Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1538: The brilliance of humanity


Li Siyu was standing on the wasteland at this time, a trace of pity flashed in her eyes. As a messenger of light, although she obeyed Chen Feng, she also had absolute freedom.

It was precisely because of the strong compassion in her heart that the energy mutated. She was seen floating in the air. The light energy was like a small sun, directly illuminating half of the Devil City.

When Chen Feng saw this scene, he realized that the other party was healing the survivors of Devil City, because Li Siyu knew that these people's strength was almost exhausted.

Some people will even become corpses before they can even wait for their treatment, so Li Siyu decided to use this method. Although it cannot cure the disease, it can save lives and allow those who are still alive to get the best rescue time.

With the help of Chen Feng, Li Siyu caused this energy to spread over the entire Devil City. The breath of the ocean of life completely covered up the bloody smell, and the mouth and nose were filled with the fragrance of soil and grass...

"The angel really appeared!?"

"The bleeding has stopped? Oh my god, my wound has stopped bleeding?"

"I thought I was going to die. Is this a miracle?"

"No!" A missionary shook his head. At this time, he looked at Li Siyu with great holiness and muttered to himself: "This is not a miracle, this is a miracle, a miracle that only gods can create!"

Within the range covered by Li Siyu, energy covered the wounded. Many soldiers who were dying or had just stopped breathing were nourished by the holy light and regained their vitality one by one.

The pain of those who were severely injured or suffering from the aftereffects of self-harm stopped. At this moment, they all looked at their own bodies in disbelief, and looked at the girl hanging in the air in even more disbelief.

There is always a shortage of calm people. Those people don't believe in the bullshit theories of gods and angels. After seeing the abilities of the professionals, they instinctively think that this is Chen Feng's scheme. The so-called gods and angels are nothing more than fools to deceive Devil City.

But now, when these people saw Li Siyu spreading her wings, saw the holy light coming, and felt their pain beginning to disappear little by little, these people completely knelt on the ground. They no longer hesitated, but completely believed that this was a miracle!

The other party looks like she is not even twenty years old, but why can she exert such strong power at this time

Is this another miracle on the battlefield? Or... is that girl the incarnation of a god

This horrific battle affected such a wide range of people that even the ace professionals who roamed the outside world were mostly killed or injured at this time.

A young man with a cold-blooded look raised his head. Like Du Jingcai, he no longer recognized the world in front of him.

He is an emotionless person, but he is extremely loyal to Devil City. The transformation of energy has made him lose his emotions, but it cannot deprive him of his love for his hometown.

At this time Fang Tong stood on the ground, looking at everything stupidly. He was also one of the aces. In the past, their group had solved countless crises. It could be said that the Devil City had tilted countless times, involving the deaths and injuries of hundreds of thousands of people. In the end, it was they who turned the tide and saved everything.

But now, even these savior-like figures were lying on the ground in a mess. They were the first wave of fighters to stop the Fear Dragon. As early as the beginning of the battle, a large number of professionals had already sacrificed their lives.

To the extent that, at this time they could not even feel Li Siyu's treatment, they just lay on the ground, becoming cold corpses.

"Fang Tong, don't be too sad, they died for a good cause!" The surviving companion came over, walked to Fang Tong, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Everything will pass!"

"Everything will pass? For the sake of power, I even gave up the most important feelings, but what happens next? We still haven't escaped from this disaster. Just a giant dragon almost wiped out our entire army. We survived today, but what about next time? What about the next time? Is this our fate?"

At the end, Fang Tong actually burst into tears. It was an extremely shocking scene. You know, Fang Tong had lost his emotions a long time ago. In order to gain power, he even broke off the engagement with his girlfriend. They survived the apocalypse with great difficulty, but because of Fang Tong's righteousness, they chose to give up this relationship!

"Don't say anymore, this is our destiny, our destiny is to protect!" the partner explained.

"Protect? ... Is it really meaningful to protect with my life like this?"

Fang Tong asked himself again and again, but still couldn't find the answer. He was confused and puzzled, and felt that everything was not what he wanted at all.

"Perhaps this is our fate." The companion next to him seemed to feel the same way. He nodded and agreed with the other person.

"We are like a group of bees that have lost their direction. We are constantly running after the storm. One day we will die." The companion murmured to himself, but did not notice that Fang Tong's face had changed.


Fang Tong suddenly smiled and said, "If you can't escape the fate of death in the end, why not now?"

Before his companion could react, he saw Fang Tong stretched out his hand and slapped him directly on the forehead.


With a loud bang, Fang Tong fell in a pool of blood and died.


The colleague who had just experienced a tragedy had already collapsed mentally. At this time, after seeing Fang Tong commit suicide in front of him, the colleague fainted directly.

The disaster affected too many people.

At this moment, Fang Tong undoubtedly suffered from post-war psychological syndrome after experiencing countless battles.

Post-traumatic stress syndrome is a type of post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as post-traumatic stress disorder, post-traumatic stress syndrome, post-traumatic mental tension disorder, and sequelae of major blows. It refers to the sequelae of psychological disorders after a person encounters or resists major stress. These experiences include life threats, serious physical injuries, and physical or mental coercion. Sometimes it is called post-traumatic stress reaction to emphasize that this phenomenon is a reasonable result of experiencing trauma, rather than a problem with the patient's psychological state.

The main symptoms of PTSD include nightmares, personality changes, emotional detachment, numbness, insomnia, avoidance of things that trigger traumatic memories, irritability, hypervigilance, memory loss and easy startling.

In fact, Fang Tong had cut off his feelings a long time ago in order to escape this emotion, but he never thought that even if he had turned himself into a monster, he would still be afraid.


This is no ordinary fear.

He was completely tired of life in the apocalypse, because to a certain extent, he had seen through this world, a world without any hope at all.

Instead of living in a daze like a puppet, it is better to end your life now and go to a happy world.


This is war.

… … … … …

However, everything has two extremes. There are professionals who cannot stand despair and are willing to commit suicide to seek liberation. There are also real men who have no strength but are full of passion.

At the same time, in a remote corner.

That's a little devil.

Having devoured so many lives, it had a good meal. However, as it was far away from any forces and had no idea what was happening, it fell into a sound sleep.

Although the opponent looks rather fat, one thing you need to know is that he is still a devil from purgatory, emitting a thick black energy all over his body, which seems to cause the air to become distorted.

Its strength is not high, only bronze level, but it is much stronger than ordinary humans.

The devil is gifted with great talents and possesses unparalleled strength, which is many times stronger than ordinary beasts. In previous raids, many humans were killed and eaten by it.

But even in the face of such a terrifying beast, there were more than a dozen people watching cautiously on the side of a building in the distance. They were all ordinary people, but they witnessed the little devil committing the crime.

They didn't know that most of the monsters in the city had been cleared out, and the reason this place was ignored was because it was extremely hidden.

But these people don’t know that the reason they gathered here is to protect their homes!

"Are you all ready?"

"Get ready! Brother Zhang, do we really have to fight that monster head-on... Isn't it too dangerous?" A man in his early thirties asked with a grim expression. At this point, he, who had been shouting the loudest before, actually became a little cowardly.

"There is definitely danger, but this guy has killed too many people. Now that he is sleeping, it is our best opportunity. If he wakes up and attacks us, we will be truly hopeless and there will be no chance of survival!"

"Since Brother Zhang has said so, I have no objection."

The man swallowed his saliva. Although he was still a little hesitant in his heart, he was much stronger than before. At this time, he just hoped that everything could be resolved peacefully.

Soon, this devil-hunting team took new actions.

The reason why they dared to hunt the little devil was that the man called Brother Zhang was holding a shotgun loaded with bullets.

At this time, the man aimed at the little devil from a distance and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The next moment, after a burst of violent gunfire, a flame sprayed into the little devil's body!


The little devil suddenly woke up from the pain. He opened his eyes full of ferocity and hostility and looked around angrily!

But, the next moment, it felt a dizziness spreading from the tip of its nose to the depths of its brain...

That shot actually hit its head directly. Although it did not kill it directly, it severely injured it and made it difficult for it to breathe.

"Let's go together! Kill this beast!"

At this time, the man who fired the gun roared and led the men, like a pack of wolves, rushing towards the little devil.

These people witnessed the cruel methods of the little devil, so they naturally understood the principle of taking advantage of his weakness to kill him. If they waited for the little devil to react, they would be the first to die.

There was no time to hesitate now. Even the man who was worried about gains and losses before became completely furious at this time. He held a shovel in his hand and hit the other person's head directly!

Shockingly, after just a moment of contact, the little devil was at a disadvantage. You have to know that it came from purgatory, but it was a member of the devil's army. Although it was a cannon fodder that was so small that it could not be any smaller, it could easily kill dozens of lives under normal circumstances.

The reason for all this was that the little devil had already eaten his fill and was still sleeping, which was the time when he was most relaxed. Naturally, his strength had not yet been used. The only thing that most affected his strength was that shot, which hit him in the middle of his eyebrows by accident, making it impossible for him to use his strength at all.


The little devil was completely furious. Although he was only cannon fodder in Purgatory, he was also the best among cannon fodder. Moreover, what kind of enemies did he encounter in the past? What kind of enemies were they fighting against him now? The little devil would take revenge for this kind of humiliation no matter what!

At this moment, a sharp sound suddenly came from the little devil's body.

But the little devil was like a torch, with black flames burning all over his body. These flames were not physical, but the other party's soul.

The little devil knew that even if he continued like this, he would be killed by humans sooner or later. Before that, it would be better to strike first and sacrifice his soul to gain more powerful strength and take revenge!

At this time, the little devil seemed to have turned into a real evil ghost awakening from hell, and waves of extremely hateful power began to awaken in his body.

"Oh, damn! What happened to this guy? Why did he become so terrifying all of a sudden? Can we really defeat him?"

The man who had hesitated before raised questions again at this time.

Perhaps it was his voice that caught the attention of the little devil. The vengeful little devil aimed at the man, pounced on him with one claw, and killed the man directly. The man didn't even have a chance to breathe and became a corpse.


Seeing the man being slapped to death, the remaining survivors felt their hearts pounding and they could not help but feel a sense of fear...

After all, they are just ordinary people. Being able to attack the devil already shows extraordinary courage. It is very normal for them to be afraid at this time.

But the man who fired the gun before did not retreat at this time. When everyone was terrified, he still stood up bravely. Unlike Fang Tong who chose to escape and commit suicide because of the disaster, the man chose to face the devil head-on to show the brilliance of his humanity!

"Die, monster!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man pulled the trigger and shot the devil in the head again at close range!