Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1463: Suffering survivor


Dadi never thought that the commander-in-chief would really explain to him. In his mind, the commander-in-chief had always been high and mighty and had never been so gentle to those below him.

For a moment, Dadi, who was dizzy due to the pain, dared not talk nonsense. He stood up from the hospital bed in a hurry, looking at a loss.

"What's wrong? I'm telling you the truth, but you still don't believe it, right?" The commander-in-chief glanced at the other party and said lightly.

"No! How could it be!"

Dadi waved his hands hurriedly. Even if he had a hundred times the courage, he would not dare not trust the commander-in-chief.

What's more, in the eyes of many people, the commander-in-chief is a true idol. It is because of his existence that the Devil City can stand tall today.

Otherwise, in the end times with frequent disasters, even if this place has a large population, in the end, it would have become a ruin with no living people left.

The contribution of the commander-in-chief to Devil City is obvious to all. Although the earth is no longer at the age of chasing stars, the admiration for the commander-in-chief is like the stars in the sky, which cannot be counted at all.

Dadi lost his father when he was young, and it was his mother who worked hard to raise him. To Dadi, his mother was everything to him. Dadi couldn't imagine that if there were no Devil City, he and his mother might have turned into a pile of bones, exposed in the wilderness.

His mother was very kind and had advised him to be kind and to repay favors since he was young. It was precisely because of this that Dadi was absolutely loyal to the Commander-in-Chief and had no second thoughts.

Not only him, but most people in Devil City have the same idea. Therefore, just like Chen Feng in Order, in this Devil City, the commander-in-chief has long been deified and has become the object of worship by others.

At this time, being able to talk to the commander-in-chief was undoubtedly a very daunting thing for Dadi. He was afraid that he would be the dumbest and say something wrong, thus angering the other party.

At this time, the commander-in-chief waved his hand and said to the ground: "I really want to thank you this time. Regardless of whether the monsters hidden in the dark appear or not, it is because of your decision that the monsters retreated early, saving a lot of blood in the Devil City."

"Devil City is in troubled times right now, a hundred times more dangerous than any other time. That's why I have to be careful and even do things that go against my conscience. At this time, I hope you can understand me..."

At this time, hearing the commander-in-chief's heartfelt words, Dadi naturally had an expression of disbelief. He stood up again and shook his head quickly.

"Commander-in-Chief, we all believe in you."

"It's just... Is the situation in Devil City really this dangerous now?" After hesitating for a few seconds, Dadi finally asked the question that had been bothering him.

In his mind, the commander-in-chief is an invincible existence. He has led the Devil City from a few thousand people to hundreds of thousands of people, although there are still fallen people in some dark places.

But Dadi understood this very well. The world had already undergone a qualitative change, and the law had completely become a thing of the past. In the first few years of the apocalypse, he had seen even more terrifying and evil things.

After the Grand Commander took office, this situation has improved a lot. Most of the corrupted have been eradicated, and only a very small part remains. Even if they are dark, they dare not act too blatantly.

Dadi likes the Devil City. In his understanding, it is because of the presence of the commander-in-chief that this place has become like this.

But what's happening now

Why did the once invincible commander become like this? Even when facing the monsters attacking the city, he stood aside and watched quietly. Dadi knew that the other party was not afraid, but worried about something, so at this time, Dadi asked with some doubts.

The commander-in-chief stared at the face of the earth in a daze, seeming to be thinking about something in his heart.

Seeing the other party's expression, Dadi realized that he had been a little reckless. He waved his hands hastily and said with a stutter, "Commander-in-chief, that's not what I meant. I'm just a little worried about the current situation. I hope you won't blame me."

"Why… "

A light sigh came from the other person's mouth.

"You're right. The Devil City is now in the countdown to destruction. I can feel that among those monsters, there are those who are more powerful than me. They seem to be waiting, waiting for us to collapse first, or they are watching us as if we are laughing at them, watching us struggle and resist, but in the end, we still can't escape death."

"Everything I do now is to wait for his arrival. I cannot be distracted. I must be in full condition to have a chance to protect this city at the last moment."

"I have sent people outside to ask for help. That may be the last hope of Devil City. Do you understand?"

Dadi had never thought that the situation had become so bad. He nodded in confusion. This news was undoubtedly extremely shocking to him.

He needs some time to digest it.

… … … … …

The superiors have their own troubles, and in the Devil City, there are still a group of poor people living on the margins, who live at the bottom of this land.

The Devil City is not as good as Order. Whether it is food reserves or research, there is a big gap, which also means that many people are still hungry.

Like rats in peacetime, they wander around the edges, looking for any food to fill their stomachs, even if they will lose their lives for it.

"Brother, do you think I will die?"

Looking at the timid little face in front of him, Yang Shuo shook his head while suppressing the pain in his heart, then grinned and said, "No, brother promises you, you will be fine!"

"But… "

The little girl hesitated for a moment. Perhaps the pain in her back started to flare up again, causing her to purse her lips. However, having experienced a great disaster, she managed to hold it in. She lowered her head and spoke in a voice as weak as the buzzing of a mosquito: "Xiaohua is dead... Third Uncle is dead... Ah Huang is also dead... I know that it is impossible to survive being scratched by that monster..."

Yang Shuo held the girl's head, trying not to touch the wound on her back. He looked at her with pity on his face: "Nunuo, stop talking, just get some sleep and you'll be fine."

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, brother…” Nuo Nuo pursed her lips: “I’m sorry, brother, I just wanted to go out to find some food, I didn’t think I would be scratched, I’m sorry, I have to let you live alone… I’m sorry… I’m really sorry…”

The little girl was held in Yang Shuo's arms. Her lips had turned pale and her pupils were dilated. According to past experience, in less than six hours, her only relatives in this wasteland would turn into zombies without consciousness and body temperature!

Perhaps Yang Shuo's comfort had some effect. The little girl touched the beard on the young man's face and whispered, "Brother."

"If I can get better, I will be obedient and won't go out again!"

"Nono is wrong. He shouldn't go out alone."

Yang Shuo stroked the girl's hair, and a rare tenderness appeared on his scarred face.

He's a wasteland scavenger!

When necessary, you can even fight zombies, mutant monsters, ugly bugs and even... humans!

An unknown virus swept across the planet and spread to the surrounding countries at an extremely fast speed. Within two years, all countries fell one after another, and this city, where many hardworking people fought for, suddenly became a hotbed of death.

When the virus hit, 50% of the world's population turned into slow-walking zombies that loved to devour flesh and blood because of their immunity. The remaining 49% survived, and the remaining 1% turned into those supernatural beings who possessed mysterious powers as shown in movies and TV dramas.

Controlling fire? Freezing? Or taming insects and beasts is no longer a luxury.

What's more, some abilities are completely networked, which seems like a joke God is playing on this planet. The evolvers have eyes that can control wind and sand, and can cast people into illusions.

In short, there are all kinds of weird things!

It is said that in addition to those who were affected by the energy in the beginning and became superpowers by chance, there were also some other lucky people who experienced ups and downs and successfully possessed superpowers of their own.

Maybe it was a life-and-death fight, maybe it was a sudden epiphany, or maybe it was an unbearable release of emotions.

Those people with special powers possess powers that ordinary people cannot reach. In the beginning, those people with special powers could still serve the people and the country, but the virus was rampant, and the so-called country and home no longer existed. There was a lack of legal protection, and no superiors to establish order. Today, two years later, this land has finally become a no-man's land!

If it weren't for the commander-in-chief who completed the unification later, there might have been no living people here and it would have become a ruin long ago.

The virus appeared too suddenly, and the human death toll was too horrific. At first, the power supply system could be maintained, but due to disrepair and lack of maintenance personnel, this land, which was originally first-class in technology, suddenly became a wilderness.

Fear breeds possibility.

Between life and death, human nature does not seem so important.

But what is the result

Even though some people have become professionals, because of their own selfishness, their hearts slowly rot and degenerate, and they take pleasure in abusing ordinary people, turning into cunning people who dominate everything.

The old era has passed, and the new century has begun!

Yang Shuo lives in a slum area, where robbers, thieves, prostitutes and all the humanoid creatures you can imagine doing menial jobs gather.

It is hard to imagine how Yang Shuo managed to survive in this land with a three-year-old girl over the years.

After the disaster, only Yang Shuo and Yang Nuo were left in the originally happy family. After several years, Yang Shuo grew from a high school student to a twenty-year-old young man, and Nuo Nuo grew from a little girl to a six-year-old girl.

The brother and sister supported each other. They drank sewage from the sewer, ate moldy fruits and vegetables, and even fought with some people for survival.

They once raised an old dog, a local dog with brown hair. Perhaps its owner turned into a zombie or was killed by thugs, so the old dog became a member of Yang Shuo and Yang Nuo's team.

In the first year, the two men and the dog walked on the wasteland looking for food, and they survived by luck.

In the second year, a new dark order was formed by people with special powers and some powerful beings. Yang Shuo and his companions came to this land and began to survive with difficulty.

In the third year, the hardworking old dog was caught in a trap by thugs during a wild search. When it was found, only a complete dog skin and half a body were left.

This is a sad story.

At least, this is the story in Nono's image.

But what is the real situation

Half a year ago, Nuonuo fell seriously ill due to a sudden change in food and air. In peacetime, a small pill worth a few dollars has become a rare item in this land.

This is an age of barter. Women can be exchanged for things by exchanging their bodies, and strong men can be exchanged for things by selling their freedom. But all Yang Shuo can offer is an old dog that is not fat but loyal.

The old dog with cloudy eyes seemed to have sensed something. It came over wagging its tail, licked Yang Shuo's palm with its tongue, and then lay down at his feet holding the knife.

I have to say, this is a desperate world!

Yang Shuo told himself that was the last time he shed tears. From that moment on, his family went from two to one.

He didn't want to cry anymore because of the death of his loved ones.

Due to food shortage, Yang Shuo kept scavenging for more than ten hours, but the food he got was still only enough to sustain the lives of the two of them.

Perhaps to subsidize this poor family, Nono went out early in the morning to look for food. She brought back a small bag of chocolate, a piece of biscuit and a wound scratched by a zombie.

The wound had become severely infected, and the skin on the back had become wrinkled and emitted an irresistible stench.

Based on past experience, Yang Shuo knew one thing: Nuonuo was hopeless...

It was painful to witness my sister turning into a zombie in my arms!

Pain and regret intertwined in Yang Shuo's eyes. At this time, his arms began to tremble slightly. If he could be stronger, he would be able to walk out of this slum and live a better life.

But he is not a psychic, nor does he have any special skills. He is just a scavenger struggling to survive in the wasteland, that's all!

A brief moment of unconsciousness.

Soon Chen Feng perked up. He knew what he had to do. He had to find some of his sister's favorite foods, such as Three Squirrels preserved fruits, Wahaha, or some small biscuits with patterns printed on them.

These things are very precious, but Yang Shuo knows that he must get some!

He clenched his fists tightly, and the pain from his fingertips touching his palms brought him back to consciousness.

Yang Shuo put Nuo Nuo on the carpet, covered him with a thin blanket and stood up. Perhaps because he had been squatting for too long or was too sad, his mind was clouded for a moment, and then everything around him began to disappear.


Endless darkness.

Everything around me began to disappear, replaced by the purest darkness.

And in the next second, a voice suddenly sounded in Yang Shuo's heart. He seemed to hear some faint calling.