Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1535: Moths to flame


The sudden change of the Devil City was too much for Du Jingcai to bear for a while. Too many people died in this disaster.

Du Jingcai wanted to make amends, but what he could do now was insignificant compared to those who died. Although he had sufficient reasons, he had shown amazing fighting power and spirit in the previous battles.

Although it was Chen Feng who ended the battle, one thing that cannot be denied is that if there were no sacrifices like Du Jingcai who bought time for Chen Feng, even Chen Feng would not have been able to deal with these troublesome guys in such a short time.

Not only Ren Tianpeng, Rose, the devil and the blood demon, but also the half-ling goddess, Yondala, who is in the good camp but has a relationship with Rose!

Even Chen Feng might feel that he was in a whirlpool and couldn't escape easily from it, let alone someone as powerful as Du Jingcai.

Although Du Jingcai is also at the epic level, people are divided into different levels. Although they are all lives, some are fat and some are thin. Although they are at the same level, Du Jingcai has just been promoted, while Chen Feng has been in the abyss for who knows how many years, so he has not seen many fights among the gods.

Du Jingcai cannot leave these zombies alone, because the power he gained from Li Siyu now becomes Du Jingcai's capital for fighting.

The terrifying energy gathered in the palm of Du Jingcai. At this moment, he went completely crazy and kept attacking the zombies in front of him.

These zombies had just been transformed and were not much stronger than a corpse. When facing humans, they could attack with heavy punches and bite off the throat of their prey with one bite. But when facing Du Jingcai, they were like ants and could be crushed to death with a light pinch.

However, fate is often not as good as one would like. Just when Du Jingcai gave everything to save people, some small incidents occurred.

A woman in her early forties was being besieged by a group of zombies at this time, but she seemed to be scared silly. She just stood on the ground, motionless, as if she had completely given up resisting.

Just as the zombies were about to dismember and eat the woman, Du Jing was suddenly shocked. He had witnessed too many people dying in front of him before. At this moment, he had to save this poor person who was left here no matter what.

Thinking of this, Du Jingcai became furious. He ran towards the other party quickly. When he was still a few hundred meters away, he suddenly clenched his fist and punched forward.


With a loud bang, the zombies were blown away dozens of meters as if they were blown away by a hurricane.

"Finally saved him."

Du Jingcai was breathing heavily and attacking from a long distance, which obviously caused him considerable side effects.

However, what was unexpected was that instead of being happy, the woman actually went against her normal behavior and rushed towards the zombies.

"Wait! Don't go, stay here, don't leave me, I have lost too much, you are all I have left now, son, please don't leave mommy!"

Seeing the zombies lying all over the ground, the woman's heart skipped a beat and she shouted loudly. She didn't care about the minor injuries on her body and ran out wildly, even ignoring the ugly faces and dark nails of the zombies and let the tears flow out.

"Damn it, don't go over there, it's dangerous!"

Du Jingcai yelled anxiously, he rushed over hastily, not caring about the taboos between men and women, and grabbed the other person. In Du Jingcai's opinion, the other party was in an extremely excited state, and he didn't know what stimulated her to want to hug the zombies. Isn't she afraid of death

Du Jingcai was extremely fast and pounced on the other person in one go, preventing the woman from having any contact with the zombies. He had experienced a tide of zombies and naturally knew what zombies meant.

Those cruel and murderous zombies only need to scratch a little bit of human skin to inject the terrible corpse poison into a woman's body. At that time, the woman will become an unconscious zombie in a short while.

Du Jingcai had finally pulled the other person out of hell, so how could he just watch him jump into the fire pit again

Du Jingcai originally thought that he had saved the other person again, but what Du Jingcai had never expected was the woman's performance.

"Get out of here!" The woman turned pale and yelled at the top of her lungs. If Du Jingcai hadn't held her hands, she really wanted to slap him in the face.

How could this man... How could he deprive himself of his most important family

When the end of the world came, the woman lost her husband, parents, close girlfriend and countless friends in life.

Until now, the woman still couldn't believe the reality of all this. She instinctively thought that she was in a dream and she just hadn't woken up yet.

If she were alone, the woman might have chosen to leave this world long ago and return to the warm world she had always dreamed of.

Although she wanted to give up everything, she couldn't leave because her child survived, a freshman boy who was filial to his parents, sensible and obedient. The woman was able to hold on until today all thanks to her child.

Especially after experiencing the end of the world, the other party's understanding and obedience even made the woman feel a little dazed for a while. Compared with herself, an incompetent mother, the other party was more like a parent.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, the boy has become a real man. However, the price of growing up is a bit cruel, and that is the whole family.

The son and mother depend on each other, they are everything to each other. In fact, the son performed very well. Although he is not a professional, he still does daily exercise and fitness. In his own words, one day, he wants to protect his mother from being harmed by monsters.

In the eyes of parents, no matter how old their son is, he is still a child. They supported each other and went through many pains and disasters. Seeing that the Devil City was still standing and they had truly settled down on this wasteland, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Just when everyone thought that life would go on like this peacefully, the woman would watch her son get married and have children, and she was ready to become a grandmother, but a sudden disaster made this already miserable family even worse.

A zombie suddenly broke into her home, which reminded the woman of the moment when the end of the world came, and her relatives were bitten and devoured by these cruel and murderous monsters.

And now, are we going to repeat the same mistakes

Just when the woman was helpless and afraid, the big man who she had always protected behind her suddenly stepped forward, knocked down the zombie, and pulled the woman out of the house. They ran a long way until the woman could no longer run, and then they finally stopped.

Without waiting for the woman to say anything, the man first smiled bitterly, then said to the woman: "Mom, forgive me for not being able to take care of you anymore."

It turned out that the boy had been scratched by a zombie when he was rescuing the woman. Coupled with the continuous running, he no longer had any strength to survive. He could foresee that it would not be long before he would become a real zombie.

Before he completely mutates, the boy still has one thing to do, and that is to get his only relative away from here!

The boy roared like crazy, but still couldn't drive the woman away. In the end, the boy mutated. The woman did not wake up in her mother's tears, but completely turned into a consciousnessless zombie like a monster!

The moment the other party mutated, he reached out his hand to his former relative. At that time, the boy had lost consciousness and he had completely forgotten the beautiful scenes of the past, the scenes of the mother and son insisting on surviving in this wasteland.

He had only one goal at this time, which was to devour and fill his stomach.

This is a zombie. It has no human emotions at all. In a sense, it has become a corpse, a consciousnessless corpse.

Watching her well-behaved son turn into a terrible monster, the woman's values and outlook on life completely collapsed.

She completely felt that what she had experienced was a dream. She wanted to leave this world and use up her last bit of strength to leave here, because this place had no appeal to her at all. Facing the monster's attack, she chose to close her eyes instead of running away and struggling.

Ending this dream is so important to her that a woman would do it at any cost!

The family that I had worked so hard to build was broken up just like that. I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to my parents and my lover properly.

Too many unknowns make a woman feel seriously insecure. She doesn’t know whether what she sees is an illusion or reality, and she doesn’t know how long she will be tortured by this ruthless world.

But she knew one thing, that is—

Everything she cherished had been destroyed. She had nothing left and had completely lost hope of surviving.

"Calm down, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong?"

The woman's voice suddenly rose. At this moment, she seemed to have turned into a terrible monster. Her snow-white cheeks were full of anger, and a fierce rage flashed in her cold eyes.

"He's dead!"

Du Jingcai looked at the zombie lying in the corner and found that it was three-quarters similar to the woman. Then he suddenly realized that the zombie seemed to be the woman's relative.

Du Jingcai has seen this kind of situation too many times. This is nothing. What is really unbearable and even makes people depressed is killing these loved ones with their own hands.

Just like Du Jingcai...

His hands were stained with the blood of his relatives.

The woman's behavior was stopped, which made her regain some sanity. She half-knelt on the ground, muttering to herself like a madman: "Why is it always like this... Why is it always like this... Every time I am about to touch happiness, everything will leave me."

The woman lowered her head somewhat weakly, her soft shoulders shrugged slightly, her voice contained endless unwillingness and despair, yet there was also a hint of helpless crying.

“This too shall pass.”

"You said everything will pass?"

The woman broke free from Du Jingcai's restraints, wiped her tears from her face, and looked at the mutant child who was afraid of Du Jingcai and dared not step forward.

Poor child, he just had a few days of good life and now he becomes like this.

"Let's go. Get to the city as soon as possible... You have to survive and start a new life. I will make sure you all have a good life. I promise you that this is the last time I lose you..."

"The last time?"

The woman laughed miserably: "But I have nothing left to lose. Everything I had is gone."

Having said this, the woman's eyes became red again.

Du Jingcai didn't know what to say now, because no matter what he said, the words seemed so pale.

He once promised everyone that he would make everyone live a good life, but what about now

He simply couldn't do that, just as the woman was asking herself now, what was the point of living a good life in the future? She had nothing to lose.

“Buzz buzz buzz—”

Just at this moment!

A group of little devils suddenly emerged from the burning ruins. They were like a thick thundercloud rolling in, bringing with them an incomparable sense of oppression. Each little devil was as big as an iron basin, and their flying speed was incredible.

Imps are not very courageous, but they are not so timid that they will miss any opportunity to attack (their "invisibility" and "transformation" often create such opportunities). When Imps appear in their true form, they can use the spikes on their tails to attack the opponent. If the enemy intends to fight back, they will immediately fly away.

Imps are a type of devil, a purgatory creature from a lawful evil kingdom in the world of Baator.

Imps are cunning devils who often serve lawful evil spellcasters as advisors or spies.

At this time, the other party just appeared and rushed towards the place where the crowd was fleeing. These were the fish that escaped the net on the meteorite. Because they could fly and their bodies were very small, they managed to escape the natural disaster. They were weak and dared not fight with professionals, but when facing ordinary humans at this time, they showed super lethality and destructive power.

Du Jingcai couldn't just stand by and watch her die, but the woman in front of him was too emotionally unstable, so he could only comfort her and say, "Please believe me, the darkness will pass, and we will soon see the dawn."

“Is there really hope?” the woman murmured, looking up.

"Yes, there will be hope!" Du Jingcai nodded and affirmed the woman.

"Thank you." The woman pondered for a while, as if she had figured something out, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Seeing the woman in this state, Du Jing was relieved and said, "Okay, don't talk about this anymore. Hurry back to the city. Someone will receive you there. Believe me, everything will be over."

After saying that, Du Jingcai rushed towards those demons. Halfway through, he was still worried and turned back to take a look. However, this one look made his pupils shrink.

But the woman stretched out her hands and did not choose to go to the city, but walked towards the zombies in the distance whose spines were broken by Du Jingcai.


Du Jingcai screamed miserably. He didn't understand at all why the woman wanted to give up her life even though he had said so much.

Everyone has their own way of living, and the same is true for women. Everything she has has been taken away by the end of the world. No matter whether this world will become brighter or not, for a woman, her life has become extremely dark.

At this moment, she just wanted to wake up, nothing else.


Hearing Du Jingcai's wailing, the woman thanked him sincerely. Du Jingcai had undoubtedly saved her, but to the woman, life was not precious. On the contrary, being able to reunite with her family was her deepest desire.

Human beings are not just rats and cockroaches hiding in dark corners. Some are like moths flying into a flame. They know they will die, but they still go forward without hesitation!