Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 230: Sad news


Squeezing out from the crack, the tentacle monster's figure was completely exposed. At this moment, its body had more than doubled in size, like a small mountain, giving people a sense of oppression. More than a dozen tentacles were swinging around at will, and at the center of its body was a pair of cunning and cruel eyes.

Tentacle monster.

To be precise, it is a tentacle monster that has entered the silver level.

Compared with the one Chen Feng encountered in the nursing home before, this tentacle monster was more muscular. Its originally soft tentacles were now as strong and powerful as human muscles.

It hit the ground, and the surrounding floor was immediately lifted up and broken.

What's more, the mucus on its body did not have any evil effect. Instead, it was like a corrosive liquid, dripping on the ground, and the floor suddenly turned black.

If you look closely at the particles on the tentacles, you will see that they are some sharp barbs.

There's something wrong with this look.

Chen Feng's brows, which were originally furrowed because of this special summoned beast, now turned into a "川" character.

This is a tentacle monster, yes, but its appearance is very different from the familiar creatures.

To put it simply, this might be a tentacle monster that has completely abandoned its evil tastes. Ordinary abuse and women are no longer in its eyes. Instead, it is a mutated tentacle monster that pursues pure strength and destructive power.

In the abyss, mutant creatures are not a rare species.

Perhaps because there are too many varieties, no one knows what your appearance will be like if you eat something strange one day.

As for the top of its head, it has a conical horn. Unlike its dark body, this horn is bright red.

Muscular tentacles, corrosive slime, and red horns.

I can’t imagine that if the other party really has a crush on women, unless he has a perverted physique like the dragon, if he were an ordinary human creature, he would not even be able to last one round and would die.


This summoned tentacle monster refreshed Chen Feng's seriousness about the word ugly, but in terms of pure momentum, it is superior to the werewolf.


After the two summoned beasts devoured all the flesh and blood in front of them, Chen Feng snapped his fingers and sent them back into the abyss.

"Qiaodong is a place full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. No one knows how many masters are hiding in secret. Now, I have two more trump cards in my hand, which greatly increases my safety. The threat that Qiaodong, which is so big, can pose to me is minimal." Chen Feng thought slowly in his mind, and then he walked out of the training room.

Li Siqi's promotion to silver caused a brief change in the weather, but now it was noon, the dark clouds had dispersed, and the sun was shining into the camp again.

The people who had been hiding from the rain gradually returned to their workstations and continued to be busy.

Among the busy crowd, in addition to adults, there are also old people and children. No force will keep idle people. In this era, pie will not fall from the sky.

However, in the order, the elderly and weak groups mostly do work within their capabilities and the workload is relatively light. But it is different in Qiaodong, where children can often be seen in the moving teams.

“No matter how powerful Qiaodong is, it is not easy to feed hundreds of thousands of people. If you want to live a better life, everyone needs to pay a corresponding price.”

Chen Feng had stayed in Qiaodong for a period of time in his previous life, and was no longer surprised by this phenomenon. On the surface, it was okay, not prosperous, but thriving. However, where there is light, there is darkness, and in the corners that no one knows about, there are still many dirty dealings.

Flesh and blood workshop.

Some thugs were idle, didn't want to work, and didn't have enough to eat, so they turned their attention to some poor people.

Children and women are their main targets. After kidnapping people, they first torture them to satisfy their own needs, and then bleed them, slaughter them, and cook and eat them like pigs and sheep.

Although Feng Zhiyong cracked down severely, these people were like weeds and could not be truly eradicated. After eliminating one group of them, new thugs would appear after a while.

Hunger can drive people to do crazy things.

To completely solve this problem, the most important point is to ensure that everyone has enough food to eat. However, with hundreds of thousands of mouths to feed, the amount of food consumed every day is an astronomical figure. How easy is it to feed everyone

The world is in chaos and evildoers are everywhere.

Insects eat people, wild beasts eat people, and even humans kill their own kind.

There was a scorching sun behind him, but Chen Feng felt that he was heading towards darkness.

This darkness comes from the end of the world. This is not a world where one can survive by being kind-hearted. If you are cruel, I will be crueler than you. If you are evil, I will be eviler than you.

Fighting and killing, the people living on this land are like poisonous insects. If they want to live a better life, they must first defeat others.

However, Chen Feng has long been familiar with this atmosphere. For some people, this endless pressure may even make them breathless, but for Chen Feng, all this is part of life.

It is normal to chop off the head or hand of anyone who poses a threat to oneself.

Chen Feng walked and stopped, appreciating the various aspects of life in Qiaodong New City.

"Woo woo..."

“Woo woo woo…”

Just as Chen Feng was lazily walking on the street, a low but urgent alarm suddenly sounded in the air.


Chen Feng came back to his senses and looked around, only to see some patrolmen with shocked expressions on their faces. The next second, as if they were suddenly awakened, they ran towards the square.

These people looked panicked, obviously something had happened.

"What's going on? Why did Qiaodong sound the highest alarm?"

"Haven't you heard? The news just came that the base we built outside was besieged by zombies. I heard that thousands of people died overnight."

“Oh my god, those slow-moving zombies actually managed to breach the base?”

"What do you know? According to the wounded soldiers who rushed back, there are countless zombies, and many of them are mutated monsters. They are invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire. Even if they are hit by artillery shells, they are not hurt."

"Oh, people are going to die again."

As the patrol team became distracted, some people gathered together and talked about gossip they had heard from somewhere.

"Zombies siege the city? Have the bugs already started their layout?" Chen Feng stood aside, his face slowly becoming solemn.

This is not a joke.

Calculate the time.

In his previous life, around this time, Qiaodong suffered a huge blow.

Dead Rising

This was one of the more dangerous battles in Qiaodong's experience.

The east side of the bridge is the human base, while the west side of the bridge has become the territory where zombies and insects live. In the past, battles often occurred between the two races, and the fights between them gave humans a chance to breathe.

However, the insects began to lie dormant intentionally a month ago. They were no longer bloodthirsty and fled in a farther direction. In just half a month, nearly 70% of the insects in the entire Qiaoxi area disappeared.

The Insect King is a qualified leader. Although he is just a bug, with evolution, his IQ has long surpassed that of ordinary humans, and he is even more powerful.

On the surface, it seemed that the insects were at a disadvantage and gradually disappeared from people's sight, but little did people know that this was a conspiracy of the Insect King. Without the supply of insect meat, the zombies that were originally stable began to run wild. They needed to devour fresh flesh and blood, and humans became their new target.

The mindless zombies were used as guns by the bugs.

Just like the bad news that just came, a base was completely besieged, humans and zombies were intertwined, and in just one night, thousands of people died in this battle.

The figure behind this base is Feng Zhiyong.

In the previous life, the zombies appeared too suddenly. After several battles, the zombies still captured the base with overwhelming numbers. Including soldiers and ordinary people, more than 6,000 people were slaughtered, and not even a complete body was left.

Feng Zhiyong's original intention was to build it into a stronghold, which could be used for attacking or defending, but the zombies came in full force, and the stronghold that was built with great difficulty fell.

Among these more than 6,000 people, some were fathers, sons, and husbands, but in the face of the disaster, they didn't even leave behind a single corpse.

Countless people raised the slogan of recuperation, and the once majestic Feng Zhiyong suddenly fell into a passive position, and even his subordinates chose to defect on a large scale.

Anti-war sentiment is spreading.

This became the last straw that broke the camel's back for the war faction...