Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1456: Endless Devouring


Weisson won.

But this was definitely a tragic victory. Not only did he only have half his life left, but even the shadow above his head had consumed too much of his energy.

It is no exaggeration to say that in just such a short battle, Wei Xun had used up most of his cards.

Wei Xun has come this far by relying on his ability to devour souls, and this is even more true for shadows. The core of their power lies in the fusion of more souls.

However, as Wei Xun's realm broke through to the half-step epic level, the shadow's demand for souls increased.

It's just like an adult tiger eating meat. In the past, it was okay to devour ordinary souls to fill its stomach, but now it's different. Tigers must eat meat, and everyone understands this.

Without meat, a tiger’s nutritional intake would not be good. It would be better for it to eat a whole sheep than a bunch of small shrimps.

It is precisely because of this that the shadow consumes excessive energy and requires countless souls to replenish it.

To put it simply, Shadow needs to devour the souls of at least ten legendary warriors before he can return to his peak state.

However, the entire order may only have this ability now. In other words, if the operation wants to be fully restored, the first thing to do is to destroy the root of order.

If he launches a surprise attack, Wei Xun is confident that he can kill these people in a short time, but what will be the outcome

Order is Wei Xun's root, and it is also the trump card and backing that has enabled him to get to where he is today. Chen Feng has been extremely powerful for a long time, but he still knows that a single tree cannot make a forest. It is precisely because of this that he established order, and having order as a backing alleviated many worries.

Wei Xun is powerful now, in part because he is the leader of the Blood Battle Department. Apart from this identity, what else is he

Moreover, even if those legendary strong men belonging to the Blood Battle Department cleaned their bodies and put their heads in front of Wei Xun, he would not dare to act rashly, because those people were trained by Chen Feng.

Although Wei Xun's strength and status are higher than theirs, in the order, only Chen Feng has the right to execute them.

Even if the other party has violated any law, there will naturally be people from the legal department to judge.

Although Wei Xun is very powerful, what does it matter if he rashly influences the Ministry of Law

If someone reports that Wei Xun is suspected of treason, how many mouths will Wei Xun have to argue that he is not wrong

Wei Xun is not a fool. He knows Chen Feng's strength clearly. That is why he will unconditionally carry out all orders given by the other party.

If you want to have everything you have now in order, the first thing you need to understand is to be obedient.

Don't overstep.

This is the duty of a subordinate.


Wei Xun took a few breaths to calm his energy, then turned to look at the monster's torn into pieces.

The opponent's body was torn into pieces by his own sword. At this time, countless wronged souls crawled out along the cracks in the body.

Those souls were scrambling to leave. They were originally sacrificed lives and had been controlled by negative energy. Naturally, they had no control over their own stay or departure.

But now it is different. With their bodies broken into pieces, they have the ability to escape.

It is impossible to resurrect. Look at Mask. Even though he was a deity, the true god of thieves, when he was alive, not to mention legendary masters, even epic beings would not even look at him.

But now? He was harmed by a conspiracy and now only has epic-level strength. Not only that, he can no longer use his previous body, but has directly taken over the body of a pleasure demon. What does this mean

It's like a big boss who is as rich as a country, but after waking up, he suddenly becomes a person at the bottom of society. This kind of gap is simply unacceptable.

It is precisely because of this that these souls have never thought that they could truly be resurrected, and taking over another body requires extraordinary mental strength.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if they find a silver-level professional now and want to complete the possession of his body, it is basically impossible.

By then, it is very likely that you will not succeed, but instead your own energy will become a great tonic for the other party.

Therefore, for this kind of spirit, their current goal is to find some dark places, or possess a skeleton, or continuously increase the breath of the soul, so as to reincarnate as an undead.

This world is very dangerous, not only for humans, but also for the undead and all living things. Living is a game in itself.

Everyone is trying hard to live.

However, just as the undead tried to escape, the shadow above Wei Xun's head suddenly rushed out.

He originally looked like a blade, but at this moment he suddenly began to swell up. In just a blink of an eye, he turned into an oriental dragon.

Unlike the Western lizard spirit, the Eastern dragon gives people a feeling of extreme oppression just by looking at it.

The scales all over its body are like the most precious handicrafts in the world, even one scale is priceless.

As for the gaps in the dragon claws, they are inlaid with dragon balls one after another. These dragon balls are so terrifying and powerful.

The light emitted by each star is as bright as the sun, making it impossible to open one's eyes.

As for the dragon head, it looked ferocious, with a head as big as half a football field.

Such a terrifying monster appeared on the spot, and the dragon power it exuded in just a moment made the professionals who were treating Wei Xun half-kneel on the ground.

They were panting heavily. At this moment, they no longer looked like strong men. They were just like groundhogs, wishing they could find a pile of earth and dive into it.

Who could have thought that this shadow had such terrifying power? There were many core members of the Blood Battle Department present. As Wei Xun’s confidants, they were naturally aware of the existence of the shadow.

But in the past, in most people’s minds, that shadow was just a foul-mouthed monster, but who could have imagined that once the other party got serious, it would be so terrifying and powerful


The true lord of all beasts!

In ancient mythology, the dragon was created by combining parts of countless wild beasts.

If you count them carefully, there are only thirteen species. But now it is different. Wei Xun has devoured thousands of beasts, and most of them are the strongest creatures above gold.

There are even real dragons among them, some from Western mythology.

Just imagine, so many powerful creatures gathered together, the pressure they create is naturally not something that ordinary life can resist.

And now, after the shadow used up its last bit of strength to fly into the air, those already timid undead souls all looked extremely miserable.

They tried to beg for mercy, but more of them sped up their pace to escape, trying to run as far as possible before the dragon could react.

However, how could the Shadow Dragon give them this opportunity

Just as the undead kept dodging, the shadow dragon opened its bloody mouth and sucked hard, and the sky and the earth changed color instantly!