Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1494: Many-headed dragon


No matter how hard Chen Feng tried to think, he never imagined that the giant man standing in front of him was actually an abominable dragon, an existence that could be compared to a divine evil.

Originally, Chen Feng was still panicking about the opponent's strength and had even made preparations to evacuate. Chen Feng never forgot to consider his own safety at all times, and only then would he care about what happened next.

Chen Feng has never been a kind-hearted person. Most of the time, no, he has never changed. He has always been an egoist.

Chen Feng could not do such a thing as to sacrifice his life for the sake of these strangers in Devil City.

But on second thought, if the other party really had such ability, he would have destroyed the Devil City long ago. Why would he wait until now and secretly devour some unlucky guys before daring to show up and crush Du Jingcai

Is the other party simply being low-key

Of course not.

Dragons are ancient winged reptiles known and feared for their size, strength, and magical abilities. The oldest dragons are among the most powerful creatures in the world, and most are identified by the color of their hide.

Therefore, there are many subspecies of dragons, generally divided into three main categories: color, metal, and gem. The dragons named after colors include black dragons, blue dragons, green dragons, red dragons, and white dragons, all of which are extremely evil.

Dragons named after metals include brass dragon, bronze dragon, copper dragon, gold dragon, and silver dragon. These dragons are noble and kind, respected by righteous people.

Dragons named after gems include Amethyst Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Emerald Dragon, Sapphire Dragon, and Topaz Dragon. They maintain a neutral stance between good and evil, are charismatic and very gentle. Although generally smaller and slower than other dragons, they are usually smarter than other dragons and have special abilities.

The abominations that are superior to these dragons, such as Ren Tianpeng's true body, are absolutely powerful and possess amazing blood power.

As giant dragons, they feel that they are superior to all living creatures and show absolute contempt for any living creature. In their eyes, humans are just little guys slightly bigger than ants.

Therefore, if the other party really had an extremely terrifying power, the moment the other party landed here, everyone in this city, including Du Jingcai who was completely unaware, would have been dead.

To sum up, the giant dragon in front of me might just be a show-off, and its real strength should be similar to mine.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng narrowed his eyes. People who were familiar with him knew that when Chen Feng scolded, there was often a chance of survival, but once the other party became serious, it meant disaster.

Just as Chen Feng was staring at the other person, Ren Tianpeng's neck moved, and a moment later, a head exactly like Ren Tianpeng appeared on his shoulder.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, and seemed to have figured out the other party's true identity.

Ren Tianpeng is not a purebred plutonium dragon. The other party is a multi-headed dragon, a rare giant dragon with other blood mixed in its strange body.

A hydra is an ugly, many-headed winged monster that combines the worst features of a dragon and a hydra.

The scales of a hydra are a sludge-like brown in most cases, fading to a lighter brown that is almost cream-colored on their bellies. Young hydras tend to have darker, more opaque scales that provide better camouflage. All known hydras have red eyes, ranging from crimson in the young to a dark red that looks similar to dried blood in old age. Hydras are known to have anywhere from two to five heads.

Hydras can be found in inaccessible mountain ranges far from civilization. They prefer snow-capped peaks and mountains that are often surrounded by storms. Hydras prefer fresh meat, but can and will eat almost anything to satisfy their insatiable hunger.

The main enemies of hydras are storm giants, stone giants, and red dragons—given how tasty these creatures' flesh is when young.

Hydras do not speak Common, only Draconic.

But the Ren Tianpeng in front of him was different. Based on what Du Jingcai said to him before he came, it was not difficult to judge that after the other party came to this city, he huddled in the room like a mouse and never took a step forward.

The other party was not idle during this period. Instead, it attacked some humans in the city. The answer was obvious. The other party had been lurking and learning something.

After devouring many local residents, they learned the common language of humans as they wished. Just like now, he was like a dragon god high above, staring at Du Jingcai with contempt, no different from looking at an ant.

Hydras are fierce hunters, often killing other animals for show, even when they are not hungry. These creatures are basically villains. When faced with a stronger foe that will not back down, they will often turn tail and run. Conversely, they will toy with weaker opponents before killing them.

A hydra has all the normal attacks of a dragon, except that each of its heads can make its own bite attack, and all attacks against opponents other than its bite and breath weapons have a terrible penalty on hit rolls because the creature's bifurcated heads make it difficult to coordinate its body attacks.

Like the Hydra, it can only be killed by chopping off all of its heads or killing its body. To chop off a head, the opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the number of heads of the original Hydra divided by its health.

Unlike a normal hydra, this damage need not be dealt all at once. Once a head is severed, it cannot attack again, but the creature suffers no other penalties. Scholars do not believe that a hydra can restore a severed head without magical aid.

No one knows the exact origins of hydras, but some sages believe they are ancient offshoots of prehistoric dragons that have been dormant for millions of years, while others believe they are descended from dragons. Some sources even claim they were tampered with by supernatural forces such as Tiamat.

Chen Feng found a familiar name in the information, Tiamat! They had just fought before, and in the end, not only was the opponent's body destroyed, but even his divinity was taken away by him.

Chen Feng possesses the Abyss and has access to a lot of information that is difficult for ordinary people to grasp. No wonder Chen Feng felt something was strange. It turned out that Ren Tianpeng in front of him was just a hybrid with a trace of Plutonium Dragon blood.

However, the opponent's aura was terrifying, and it seemed that his strength had reached the epic level. No, to be more precise, he was half a step away from becoming a myth.

Chen Feng traveled far to the abyss, and in order to be promoted to the mythical rank, he even offended the god of death in the abyss. The extremely powerful Naraku was just following Rose's advice, and believed that the abyss was the best channel for him to be promoted to the mythical rank.

And now, a multi-headed dragon is standing in front of him, and it is a half-step myth. If he sacrifices it, can he get the chance to touch the myth

Thinking of this, Chen Feng became a little obsessed for a moment. After all, after working so hard for so long, he still hadn't found an opportunity for promotion.

Perhaps, the Ren Tianpeng in front of him is his chance to reach a higher position!

Ren Tianpeng didn't know that while he was ignoring Du Jingcai and treating him as food, he had been targeted by a human in a distant corner.

Chen Feng now has only one goal, and that is to get promoted. For this goal, he will undoubtedly give his all, even if it means devouring a giant dragon. After all, the number of giant dragons that have died in his hands is so great that he cannot count them on one hand!

What's even more terrifying is that the weakest of these dragons is at the legendary level. In the eyes of any other force, they are terrifying existences that cannot be contended with. But in Chen Feng's eyes, they are just stepping stones on his road to promotion.

At this moment, Ren Tianpeng stared at the inferior demon with his two heads, and said in unison: "Delicious divine evil, as long as I devour you, I will have one more head. By then, I will undoubtedly break through the limitations of countless years ago! Truly step into the mythical realm!"

The murderous intent in Chen Feng's eyes bloomed again. This guy, who he regarded as prey, actually took the lead in wanting to devour the inferior demon.

The inferior demon was not angry, but tilted his head, pointed at the other's two heads and said: "Come out together, I can feel the blood of other monsters in your body."

As soon as the evil demon finished speaking, Ren Tianpeng roared to the sky, and the part of his neck began to move. Then, a red head, which did not look like a human head but was completely a dragon head, appeared on Ren Tianpeng's body.

Beyjuli Gem Dragon!

Chen Feng ordered the inferior demon to reveal his true form so that he could get to know him better.

The inferior demon is different from Du Jingcai. Although Du Jingcai is stronger, he is just a human after all. He only needs a head and a body to completely kill the opponent.

Ren Tianpeng has this confidence, but the inferior demon is different. Although it looks no different from a child, it is essentially a divine monster, one that is superior to most creatures and is one of the top predators.

At this time, since Ren Tianpeng wanted to devour the inferior demon and become its last head, he naturally would not hide his strength, but would burst out completely!

A hydra dragon can have up to five heads, which means that in addition to the main body, there are three dragon heads hidden inside the body of the hydra dragon in front of us.

As for the one in front of him, even though Chen Feng was knowledgeable and experienced, he was still a little dazed after finding the information. That's because this was also a rare dragon head!

This is the introduction of this dragon.

This dragon is slender and sleek, while its whip-like tail is almost as long as its body. Two long, jagged horns extend back and up from its head, somewhat resembling the shape of a sickle. Huge frills grow from its cheeks. Lava drips from its beak-like mouth and hisses as it hits the ground. A smell of burnt earth always accompanies his appearance.

Chen Feng didn't even know how the other party did it. After all, the heads that appeared now were all of great origin. Could it be that Ren Tianpeng was the son of destiny in the dragon clan? Was he born with extremely strong luck

Bejeweled dragons are the oldest of dragons. When the world was restored to its original state and volcanoes reshaped the land, these magnificent dragons were extremely abundant. Now, they are as rare as volcanic eruptions.

Bejeweled dragons live in isolation due to the extreme conditions of their territories. As a result, Bejeweled dragons tend to be curious creatures, and will rarely attack if another creature wanders into their lairs.

The scales of a young Bejeweled Dragon are dark gray. As he ages, his scales gradually shed and grow new ones, gradually gaining black scales with bright outlines of red and yellow. The scales of the oldest Bejeweled Dragon are dark gray and purple, with fiery stripes of blue and green.

The pupils of the Bejeweled Dragon are almost black at first, like cooling magma, and then become hotter as he ages, eventually becoming a scorching white.

Bejeweled dragons build their nests in areas of seismic activity, such as lava lakes formed by volcanic eruptions. They lay their eggs deep in the Earth's core. The eggs remain dormant until a new volcano begins to erupt, at which point they hatch.

The Bejeweled Dragon feeds on seismic energy, and when this energy becomes scarce it falls into a dormant state, then wakes up at the next earthquake or volcanic eruption.

In addition to the squirming under his neck, a big bump began to form behind Ren Tianpeng's head. A moment later, a giant dragon with gray-white skin also appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Du Jingcai was dumbfounded, but the evil demon remained calm, as if he was unaware of fear, and still tilted his head to look at Ren Tianpeng.

As for Chen Feng, he stood aside like an idle spectator, with no desire to participate in the battle.

He was just learning, and through the knowledge of the abyss, he found the information about the last head.

A dragon known for its defense.

Stone dragons are solitary creatures, preferring to live away from other creatures. However, they may also be friendly and helpful to hostile interlopers. They are extremely fond of gems, and are eager to trade for them, sometimes paying double their appraised value. As such, their hoards consist primarily of gems, although they sometimes collect gem-like items such as ioun stone.

Stone dragons' lairs are found around deserted, rocky areas. A typical stone dragon's lair is a cave with multiple exits. These lairs often have artistic sculptures and are often dotted with statues of petrified interlopers.

Stone dragons feed almost entirely on rock, though they consider gemstones a delicacy.

A multi-headed dragon can inherit the blood of its parents, which means that most multi-headed dragons only have two heads, but Ren Tianpeng in front of him has four heads. It can't be that his parents have four people? Even if the relationship is more complicated and the genes are not fused, there will still be no four heads.

While reading, Chen Feng discovered an important fact, that is, the multi-headed dragon obtained multiple heads. In addition to the innate bloodline, there is another shortcut, which is...

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, and his tone became a little cold: "Devouring the same kind!"