Accidentally Attacked a Great Demon King

Chapter 33: The entertainment industry (15)


In a panic, Tang Yifeng only put on a down jacket and hurried out the door. Standing at the door of Han Zhiyuan's house, he only felt a chill in his body, and when he didn't get a response from Han Zhiyuan for a long time, Unconsciously all over the body cold.

The doorbell didn't answer for a long time, the phone was turned off, and all the messages didn't respond. Tang Yifeng didn't believe that Han Zhiyuan slept so deadly, but he kept convincing himself that Han Zhiyuan really had a habit of turning off the phone when he slept at night. Besides, it was in the middle of the night. It's not impossible to fall asleep.

But, no matter how he convinces himself, the absurd thought in his mind just lingers. Tang Yifeng felt that he must be crazy when he ran to the door in the middle of the night like a fool, and the unreasonable anxiety and panic in his heart made him unable to move his feet.

I don't know how long it took, but I just felt that the time was very long. During the torment, Tang Yifeng was thinking about something in a mess, but without exception, it was all related to Han Zhiyuan, until the stiff legs were a little numb, and Tang Yifeng felt a little bit. He looked at his watch confusedly, and at this time, it was almost six o'clock in the morning.

The back leaning against the wall seemed to be unconscious, and his legs became numb. Tang Yifeng thought that even if Han Zhiyuan slept like a dead pig, he would probably wake up at this time.

But the still unanswered doorbell made Tang Yifeng's heart sink again and again. However, when the tentative call he made was no longer a shutdown tone, Tang Yifeng's somewhat empty eyes suddenly lit up.

"Han Zhiyuan," Tang Yifeng blurted out the moment the phone was connected, only to realize that his voice was a little dry and hoarse, "Where are you?"

"Wake up so early?" Han Zhiyuan seemed surprised over there, but Tang Yifeng suddenly felt that Han Zhiyuan's voice was unusually low and hoarse, even with some inexplicable depression.

"Where are you?" Tang Yifeng asked again almost stubbornly.

"I..." Han Zhiyuan on the other end of the phone seemed hesitant, but he still said, "I'm on the road, driving a car."

Tang Yifeng's heart jumped for no reason, and asked a little dryly, "Where did you go last night?"

Han Zhiyuan on the other end seemed even more surprised, "I didn't go anywhere, where can I go during the New Year's Eve?"

"Lie!" Tang Yifeng was slightly angry, "You're not at home at all." You said you were in the car at home last night? Did you fly out of the window then

But he didn't want to let out a chuckle, "What, did you go to see me last night? Did you miss me?" Han Zhiyuan said to himself, before Tang Yifeng could answer, he suddenly said, "That's right, Didn't you and Lin Tianwang go to see that international music star last night? What, didn't it go well?"

Tang Yifeng didn't want to pay attention to his teasing at all, and didn't think about why Han Zhiyuan was so clear about his itinerary, and he didn't want to talk about Lin Tianwang's music star. He just wanted to know, "Where are you now?"

"You really missed me," Han Zhiyuan laughed, and then felt a little pity, "but I'm going to the hospital right now, um, I probably ate too well last night, and I got a stomach problem again. What should I do when I go to see you after the new year? Sample?"

Han Zhiyuan said it easily, but Tang Yifeng's heart was suspended for a moment, especially when he said the word "hospital", he could hardly control it, and the crazy thought came out of his mind again, Tang Yifeng was a little anxious said, "Which hospital?"

"Just the one we shared the bed with last time," Han Zhiyuan seemed to have the mind to joke, "XXX hospital."

Tang Yifeng's eyes widened, "Wait for me!" Out of control, Tang Yifeng hung up the phone and rushed out. In that hospital, isn't his so-called brother in that hospital? Tang Yifeng was completely unable to control his conjecture, and even quickly organized the various fragments in his mind, and then became more sure of the guess.

Han Zhiyuan, the big fool, may have really cut a kidney for himself and given it to others, and he even had to hide his self-righteousness from himself. Tang Yifeng was uncontrollably furious, and while scolding the big fool, he rushed to the XXX hospital.

So Tang Yifeng, who rushed to the hospital frantically, didn't know it, but at this moment, a satisfied smile slowly appeared on Han Zhiyuan's face.

But what made Tang Yifeng furious was that, as if to verify his guess, when he just rushed to the hospital, the woman without long eyes happened to arrive at the hospital.

Tang Yifeng didn't even think about it, he rushed up and clasped her shoulders, as if he wanted to remove her entire arm, Tang Yifeng staring at the woman's face was almost hideous.

"Where is Han Zhiyuan?"

The woman was very frightened by the sudden appearance of Tang Yifeng, especially Tang Yifeng, whose face was cold and even a little fierce, as if he was about to tear her apart. As a result, the more anxious Tang Yifeng became, the woman screamed in panic as if she had seen a ghost, and the security doctor at the Blink Hospital attracted a lot of people.

But Tang Yifeng doesn't have time to pay attention to those things now. He is all about Han Zhiyuan, ignoring the pull of the people around him, and just staring at the shocked and angry woman, "I ask you, where is Han Zhiyuan!"

Tang Yifeng's voice was cold and fierce, but after the panic, the woman was used to being arrogant. Seeing Tang Yifeng at this time, she suddenly turned from shock to anger, and her courage instantly grew a lot.

"Tang Yifeng, you are so ridiculous, why are you crazy to come here if you can't find your lover? Do you want to be shameless?" Relying on the number of people, the woman was bold enough not to say anything, and even took the opportunity to make Tang Yifeng embarrassed and embarrassed. .

Tang Yifeng couldn't care about this for a long time, and just stared at her, "I'll ask you again, where is Han Zhiyuan?"

The woman was startled by Tang Yifeng's icy gaze, but she still mocked and mocked, "Tang Yifeng, why are you so shameless?"

Before Tang Yifeng could speak, the woman continued sarcastically, "Could it be that the actor surnamed Han is dead?"

"What did you say?" Tang Yifeng's eyes widened suddenly, and at the same time, he exerted force, and the pain made the woman almost burst into tears, and the look in his eyes made no one doubt that he would kill the woman in the next moment.

"What are you doing! Crazy, let me go!" The woman was angry and scared. Several medical staff hurriedly pulled the two away, but they couldn't pull Tang Yifeng's hand away. Incoherent up.

"Am I wrong? Even if he dies, it will be retribution. It's the retribution for you two disgusting men!"

Tang Yifeng's heart seemed to rise to his throat in an instant, especially when this woman died one by one, the long-standing backlog of unease seemed to have suddenly found a direction, and then completely erupted in this direction.

Tang Yifeng only felt that his mind was suddenly blank, and there were too many things buzzing around. It seemed that something was about to come out, but it seemed that it was difficult to sort out what it was.

But there was one thing he was very sure of. This woman's words were particularly harsh, and every word she said went beyond his bottom line.

"Don't let me hear such words again," Tang Yifeng's face was gloomy and terrifying, and his voice made people shudder. Even the peak value of the entire entertainment industry, at this moment, people dare not look directly.

However, the next moment the woman who was in a hurry to choose the road said a word, but Tang Yifeng's gloomy face instantly turned white.

"I... I just said what can you do to me? I don't believe he can survive cancer!"

cancer? Tang Yifeng only felt a buzzing sound in his head, and then it seemed as if the whole world had lost its voice for a moment, and only the word cancer was buzzing in his mind.

cancer? What did she say about cancer? Tang Yifeng's wide eyes seemed to be the ugliest face of that woman, and it seemed to be the buzzing flies that appeared in the silent world.

Tang Yifeng's mind went blank, until his body shook violently, and then he realized that he had let go of the woman at some point, several security guards were walking out with him, and the woman continued to speak in a frenzy.

Tang Yifeng suddenly threw off the two security guards, and then rushed to the stairs like a madman. He was going to ask the doctor, he must confirm.

But why, such a ridiculous thing, he subconsciously chose to believe that this time, how much he hopes, this is another bitter trick by Han Zhiyuan, even a prank.

"Where? Where are you?"

Han Zhiyuan only felt that the voice on the other end of the phone was urgent and flustered, as if he was trying to suppress something, and even trembled slightly.

Just as he expected, even every step was proceeding according to his own imagination. Han Zhiyuan should have been excited about his perfect plan, but at this time he was too heavy to breathe. The only consolation was that the disabled After the soul awakens, it will return to the main soul. At that time, the devil will not suffer, and I am no longer Han Zhiyuan, who is terminally ill and is about to die.

So, Han Zhiyuan smiled almost cruelly, and completed his final steps with a smile as he had set at the beginning.

"What's wrong with you?" Han Zhiyuan's voice was puzzled and full of worry.

"Tell me where you are!" Tang Yifeng was going crazy.

"On the way home, didn't I tell you just now that I'm going to the hospital."

"I'm going to find you." Tang Yifeng said in a low voice, holding back something.

"Think of me so much? Then I'll pick you up." Han Zhiyuan suddenly sighed.

In the early morning of the first day of the new year, except for the peak travel period, everywhere you go seems to be filled with festive colors and crowds.

Tang Yifeng has been staring at Han Zhiyuan since he got into the car, his eyes seemed to stare Han Zhiyuan out a hole, but his eyes were red, but he still stared stubbornly and endured.

Han Zhiyuan smiled helplessly, "Why are you trying to eat me?"

Tang Yifeng suddenly only felt a sore nose, and then something seemed to pop out of his eyes. He hurriedly turned his head out of the window, his eyes widened, but he couldn't hold back. Yes, piping hot.

At this time, Tang Yifeng didn't know how to describe his mood. From the first moment he saw Han Zhiyuan, he felt that the whole world was dark and silent.

Obviously only half a month, why, why does a tall and strong man become like this

Even wearing a heavy down jacket couldn't hide Han Zhiyuan's thin body. His broad and powerful palms seemed to have particularly distinct joints at this time.

As for Han Zhiyuan's face, Tang Yifeng almost stared out his eyes, he couldn't believe it at all. On his chin, which seemed to have been ignored for many days, a layer of dark and standing stubble made his pale face even more vicissitudes of life, while the sunken eye sockets and prominent cheekbones made Han Zhiyuan look like two different people.

Stomach cancer... Tang Yifeng felt that he was a little out of breath, depressed and uncomfortable, and his heart was even more painful. He didn't want to see Han Zhiyuan's face, Han Zhiyuan shouldn't be like this, even if it was bad and shameless Yes, anything is fine, it shouldn't be so skinny and spiritless.

At this moment, all the entanglement and irritability all turned into heartache, the kind of pain that I couldn't breathe.

Han Zhiyuan saw that he hadn't said a word since he got in the car, and now he was so stubbornly stubborn towards the back of his head that even his chestnut hair seemed a lot darker.

From Han Zhiyuan's point of view, he could just see his red eyes from the car window, as well as the large drops of hot tears from a stubborn man. So Han Zhiyuan suddenly felt that it was almost time.

"I'll take you somewhere." Han Zhiyuan suddenly said.

It's cruel, but it's almost over.