Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

Chapter 267: Serpent demon


More and more people are joining the fight back.

Their relatives, lovers, and even friends died in the sudden disaster. In this dark era, they have supported each other to this day, just like the mother, whose life may have come to an end the moment her child was killed.

As for the ending

Could a woman be a match for the devil? She didn’t even have a chance to throw the stone before the barbed devil pierced her heart and she fell in a pool of blood.

Chen Feng's pupils shrank into a slit. As a being with a heart inclined towards darkness, he did not believe in so-called feelings, but that did not mean that he was a dead man without thoughts.

The scene before him made him feel a long-lost anger.

Chen Feng's expression became ferocious. He took a step forward, determined the position of the hook demon, and then rushed towards him.


With an angry roar, Chen Feng raised a flaming whip in his hand, which was like a steel cable and instantly wrapped around the hook demon's body. A painful howl sounded, and the flaming whip was filled with scorching heat, which directly roasted the opponent's skin, but Chen Feng had no intention of letting go.

The whip was tightened little by little, and the hook demon's sounds became more and more painful. Slowly, its sounds became negligible, and after a while, it couldn't even struggle.

The hooked demon was burned alive!

What a cruel way to die!

This is also the path that Chen Feng insists on taking. Every evil person will be punished by his own evil. When dealing with such cruel creatures, we must fight back in an even more cruel way.

The nearby soldiers responded to the call, and as lives passed by before their eyes, they pulled the trigger and shot bullets at the devil.

If you want to live, you must resist.

In this battle, there are no women, men or monsters, only the living and the dead.

The victorious party enjoys life, while the loser becomes a cold corpse.

Chen Feng didn't care about the demons around him. He left Wei Xun, the necromancer, and the skeleton warrior here, turned around, and continued to move forward with the dark elf and Fulla.

Who summoned the devil

This enemy hiding in the darkness is like a thorn in one's side. Unless this source is eliminated, these demons cannot be eradicated.

The further they went, the denser the corpses became. Demons appeared from the front and the humans nearby became the first to be killed.


This is simply a massacre!

"Save me, grandpa and grandma, where are you?"

"Hubby, run! Leave me alone, we'll both die if this goes on!"

"In my next life, please don't let me be a human again. It's too painful! Let me die!"

At the same time, countless wailing and screaming were heard all around, making people feel like they were in hell.

Large groups of demons appeared, they devoured everything in front of them like hungry beasts, one tore an arm, another bit off an ear, their brutality was extreme, after only a few minutes, they tore dozens of people into pieces, blood and body parts were scattered all over the ground, making people feel as if they were in a nightmare world.

A little girl was lying weakly on the ground, spitting out blood. Several soul larvae had already crawled into her belly. They were moving their bodies every moment to devour the girl's internal organs and flesh. The little girl wanted to call for help from her grandfather who was not far away, but when she opened her mouth, a mouthful of blood flowed out. It was extremely miserable.

When the elderly grandfather saw his granddaughter's miserable condition, he rushed forward without fear of the devil. However, he had only taken two steps when a chain devil cut his neck and drained his blood. He fell in a pool of blood, not far from death.

The little girl's pupils began to dilate, her eyes were filled with pain and sorrow, and the last scene of her short life was her grandfather being dismembered and eaten by the devil.

What a horrible and realistic picture! This is the end of the world, this is a world of naked killing!

Fulla stood aside, looking at the corpses scattered around. Perhaps it brought back some bad memories, and her aura changed. Whisker-like energy spread across her face, and on her buttocks, she raised a huge tail made entirely of energy.

In this short period of time, Fulla finally approached the devil. She punched out, and the aftermath blew in the air like turbulence of time and space.

The power of a punch.

It’s actually so powerful!

Fulla rushed forward quickly and fell into a rage, just like a fierce general entering the battlefield. The so-called devil was no match for her.

Keep moving forward.

Fulla paused and suddenly stood in front of Chen Feng, and the dark elf next to her also took precautions. In this situation, both sides put aside their grudges and devoted themselves to protecting Chen Feng's safety.

At this moment, the evil aura became stronger and stronger, as if one had walked into a wind outlet. The dirt and wood chips on the ground were all blown up, circling around the head like a vicious ghost with bared fangs and claws.

Chen Feng frowned, and the skin under his clothes began to transform, slowly transforming half of his body into a fire demon, thus resisting the storm.

Immediately afterwards, a deep hole appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Broken dimensional wall?"

Chen Feng's face looked very ugly, as if he had seen something that surprised him.

This black hole seemed to appear out of nowhere and was only one person tall. One could clearly see the devil struggling to get out of it. Obviously, this was the source of the disaster.

And next to the black hole, there stood a man.

"Chen Feng... you finally chose Feng Zhiyong... If I had known... I should have killed you..."

It was a strange feeling, as if the person speaking had not spoken for decades, his voice was hoarse and he spoke each word slowly and clearly.

This person is none other than the leader of the conservatives, Hong Jiuling!

But unlike when they met in the camp, Hong Jiuling's eyes were obviously duller at this time, and even his limbs became stiff, as if some changes had taken place in his body.

In his hand, he was holding a person upside down. It was... an old man with silver hair!

Zhou Xian?!

At this time, Zhou Xian was covered in blood, and there was a huge hole in his chest, which was obviously the mark left by his heart being hollowed out!

There were no obvious scars on his body, which meant... Zhou Xian was killed with just one blow, and he had no power to fight back!

Chen Feng originally asked Zhou Xian to capture Hong Jiuling. In addition to framing Zhou Xian, he also wanted to see if Hong Jiuling had any hidden power.

But the result of the experiment shocked him.

Zhou Xian died, and his death was so unclear. The hidden power of Hong Jiuling was beyond everyone's expectations!

"This is... your courage to challenge me?"

Hong Jiuling glanced at Fulla and the dark elf, with more disdain in his eyes.

"Foolish mortal!"

"I originally wanted you to live longer, but since you are seeking your own death, you will become my sacrifice!"

"This city should be sublimated in death. I hear the cry of the soul. The power will belong to Mammon. I will gain the power and take back everything that belongs to me!"

Hong Jiuling's body slowly began to twist and swell, as if something inside his body was about to break out. His skin shattered bit by bit, and just like that, a hideous monster appeared in front of Chen Feng.


A powerful monster!

It has a bloated body that even an elephant would pale in comparison to. Behind it is a pair of clumsy, bat-like wings that stretch out from its back, emitting bursts of stench and sulfur.

Serpent and scorpion demon!

It is notorious for being a powerful, evil, and ruthless but efficient organization.

On the horrible face of the snake demon, there is a wide and terrifying mouth full of sharp teeth, and countless grooves and rashes form thousands of grooves on it. The lips exude a cold red luster, and a pair of reptile-like eyes flash with a cold and bloodthirsty light.


Chen Feng looked at the figure in front of him and his tone became a little heavy.

He originally thought that Hong Jiuling's identity was a believer who colluded with the devil, but he didn't expect that Hong Jiuling's true identity was actually a real devil!

The end is coming.

Dimensional creatures descended upon this land, and compared to other creatures, they killed many people and exposed themselves to humans, but the devil was good at conspiracy and disguise.

This snake-scorpion demon, who had descended on this land at some unknown time, stole Hong Jiuling's identity, and not only became a human being, but also took control of 70% of the power in the city, becoming a leader.

The devil loves to play with people's hearts the most!

He instigated humans to form two camps, the pro-war and conservative camps. Chen Feng was right in his guess that its original intention was to treat humans as meat, and its purpose was to conduct a grand blood sacrifice.

When Chen Feng thought that there was a devil lurking in the east of the bridge and playing with all human beings at his will, he felt like he had fallen into a cold pond. His body and mind became cold and numb.

"The human soul!"

"It will eventually become Mammon's power!"

Things are starting to get out of control and this place is becoming very dangerous.

However, Chen Feng had no way out. He forced the devil to reveal its true identity, which meant that it would no longer use its previous identity to seduce the survivors, but would directly use slaughter to obtain souls and perform blood sacrifices!

Silver peak!


The opponent's power is infinitely close to the gold level, and its purpose is exactly the same as his. However, while Chen Feng is waiting for the insect tide, it has to rely on the humans in the east of the bridge to break through the final limitation!

You know, the Serpent Demon has been enraged. Once he achieves the Golden Level, it has become unknown whether he will leave quietly like he did in his previous life.

In a rage, it is very likely to massacre the east of Qiaodong, which indicates that even without the insect swarm, the east of Qiaodong will suffer a devastating disaster.

It was as if Chen Feng had accidentally opened Pandora's box and released a real disaster without knowing it!

There is no way around it!

This is a battle that must be faced!

Chen Feng began to run wild. His heartbeat inexplicably began to accelerate. His heart rate increased by half compared to before, and bloodshot appeared in his eyes.

"Ignoring Fura and the Dark Elf? That means you haven't seen my true strength!"

Chen Feng seemed to be in some extreme state. He frowned and put his hands on the ground with all his strength.

There was a strong wave of fluctuations all around.

A long-lost figure broke through the dimension and descended beside him.

… … … … …