Accidentally Born in the ‘60s

Chapter 105


Wang Xuelin and Zhang Zhengzong were so scared that they sat on the ground and backed away, fearing that Li Mingzhen would step on them and make a hole. Zhenzhen stopped and looked at them sternly: "Go to the factory tomorrow to get your salary, and you don't have to come to work in the future." Wang Xuelin looked at Zhenzhen in fear, his throat seemed to be blocked and he couldn't utter a word. Zhenzhen snorted coldly, turned around and walked away with her tape recorder.

Watching Zhenzhen disappear outside the gate, Wang Xuelin collapsed on the ground and rubbed his aching ribs: "Did this Li Mingzhen become a monk in Shaolin Temple? How can she be so strong?"

Zhang Zhengzong turned his head, his face as black as the bottom of a pot: "It's all your fault. I was supposed to retire in a few years, but now I'm out of work. How can I support my family?"

When Wang Xuelin thought of this, he grabbed his hair in annoyance and glanced at Zhang Zhengzong in annoyance: "I lost my job too!" The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He grabbed a stone from the ground and threw it at the door: "I have been thinking about this for half a month and finally caught this good opportunity, but I was caught before I could do it. How did this damn girl find my house? Was it those two guys Sun Yufeng and Liu Shucheng who did it? I must kill them both!"

"Who did you kill? I wanted to kill you!" Zhang Zhengzong staggered to his feet and kicked Wang Xuelin in the chest: "If you hadn't asked us to come here today, would we have been able to handle this? You've ruined the rest of my life."

Wang Xuelin was kicked without warning. Seeing that the person he promoted dared to hit him, he immediately got up from the ground and started fighting with Zhang Zhengzong: "I am the factory director, how dare you, the deputy factory director, hit me?"

"Your factory manager is a piece of shit!" Zhang Zhengzong got even angrier when he heard this: "Your factory manager has been kicked out by someone a long time ago."

Wang Xuelin's wife went to the next yard to prepare dinner for her parents-in-law. When she returned home, she saw that two of the four people who were drinking happily were missing. The remaining two were lying on the ground fighting. They had blood on their faces, a lot of their hair was torn out, and their clothes had several big holes.

"Someone come! There's a fight!" Wang Xuelin's wife was so scared that she screamed and came over to separate the two. Unfortunately, as a woman she didn't have much strength, and not only did she fail to separate the two, she was also hit several times.

It was dinner time, and the neighbors who had nothing to do at home came over to watch the fun. In the end, no one knew who told the police station, but two policemen came before the two men had finished fighting, and took both of them away on charges of fighting.

Although Zhenzhen was on the school campus, she saw everything that happened to Wang Xuelin clearly. Seeing that the two were detained for seven days for fighting, Zhenzhen sneered and shook her head: "Dog bites dog and gets a mouthful of fur."

Although Wang Xuelin's simple and crude plan was discovered by Zhenzhen just as he spoke it out, the fact that Wang Xuelin could use this plan to stir up internal relations in the company also shows that this hidden danger does exist. The factory director, Sun Rende, is an outsider who was parachuted in and brought a group of craftsmen with him. Now the old craftsmen in the factory have just received their back pay and are working enthusiastically. After a while, if someone instigates trouble, it is inevitable that there will be trouble. In this case, it is better to make things clear at the beginning.

The next morning, Zhenzhen asked for leave from school and went directly to the factory to inform the office director Sun Yufeng, asking him to convene a general meeting of all employees within half an hour. She had news to announce. Sun Yufeng agreed, and then reported: "Chairman Wang and Deputy Director Zhang did not come to work today. Should we send someone to check on them?"

"No need." Zhen Zhen looked up at him and said, "They have been fired. By the way, please notify the accountant to calculate their wages and send them home. Tell them not to come to work anymore."

Sun Yufeng originally thought that the two of them were not at work on purpose in order to control Li Mingzhen, but from what they said, it seemed that they were fired? Seeing Sun Yufeng's stunned expression, Zhenzhen smiled faintly: "They wanted to alienate the employees in my factory and cause trouble, so I fired them."

Zhenzhen said it lightly, but Sun Yufeng was shocked by it. His face turned pale in an instant and he said quickly, "Director, although I went to Wang Xuelin's house yesterday, I left after drinking half of the wine, and I didn't hear what they said afterwards."

"I know, otherwise you wouldn't be standing here right now." Zhen Zhen smiled and said, "Okay, hurry up and call a meeting. I have to go back to school soon."

"Yes." Wang Xuefeng picked up his notebook and returned to the office, shouting the news of the meeting three times on the loudspeaker. After turning off the loudspeaker, Wang Xuefeng wiped the sweat off his head, opened the door of his office, and quietly slipped into the office of Deputy Director Liu across the street. Liu Shucheng was reading the documents issued by the higher-ups, and seeing Wang Xuefeng's sneaky look, he couldn't help but smile and asked him, "What's wrong? You look like a thief?"

"Did you tell Director Li about what happened last night?" Wang Xuefeng asked him in a low voice. Liu Shucheng was stunned: "I didn't tell him. Although Chairman Wang's attitude is not very good, I think we have been colleagues for so many years. I want to persuade him after he sobers up and let him adjust his attitude. It doesn't matter if he doesn't become a factory director. As long as he works hard, he can shine in any position."

Wang Xuefeng breathed a sigh of relief: "No need to talk about it. Director Li said that the two of them wanted to lead the employees to cause trouble and fired them both. Isn't this called convening a general meeting of all employees? I think this matter may be discussed in the meeting later."

After all the employees were seated, Zhenzhen walked up to the podium and said, "Hello, comrades. I called you all here today to say something. Our factory's former labor union chairman Wang Xuelin and deputy factory director Zhang Zhengzong were fired last night."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a flurry of discussion from the audience. Zhenzhen pretended not to hear anything and continued, "I am also very sad to fire them both, because when I took over this factory, Mayor Xi promised that as long as I was there, no employee would be laid off. But I broke my promise last night because they made me so disappointed."

Zhenzhen picked up the recorder at her feet and put it on the table. She pressed the play button and Wang Xuelin's voice rang out, "We can't let that guy seize power. Do you dare to seize power with me while he's not at home?"

"Sun Rende brought a lot of craftsmen with him. We can say that he plans to replace the masters with those people and drive them out of the factory. I don't believe they won't be afraid."

As the recording was played sentence by sentence, the audience suddenly fell silent. Sun Yufeng and Liu Shucheng looked at each other and were glad that they left early last night. If they had stayed until the end, they would not have been able to explain themselves even if they left.

After turning off the recorder, Zhen Zhen's face was very serious: "Yesterday I wanted to talk to Chairman Wang about the factory, but I unexpectedly heard such a conversation. Wang Xuelin and Zhang Zhengzong are also old people in the factory. They have an unshirkable responsibility for managing such a large state-owned factory to the brink of bankruptcy and unable to pay workers' wages. Now that I have acquired this factory, while Director Sun is working hard outside to negotiate business and find sales channels, thinking about how to create more benefits and pay more wages to everyone, they don't think about how to manage the factory well, but their minds are all on fighting for power and profit. Can we keep such people in the factory?"

When the workers recalled the days when they were so eager to make every penny count and their wives and children cried, they immediately stood up in anger and said, "No, fire them!"

Zhenzhen waited until they had shouted enough before she raised her hand and pressed it down to signal everyone to be quiet: "Although I bought this factory, it also belongs to everyone. Building the factory well and making everyone earn more than before is our common goal. In the recording, Wang Xuelin wanted to use the excuse that the new factory director's master squeezed out the original master in our factory to separate everyone. I solemnly state here that I will never allow such a thing to happen. Our factory is mainly engaged in furniture making, and our future development goal is also set on high-end solid wood furniture. Every worker and master is a priceless treasure in my eyes. As long as everyone works hard and doesn't get involved in these messy fights, I guarantee that everyone's income will increase and life will get better and better. Here I announce that in the future, for each set of finely carved furniture, the workers responsible for carving will receive a bonus of 10% of the selling price. If we have good performance at the end of the year, there will be additional bonuses." Looking at the excited faces of the workers, Zhenzhen dropped another heavy bomb: "The minimum price for the set of furniture that Director Sun brought to Shanghai this time is 1,800 yuan."

"One thousand eight hundred yuan, so the bonus is one hundred and eighty yuan." The craftsmen who participated in the furniture modification were suddenly excited: "Director Li, is what you said true?"

"Yes, just wait for Director Sun to come back and give you bonuses." Zhenzhen smiled, her curved eyes looking particularly sweet and lovely.

Although her face still looked a little immature, none of the leaders sitting below dared to look down on her. At such a young age, she had already firmly grasped the minds of the employees and was particularly generous in using money to motivate the employees. This alone was something they could not match.

After stirring up the mood of the employees, Zhenzhen asked Liu Shucheng to manage the factory for a while and then go back to school. After this incident, Liu Shucheng admired Zhenzhen wholeheartedly and changed his previous work style of muddling through when he followed Wang Xuelin. He wanted to live in the workshop from morning to night, fearing that the tasks assigned by Li Mingzhen would not be completed.

At the Canton Fair a month and a half later, Sun Rende used the set of exquisite hand-carved mahogany furniture he had sent as samples and won an order for thirty sets at a price of 2,100 yuan per set. Zhenzhen was relieved when she heard the news. She had not misjudged Sun Rende.

High-end furniture is mainly exported, but the domestic panel furniture market cannot be relaxed. After the funds were recovered, Sun Rende went to Beicha to sign a long-term supply agreement for medium-density panels. Nowadays, the furniture used by ordinary families in China is relatively simple, and it is a bit old-fashioned from the perspective of later generations. Although Zhenzhen has never studied design, she has lived in the later generations for more than 20 years and has seen countless styles of Chinese and foreign furniture.

Although Zhenzhen's Chinese painting skills have reached the master level, she is still unfamiliar with sketching. Zhenzhen specially asked Su Weiran to help her find a sketching teacher. After half a month of intensive study, Zhenzhen began to draw her own furniture designs.

Regardless of the era, storage has always been a headache for every household, especially nowadays, when many families have three generations of a family living in one room. Clothes are piled higher than a mountain, and a pile of clothes will fall down if you pull one piece.

This problem has been well solved in later generations. For example, many fabric sofas and board beds have large storage spaces under them. Zhenzhen used pencils to draw several beds with storage functions under the bed. The not-so-wide bedside also has open drawers to store underwear, long johns and other things.

In addition to wooden sofas, spring sofas have appeared. Zhenzhen added a row of pull-out drawers under the sofa cushions. Although they are not deep enough, a lot of small things can be stuffed in.

Now the production workshop has been divided into two parts: solid wood furniture and panel furniture. Zhenzhen gave the design drawings to Sun Rende and asked him to arrange for the production director of the panel workshop to start producing new styles of furniture immediately.

Sun Rende glanced at the design drawings and rubbed his hands excitedly: "These designs are not only practical but also beautiful, especially the large wardrobe. After this arrangement, the space for clothes will be twice as much as before. It will definitely be popular with the people."

Zhenzhen nodded: "Actually, these are not difficult. I'm afraid that furniture factories in other places will learn this. You can ask Director Liu to ask if we can apply for a patent for this furniture style."

Sun Rende wrote it down. Zhenzhen tapped the table and suddenly looked up and asked him, "What do you put on your bed in the dormitory?"

Sun Rende looked at Zhenzhen in confusion: "It's the mattress we gave out. I put two layers of mattresses on it."

"Then do you feel it's hard when you lie on it?" Zhenzhen looked at him.

"It must be hard then." Sun Rende smiled: "But I've been sleeping like this since I was a kid, I'm used to it."

Zhen Zhen nodded, drew a mattress on a piece of paper and handed it to him: "Have you ever heard of the brand Simmons?"

Sun Rende shook his head. Zhenzhen pointed at the paper and introduced: "This is an American mattress brand with a history of more than 80 years. The mattress made of cloth wrapped springs has rewritten the history of American sleep. In the 1930s, Simmons also had a mattress factory in Shanghai, but it was closed due to the war. Now there is still a blank in the field of spring mattresses in our country. If we can seize this opportunity, it will be a huge market."

Zhenzhen's mother in her previous life worked in a spring bed factory. At that time, there was no elderly person at home to help take care of the children, so Zhenzhen's mother could only take Zhenzhen to work with her every weekend. Later, during college, Zhenzhen's parents divorced, and both parties gave up their custody rights on the grounds that Zhenzhen was over 18 years old. At that time, Zhenzhen went to the factory and sat in the production workshop for a whole day before her mother finished work.

Zhenzhen couldn't help but sigh as she recalled her past life. Who would have thought that the painful memories in her past life would become her golden idea for starting a business in this life. She wrote down the production process and technical points of the mattress in her memory on paper and drew two detailed sketches: "We are going to produce pocket independent spring mattresses and linear integral spring mattresses. The first type is suitable for couples who sleep lightly, and when one turns over, the other will not be disturbed. The second type of mattress fits the body better and is more comfortable to sleep on."

Although Zhenzhen wrote a detailed description, she was still worried that they might have a misunderstanding since they had never seen a spring mattress before. She went to Hong Kong Island a day in advance to buy two single Simmons mattresses and found a tricycle to bring them here early this morning: "I asked someone to bring back two Simmons mattresses from Hong Kong Island. They are both in the lobby downstairs. One is for you. Only when you enjoy a comfortable sleep can you create a good mattress."

"What about the other bed?" Sun Rende asked cautiously.

Zhenzhen raised her head and said, "Take it to the workshop and dismantle it. You can see the structure of the mattress, but that is just the basics. The actual production should be done according to what I say."

"Okay." Sun Rende took over what Zhenzhen had written and looked at him hesitantly, "It's just that our two workshops are quite busy right now. If we produce mattresses again, I'm afraid we won't have enough manpower. Some of our equipment is too old and needs new machines."

Zhen Zhen rubbed her brows and said, "Just take care of these."

With Zhenzhen's approval, the furniture factory quickly put up a banner to recruit workers. For experienced workers with relevant wood products and sofa production experience, the furniture factory set a higher salary than the average unit. With money, there is no need to worry about not being able to recruit people. In just ten days, Sun Rende recruited fifty people who passed the operation test.

Then the research and development of new products began vigorously.

Along with the delivery of thirty sets of fine mahogany furniture, new styles of panel furniture and spring mattresses were also produced. Zhenzhen asked someone to bring a few back to the courtyard. After trying them for a few days, she felt that they were more comfortable than the Simmons mattresses currently on the market in Hong Kong Island.

Sun Rende positioned these products for domestic sales, so he applied to hold a furniture exhibition. Zhenzhen watched a lot of exhibitions in the future market, and she asked people to print tens of thousands of flyers and asked people in the factory to distribute them on the street a month in advance.

When we arrived at the exhibition, many people had already gathered around the furniture before it was even put on display. Nowadays, if you want to buy furniture in a store, you have to go to the street to get a furniture ticket, but if you buy furniture at a furniture exhibition, you don’t have to worry about the ticket issue, as long as you have money, you can buy it.

At the appointed time, the workers carried beds with enough space under the bed to store clothes, powerful modular furniture, large wardrobes with different partitions, beautiful and practical fabric spring sofas, and high-end-looking spring mattresses to the trade fair.

Sun Rende personally introduced the furniture from his factory with a loud speaker. The advantages of other furniture can be seen at a glance, but the mattress is the only one that cannot be compared with people lying on it to try it out. So a strange scene appeared at the exhibition: one after another, people lay on the bed, rolling left and right, and then lying flat to try it out. When they came down, they were all smiling and surrounded the factory workers to ask about the price.

Soon the furniture at the exhibition was sold out. Some couples who were about to get married and couldn't buy any went straight to the factory and blocked the factory gate tightly. Zhenzhen calculated the inventory and production speed and only sold ten sets of furniture at the factory gate every day. Those who didn't get to the front of the line on the first day had to come back the next day. As more and more people heard the news, the queues started getting earlier and earlier.

As Tengda furniture and mattresses became popular and hard to find, a "Tengda" fever soon swept the capital. If someone had a set of Tengda furniture at a wedding, it would be a matter of face. If someone bought a Tengda mattress, they had to put a sheet on it without an edge, exposing the trademark around the mattress, so as to receive waves of envious eyes.

The capital often leads the national trend. Soon, the entrance of Tengda Furniture Factory was crowded with suppliers from all over the country. Sun Rende signed many contracts, and introduced new equipment one after another into the factory. Recruitment banners were hung at the factory entrance again and again. Tengda board furniture has become a well-known brand in the country. Feihuang brand solid wood furniture takes a high-end route, not only accounting for a large share of exports every year, but also many domestic families with rich cultural heritage come to the factory to customize solid wood antique furniture. Because of its popularity, the price of solid wood fine carving furniture has tripled in less than a year, and furniture made of old materials such as huanghuali has reached tens of thousands of yuan per set.

In addition, the veteran carving artists at Tengda Furniture Factory have also created considerable profits for the factory by making carved boxes, Japanese Buddhist shrines and other products.

When Zhenzhen was about to graduate from college, the Tengda Furniture Factory had already employed as many as a thousand people, and the factory area had expanded five times compared to the original size. In the past two years, Zhenzhen had earned tens of millions of dollars from the furniture factory alone.

Zhenzhen looked at the funds in the account and smiled: "Finally, I have some visible money to do something I like."

The author has something to say: Update first, then find typos

Start a business

Our Zhenzhen's entrepreneurship is directly the same standard as other people's career success~~ I am afraid that you don't like to watch the entrepreneurship line, so I rushed to finish the plot quickly, because this is not the career in Zhenzhen's heart~~~


Xi Junjie blushed: I’m about to graduate, can I get married