Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 178: The end of the road



As expected, none of the insect kings are simple characters. Who would have thought that in peacetime, the earthworms that could be crushed to death with one kick would turn into such ferocious monsters after mutation!

Even Chen Feng couldn't help but frown now. He just ignored the actions of the giant earthworm, allowing it to take advantage of the opportunity and turn the game around.


"Die...hate...kill you..."

There was a sound of teeth chattering, and suddenly, the inferior demon stood up from the ground. Its chest was severely injured and was sunken half a meter deep. The dragon scale arms around it were also broken, as if they were useless, hanging limply on the body.

What is the structure of a lesser demon's body

Mud and corpses.

If it happened to someone else, the injuries would be impossible to recover from in a short period of time, but for the inferior demon, it seemed insignificant. The next second, like blowing up a balloon, its body slowly expanded and returned to normal, and the broken arms were slowly retracted into the body, apparently being swallowed up to restore the lost vitality.

Immortality vs. Absolute Defense.

Both sides possess powerful hand-to-hand combat skills. The giant earthworm, protected by its fat, was able to withstand the fists of the inferior demon, but the inferior demon also used its body of mud to dissolve the terrifying force just now.

The evil demon stood up from the ground, his facial expression frozen in a numb state, but there were drops of water and tears in his eyes, just like a child who had been wronged.


The inferior demon could even simulate emotions. Before, its wisdom came from the confused memories of the devoured, and its so-called language was nothing more than an instinctive expression.

But now, the evil demon's face no longer had the fixed smile it had at the beginning, but had become colorful, with joy, anger, sorrow and happiness all permeating his face.

what does that mean

This means that the inferior demon has integrated all its memories and evolved the ability to think. The inferior demon actually has its own consciousness.

Chen Feng was standing nearby and saw it clearly. He felt as if his chest was hit. A great sense of confusion filled his heart.

In the abyss, inferior demons are like templates. When they evolve, they will become other demons. In the process, their bodies will slowly transform, and they will gradually gain pain, thoughts, and other emotions possessed by other intelligent creatures.

But Chen Feng has chosen to confine his body size. If he continues to develop, even if he evolves again, the inferior demon will only be a chaotic and mindless mud monster.

But no one could predict it. As the inferior demon devoured more and more prey, it not only gained intelligence, but now it could even simulate emotions.

Divine evil.

An extraordinary existence whose true structure cannot be explored by humans.

At this moment, a sentence from a document describing a divine evil emerged in Chen Feng's mind. Indeed, the inferior demon now has the potential to become a divine evil. In this case, even the evil god cannot predict its future and changes.

Just as Chen Feng was thinking, both sides burst out with powerful attacks again. The inferior demons and the giant earthworms collided and exploded. The momentum was so strong that it seemed to make the whole world tremble!

— "Dragon Tail!"

The inferior demon's thick and long dragon tail swept across the body of the earthworm like a whip. The opponent wanted to dodge, but its eight-meter-long body was too big a target. Every time it was raised, it would hit the earthworm, leaving a deep scar.

The seemingly ferocious attacks of the inferior demon actually cause quite limited damage, because the skin of the burrowing earthworm is quite tough, which almost offsets most of its damage, unless the opponent can give the inferior demon the opportunity to hit the same place continuously, that is, to throw one punch and the other dozen punches all hit the same point, which can seriously damage the burrowing earthworm.

However, the giant earthworm's body swung everywhere, not giving the inferior demon any chance at all. Even though the sneak attack just now ended in failure, it did not mean that it would stop fighting.

The giant earthworm launched a resistance. Almost instantly, its body began to swell like a balloon. When the inferior demon approached, it opened its mouth and a large amount of corrosive venom sprinkled on the inferior demon's body.

Because of the explosion of the earthworm, the Lesser Demon encountered some unexpected troubles. Its body was splashed with poison. Logically, it could assimilate the poison in an instant with its immortal body, but... the poison was like maggots on the bones, sticking tightly to the Lesser Demon's body and gradually corroding its body.

What kind of toxic liquid is this? It even corrodes the silt!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


A strong wind blew up.

The giant earthworm raised its upper body and bit towards the inferior demon with a whistling sound. Its mouth was full of fine teeth, like a meat grinder. Once the inferior demon was bitten by it, its body would be severely injured.

When the evil demon saw this scene, he felt full of strength. The next second, his body suddenly shrank rapidly. His originally five-meter-long body shrank to two meters in an instant, and he avoided the bite of the giant earthworm.


The inferior demon has given Chen Feng too many surprises. Not only has its arm been covered with dragon scales, but its consciousness has also slowly recovered. And now, in addition to the red dragon's might, it has actually mastered the art of transformation.

Dragons have a natural sensitivity to magic. Except for some elemental powers, this kind of magical ability does not even need to be learned. Once they reach a certain age, they will naturally master it.

The red dragon that was hunted at that time was just a young dragon and knew very little magic. However, some giant dragons that have truly survived for hundreds of years, in addition to shapeshifting, have even mastered the art of mimicry. In their spare time, they can switch freely between humans and dragons.

After the inferior demon's body shrank, its dodging speed increased greatly. At this time, its agile figure almost flew in the air, with all its fists clenched tightly, and it slammed down towards the top of the giant earthworm's head!

Too sudden.

Even the giant earthworms could not dodge and could only allow the inferior demons to attack.

The fists only hit one place, with the top of the head as the boundary, and all hit the center.

Dozens of punches hit the same point, as if using a dozen hammers to smash the river bank. Finally, when the last punch came down, thick blood spurted out, and an indescribable stench swept the ground.

After suffering severe blows time and time again, with more and more injuries on its body, the giant earthworm finally felt a trace of fear in its heart, because it found that it could not do anything to the inferior demon. It wanted to escape, but the fat on its body was already torn and full of dents. Every time it curled up its body, it could feel a stinging pain.

A stream of venom sprayed towards the inferior demon.

The inferior demon took a few steps back vigilantly, while carefully looking at the enemy in front of him!

The giant earthworm pretended to attack once, then slowly retreated. It was no longer fighting as desperately as before, as if it was conserving its strength.

Save your energy

Chen Feng suddenly felt something was wrong and immediately looked at the other party carefully.

As it retreated, the giant earthworm kept sweeping the ground behind it. In just a few seconds, it dug out a small pit of nearly half a meter!

It wants to escape!

Retaining its strength is just a disguise. Its real purpose is to escape from here. Once it drills underground, all its efforts will be wasted.

There is no way Chen Feng would let it escape!

He paid such a huge price to fight it to such a weak state, how could he let it leave so easily.

If we let the giant earthworm escape like this, all our efforts will be wasted. Even the dark elves will not be able to make sacrifices. We don't know how long we will have to wait to reach the peak of silver.

The furious Chen Feng was filled with murderous aura, his murderous aura like that of a prehistoric evil beast, like a bottomless abyss, and the raging fire could almost burn the entire world to ashes!

Chen Feng was so furious that he uttered some devilish words, which became louder and louder, as if he was awakening some terrifying existence.

A cold breath began to emanate from the cracks in the abyss, without any sign of life or humanity.

"Da Da..."

There was a sound of trampling, and a skeletal warhorse emerged. On it was a headless knight holding a huge sword. His whole body was black, as if he had just been buried in a grave. His armor was as bright as new, but his head was blank, with only a body.

Headless Horseman!

It rots in the soil, and its soul is forever imprisoned in its body. It is born with the will to fight, and can form a tacit understanding with the warhorse under it. Even though it is only a silver existence, with perfect coordination, it can burst out an even more terrifying deterrent power!

In this situation, Chen Feng revealed his cards one by one. His ultimate goal was only one, and that was to completely kill the giant earthworm!

It has to be said that at this point, the balance of the battle had begun to tilt towards Chen Feng!