Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 246: Clear away obstacles


The petite figure of the evil demon crawled out from the crack. It was only about one meter tall at first, but in the blink of an eye, its body began to swell and suddenly became a behemoth about three meters tall. The cloak on its body was immediately torn, revealing its weird and extremely evil body.

Looking at the evil demon floating in the air, Li Chuan's eyes almost popped out, and his pupils narrowed into a slit, as if he saw something that shouldn't exist.

Human face, clay body, dragon wings, sixteen arms.

All evil words seem extremely poor when it comes to the evil spirits.

"I heard that you have a title, called Vajra Indestructible? Today I want to see whether your body is strong or the inferior demon's fist is hard. Don't show mercy, just kill him!"

Chen Feng snorted coldly, and was supported by a group of summoned beasts like an evil god.

"kill… "

The evil demon's body was shaking violently, and its eyes were half-narrowed, like a poisonous snake ready to strike, trying to deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

The inferior demon demonstrated what true madness meant. The chaotic memory fragments in his mind made him an extreme individual. He was one picture when facing Chen Feng, but another when facing the enemy.

She will do what her master likes.

For example, killing someone.

The evil demon looked at Li Chuan, and a childish voice sounded in everyone's ears: "Come and play with the evil demon..."


The dragon wings behind him shook violently, and then the inferior demon bombarded Li Chuan like a cannonball. At the same time, more than a dozen fists were raised in the air, and when they were close to Li Chuan, they swung hard, like a meteor shower falling from the sky, and dense fists blasted towards the opponent.




Everything happened so fast that Li Chuan hadn't even reacted to the evil demon's last words "Let's play" before a fierce punch came from his body.

Li Chuan gritted his teeth and spread his arms on both sides of his body, trying to use his body to resist the evil demon's fists and then find an opportunity to fight back.

Stand still like a mountain

There is a story behind this move. Li Chuan concentrated all his strength into his body, like a huge mountain. No matter how much wind and rain he endured, or how the world changed, he never showed any fear.

Originally everyone thought that the evil demon's sneak attack was successful, but Li Chuan turned the defeat around under such a disadvantage. The experience, calculation, and insight he displayed in this moment even made Chen Feng amazed.

There is no false reputation under a great name.

No matter what kind of character Li Chuan has, the fact that he can stand out in Qiaodong, where there are so many talented people, is a proof.

However, he still missed one thing.

Just as Li Chuan was gathering his strength and trying to find an opportunity to counterattack, the evil demon took a deep breath and his entire abdomen sunk several inches. It was obvious that he was gathering some kind of move.

"not good!"

Li Chuan saw everything and suddenly felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart. He knew he couldn't wait any longer, so he bent his legs slightly, pushed hard, and jumped several meters high. At the same time, he swung his clenched right fist suddenly, pointing directly at the evil demon's head.

Fight back!

He had been patient for so long, just waiting for this opportunity to inflict severe damage on the evil demon.

However, Li Chuan was still a step too slow. Just as he bent his legs upwards, the evil demon had stopped breathing. The next second, a huge wave of sound poured out of its mouth.


Dragon roar!

There was a huge dragon roar!

At this moment, the bones of everyone present seemed to become soft, and they had an illusion of wanting to kneel down and worship each other. The dragon's roar carried a hint of dragon power, which was an instinctive reaction in the body.

The soldiers who were dozens of meters away all had this feeling, not to mention Li Chuan who was facing the dragon's roar directly. He only felt that a hurricane suddenly appeared in front of him, cutting off his offensive steps. In the face of such a sound wave, his hair stood up one by one, and he could only concentrate on guarding against the dragon's might.


As soon as Li Chuan was distracted, the evil demon found an opportunity in an instant. Dozens of fists suddenly stretched out from the sound waves and hit Li Chuan's chest at the same time, breaking the opponent's immovable state. A towering mountain collapsed directly and fell ten meters away.

"Dark elf, you stay and help the inferior demons. Fulla, you go over there and kill all those minions!" At the moment when Li Chuan flew backwards, Chen Feng also issued a new round of orders.

“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!”

The dark elf pulled the bowstring, and a series of arrows shot out along the arc of Li Chuan's backward flight.

Fulla stood aside, eager to try. She had had few opportunities to take action along the way. When she saw Li Chuan flying backwards, she wanted to take action and show herself, but Chen Feng's words completely shattered her hopes.

It was like, at the same table, the inferior demons and dark elves were eating meat, but for her, it turned into a bowl of broth, which was the leftovers of others.

Jealousy is the original sin of madness.

Fulla looked at the inferior demons and dark elves, like a little girl whose beloved teddy bear was taken away from her, and her eyes even became a little red.

She is a proud kitty.

She deserves a large part of the credit for the cat people's ability to gain a foothold in the abyss.

But under Chen Feng's command, she now seems a little redundant. The necromancers, dark elves, and inferior demons are all fighting on the front line, and she is the only one who can only strangle some useless scum.

This made her mentally a little unstable.

Chen Feng was concentrating on watching the battle, and didn't pay attention to Fula's expression at all. He just saw that she was standing still, and frowned: "Didn't you hear me?"

"I… "

Fulla wanted to say something, but when she saw Chen Feng's cold eyes, she moved her lips. She did not dare to refute anything. She leaned forward and ran towards the direction of the corpse leader.

"Xu Hongzhuang, you actually colluded with outsiders. If Master Jiu gets to know, no one can save you!" The soldiers around Li Chuan were not ordinary people either. At this time, these people roared like a group of howling giant wolves, picked up guns and tried to resist.

They joined together to help Li Chuan out of trouble.


Fulla was furious. Jealousy had made her lose her direction. She was holding back an indescribable fire in her heart. At this moment, the roar of the soldiers undoubtedly hit the muzzle of their guns.

There was a terrible cat cry, and then, Fulla's ten nails extended out, like light and lightning, leaving a series of afterimages.

As the claws flashed, blood spurted out, and the arteries in the neck were directly torn apart. Three people were killed on the spot, lying miserably on the ground, waiting for death to come...

Although these warriors wore protective gear and special scale armor, Fulla's nails were extremely sharp and had strong penetrating power. They broke through their defenses and pierced through their bodies in an instant.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Feng shouted loudly, and the whip in his hand changed again, becoming a flaming blade, as fierce as a storm, and wherever it chopped, a cloud of blood mist exploded.

More than twenty people, more than twenty real elite soldiers, were killed in one fell swoop. In less than a few minutes, only a few corpses were left.

The four corpse leaders showed no fear at all when seeing such a bloody scene, and their calm faces did not change from beginning to end.

"It's a pity that I don't know the method of refining the Corpse King. If I could master the research skills, the Order would be even more powerful. However, the method of refining the Corpse King is confidential and ordinary people have no way of knowing it."

Chen Feng looked at these fearless modified humans and felt sorry for them, but he also knew that things could not always go as one wished.

After figuring everything out, Chen Feng's expression was no longer tangled, and his eyes drooped again: "Quick battle, quick decision, kill them all!"