Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 241: Roadblock


Soon, a team of thirty people was recruited.

These people stood together. Although they knew that this mission was extremely dangerous, no one looked timid. On the contrary, their faces were filled with a fearless attitude.

Especially the ten people standing in the front row of the crowd, their eyes were fierce. At first glance, they were like a group of tigers and leopards, with their teeth bared and their mouths bared, as if they could tear the enemy into pieces in the next second.

Iron Demon Army.

These people are the real elite of the war faction and the last force that Xu Hongzhuang can rely on.

In addition, weapons, equipment, and food were all prepared extremely well. After all, this kind of mission could be dangerous at any time. If something went wrong, not only would the mission be completed, but even the body would not be left intact.

Chen Feng had his own selfish motives, and he didn't even bring any of his trusted confidants with him on this mission.

You know, cultivating a middle-level management is not an easy task. If order is a fertile land, then these people are the seeds on the land. Whether order can grow into a dense forest depends entirely on the growth of these people.

After a short rest, everyone began to prepare to leave the city.



Loud noises rang out around the city walls.

Two magic crystal cannons, with a total of six shells, all hit the group of zombies. In addition, there were countless high-explosive grenades. In a short period of time, a vacuum zone was created within a ten-meter radius of the industrial zone.

This time, 70% of the industrial zone's ammunition reserves were directly utilized in the explosion, in order to open a bloody path for Chen Feng and his group.

burn one's boats.

At this time, Xu Hongzhuang's determination even made Chen Feng look sideways.

This is a gamble where everything is at stake. If it fails, the only option is to completely abandon the industrial zone. Therefore, for Xu Hongzhuang, this mission can only succeed and not fail!

"go ahead!"

Xu Hongzhuang was in the front, rushing forward with thirty people. Under the bombardment, the zombies had already been in chaos and could not form a large group in a short time. Therefore, this small team easily broke through the zombie group and rushed out.


At a command, Xu Hongzhuang's close followers and thirty trusted confidants gathered together, like a sharp blade, strangling all the zombies along the way.

At the same time, a muffled sound suddenly came from behind, and several figures fell directly from the wall.

The industrial zone was as high as a five-story building. At this distance, a person with flesh and blood would be disabled at best, or even die instantly. But what was strange was that these figures actually stood up unsteadily the next second.

Their eyes were dull and their complexions were ashen. They looked more like a group of mindless puppets than human beings.

"Look!" When Chen Feng was looking around, Xu Hongzhuang pointed to a place not far away with a serious expression.

The door slowly opened, and in addition to those strange figures, more than seventy people came out one after another, twice as many as Chen Feng's side.

Moreover, these warriors were all dressed in fine armor, carrying guns and swords, and they all had strong backs and strong waists, showing their strong and mighty

, their quality was only slightly lower than that of the Iron Demon Army.

The most noteworthy thing is that in the center of this group of people, there is a young man who is completely naked, with his upper body bare, without any protective gear, and with empty hands.

In such a situation, without wearing protective gear or holding any weapons, there are only two possibilities. First, this person is a fool. Second, this person is extremely powerful and can defeat hundreds or thousands of people!

Obviously, this person belongs to the second type.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and glanced at the other person, only to see that he had a majestic aura. It seemed that he was actually a master at the peak of the silver level.

"This man is Hong Jiuling's confidant, his name is Li Chuan. He is invulnerable to swords and spears, and is immune to water and fire. I have witnessed his fight. He was completely open and aggressive, without any moves or techniques to speak of. He relied entirely on amazing defense."

Xu Hongzhuang looked at the young man a few more times and recognized him.

"And those are all bio-humans and corpse puppets researched by conservatives. They don't have any consciousness and are just a group of fighting machines."

Xu Hongzhuang frowned slightly when she said this: "Li Chuan and I went to the base to provide support, but he just pretended to kill some zombies and hid in the mansion under the pretext of recuperating. But why did he suddenly come out today?"

Just as Xu Hongzhuang was looking at the other party, Li Chuan, who had gathered soldiers in the distance, seemed to sense Xu Hongzhuang's gaze and looked over here with malicious eyes.

"What are you thinking about?"

The team was about to set off. Chen Feng looked at Xu Hongzhuang, who had a frown on her face. She was looking at Li Chuan and the corpse puppet beside her with a thoughtful look in her eyes. No one knew what she was thinking.

"I was thinking, it's that Li Chuan who is really against me. When the stronghold needed help, he didn't move at all. But now he actually followed me out. I guess he has some conspiracy to deal with me this time?" Xu Hongzhuang said slowly.


Xu Hongzhuang continued, "I don't understand what Hong Jiuling's intention is. Doesn't he know the saying that the lips and teeth are cold? He keeps suppressing dissidents. Even if he really defeats Colonel Feng, what will happen? Will these zombies and bugs just give up? Just like this time, if he doesn't take the initiative to attack and hides in the stronghold, won't the zombies attack him anyway?"

Squinting her eyes, Xu Hongzhuang sighed, "This mission was already full of dangers, and now Li Chuan suddenly appears. I have to be on guard against him."

"Be on guard?" Chen Feng looked at the roaring corpses around him and said, "A good horse can be ridden. If it can be tamed, it can be used. If it cannot be tamed, what is the point of having it?"

"No need to be on guard. Once a situation arises, remember what I said: the first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer!"

"The first to strike is the strongest, the last to strike will suffer." Xu Hongzhuang asked: "Do you want to kill him first? But what is his identity?"

"I want to support you to become the master of the entire Qiaodong, and people like Li Chuan are just pigs and dogs. The meaning of their existence is to assist you, but you have different opinions. He is completely someone else's captive dog. This kind of person is simply a roadblock to your life. If you want to get to the top, this kind of stone must be cleared! Listen! Once the other party reveals a flaw, you and I will join forces to kill him!"

Chen Feng's eyes flashed with ferocity, and a hint of murderous intent appeared on his body.

Xu Hongzhuang was completely stunned when she heard this. She had originally only wanted to be on guard against Li Chuan, but Chen Feng was so ruthless that a provocative look from Li Chuan aroused his murderous intent. He even described the famous master of Qiaodong as livestock like pigs and dogs.

At this time, Xu Hongzhuang read a kind of cold will in Chen Feng, which was...

Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish!