Accidentally Attacked a Great Demon King

Chapter 65: The Last Days (9)


It is not difficult for the old forest in the deep mountains to manage game, but the impact of the apocalypse is not only for humans, even these uninhabited places have been greatly affected, and animals cannot avoid it. So Han Zhiyuan found a thin pheasant for a while, but there were quite a few jungle snakes and they were very fat, so he brought back two non-venomous ones.

Once the sun sets, it will get dark very quickly, not to mention in the dense forest, so by the time Han Zhiyuan has almost cleaned up the thin pheasant, the surroundings are already pitch black.

Han Zhiyuan glanced at Shen Chuyang, who was sitting beside the fire, and it was really unusually quiet. It seemed that as long as it was all right, he would never speak up.

So Han Zhiyuan raised the clean pheasant in his hand towards him, "It seems that this skinny chicken can only be used to stuff the teeth tonight." Although they prepared dry food such as compressed biscuits, but with this In comparison, this is definitely a rare delicacy.

Shen Chuyang hummed calmly. He didn't have any extra words, but he didn't mean to get up to help, so Han Zhiyuan could only directly say, "Come and help, we are partners, not in your blue wolf's den. A hard-working male wolf, okay?"

Han Zhiyuan's tone was definitely joking, but he also meant to ask him to help. If he didn't communicate, how could he go further

Shen Chuyang's handsome brows were slightly wrinkled, but he finally got up and walked towards Han Zhiyuan, who was five meters away from him. At this time, Han Zhiyuan was planning to disembowel the pheasant on a stone slab by the creek and dispose of its internal organs.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Chuyang stood at Han Zhiyuan half a meter, condescending.

"Don't you know how to discharge? Give me some light and I'll clean it up." Han Zhiyuan, who was squatting on the ground, glanced up, thinking that this guy is not an idiot in life.

Discharge... Shen Chuyang was speechless, but immediately released a current to brighten the surroundings.

"Be careful, don't call me." Han Zhiyuan did not forget to explain.

Shen Chuyang:…

Han Zhiyuan skillfully took out a military dagger to cut open his stomach and dispose of his internal organs. Then, Han Zhiyuan could clearly feel that the person beside him was slightly stiff. Sure enough, as soon as he looked up, he saw a strange expression on his face.

"Isn't it?" Han Zhiyuan was puzzled, but he thought to himself that this product must be disgusted with his own work, right? Otherwise, what does that face of constipation mean

"No." Shen Chuyang pursed his lips, seeing the mass of internal organs at such a close distance, he felt nauseated. Seriously, when did this kind of thing need him to deal with it

"What's the matter?" Han Zhiyuan was inexplicable. The leader of the supernatural organization living in another world, tell the truth, what hardships have you not suffered? What horrible and disgusting picture have you seen? Although Shen Chuyang gives people the feeling of being pampered, isn't the scene of flesh and blood flying every day


"Would you like to try it?" You dislike me for not doing well, do you come

"No." This time Shen Chuyang refused decisively.

Han Zhiyuan couldn't help but laugh in his heart. After cleaning the internal organs, Han Zhiyuan turned around and put the meat into the river to wash it carefully. The water in the depths of the forest couldn't see the sun for a long time, and it was a little cold. Han Zhiyuan couldn't help feeling agitated. However, one of the two was squatting to wash, and the other stood aside to illuminate, and it felt not bad.

"I said, can your body conduct electricity?" Han Zhiyuan asked while washing.

"Is it possible that there are still people who don't?" Shen Chuyang raised his eyebrows.

"Cough, I mean, if someone accidentally touches you, your body won't conditioned reflex to electrocute you, right?" Cough, does this count as a rainy day

"No," Shen Chuyang said lightly, "but the current is controlled by me, and the same is true for the strength of the current."

It probably means that if you can't touch it, the key is me. If you don't let you touch it, it's tantamount to courting death. Han Zhiyuan thought about something else.

The two chatted for a while, and Han Zhiyuan washed the pheasant clean. Then, he turned around and pulled out the two snakes beside his feet. It was killed before he came back, and then he kept throwing it next to the stones by the water. Both of them were about one meter long, so I can't say whether I was afraid or not, but few people liked this kind of thing.

But they have to survive, and they may encounter unknown dangers when they go back, so as long as they can find food, they will never use the reserves of food easily, so he brought back two snakes.

However, something unexpected happened. At that moment, the moment Shen Chuyang saw the snake, it was almost a conditioned reflex, Shen Chuyang's pupils shrank suddenly, and then his body reacted before his brain, and the electric current in his hand went out, aiming directly at Han Zhiyuan. The snake in the hand.

Han Zhiyuan only felt a flash of white light from the corners of his eyes, and his heart was alarming at the same time. His super physical fitness also made his body precede his brain anyway, and he suddenly faded back and lost the things in his hands.

However, the creek had been hidden in the forest all the year round without seeing the sun. The dampness of the rainforest made the stones along the river covered with moss, so it was wet and slippery, and it was impossible to stand upright. Han Zhiyuan immediately stumbled to the ground.

But at this time, Shen Chuyang, who had reacted in a flash, hurriedly withdrew the electric current to pull Han Zhiyuan, and then... Then it was a tragedy, Han Zhiyuan was tall and strong, how could it be that Shen Chuyang, who stretched out a hand in a panic, pulled Han Zhiyuan Moveable.

Then they only heard a sudden bang in the quiet forest, and the two fell in so embarrassingly, splashing everywhere.

It can be said that Shen Chuyang was dragged in by Han Zhiyuan and made a mistake.

The water deep in the rainforest was already wet and cold, and it was night, making it even more freezing. However, what was even more touching was that the man beside him was drowning and fluttering, making Han Zhiyuan stunned.

"Calm down, calm down!" Han Zhiyuan hurriedly grabbed the person who was fluttering around, and he was stunned for a moment. He really couldn't imagine a perverted powerhouse who was so strong like a god-like land duck fluttering in front of you and panicking. Grab your clothes and grab your hands.

"Don't move, calm down." Han Zhiyuan completely imprisoned the person in his arms, and then pulled the person out half hugging and half dragging him. Han Zhiyuan looked down at the water that had not reached his knees, and immediately couldn't help laughing.

Shen Chuyang couldn't swim. When Han Zhiyuan brought him up to help him to the fire, his body was still trembling slightly. He even grabbed Han Zhiyuan's clothes with one hand unconsciously. what.

Han Zhiyuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Looking at the person who bit his lip and his body was trembling slightly, I saw that his eyes were flat, but if you looked closely, you could see the hollowness, the slightly white lips, and the wet clothes dripping with water.

Unexpectedly, a person with such a perverted ability is actually afraid of snakes and can't swim. The perfect male god is shattered? When he threw himself into the water just now, this guy hugged Han Zhiyuan like crazy and didn't let it go, thinking about it, it's really... cute.

Han Chenchuyang had most of his body in Han Zhiyuan's arms, and Han Zhiyuan put his arms around him while stroking his back comfortably, and kept comforting softly, "It's alright, it's alright."

Shen Chuyang was a little dazed at first, then his eyes regained clarity in an instant, a flash of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, and then he left Han Zhiyuan's embrace the next second.

"Hurry up and change your clothes, or you'll be in trouble if you catch a cold." Han Zhiyuan's tone was a little joking no matter how he heard it.

Shen Chuyang ignored him and walked directly to the place where he put his bag, then pulled out spare clothes, but just as he was about to take off his clothes, he felt a blazing gaze behind him that made him uncomfortable, and then turned to look at Shang Han. Zhiyuan's burning eyes.

Shen Chuyang's heart jumped inexplicably, hiding all the embarrassment just now, but unconsciously he took on a tone of anger that turned into anger, "You don't need to change?"

"Cough cough~" Han Zhiyuan coughed awkwardly, "You go first." Then, a bit cheeky, continued to look upright.

Shen Chuyang gritted his teeth, turned his back to him, and took off his soaked shirt with both hands.

The figure is great, especially when the clothes are close to the body after getting wet. Although compared with Han Zhiyuan, Shen Chuyang is thinner, his skin is more delicate and fair, and he is a little less wild and explosive, but... um, the back line is great , The skin is very white, the waist is very thin, the place where the back waist is deeply sunken is especially sexy, and then the buttocks... are very warped.

Han Zhiyuan suddenly felt a little hot, and his whole body was hot, and then he met someone's scrutinizing eyes again, and for some reason, there was still some anger.

"Turn over!" Shen Chuyang was indeed a little annoyed, this man's eyes were too obvious, although he didn't care what others thought, but now being looked at like this, he was inexplicably hot, and his face turned red unconsciously.

"Cough, you go on, go on." Han Zhiyuan touched his nose awkwardly, then turned around and changed his clothes.

Immediately, he consciously found a branch and placed it by the fire, and then threw their wet clothes on to dry them.

At this time, someone was a little embarrassed because of the embarrassment just now, and his face was unconsciously awkward, but it quickly returned to normal. Han Zhiyuan held back his laughter. He really felt that Shen Chuyang was so cute, and he felt a lot less distance in an instant.

In particular, through just now, the two of them were considered to have close contact, but just after giving him such a deal, the two snakes couldn't eat them anymore.

Han Zhiyuan said in a timely manner while roasting the pheasant, "Cough, I was almost electrocuted by you just now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Chuyang's sharp eyes were greeted, but the next second he recovered his calm, and then he looked like he didn't want to mention it again. Unfortunately, Han Zhiyuan was not afraid of death.

"It turns out that you are afraid of snakes, but I didn't see you afraid of that old willow today." It was densely packed with snakes.

"Can't you?" Shen Chuyang said lightly, but he was righteous, but looking closely, there were still two points of embarrassment and anger between his brows.

"Okay, it's understandable, but I'm actually quite scared too."

Shen Chuyang raised a suspicious look, afraid how did you get here

"But you still have to learn to swim." Subtext, you can't swim either.

"Can't you?" Shen Chuyang's eyes narrowed slightly, does this person have no vision at all? Can't you feel that he doesn't want to mention the embarrassing thing just now

"Okay!" Han Zhiyuan tried hard to hold back the smile in his eyes, and he became more and more cute. Sure enough, it was not without reason that he could fall.