Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 154: Belief in God


No one wants to die.

These murderous words came out of Chen Feng's mouth, and the hearts of the 506 soldiers suddenly became nervous.

This is a road of no return. Either go down this road or fall off the cliff next to it and be smashed to pieces. In this situation, they have no other choice at all.

"Distribute this meat. You can eat it or take it back to your families. Fill your stomachs first and then start training!" Chen Feng pointed his finger at Wei Xun.

"Yes!" Wei Xun nodded and said in a low voice. With a glance, his confidant took the insect meat and walked into the crowd.

Some of these soldiers haven't eaten meat for a long time. Especially for Lu Wei, he doesn't care about the so-called danger. As long as his sister can eat meat, he is willing to do anything.

The soldiers of the combat group distributed the insect meat one by one. When it came to Lu Wei, he deliberately rubbed his hands on his trouser legs, then said thank you and took it.

There was not much meat, only about one pound, but the aroma still made Lu Wei swallow his saliva.

Taking advantage of this momentum, Chen Feng shouted again: "These are just small things. When you really become a warrior, any reward will be a piece of cake. I can even give you the power you long for."

After saying this, flames suddenly burned on Chen Feng's body.

The flames were boiling, the heat waves were rolling, and Chen Feng turned into a fire demon. He held a flaming sword in his hand, and with the devil horns on his head, he turned into a real devil in an instant.

"What? How did you do that?"

"It's too hot. Why is it still so hot even though we're so far away?"

"This is so scary... Is this the power of adults?"

At this time, the shock in everyone's hearts was as terrifying as a huge wave.

Bathed in dragon blood, Chen Feng's body of the fire demon was strengthened again. He just stood there, and a fierce murderous thought swept through everyone's inner world like a storm.

Fire elementals can also manipulate flames. In addition, there are other professions, such as flame warriors and red flame knights, who all have the ability to manipulate flames. However, no matter how powerful they are, they are ultimately just human forms.

But now Chen Feng has turned into a burning demon. He stood there, and his cold eyes swept over everyone one by one. Others began to have difficulty breathing, not knowing what was happening.

"Did you see that?"

Chen Feng looked at everyone coldly: "In this world where the strong are respected, women, food, safety, all of these are closely related to strength. Fight for me. If your military merits accumulate to a certain level, I will give you strength, the real power you have always dreamed of!"

As he spoke, Chen Feng let out a roar from his throat, and the long sword in his hand suddenly became soft. He shook his arm hard, and a long whip was thrown on the ground.

The originally solid stone brick was directly hit with a pitch-black whip mark. It is hard to imagine that if this happened to a human, the flesh and blood would be torn apart or even torn in half.

Play the pig and eat the tiger

Doesn't exist!

For Chen Feng, what he advocates is the aesthetics of violence.

Anything that can be solved by force will not be wasted on excess manpower and material resources.

What's more, he is the master of this city. The more powerful he is, the more solid his rule will be, and the chance of betrayal will be minimized.

"There are too many dangers in this world. If you hadn't entered the order, you might be wandering outside, or even living a hungry life, with no tomorrow or hope at all. But now, I have established order, and each of you lives a stable life here."

"Although the training is huge and may cause injuries or disability, compared with the miserable days outside, what does it matter?"

"Listen carefully, from the moment you were selected, your fate has been determined. Don't be afraid. I promise you here that even if you die in battle, I will take care of your remaining relatives and will not let them suffer any injustice at all."

"Also, I can graft the bodies of monsters onto those of ordinary people. As long as you perform well, I will give you unimaginable power! By then, your strength will be no weaker than that of ordinary professionals, or even stronger!"

"I have promised so much, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to offer your loyalty and serve me!"

Chen Feng spoke in rapid succession, each sentence was filled with deep meaning, and before they knew it, they had shocked everyone.

At this time, Wei Xun on the side suddenly stood up. He raised his right arm and used the Arm of Beasts to its full extent. He looked extremely terrifying and frightening. He roared, "I swear to be loyal to you until death!"

After hearing Wei Xun's roar, the others finally reacted and a ripple began to form in their hearts.

"Swear allegiance to you till death!"

"Swear allegiance to you till death!"

"Swear allegiance to you till death!"

At first the sentence was a little discontinuous, but after reading it several times, the tone became more and more uniform, and the neat sound echoed in the sky of order.

More than 500 people stood together, and their momentum was simply astonishing to the extreme. At this time, these people chanted in unison, and it seemed that even the dark clouds above their heads were shaken away.

The voices of allegiance continued to surround.

Along with this roaring sound, strange rays of light suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's eyes. These rays of light were like thin lines, emerging from the warrior's body, and then slowly condensing on his own body.


These words of loyalty connected everyone's hearts together. Their devout loyalty even made them become Chen Feng's believers. At this moment, their minds were no longer wavering. Instead, they regarded Chen Feng as a god and master, and dedicated their souls and bodies to him.

At this moment, the hearts of these soldiers are extremely pure. They have dedicated all their loyalty, not only for themselves but also for their families. As long as they are loyal to Chen Feng, even if they die, their families will be protected by him.

Spiritual sustenance.

To them, Chen Feng was like a god, giving them a sense of security and protection.

At this time, Chen Feng showed a look of surprise. The power of the devil's horn was highlighted, and he actually sensed the existence of faith.

Just like Rose the Spider Queen, the more believers there are, the more power the evil god can gain from them.

What does this portend

He accepted the prayers of these believers, and if he wanted, he could give them his power.

Are you kidding

This is a common tactic used by evil gods.


Chen Feng was a little hesitant, as if he had discovered something incredible!