Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 1545: The power of death


At this time, the sky became gloomy, and dark clouds covered the sky, completely shrouding the Devil City in darkness.

There are countless zombies roaring ahead!

They were victims of some superiors. Neither the Demon Lord nor the demon army regarded these people as lives. The previous chaos led to this tragedy.

But if they are not stopped, these zombies are likely to spread to the entire Devil City. By then, the Devil City, which has finally restored peace, will have to suffer a new round of fatal blows.


A loud bang!

With the appearance of Chen Feng, all this took a turn for the better. Saruman, who was under the opponent's command, suddenly raised the bone scepter in his hand, and then a deep space-time crack suddenly opened in front of him!

Immediately afterwards, a large group of black zombies, ghost riders, hungry skeletons and countless undead poured out from inside.

These creatures, which originally meant destruction, now became a dam that protected the Devil City from harm.

At the forefront of the undead was a corpse demon. This walking corpse was covered with rotten and decayed flesh, and red flames were burning in its eye sockets where the white bones were exposed.

What's even more horrifying is yet to come. This seemingly broken corpse actually possesses legendary strength.

A wight is a humanoid corpse raised through necromancy, or it may appear as a result of a violent death or a particularly malicious person. In other cases, a wight is formed when an evil undead spirit possesses the corpse of another creature—usually a warrior who died in battle.

As we all know, Saruman occupies the Plains of Bones, where there is a lack of everything except corpses and bones. This corpse demon was originally a general in another dimension and possessed epic power when he was alive. He had been conquering all his life, and in the final battle against the demons, he was pierced through the body by a demon lord, and even his soul was imprisoned, locked in the darkness for who knows how many years.

The being that imprisoned it before was also a lich. In order to torture the warrior who had caused him so much trouble, the lich transformed the opponent's corpse into a severely distorted being, which is the one in front of us. However, the corpse's eyes were burning with hatred for living things, and its sharp teeth like a beast were exposed.

A wight is something of a cross between a ghoul and a ghost—a corrupted corpse that can be drained of life by mere touch.

The other party was enslaved by the lich, and continued to serve the other party in the long and dark abyss. In order to ease the resentment in his heart, the lich even returned to the corpse demon's original world and launched a war. Before that, the corpse demon was the cornerstone of mankind, protecting its relatives and companions from harm.

But after returning to the surface, the corpse demon had been transformed and had long lost its human consciousness. At that time, it was simply a complete monster. It eventually destroyed the kingdom it was protecting, and even its own relatives were slaughtered by it.

The blood of its relatives not only failed to revive the corpse's consciousness, but instead inflicted unimaginable cursed damage on it. The corpse became a transformed warrior and a sinner who slaughtered all its relatives. The corpse spent hundreds of years in this confused state until it met Saruman.

Under Chen Feng's order, Saruman began to expand his power. The lich disobeyed him and was easily killed by Saruman who had been promoted to epic. In addition, the other party also inherited all the legacy left by the lich, including the corpse demon in front of him.

The wight is a true warrior. Both his will and strength won Saruman's favor. In their subsequent interactions, Saruman also discovered his ability to lead.

Although the corpse demon had forgotten everything, even its soul was shattered and swallowed by the previous lich, the opponent's commander's ability seemed to have been engraved in its bones. Even though it had died and hundreds of years had passed, it still had not forgotten it.

At this time, the corpse demon stood in front of countless undead souls, like a leader, drawing out the giant bone blade at its waist. The fire of the soul began to flicker in its eye sockets, and its roars resounded throughout the slums.

More and more undead appeared at Saruman's summons, and along with the call of the corpse demon, more terrifying figures stood behind it.

Giant skeleton!

This kind of undead has a body of five meters.

The giant skeleton is a supernatural giant formed by the corpses of countless people who died of famine after a great disaster. These dead creatures driven by countless starving people still retain their endless hunger. The giant skeleton relies on savage instincts to search and devour all the living things they can hunt, constantly looking for resources that can fill the endless hunger in their memories.

Those ugly zombies were already extremely terrifying in the eyes of humans, but after seeing Saruman's methods, many people were so shocked that they were speechless.

The people standing here at this time are real warriors. They have followed Du Jingcai all the way to where he is now. It can be said that some timid people have already escaped from the Devil City in the previous chaos.

Although they are brave, one thing that cannot be denied is that they are also human beings and have their own fears. Facing the densely packed zombies has made their breathing a little short. As corpse demons, skeletons and other undead spirits that are rarely seen in normal days descend upon this land, their breathing begins to become heavier.

If all this had not come from Chen Feng, from the gods in whom they trusted so much, they might have already used their energy to attack by now!

That’s right, after seeing these horrific scenes, they still did not give up resistance. They did not want to escape, but were willing to continue to follow Du Jingcai and stay here to protect this land.

They love this place from the bottom of their hearts. For these people, this is where their loved ones and new lives are, and they are willing to give everything for it.

The demons cannot make them escape, and the zombies cannot make them give up resistance. Logically, if these undead armies in front of them really become enemies, they will face them calmly instead of turning around and running away like cowards.

When some believers saw all this, their admiration for Li Pei reached an extreme. They had never imagined that the already high and mighty God, in addition to possessing angels, actually also held the power of death.

How terrifying would a God with such power be? These believers felt dizzy because they simply couldn't imagine it.