Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 209: Dust-covered memories



In a banquet hall specially built by Feng Zhiyong, countless dignitaries and doomsday socialites had dinner here. Because the atmosphere was so warm, a total of twenty tables were set up!

The bright red menu, written in traditional Chinese characters in vertical format and tied with golden threads, gives a unique feel when one opens the scroll and reads it. Countless ingredients that have long been out of circulation are neatly placed on each table.

Any dish on the table could lead to a bloody riot if taken out onto the street, and it would not be surprising to hear that a riot would break out if the entire table was placed out onto the street.

This is also a way to welcome back the hero.

However, unlike the shabby roar during the day, this celebration was luxurious.

Those seated here were not the real rich men and high officials of the past, but professionals! In peacetime, some of them might be workers and farmers, and they would never have the hope of attending such a luxurious party in their lifetime, but when the doomsday came, the awakening of their superpowers changed their future, and even their identities changed dramatically.

The inferiority of the past has turned into pride today. They talked, laughed, and ate. They swept away their humble past and became the most powerful group of people in Qiaodong.

Luxurious food and wine, beautiful banquets, all these things that should not have appeared in this era formed an irreconcilable difference with the people starving to death outside on the streets.

But they felt no guilt and continued to laugh out loud. In their hearts, such corruption and depravity was justified because they possessed a power completely different from those ants.

In addition to these delicacies, bottles of expensive liquor were placed on the table.

In the apocalypse, for some alcoholics, alcohol is a more valuable commodity than food.

Chen Feng did not raise his glass.

He always believed that alcohol was the culprit that paralyzed people's consciousness. In the doomsday, he needed to keep his mind clear at all times, so he never drank a drop of alcohol.

At this time, Chen Feng was sitting at the front row. The people at this table were all top figures of the war faction, including Zhou Xian, Tian Xuefeng, Feng Zhiyong, etc.

"Chen Feng, I am really moved to see you again today. No matter what, I have to say thank you to you." Feng Zhiyong looked at Chen Feng, stood up from the chair, and said softly.

What is Feng Zhiyong’s identity

Although the leader of the war faction is just an ordinary person, he is deeply loved by the people and is surrounded by a group of people with both moral integrity and talent.

"Thank you, no need. It happened suddenly that day and I was just doing my duty." Seeing Feng Zhiyong's calm look, Chen Feng did not move and was not panicked at all.

Although Feng Zhiyong is extremely powerful, Chen Feng now also controls an entire order, so the difference in their positions is not at all.

In a world where strength is respected, why would anyone care about identity and status

Chen Feng was trying to figure out Feng Zhiyong, and the other party was also observing Chen Feng. Feng Zhiyong was a master strategist who controlled the fate of hundreds of thousands of pro-war factions, and he had long developed a calm and composed character.

However, when he learned about the existence of Tongyi Economic Development Zone and that it was actually his savior, he couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

The cold and stern young man at the beginning has now grown to a position on par with himself. This change even gave Feng Zhiyong the illusion that he was in a dream.

Chen Feng.

He now represents not only himself, but also a huge force. If he can form an alliance with the other party, then the conservatives may not be so unscrupulous.

However, this kind of thing cannot be said openly. If you want to communicate, it is a secret that can only be told in private.

Feng Zhiyong turned his gaze away from the other person and looked into the distance.

Chen Feng is not the protagonist of the meeting today. For the entire Qiaodong New City, there is only one purpose for setting up such a banquet today, which is to welcome the triumphant army of tigers and wolves returning home.

Outside the building gate, a neat team of soldiers, murderous, mighty and majestic, escorted countless insects at the same time, standing tall on the huge street.

Standing on both sides of the street were the elite soldiers of the army. They were meticulous and their faces were filled with solemnity.

Behind them, a group of idle survivors were still shouting like a landslide or tsunami, and the cold wind turned hot.

Xu Hongzhuang walked in front, with all the trophies of this hunting trip in front of her. In addition to the strange insects and beasts she had killed, there was also a huge living creature that was tied up with iron chains and was being dragged away by dozens of strong men.

Titan giant worm.

This is a giant insect as big as an elephant, covered with fat. Its pair of insect eyes stare forward viciously, flashing a humanistic light.

This insect used to hide in the area west of Qiao. It had a super fertility ability and could give birth to dozens of larvae every day. When the doomsday came, its offspring would feed exclusively on humans. More than three thousand humans had died directly or indirectly at its hands!

Scary numbers!

This bug occupied the west side of the bridge and used a market as its nest. In the past, it had launched several attacks on the east side of the bridge, but the bug had always broken up its formation and even killed hundreds of elite soldiers.

This time, Xu Hongzhuang was ordered to go and wipe it out, and she lived up to everyone's expectations. In half a month, she eradicated it completely. The team cooperated skillfully and killed thousands of larvae and even captured the mother insect alive.

Flowers, meat, fine wine, and music were placed from the door to the banquet hall, so that the triumphant soldiers could eat to their heart's content along the way. However, no one in this team left the team to eat and drink, and they moved forward silently, adding to their momentum.

Xu Hongzhuang walked at the front of the crowd. Supported by the sacred beast, she looked so holy and beautiful.


Just like that, Xu Hongzhuang got off the horse when they reached the door and stood at the gate with her waist straight.

Long before Xu Hongzhuang entered, Feng Zhiyong left the table and walked to the door. In a city as big as Qiaodong, there were no more than five people whom he could treat like this.

The banquet was in complete silence. The professionals looked at the proud Valkyrie in silence, not knowing what to say. Even the big guys including Zhou Xian felt something dazzling before their eyes. After all, Xu Hongzhuang had reached this point at such a young age, which made them feel indescribable complex emotions.


After a gunshot, Feng Zhiyong stood up and said, "Xu Hongzhuang lived up to everyone's expectations and killed the monster and captured the insect mother alive. This is an amazing achievement. Today, I will not only reward all the soldiers who participated in the battle, but also have an important announcement. From today on, Xu Hongzhuang will be appointed as a major!"

At the command, all the soldiers standing outside fired their guns to signal their move. Even the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be driven away by the murderous aura and disappeared without a trace.

A grand welcoming ceremony has only just come to an end.

"Hongzhuang, you must have a good meal today after a tiring journey." Feng Zhiyong looked at Xu Hongzhuang, a hint of warmth in his eyes.

This is not a false feeling from the superior, but his true feelings. It is an indisputable fact that the war faction is now inferior to the conservative faction.

Faced with this situation, some of Feng Zhiyong's men, who had followed him for a long time, were persuaded by the other side to defect to the conservative forces. However, Xu Hongzhuang, this incredibly talented person, remained loyal to the end and had no ill intentions towards herself or the entire pro-war faction. People are all made of flesh and blood. It was for this reason that Feng Zhiyong took special care of Xu Hongzhuang and did not hesitate to use huge financial and material resources to train her into a rising star!

But at this time, Xu Hongzhuang shook her head: "Colonel, I will not attend the banquet. I am a little tired from the journey. I want to go back and rest early."

As she walked along, the nervousness in Xu Hongzhuang's heart not only did not disappear, but became more and more intense, to the point that she was restless all the way and just wanted to go back and rest as soon as possible.

But Feng Zhiyong was in high spirits and said loudly, "Hongzhuang, don't worry about taking a rest. I'm here to introduce you to a talented person. You two are of similar age, but both are extraordinary talents. Please follow me first."

Feng Zhiyong did not give Xu Hongzhuang a chance to refuse and strode towards the main table. Xu Hongzhuang stood aside and could not refuse, so she could only follow his steps.

Xu Hongzhuang followed absent-mindedly. At her position, so-called interpersonal communication was no longer important. She had only one obsession in her mind, which was to avenge her family and all the people who died at the hands of monsters!

She walked forward slowly and neither hurriedly nor slowly. She received admiring and covetous glances from all around her, but Xu Hongzhuang ignored them. With her beautiful appearance, she had no shortage of admirers.

However, her heart was filled with endless hatred, and she would not let her children's love affairs affect her promotion. It was precisely because of this that although she had no shortage of suitors, she had never accepted any of them.

"Hongzhuang, this is the talent I want to introduce to you, the commander of the Economic Development Zone, Chen Feng, Second Lieutenant Chen!" Feng Zhiyong's sudden introduction sounded in Xu Hongzhuang's ears.

She raised her head and looked forward in a perfunctory manner, but the next second, her expression suddenly changed and her delicate body couldn't help but tremble.

An unforgettable face appeared before her eyes.

Xu Hongzhuang's pupils contracted and turned into a thin slit in an instant. She would never forget this face in her life. It was the culprit that woke her up from nightmares for countless days and nights.


Will he appear here

"We seem to have met somewhere..."

A calm voice uttered from the man's mouth. At this moment, his face was calm, and he looked at the girl in front of him with interest.

Xu Hongzhuang felt sweating all over. This woman who had never shown any fear when facing the Titan worm, now felt like a thief who was caught on the spot for stealing. Her legs were trembling and some dusty memories of humiliation swept through her heart like a flood.

"Owner… "

The seeds planted in her heart took root and sprouted at this moment. She was so sad that she didn't even know the other person's name. She just vaguely remembered the words spoken by a hot voice next to her ear.

"From now on, you are my personal property..."