Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1459: Adventures


"Men go left, women go right."

"Okay, no need to do anything extra, just cooperate with the inspection."

The guide's words surprised the half-elf who had just arrived here.

It seems there is more than one reviewer

However, a hundred years of training had taught her how to hide her emotions. Moreover, this was human territory. No matter what she wanted to do, she needed to consider her own strength.

Aya nodded to her companions beside her. They accidentally came to this world because of a dimensional channel. Different from what they imagined, this world actually gave birth to a civilization that was more advanced than their country.

The strange world with indigenous people is not good news for explorers like Aya.

That's right, Aya is an explorer. They embarked on the road of exploration for the high rewards. They are good at finding portals to other worlds, and the human world is a dimensional channel they just discovered not long ago.

Aya has rich experience, and the team members who explore with her are all at the gold level in strength. Logically speaking, with such powerful strength, they are also considered to be the best in the original world.

But what Aya had not expected was that after coming to this world, her previous experience and confidence became completely blurred, because she sadly discovered that the indigenous people of this world were not a bit stronger than her group.

Aya doesn't like the dimension occupied by intelligent creatures, because once they have intelligence, they will have emotions and desires, and their own ideas. Compared to the world of pure beasts and insects, dealing with intelligent creatures is a difficult thing.

Moreover, most intelligent creatures in the world are very xenophobic. Many times, Aya escaped death, and that was based on the premise that the other party was not as good as herself.

But it is different now. Looking at the humans around her who look similar to her but are a little rude, Aya feels the universal energy fluctuations from them. The power that she is proud of is like a small insect that can be slapped to death at any time in this world. It doesn't even have the possibility of causing any impact.

Just when Aya discovered all this and was even ready to return to her previous world, she sadly discovered that the channel connecting to her own world had disappeared without a trace.

The human world is different from other worlds. Due to the special energy in this world, the dimensional channels have long been deteriorated. Sometimes they are extremely stable. The dimension that came at the beginning of the doomsday has not been damaged until now, just like the insect world that has been sealed by order. Until now, you can still see the sky-blocking, completely doomsday scene from a long distance.

Unlike the past, the current insect world has undergone some qualitative changes. That's because after Chen Feng successfully gained promotion, he went to the insect world in person. It was not until then that Chen Feng realized that the areas in the insect world were just like human forces in peacetime. Each province and city had its own leaders guarding them.

The one that had been fighting with Chen Feng was an extremely huge centipede. According to Chen Feng, just one of its tentacle was several hundred meters long. When it was moving, it was like the sky and the earth were shattering. It was difficult to use ordinary words to describe how terrifying and appalling it was.

Chen Feng even gave the other party a name, which was the Tongtian Centipede.

The Order's present-day existence is inseparable from the Insect World. Of course, as insects, they will not take the initiative to help the Order. What's more, in the early days of the Insect World's arrival, they wanted to break out of it in order to swallow up the entire Order. For this reason, Chen Feng didn't know how long he had fought with the other side before he was able to seal it inside, allowing the Order to develop smoothly. And because of the war, the insect meat and insect species obtained from it allowed the Order's insect breeding industry to achieve a qualitative improvement.

However, the insects have never forgotten to attack the human world. This is something Chen Feng knew a long time ago. Keeping them around is always a hidden danger, but Chen Feng's current strength does not allow him to evacuate the insect world.

Since the goal could not be achieved from the outside, Chen Feng shifted his attention to the inside. He had also thought about destroying all the insects close to the human dimension with his own hands.

But after getting to know the situation, Chen Feng discovered that the insect world is vast, and there is no telling how many creatures like the Centipede there are. If he rashly eradicates the Centipede's power, even if he can bring peace for a while, once the news gets out, there will always be new insects occupying this place.

Therefore, Chen Feng had to go to the insect world in person to make a deal with the centipede.

The content of the deal is that Chen Feng and the Centipede will not descend into each other's world at will, giving each other enough room for development. Because the insect world is so terrifying, the insects in it are powerful enough to stand on their own, so Chen Feng had the idea of letting his members go in for training.

Every three months, a group of professionals will go in for training. Because of Chen Feng, the human world has a living area, but once outside this area, insects can kill humans at will, and vice versa, humans can also kill insects.

Chen Feng's original intention was to train the will of his men. After all, over the years, order has gradually stabilized, and the newly promoted professionals have never seen the horror of battle. Therefore, bloody battles like those with insects have become a characteristic of whether the professionals can stand on their own.

The insects have a deep hatred for humans. Before, because of Chen Feng's pressure, the centipede couldn't say anything. But now it is different. Chen Feng can take the initiative to send humans into his own world. Once a fight breaks out between them, casualties are inevitable.

Although insects will not retaliate openly, they will occasionally kill a few humans to vent their anger. This feeling gives them an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

Everyone has their own ulterior motives and reasons for cooperating, so the insect world today has become a place for training reserve personnel of order.

Of course, orders are dead, but people are alive. As time goes by, many people walk out of the safe zone, and after being ambushed by insects, humans gradually learn their lessons, and the safety rate is greatly improved compared to before.

In addition to such stable dimensional cracks, there are more unstable dimensional cracks. These cracks inexplicably opened up next to some creatures. Perhaps once you step into them, the dimensional cracks will lose their energy support and then disappear completely.

Dimensional traveling is a skill that only gods can master. When Aya came here, she naturally lost all hope and completely became a part of this world.

Aya was taken to the interrogation room as a half-elf who came here accidentally. Aya had communicated with her subordinates long before, so she was not troubled. After a few brief questions, she was given a choice. One was to stay here, and the second was to give some food and water and leave here as soon as possible.

In Aya's mind, these natives surprisingly did not make things difficult for her.

Many of his subordinates were captured by intelligent creatures, so they were naturally scared to death. After all, in their own world, once caught, it meant losing their freedom and personality.

It is no exaggeration to say that the other party really has some weird habits, and the first ones to be humiliated are these ignorant slaves.

The natives I had seen before would have been handcuffed and shackled, but what was wrong with these natives in front of me? Why did they still give me the right to choose

Stay or go

Of course I left!

Only a fool would choose to stay and be a slave. However, driven by curiosity, even Aya didn't know why she stayed there inexplicably.

Why exactly she doesn't know

Was it because the people here were polite to them, or because they had lived in the wild for a short time and found that this place was full of dangers? Aya had stopped exploring. She just warned her men to stay calm no matter what happened. After all, they were just outsiders.

She still understands the principle that the arm cannot twist the thigh.

After arriving here, Aya's opinion of this city rose to a higher level. She began to think that the natives were making things difficult for her, but after learning more about it, she realized that the reason for the inspection was because they were afraid that she would bring some diseases into the city.

Disease prevention.

This is a perfectly normal thing. Aya has traveled all over the country over the years and has seen many horrific cases where an entire city's population died due to disease.

"Is this your weapon?"

When the process was finally completed, a staff member picked up a dagger.

It was an enchanted dagger, and also Aya's most precious weapon and wealth. She spent a lot of effort to get this weapon.

Seeing the staff holding the dagger in his hand, Aya frowned in his heart. He had seen too many greedy guys who relied on their power and liked to exploit people like them who were in trouble.

Aya sighed inwardly. She was prepared for her weapon to be confiscated. However, just when her will was low, the dagger was miraculously handed to her.

"I give you the weapons, but before you enter, you'd better understand the laws of this world. If you violate them, you will face legal sanctions. Well, congratulations, you have officially joined the order and become a member of this place."

"By the way, the Half-Elf Guild is on the left hand side of the south. If you want to find a job, you can go there and ask first."

A look of surprise finally appeared on Aya's face uncontrollably, because she found it hard to believe that the other party would return the weapon to her like this.

Not only that, what did the other party mean in the end

Half-elf guild

As a newcomer, Ayake didn’t know what a guild was, but she clearly heard the word half-elf. Could there be any companions here

So what is their life like

Freedom or has it become slavery

With this confusion, Aya plucked up her courage and walked towards the order.

“The walls here are so high!”

"Yeah, and what are those things on the city wall? They are like the mouths of monsters. I can even feel the terrifying murderous aura from them."

"Really, it seems like there is some strange energy spreading. I don't even dare to look at it too much. It's so scary."

Unlike her chattering companions, Aya's eyes were always on the huge portal. As the gate opened, these half-elves from another dimension truly stepped onto the land of order.

There is an unspoken rule here.

Neatly arranged large trees were planted on both sides of the road in an extremely beautiful way. It was unknown what species those trees were, and the shortest one was more than 20 meters long. Because of the apocalyptic energy, the plants had also undergone some strange changes.

The ground was also very clean, without even a piece of excrement.

You know, Aya has been to many cities and places, and even set foot in the city called the Royal Capital for a mission, but so what? The spacious Royal Capital was also muddy, and not only that, there were mounts and human excrement everywhere.

The whole capital smells not much cleaner than a large toilet. If a human goes there, he might not last long before being choked to death.

But what's going on here

There was no excrement at all. At this moment, Aya and her companions realized how happy cleanliness was!

In addition to the road, the surrounding houses also stunned Aya. The square brick houses stood side by side, almost all of the same size. Apart from that, Aya didn't even see a wooden house.

Aya lives in a relatively backward world, where people still build houses with wood. In some disaster-prone lands, a terrible storm could take away countless lives.

But what about the house here

Aya carefully placed her hand on the stone house. It was a little cold, but extremely solid, just like touching a large bluestone. It made people feel safe.

Although she didn't actually live in it, Aya knew one thing: the house had excellent defensive capabilities. Even the strong wind that she had feared before could not possibly blow it down.

While Aya was strolling around, several half-elves in uniforms suddenly appeared nearby.

There really are half-elves here.

It turns out that this is not a joke. I actually have companions in this city

Seeing the happy expressions on the other people's faces, Aya was a little dumbfounded for a moment, because she really saw that there was no numbness or silence on those people's faces, but a kind of heartfelt happiness.

This proved one thing to Aya, that is, the other party was not a slave here, but a real warrior, and they had the right to use their own legs and walk on their own path.

"What's going on?"

"Look at the clothes those people wear, they are the same as those worn by the indigenous people. Those people are not lying to us, our compatriots actually have jobs on this land."

Aya was also extremely surprised at her companions' exclamations, because she had been exposed to too much information today and it was difficult for her to digest it all at once.

However, some things must be faced proactively.

Taking a deep breath, Aya took a step forward and slowly walked towards the half-elves. She had a lot to say to them.