Accidentally Attacked a Great Demon King

Chapter 28: The entertainment industry (10)


His career hit rock bottom, his dreams came to an end, and even his friends chose to betray one after another. Tang Yifeng should have spent the most difficult time in his life. But he didn't want to, Han Zhiyuan's intrusion made all this different.

And now, thanks to Han Zhiyuan's help, Tang Yifeng has ushered in a new starting point. I have to say that no matter whether Tang Yifeng is emotional or not, Han Zhiyuan will leave an indelible mark on his life.

The next day, Tang Yifeng received a call from Lin Tianwang. Tianwang chose three of his songs and would personally participate in the recording. This was definitely an unexpected result. Tang Yifeng naturally wanted to go all out.

It just so happened that Tang Yifeng was irritable and flustered because of his change in Han Zhiyuan, and he always wanted to escape.

So, taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Yifeng just found an excuse to leave, and he had to admit that when he found himself more and more accustomed to Han Zhiyuan's care and touch, Tang Yifeng's first thought was to escape.

But to Tang Yifeng's surprise, Han Zhiyuan unexpectedly did not stop him, and even congratulated him with a smile, which made Tang Yifeng a little puzzled, and some couldn't understand what Han Zhiyuan meant.

In fact, Han Zhiyuan had his own considerations. He naturally felt that Tang Yifeng was escaping, and he had already done what he had to do, but the seal had not been released. The only explanation was that Tang Yifeng might have changed his mind. It's even a little bit interesting, but it didn't reach that point after all. Then at this time, there is no point in continuing to consume like this, forcing it too hastily even backfires.

So, give him a little space, and there may be unexpected results.

After Tang Yifeng left, Han Zhiyuan was also unexpectedly busy. The end of the year was approaching, and Han Zhiyuan also rested for a while. Zhu You received two New Year advertisements for him after obtaining Han Zhiyuan's consent.

However, the unexpected thing came unexpectedly in time, and it was not Tang Yifeng, but Han Zhiyuan himself.

On this day, Han Zhiyuan was recording a Chinese New Year advertisement. When he was finishing work, he suddenly felt a colic in his stomach, and his face turned pale in an instant, and then beads of sweat appeared on his face, just as Zhu You walked towards him, Han Zhiyuan's feet fluttered for a while, and then he fell down as soon as it got dark.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a familiar white, and then the unique smell of the hospital came out. Han Zhiyuan was immediately speechless. Obviously, this was another earth-shattering collapse and he was sent to the hospital.

It's just that the original owner was a strong young man who exercised regularly, so why did he faint again and again? Han Zhiyuan was puzzled.

"Huh? Are you awake?" Suddenly a strange and warm male voice came into Han Zhiyuan's ear. Only then did Han Zhiyuan realize that there was a white coat standing beside the bed. Seeing that Han Zhiyuan woke up, he seemed a little surprised. Showing off hair color.

Han Zhiyuan's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition inexplicably.

"Doctor," Han Zhiyuan suddenly pursed his lips, and then said very seriously, "Can you tell me what's wrong with me?"

"This..." The doctor paused and seemed hesitant, but the regretful look on his face confirmed Han Zhiyuan's guess.

"I think I have the right to know." Han Zhiyuan looked calm, but it was not difficult to see his persistence.

The doctor saw that Han Zhiyuan insisted, but with a calm expression on his face, he even smiled at him, and nodded after hesitating for a while. The doctor is also obliged to let the patient know about his own situation.

Although it was not his own body, Han Zhiyuan shuddered uncontrollably when he heard those two words from the doctor's mouth.

At this moment, Han Zhiyuan has a deeper understanding of the fragility of life.

I sighed inwardly that the original owner was really a short-lived ghost who was unlucky. I don't know how many people will cry and faint in the toilet for him when that day comes.

However, almost instantly, Han Zhiyuan made a very cruel decision. He was using a terminally ill body, but Han Zhiyuan decided at this moment to use his terminal illness to get the results he wanted. For a moment, even Han Zhiyuan himself was surprised by his cruelty.

However, Han Zhiyuan is indeed not a sympathetic person. Since he can't change the ending, he has to use it rationally. What's more, now he has a life reminder, one is the time restriction set by the devil, and two, now there is another original owner. Physical threat to life.

Therefore, he must use this to awaken the remnant soul as soon as possible.

When Zhu You returned to the ward after completing the admission procedures, he happened to see Han Zhiyuan smiling and saying thank you to the doctor. His heart was slightly relieved, but he still held the doctor anxiously, "How is the doctor? Are you all right?"

"It's alright," as promised, the doctor did not show any strangeness, smiled and shook his head at Zhu You, who looked anxious, "Acute gastroenteritis, it is recommended to stay in hospital for a few days, and in the future, be sure to pay attention to your work, rest, diet, and exhaustion. It's wasting lives."

"Okay, okay, thank you doctor." Zhu You agreed, and after the doctor left, he glared at Han Zhiyuan angrily.

Han Zhiyuan smiled at him, "I didn't expect to suddenly become so "weak" and faint at every turn, hey, where will I put my old face in the future?"

"You got it," Zhu You squinted at him. "You did it all by yourself. You used to be a workaholic, but now you are doing it yourself? You abused your stomach before, but now you are punished?"

Knowing that it wasn't a serious illness, Zhu You was really relieved, otherwise he would be really worried. After a while, he found that Han Zhiyuan had lost a lot of weight, and he was really worried if it was... But it's okay, this hospital is one of the best private hospitals. Hospitals, whether it is medical equipment or doctors, are absolutely authoritative, and doctors will never make a wrong diagnosis. And the reception is not ordinary people, especially the confidentiality work is in place, which can be called mysterious.

The two talked for a while, and then talked about work. Anyway, it was the end of the year, so they simply gave Han Zhiyuan a big vacation.

Afterwards, Han Zhiyuan fell asleep when he was sleepy, and Zhu You informed Liu Xiaoya to take care of Han Zhiyuan. He still had a lot of work to do, and if the news of Han Zhiyuan broke out again today, he would probably be busy. Fly.

As for Tang Yifeng, who was nowhere to be seen, Zhu You had criticized him a lot at first, and recently, all kinds of scandals and black materials have been flying all over the sky, and now it has been hidden again. Han Zhiyuan is naturally as far away from him as possible. Zhu You always thought that Han Zhiyuan was a measured person, so he didn't say much.

Of course, if he knew that Tang Yifeng had been with Han Zhiyuan for so long, and the relationship was getting closer, he would be so angry that he would have to strangle Han Zhiyuan to death.

When Han Zhiyuan woke up again, his first feeling was that his stomach was too hungry. Then he saw that the room was dark and the lights were not turned on. When he turned his head, the window was also dark and eerily quiet. It could be seen that he had slept until the middle of the night.

Han Zhiyuan's mouth was dry and wanted to drink some water, but he didn't see that girl Liu Xiaoya. She didn't know how to take care of people, but when he turned his head, he found a person sitting on the other side of the bed.

Han Zhiyuan took a closer look and couldn't help but be startled. I saw Tang Xiaopenyou, who hadn't seen him for several days, was sitting beside the bed without saying a word. Seeing that Han Zhiyuan woke up, he didn't speak, but just stared at him with those dark shining eyes.

Through the dim light coming in from the window, Han Zhiyuan noticed that his eyes were a little gloomy, as if mixed with some complicated emotions, but he couldn't understand it, but even so, he could see that his eyes were a little red.

Han Zhiyuan moved inexplicably, "Are you crying?"

"Cry, your sister!" Tang Yifeng gritted his teeth, still staring at him, as if trying to stare him out of a hole.

Han Zhiyuan smiled, and wanted to reach out to stroke his red eyes, but Tang Yifeng slapped him away.

"Why don't you turn on the lights?" Han Zhiyuan then asked. He lives in a VIP ward, and the environment of this private hospital is also very good, and the conditions of the ward are surprisingly good.

Tang Yifeng glared at him again, then got up and turned on the light, but instead of coming over immediately, he poured hot water on the table with his back to him, and poured some of the nutritious porridge that Liu Xiaoya had prepared earlier. After coming out, it was brought to Han Zhiyuan.

"You feed me?"

"You broke your hand?"

"If you feed me, you can stop now." Han Zhiyuan smiled slightly, as if he didn't care about his physical condition at all.

"Don't say some disgusting things!" Tang Yifeng was a little angry, "I told you to come to the hospital earlier, but what happened?"

"Am I wrong?" Han Zhiyuan immediately admitted his mistake.

"Does it have anything to do with me?" Tang Yifeng seemed to be even more angry, and shoved the bowl into Han Zhiyuan's hand, "It's not my body."

Han Zhiyuan laughed, why is this kid so duplicitous, he didn't admit it even though he cared, and he said that he would turn his face if he turned his face, it was really troublesome.

"Are you all right tomorrow?" Han Zhiyuan knew that Tang Yifeng was very busy recently, so he ignored him when he called and sent messages. Of course, Tang Yifeng avoided him on purpose.

"I'm very busy, I'll leave now!" Tang Yifeng didn't know what was wrong with him. Anyway, he was very angry, especially since this guy didn't care about his body at all, he couldn't get angry at all. .

Han Zhiyuan grabbed it, he couldn't laugh or cry, how could he be angry for no reason.

When Tang Yifeng was caught off guard, Han Zhiyuan violently dragged the person onto the bed, and as a result, someone was dragged to the bed. The struggle was ineffective, and the anger was also ineffective. Han Zhiyuan hugged the person with his hands and feet.

"What are you going to do after two o'clock in the morning? Come with me until dawn. No one will take care of me. No one will know if she died in the middle of the night." No one knows." But he did it on purpose.

Sure enough, Tang Yifeng didn't move when he heard it, and turned his head sharply to stare at Han Zhiyuan, as if something was about to burst out in his eyes, but he finally held back.

In fact, Tang Yifeng had almost made up his mind at this time. Thinking of Han Zhiyuan's last fainting and Han Zhiyuan's inexplicable transformation, Han Zhiyuan once explained that because he thought about it a lot after leaving the gate of hell, and during his stay at Han Zhiyuan's place, Han Zhiyuan also occasionally Tang Yifeng had always had bad guesses, but now it was even more certain. Even if the doctor repeatedly assured him that Han Zhiyuan only had gastroenteritis, he didn't believe it.

Even, the first time he took the initiative to call and ask Han Zhiyuan's manager Zhu You in person, he still didn't believe it, he just thought that all this was arranged by Han Zhiyuan, and they were all lying to him and deliberately hiding it from him.

But the more this happened, the heavier his heart became, as if he was being suffocated by something. In the end, what can Han Zhiyuan do to him? He was shocked, terrified, and at a loss.