Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1460: City of Miracles


Aya was full of curiosity about this city, because she had never seen any city as strange as its order.

Whether it is people or things, everything is filled with inexplicable throbbing.


Aya didn't know why she suddenly thought of such a word, but one thing she couldn't deny was that everything here really made people linger.

It was completely different from the cities he had been in before, whether it was the clean ground or the ordinary people with smiles on their faces. Aya's strength was at the peak of gold, and because she was a half-elf, she had super perception. Therefore, it was completely certain that there was no energy fluctuation in the bodies of those ordinary people walking on the road.

Ordinary people are just ants, useless livestock.

Although these words are a bit excessive, this is the land where Aya lives. There is no so-called human rights there. Only strength is respected, and strength is the fundamental factor that determines everything.

What’s the difference between an ordinary person without power and an ant

In that world, ordinary people like that lead extremely busy lives every day, and if things don’t go their way, they will be bullied and killed by higher-level beings.

No one would lower their head to look at the ants they accidentally stepped on to death. In that world, the life and death of ordinary people would not attract much attention.

But look at this world, those humble ordinary people actually wear such decent clothes. Not only that, each of them has an indescribable smile on their face.


No pressure at all.

They would not be humiliated or scolded for walking on this spacious street. What's more, Aya saw a scene that shocked her extremely. That is, a strong man who seemed to have great energy accidentally bumped into an ordinary person, and he continued to make trouble for the other person.

There was an apologetic smile on his face.

What's going on

Aya was so shocked by what she saw that she couldn't say anything. At this moment, she was completely petrified on the spot, and even her breathing became short.

Because from beginning to end, she couldn't believe what she saw.

You know, the aura in that strong man's body is more mellow than yours. It is no exaggeration to say that even if you face him, you may not be able to last a few rounds and will be killed directly.

But why would such a powerful warrior be so kind to ordinary people

Aya didn't have bad intentions, but this was too different from her previous experiences, so at this moment, she couldn't help but show a look of confusion.

Aya is smart, otherwise she wouldn't have lived to this day. She knows that no matter how hard she thinks, she can't figure out the essence of this world. Therefore, the best thing to do now is not to stand still, but to go over and ask others.

With this feeling in mind, Aya walked towards her fellow tribesmen who were dressed neatly.


Before she got close, Aya saw the vigilant eyes of those people, so she stopped a few meters away and asked softly.

"The same to you?"

The patrolman was stunned for a moment, then he smiled. This was obviously nonsense. They both had clear traces of half-elf, so it was naturally a bloodline inheritance.

Aya has good communication skills, thanks to her ability to travel between different dimensions. If she didn't have good eloquence, she might have been killed and cooked by some natives.

The world outside is very dangerous and not as peaceful as here.

With some doubts in mind, Aya started chatting with the other party. As a newcomer, Aya naturally did not get close to the other party because of her identity and try to find out some secrets.

In an unfamiliar environment, I didn't believe anything.

This is what Aya paid for with her life.

There was a huge scar on her chest, which was only a thumb's distance away from her heart being completely pierced. That time, Aya felt the pain brought by betrayal firsthand.

This made her understand a truth: no matter when and where, her brain must remain clear.

Aya had just arrived and knew nothing about the place. Moreover, it was her first time meeting the people of this tribe, so naturally she would not say anything that would alert the other party.

If I talk too much and get caught as a spy, then it would be a real loss.

Unlike Aya who was serious, the half-elf warriors seemed relatively simple.

Half-elves are a type of incomplete elves based on elven lore. They are a hybrid of elves (mainstream) and other creatures (mainly humans).

Half-elves are half-human and half-elf. They are slightly taller and stronger than other elves.

The biggest difference between half-elves and other elves is that they grow beards, which makes it easy for elves to identify their human ancestry.

Elves are very hostile to half-elves and do not consider them to be elves at all; although humans are more tolerant of them because of their beautiful looks, they are also very hostile to their half-elven bloodline.

Elves are fascinated by the vitality of humans, and humans are attracted by the elegance of elves, so the two occasionally intermarry. For elves, such marriages are short-lived due to the short life span of humans. However, they leave offspring, half-elves. The result of free love between humans and elves, half-elves combine the best qualities of both races.

The life of a half-elf may not be a peaceful one. From the perspective of the elves, half-elves grow up too quickly, and they reach adulthood before they have time to learn the complex arts, culture, and even grammar of the elven world. Although half-elves are physically mature by elven standards, they are still children culturally. Half-elves who grow up in elven society often feel out of place with their childhood friends and are forced to leave their homes and seek development in human society.

On the other hand, if half-elves grow up in human society, they find themselves different from their peers. They are more withdrawn, sensitive, less ambitious, and slower in development. Some half-elves try to adapt to humans, while others accept their own characteristics and find their identity. Most half-elves find a place in human society, while some feel like outsiders all their lives.

In the original world, the identity of half-elves is somewhat special. They seem like a group of homeless children. Most of them are not treated kindly either in the forest territory or in human settlements.

However, half-elves never give up the pursuit of freedom and proving their own strength.

Half-elves love wandering, so most of them will not stay in one place for too long. Half-elves are born adventurers in nature. They are steadfast friends and excellent allies of many people. Most half-elves have the curiosity, creativity and ambition of humans, as well as the keen senses of elves, and love nature and art.

They have the elegance of elves, but not their aloofness; they have the energy of humans, but not their roughness. In addition, half-elves value freedom and creativity like elves, and do not particularly like to be leaders or followers. Half-elves do not have their own homes, but humans and elves welcome them.

Half-elves can become excellent devout priests and powerful control mages. As the offspring of humans and elves, half-elves inherit and combine the characteristics of both. In battle, they can cooperate well with their companions and achieve considerable results.

Aya's intentions were not bad, she was just a little wary of the unfamiliar environment, and the guards even more so. They came to this land very early, and even the construction of some places could not be separated from their presence.

The guards were very happy about the addition of new members, so under Aya's subtle questioning, they couldn't help but reveal some things that were not so secret.

And with the inadvertent revelations from her own people, Aya's understanding of this land rose to a new level. It turned out that this was a city-state with multiple elements.

Not only half-elves, there are also Nagas, goblins and ogres in the inner city. These characters, who were originally notorious in the capital, have achieved results here that are unmatched by ordinary people through their own efforts.

A goblin named Cassi, by relying on his own efforts, actually became one of the few master craftsmen. Because of his outstanding construction performance, he was even rewarded by the legendary leader, and was promoted from the bronze rank to the peak of gold in one fell swoop. He was only one step away from becoming a legend.

What is the concept

Isn't this just flying onto the tree branch and turning into a phoenix

This made Aya understand the philosophy of this city-state. As long as she was really willing to pay, the city-state would give her corresponding rewards.

Moreover, unlike the verbal promises made by previous forces, these promises were truly implemented in the hearts of these outsiders.

It was also at this moment that Aya finally understood why those ordinary people had smiles on their faces, because this city-state was essentially a free city.

Everyone can find the value of their existence here.

No wonder those goblins devoted themselves to construction, they originally had talents in this area, but in dangerous environments, they were forced to turn to evil and became the guys that other creatures hated. But it was different here, they found the true meaning of life, and it really allowed them to turn the tables and have their current status.

"Can I, too?"

Aya had the ability to judge people, so she could tell that her people had not deceived her. So what did this mean? It meant that the other party had not lied, and that if she worked hard, she could also have corresponding rights in this land, instead of being unable to get any promotion at all because of her being a half-elf like in the original world.

"There's an event going on in the Dark Square. You can go check it out. It's getting late. We need to go on patrol."

The guards did not spend too much time with Aya. They were members of the Order, so after a few greetings, they went to patrol other places.

Aya nodded. Although she knew that her tribesmen would not deceive her, she still wanted to go and see for herself.

Night falls.

By the time Aya and her group asked a few people and arrived at the square, the place was already crowded with people. This was definitely not an exaggeration. It was the first time that Aya saw so many people gathered in the same place for no reason other than war.

She roughly estimated that the number of people who came to watch the performance was probably more than 10,000.

What does this mean? The number of people involved in a war may be only a few thousand, or even less, but here, there are tens of thousands of people gathered. Aren't these people afraid of pushing and shoving, and unnecessary fighting, which may lead to a war

Aya comes from a backward country. The people living in that land seem to be full of pressure. At any time, some small friction will lead to unprecedented bloody troubles.

When the last ray of sunset glow was covered by the night, only a few burning torches were left in the square. The entire stage was in darkness, and no one was seen coming to light the bonfire.

Aya was a little confused. She still didn't know what the performance was going to be here.

And just as she hesitated, the stage suddenly lit up, and some electrical professionals injected light into the curtain. Then, some light and joyful melodies slowly resounded over the square.

The performance on stage is similar to a stage play. The script is changed according to the peaceful modern story. The survivors are not unfamiliar with it, but one thing to know is that the world has long changed. There are no screens or movies. People once thought that they might never see a screen again in their lifetime.

But everything that appeared before their eyes made many people shed tears. How many people missed their past lives? Although it is just a small screen now, the impact it has produced has made many people sigh that this may be a small.asxs. Humans, the smartest race in the world, will eventually regain their lost glory one day.

Unlike humans who have complex psychology, Aya was completely immersed in the performance. She couldn't help but think of the races living here.

Some of them came with expectations and dreams, some were forced by life's helplessness, and they all came to this city of hope without any prior arrangement. In this magnificent city, these people who had nothing intersected with each other. They helped each other, confided their thoughts to each other, and slowly found the direction to move forward from the pain of leaving their hometown to confusion, and then from confusion to cheering up.


When the performance was at its most enthusiastic, a short character was transmitted to Aya's ears, and she heard the words coming out of the performer's mouth.

This is home for everyone, she said.

What does this sentence mean? This is not the home of humans alone, but the home of half-elves, naga, goblins, and even big guys like ogres.

There are no stereotypes here.

Once they are reviewed and come to live here, the residents have only one identity, that is, they are part of the order. They build this place with their own hands, and conversely, the rulers headed by Chen Feng will also give them the most caring protection.

There was something indescribable in Aya's heart. She was no longer as lost as before. The performance was still all around her, and her heart felt filled with a spirit.

She firmly believed that she would have everything here.

And, as long as you work hard, this time won't be too long.