering with dark fire, shrank into pinholes in an instant. At this moment, it had come to the last moment of life and death. Even though it knew that Wei Xun was unstoppable and invincible, it would fight to the death. Even if it could not escape the fate of being swallowed today, it would drag this hateful guy in front of it to hell together.

He was formed by the fusion of countless dark energies, and more than tens of thousands of lives had been lost in his body. But even so, he was still suppressed by a tiny human.

For the monster, this is simply a shame. It is the first time it has encountered such a situation since it has gained its own consciousness. No one can ravage it like this.

Damn humans must pay the price!

Wei Xun continued to absorb the energy from the other party's body, but in the process of absorption, Wei Xu was not completely obsessed, but was constantly feeling certain changes in the other party's body, just like now, Wei Xun suddenly felt an indescribable sense of crisis from the other party.

He didn't know what happened to the other party all of a sudden, and there was a stronger murderous intent in his body, which made him become serious. He retreated a few steps cautiously, then looked up at the other party.

This monster, which was born from countless evil thoughts, has no soul at all. It relies purely on killing and destruction to control this destructive body. It has only one goal, which is to kill all creatures that it dislikes!

The first person to be eliminated is Wei Xun!

Because from the moment he had his own spiritual consciousness, Wei Xun had given it countless fears and frights. Wei Xun's body had also absorbed hundreds or thousands of beast souls. The beast souls in his body were constantly roaring, which was obviously not a comfortable experience for the monster.

The monster knew that if he still wanted to live in this world, his dream could only come true if he killed the hateful guy in front of him.

The next second, the monster raised its neck, and its white bones pierced through layers of air, and it attacked Wei Xun brazenly. Wei Xun was not to be outdone. He gathered all his strength, stretched out his hands, and collided with the monster's head with great domineering power!


The powerful energy turbulence seemed to create hurricanes around, destroying everything.

Those professionals hiding in the treetops had no choice but to give up hiding at this moment, and appeared one after another, trying to escape to a place a few hundred meters away. Although they didn't want to admit it, they had to accept a reality, that is, even if they stayed here, they were of no use at all.