Accidentally Attacked a Great Demon King

Chapter 44: Ancient Emperor (9)


"They want to impeach the minister?" Han Zhiyuan's voice was cold and full of disdain, which is the endless contempt of the strong for those who are beyond their own power.

Sima Jinlin felt unreasonably uncomfortable for a while, but he was helpless. He couldn't make choices or even protect his subjects, let alone make decisions about his own country. From beginning to end, he was so passive, like a puppet. The Regent was in control, and even for a long time after that, he was just in such an awkward situation that he couldn't breathe.

"Uncle, the Aiqings are also working hard." In fact, Sima Jinlin was really afraid that Han Zhiyuan would abolish those people in a fit of anger, and then he would really become a loner.

However, Han Zhiyuan suddenly let out a long sigh, and then a look of pain appeared on his face, "Since the late emperor entrusted the emperor to the minister, the minister has never dared to neglect, always remember the oath of the day, keep the Da Yao peaceful, and let the Da Yao be in peace. Let the people live and work in peace and contentment, and let the emperor grow up." Han Zhiyuan boasted without changing his face, his face was not blushing or his heart was beating, he was obviously not himself, but he believed what he said.

"The minister has a clear conscience, and he has done his best for this," Han Zhiyuan suddenly looked at the little emperor very seriously, "The emperor also thinks that the minister is self-righteous? Form a party for selfishness?"

Sima Jinlin trembled without a trace, secretly slandering, you are more than taking power and forming a party for selfishness, you are also fighting against the same party, you are lawless, you deceive the king, you are arbitrary, and you are arrogant... You Han Zhongxin's crimes are too numerous to list. ! But on the face, Sima Jinlin grinned.

"Uncle Huang has been thinking too much, not to mention that Uncle Huang fought countless battles and killed countless enemies in those years, and created peace for the people of Da Yao. In the past few years, he has bowed to the essence of Da Yao for the sake of the country and the society. Uncle Huang's contribution to Da Yao, then The whole world is there for all to see.”

The corners of Han Zhiyuan's mouth twitched indistinctly, this little emperor's flattery is also a set, even better than his own bragging.

"Does the emperor really think so?" Han Zhiyuan looked at the little emperor leisurely.

"Of course," the little emperor's acting skills were also first-class, with neither blushing nor panting, "I have always been grateful to Uncle Huang."

I'm afraid I've been thinking about poisoning me all the time, right? Han Zhiyuan knew this well, but he didn't change his face, and then he showed a hint of relief, as if he was relieved.

"If the emperor really thinks like this, the minister will be pointed by thousands of people, and he will die." Han Zhiyuan looked righteous and awe-inspiring.

But just when the little emperor secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Han Zhiyuan suddenly changed the subject and handed another memorial to the little emperor more gloomily.

"Then what does the emperor think about this?" The voice was terrifyingly low, and even revealed an uncontrollable anger. This anger was inexplicable and seemed to be taken for granted.

Sima Jinlin was forced by Han Zhiyuan's gloomy eyes to jerk his body tightly, and then smiled awkwardly, "Isn't it all up to Uncle Huang."

Han Zhiyuan raised his brows, this little guy knew to throw the problem back to himself.

"Then what does the emperor mean?" Han Zhiyuan clearly asked in a tone of voice, but he couldn't see any approval from him, and even clearly felt that if the little emperor really had such an idea, he didn't know what he would do. "After all, the emperor is almost an adult now, it's time to think about the emperor's lifelong affairs." The emperor's affairs are national affairs.

Sima Jinlin's heart skipped a beat, he seemed to feel the temptation from the Prince Regent. As a result, Sima Jinlin immediately put an indifferent smile on his face, "Didn't Uncle Huang say, I have always kept this in mind when I come into contact with those who are hurt and frustrated too early."

Han Zhiyuan raised his brows, but before he could speak, he heard the little emperor continue, "However," the little emperor looked embarrassed. Ah, wouldn't that make other countries make fun of you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sima Jinlin felt a strong oppressive aura that instantly filled the entire room, and he could even feel the jumping sparks from Han Zhiyuan's dark eyes.

Han Zhiyuan's eyes at this time can be described as gloomy to the extreme, dark and terrifying like the killing god on the battlefield, but he is trying his best to restrain, as if all the anger is compressed in his low eyes.

The little emperor trembled without a trace. Although he was uneasy in his heart, he still met Han Zhiyuan's eyes resolutely. After all, he was not without support. For example, this person treated him...

"Does the emperor really think so?" Han Zhiyuan's voice was cold and did not contain any emotion, but his eyes stared straight at the little emperor.

From that night on, Sima Jinlin knew all too well about Han Zhiyuan's anger and inexplicable possessiveness. He also understood that although he didn't know when Han Zhiyuan started to feel that way about him, at least he had been thinking about himself before. He has always been patient, and no one in his harem must be one of the reasons why he can bear it.

Therefore, before he proposed such a temptation, he thought that Han Zhiyuan would have such a reaction, but as the ministers who wrote the letter said, spreading branches and leaves for the royal family is the foundation of the society, and this is also a solid foundation The basic way to secure a stable position is one of the ways to restrain the regent.

But, before that, he first had to appease the furious Prince Regent, so Sima Jinlin hurried up to hug Han Zhiyuan's arm while Han Zhiyuan hadn't spoken yet, "Don't worry, Uncle, the Queen is fine. The concubines and concubines are all decorations, I am still a minor, and there are still many, many things to learn from the uncle."

Han Zhiyuan's face was cold, but in his heart he couldn't help thumbing up at the little emperor, smart. He knew how to slow down the army, and he thought of such a compromise method, which could not only achieve his goal slowly, but also stop his anger, um, smart, but unfortunately... How could Han Zhiyuan not know the little Jiujiu in his heart

"Your Majesty is too modest. Today's Majesty has long been able to act on his own and doesn't need ministers anymore." Han Zhiyuan suddenly said lightly, anyway, it means that your wings are hard now, and you don't need me anymore. There also seemed to be a bit more cold in his eyes, and there was even a bit of pain in his eyes.

The little emperor's heart skipped a beat, and he heard Han Zhiyuan continue, "Is the emperor actually avoiding his ministers on purpose?"

"Huh?" Sima Jinlin's heart skipped a beat, "Uncle Huang... what do you mean?" I don't understand why.

I saw Han Zhiyuan's sudden look of pain, and looked at the little emperor with some grief, "Did the emperor actually hear what the minister said that night?"

"Huh?" The little emperor's heart skipped a beat for a moment, only to think that the big broken sleeve must say something amazing next. Some things are not so easy to confuse once you figure it out.

However, Han Zhiyuan had a cold heart, which could be described as mixed with grief and anger, "The emperor clearly knew the intention of the minister, but he deliberately trampled on it like this, that's all," Han Zhiyuan suddenly sighed, "Since this is the case, the emperor can decide for himself."

The prince regent dropped such a sentence, then turned his head and left, leaving without turning his head, leaving only the little emperor who was messy in the wind, with an inexplicable face, as if he hadn't reacted yet, the prince regent, did he agree? No, no, what does he mean

Sima Jinlin was completely bewildered, but an inexplicable feeling of apprehension rose in his heart. The more he thought of the slightly arrogant tall back of the Prince Regent who had just left, the more the little emperor became frightened.

Of course, nothing happened, everything Sima Jinlin was worried about didn't happen.

After that day, when Han Zhiyuan returned to the Prince Regent's mansion, he began to stay behind closed doors. He didn't show up to the court in the early days. He didn't ask about political affairs. The other various government affairs that the prince regent usually needs to deal with were also rejected by the prince regent one by one, on the grounds that the prince regent was unwell and needed to recuperate at home.

In fact, this was originally a great good thing for Sima Jinlin. It was an excellent opportunity for him to take control of power step by step, and it was also a breakthrough for him to break the regent's autocratic dictatorship. However... The fact is that Sima Jinlin is getting more and more apprehensive.

Because although the Prince Regent claimed that he could not afford to be ill, he used the excuse of ignoring the government and staying out of the house, but his supporters did not, and the entire court was paralyzed.

I don’t know where they got the news. Someone conspired to file the emperor’s slander against the regent, slandering the regent who has made great contributions to the big line, formed a party for selfishness, respected his own power, and even killed innocent people indiscriminately, and many other crimes. The emperor punished these thieves with bad intentions, and accused them of trying to sow discord between the emperor and the regent in order to achieve the purpose of destroying Da Yao.

For example, when the big hat is buckled, it is so hard to bite back and bite out of breath, so angry that the few almost rolled their eyes and fainted on the spot.

In addition, those who said they were sick said they were sick, and those who took leave made them leave. Sima Jinlin was both angry and shocked to find out that seven out of ten people in the entire court looked at the face of the regent and acted with his eyes and actions. , the entire court was paralyzed.

Sima Jinlin was angry, anxious, and at the same time helpless. He found sadly that the current Da Yao really couldn't do without the Prince Regent.

But what to do? The current situation seems to be that he offended the regent that day. Is it true that he hurt the regent's heart

So the crux of this matter is that you want to fill the harem after sealing? So this had to be slowed down.

But the key now is, does he want the king of a country to go to the big broken sleeve in a low voice to admit his mistake

Sima Jinlin's whole body is not well, and Chu has not made up his mind in the imperial study for a long time.

It is not impossible for him to apologize. After all, he has always been a puppet emperor without real power. He is used to this kind of thing, but the problem is that the regent completely tore the window paper that day to clarify the matter. He cares so much about him now. Feeling and canceling the plan to fill the harem, isn't this a disguised admission of something

The more Sima Jinlin thought about it, the more he felt that this Big Broken Sleeve was a big bastard who was good at calculating. Saying words of approval, but turning around to put pressure on yourself in this way, this is clearly a blatant threat! Now that he is riding a tiger, he has to go to him and bow his head, but it's a shame that the bastard succeeded like that.

What Sima Jinlin is worried about now is whether the Prince Regent will take the opportunity to make excessive demands, then he will really shoot himself in the foot this time.

Sima Jinlin paced up and down the imperial study in a irritable manner. Although he had thought about taking advantage of that person's thoughts about himself before, he had been unable to make up his mind whether he really wanted to do this, but now, it seemed that he had no choice. .

Well, it's obvious that the body and the country are more important. Sima Jinlin feels that he is a responsible emperor and must be able to bend and stretch.

So, it was such a happy decision.

The author has something to say: Little Theater

Prince Regent: Country or body? pick one of two.

Little Emperor: It's all mine, Da Duanxiu, you are delusional!

Regent: Huh? Are the wings hard

Little Emperor: Uncle Huang is joking.

Regent: Choose!

Little Emperor: Jiangshan (crying, chirping)

Prince Regent (smiling Mimi): In exchange for meat.

Little Emperor: huh huh...