Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1503: Hundreds of dragons gather together


The impact of Ren Tianpeng's outburst on Devil City is not just oppression and panic. For dragon creatures, this impact has already had unimaginable influence.

Just when Geng Yun was finding it hard to accept the fact that there was another aquatic dragon, in a more remote part of the Devil City, a clump of mud suddenly opened up, and a huge monster emitting a foul smell crawled out of it.

This creature looks like a dead dragon. Many of its black scales have been lost, revealing its purple-red skin, and its huge wings on both sides are covered with worms. Instead of eyes, they have an unnatural red glow.

Fear the dragon!

In a sense, it is an undead creature, but it also possesses a certain life.

Dread dragons are an undead form of true dragons. Despite having virtually no metabolism, they are fully capable of reproduction and can continue to age. They are extremely intelligent, surpassing most dragons, and appear to be much tougher.

Their magic makes them better spellcasters than most dragons, and gives them an unnatural resistance to magic. However, they lack the protection they really need. Compared to other types of dragons, they are not really aggressive.

For long periods of time, they do not need to eat, drink, or breathe. Furthermore, they are immortal or at least live for a considerable period of time before entering a period of decline.

This fear dragon has been sleeping in the mud for a long time. It has never caused any harm to the Devil City. If it weren't for Ren Tianpeng, it might not have gotten up to hunt for food until hundreds of years later.

But now it was different. This fear dragon seemed to be awakened by some strange energy. It looked around blankly at first, and then its blood-red eyes became thick, as if they were really covered with a layer of blood.

It started to get crazy.

The Dread Dragon rarely fights because it is lazy, but now it is different. It seems to be stimulated by something. It takes a step forward and rushes towards the densely populated areas.

And that is where the slums are located.

Unlike the cities where there are powerful professionals responsible for patrolling, if such a terrifying dragon really breaks into the slums, a place like that where no one is allowed to go, there will be only one outcome, and that is heavy casualties!

But for everyone in Devil City, the truly terrible disaster is yet to come.

Dozens of kilometers away, high in the sky, the eyes of more than a dozen giant dragons also turned blood red.

Floating cloud dragon!

Cloud dragons are the most reclusive of dragons, living in the skies above the world. They hate intruders and only rarely speak to others, preferring silence and aloofness. They have nothing but contempt for flightless creatures beneath them. Cloud dragons build their lairs on magical cloud islands, where they lay their eggs and hoard treasure on a solid floor of cloud.

There are also a few cloud dragons that live on the tops of superfluous mountains. They survive on rain, hail, and a very small amount of silver.

They are basically harmless to humans and will not actively attack humans. They live on top of towering mountains and use energy to replenish the energy they need.

At birth, a Cloud Dragon's scales are silvery white with a slight red edge. As the dragon grows, this red spreads and fades to a sunset orange. In adulthood, the orange-red deepens to a golden red that blends almost completely into the silver. Some say that a Cloud Dragon's color also changes with their mood. A Cloud Dragon has a similar appearance to a Gold Dragon, but has large hinged shields on their neck and back.

Cloud dragons loathe intruders and are likely to use their camouflaged cloud form to attack and hide. When they attack, they use their breath weapon to scatter their foes, and then use their spell-like abilities to confuse their opponents.

These creatures are basically not aggressive, but they still act like crazy and attack the Devil City with all their strength!

After Ren Tianpeng exerted his full strength, he not only created pressure on Chen Feng and the others, but also used racial intimidation to command the dragon creatures to flatten the Devil City.

In Ren Tianpeng's initial imagination, he wanted to enslave Chen Feng and make him his agent, but Chen Feng directly refuted him. It was because of this that Ren Tianpeng did the opposite and enslaved the dragon clan to attack the Devil City.


Just as the floating dragon was madly charging towards the Devil City, a bone spur suddenly stretched out and directly pierced through a weak floating dragon.

The weak dragon's body was pierced, and it only lasted for a few seconds before its life came to an abrupt end. The floating dragon, which was in a crazy state, didn't care about the death of its companion at all. It just flapped its wings with all its might and headed for the destination called by Ren Tianpeng.

A giant, sinuous snake glides through the sky, its carapace covered in spines and segmented to make sharp sounds as it cuts through the wind.

Spine elders are the closest thing to a traditional dragon on Athas. They have no breath weapon—or even wings, or limbs—but they do have dangerous melee attacks and psionic abilities.

Spine dragons float above the heavens, swooping down when they need to eat or strike down something they fancy. They build their lairs on hard-to-reach rock outcrops, slippery sand dunes, or other hard-to-reach places.

This terrifying dragon swallowed the floating dragon into its stomach in one gulp and enjoyed this rare delicacy.

Since a spine elder dragon has no claws or wings, its full attack ability is different from that of most dragons. A spine elder dragon's primary attack is a bite attack with its large, powerful jaws. A spine elder dragon gains Improved Natural Attack (bite) as a bonus feat, which always increases the damage it deals by one level.

The secondary attack of the Spiny Elder Dragon is to lash out with the spines covering its entire long, snake-like body. As the Spiny Elder Dragon grows, it can use its spines to perform more attacks.

The opponent looked like a giant worm, but its appearance was not flesh and blood, but hard bones. Compared with the floating dragon and the fear dragon, the eyes of this ancient thorn dragon were not filled with blood.

It was actually immune to Ren Tianpeng's enslavement and still retained its own consciousness.

But it also sensed a certain call. Suspended in mid-air, it gazed into the distance and glimpsed death and disaster.

Being immune to Ren Tianpeng's enslavement, its strength is already at the epic level. It could have chosen to ignore the creature of the same level as the Burning Demon.

But the ancient thorn dragon was extremely bloodthirsty. Although it knew about the Devil City before, it had to retreat because Du Jingcai and other powerful professionals were protecting it.

But now it is different. The appearance of Ren Tianpeng is like a bomb that explodes directly in the Devil City. The terrible disaster causes the defense of the Devil City to become transparent.

In this situation, the Ancient Thorn Dragon would naturally not miss this opportunity. It wanted to kill as many people as possible and have a good meal. After all, a floating dragon could not satisfy its appetite.

A dozen miles away from the Devil City, a dimensional crack flashing with energy suddenly appeared, and an extremely rich water energy began to breed inside.

Immediately afterwards, a dragon head suddenly popped out from it.

There seemed to be a hint of strong curiosity in the dragon's eyes. It didn't know why it appeared on this land.

Similar to the giant dragons that appeared before, this dragon looks ferocious, but it has gills that only fish have. It is more like a scary fish than a dragon.


This is a giant dragon that lives in the deep ocean.

A Tide Dragon whelp has bright, shiny scales. As the dragon ages, the scales slowly turn a beautiful, silvery sea-green. Their ivory tusks are the size of javelins, and their pearly white claws are the size of swords. Their length is so incredible that it is impossible to see their entire body at once. Their bodies curl and coil throughout their burrows, and they often touch their tails.

Tide dragons use large underwater caverns to build their lairs. These caverns can be natural or constructed by the dragon. Tide dragons favor the flesh of sharks and whales, though they will often eat other seafood such as sahuagin, thulhas, deeps, and all small fish.

Although Thalassoclades can leave the water for limited periods of time, this is extremely rare. In fact, Thalassoclades rarely even approach the ocean's surface. Preferring to stay beneath the waves, they are the undisputed rulers of the deep.

This giant dragon is filled with extremely terrifying water energy. What is shocking is that it is also a terrifying creature of epic level.

In this land of the human world, the strongest person known now is at the epic realm, but one thing you have to know is that Chen Feng relied on order and had millions of people pooling resources to push himself to this level.

As for the other tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people, legendary strongmen are already the pinnacle and are people who have reached the ceiling.

As for epic, it is completely out of reach, even unimaginable.

Du Jing was the son of destiny, but despite this, he still relied on countless resources and only got the opportunity to impact the epic after several years.

The reason why Du Jingcai wanted to be promoted was that he knew that if he wanted to survive in this dangerous wasteland, strength was the only thing he could rely on.

But what Du Jingcai and everyone in Devil City did not expect was that the appearance of Ren Tianpeng completely brought Devil City into the vortex of death.

Who could have thought that while Chen Feng was confronting the evil dragon, there were already countless giant dragons lurking, looking out and charging inside and outside the city!

A huge dragon catastrophe suddenly descended upon the sky above the Devil City quietly and silently!