Accidentally Born in the ‘60s

Chapter 108


Xi Junjie looked at Zhen Zhen's excited expression and couldn't help laughing: "Shouldn't you be shy at this time?"

"Oh, you're right." Zhen Zhen quickly covered her face and tried to put on a shy expression: "I'm a little embarrassed, so I don't want to go with you."

"No, that won't do. This is specially prepared for you." Xi Junjie stretched out his hand and pulled Zhenzhen into his arms, gently kissing her forehead: "Let's go, the journey is quite long, we have to leave early."

Zhen Zhen's hand slid to Xi Junjie's waist, and took the opportunity to pinch the tight muscles on his waist: "Then you go out first, I need to change clothes."

Xi Junjie looked at Zhenzhen's pure white dress, his eyes full of admiration: "This dress you are wearing is already very beautiful."

Zhen Zhen stuck out her tongue playfully: "I think I can be even prettier." She pushed Xi Junjie to the door: "Go out and wait for a moment. I promise to dress up so beautifully that you can't take your eyes off me."

"Okay." Xi Junjie obediently went out and sat on a chair nearby. Old Lady Li came out of the house and saw Xi Junjie basking in the sun foolishly. She hurriedly called him: "What are you doing sitting there? Come in and cool down quickly."

"It's okay, grandma." Xi Junjie quickly stood up and said, "I want to go out with Zhenzhen. She will come out after she changes her clothes."

"That will take several minutes." Mrs. Li came over and pulled his arm: "Come on, come on, grandma just cut the melon, it's delicious."

Xi Junjie looked back at Zhenzhen's window with some embarrassment. Just as he was about to refuse, he heard Zhenzhen shouting from inside: "Go to grandma's room to cool down for a while. I'll be here for quite a while."

"Look, I'm right." Old Lady Li smiled and looked at the two curiously: "Where are you two going in this hot weather? Don't get a heat stroke."

Xi Junjie's face turned red, and he touched his nose, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, Zhenzhen opened the window, stuck her head out and smiled at Old Lady Li: "Great! If everything goes well today, we can set a date for our wedding."

"This is a big deal." Seeing Zhenzhen still wearing the skirt she wore this morning, Mrs. Li immediately became anxious: "Why haven't you changed yet? Hurry up, don't delay the important matter."

Zhen Zhen glanced at Xi Junjie coquettishly: "Look, we haven't even gotten married yet, and my grandma is already favoring you."

"Go away." Li Laotian glanced at Zhenzhen and said, "You are the one who bullies Junjie all day long." Seeing that Junjie's face was a little red from the sun, Mrs. Li felt distressed and said, "Junjie, come in and eat melon with me. Zhenzhen, hurry up."

"Got it." Zhenzhen shouted, and quickly wiped her face clean. After applying moisturizer and sunscreen, she took out an eyebrow pencil and lightly swept it twice.

After Xi Junjie ate a melon and a few grapes in Grandma Li's room, he saw Zhenzhen's door open. Xi Junjie stood up impatiently and took two steps before he remembered that he forgot to say hello to Grandma Li. He quickly turned around and smiled, "Grandma, let's go."

"Go ahead." Old Lady Li said with a smile, "It's important to settle the important matter as soon as possible. By the way, are you guys coming back for dinner tonight?"

"Not coming back." Xi Junjie's face was full of anticipation: "I have booked a table at a restaurant tonight and want to have a candlelight dinner with Zhenzhen."

Old Lady Li watched Xi Junjie take out a parasol from his schoolbag, quickly ran to Zhenzhen and opened the parasol to cover her. They both turned around and waved to Old Lady Li: "Grandma, we're leaving."

"Okay." Old Mrs. Li nodded: "Be careful on the road."

After watching Xi Junjie and Zhenzhen leave the yard, Old Lady Li returned to the house muttering to herself. Wang Sufen glanced at her while picking some vegetables: "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Old Lady Li sat down next to Wang Sufen, looking puzzled. "Just now Junjie said he wanted to have a candlelight dinner with Zhenzhen. I figured he probably meant eating with candles instead of lights. You said we finally have electric lights now, how nice it would be to have bright lights at night? It's so dark with candles, I can't even see what I'm eating, what good is that?"

Wang Sufen thought for a while and asked hesitantly, "Is it also the place where they eat that has no electricity?"

Old Mrs. Li smacked her lips and said, "I see. I guess they went to find a half-immortal or something to calculate the wedding date. Our Zhenzhen said that if everything goes well today, they can set a wedding date. But the half-immortal lives in a remote place, so I guess they don't have any electricity or anything."

Wang Sufen praised Mrs. Li's ability to summarize: "Mom is right."

"Oh, we should go together for such a big event. What do they know as little kids? Hey, the place they went to is so remote. What time will they be back after dinner? They must be gone at midnight." The more Mrs. Li talked, the more worried she became. "No, I have to ask Xiulan where they went to calculate the date."

Since the two houses were connected, it was more convenient to travel back and forth. Old Lady Li put on her shoes, walked around the corridor and came to the main courtyard next door. Ling Xiulan was painting in the house. When she saw Old Lady Li coming, she quickly put down her brush and said, "Auntie, come in and sit down."

Old Lady Li sat on the chair and asked without waiting for Ling Xiulan to ask, "Xiulan, did Junjie and Zhenzhen go to calculate the wedding date today?"

"Ah?" Ling Xiulan was confused: "No way, Junjie doesn't believe this. He said that day that he and Zhenzhen had discussed it and they should just find a Sunday when everyone is free."

"That's strange." Mrs. Li immediately repeated what the two children had said and looked at Ling Xiulan eagerly: "Aren't you going to calculate the date?"

Ling Xiulan understood immediately and laughed happily: "Auntie, I think Junjie must be planning to propose to Zhenzhen today."

"Propose? What marriage?" Old Mrs. Li was even more confused: "Then to propose marriage, you must go to the girl's house with your parents, and bring a matchmaker or something."

Ling Xiulan smiled, and came close to Old Lady Li and whispered, "Junjie has to find a place with a particularly beautiful environment, prepare flowers, rings, fine wine, and so on, and he has to kneel on one knee in front of Zhenzhen and say, "Marry me." If Zhenzhen is satisfied with his preparations, she can let him wear the ring, and that's it. If she is not satisfied, Junjie has to prepare again." Ling Xiulan became happier and happier as she spoke, "I was wondering why Junjie was not home all day before, it turns out he was going to propose. I don't know how he is going."

Old Lady Li was stunned when she saw Ling Xiulan laughing so hard while she was talking. "You are such a big-hearted mother. You didn't even stop your son from kneeling down."

Ling Xiulan looked like she was watching a show: "How can I marry a wife if I don't work hard?"


The place where Xi Junjie proposed was far away, so he borrowed a car from Xi Changbo. Zhenzhen sat in the passenger seat and looked at Xi Junjie's focused expression. She asked curiously, "Is the place where you proposed far from the city?"

"Yeah." Xi Junjie was driving on the dirt road. Seeing that there was no one in front of him, he reached out and patted the back of Zhenzhen's hand: "We're almost there, don't worry."

"I'm not in a hurry." Zhenzhen crossed her arms leisurely: "I'm just waiting for the surprise you give me." Xi Junjie smiled, stepped on the accelerator hard, changed the gear directly to the highest gear, and rushed forward.

As they were about to leave the imperial capital, the car stopped at the foot of a mountain. Zhenzhen looked at the familiar landform and burst into laughter. This was the hill where Wangwo, Su Weiran and others had lived in seclusion. After the movement, Zhenzhen controlled the land and razed everything inside to the ground. She came here again last year and cleaned up the ruins. She then controlled the land to grow lush weeds and wild flowers. I don't know how Xi Junjie found this place.

Xi Junjie locked the car and pulled Zhenzhen's hand excitedly: "It's going to be a bit hard today, we have to climb to the top of the mountain."

Zhenzhen laughed when she heard this: "For me, climbing a mountain is almost the same as walking. As long as you have the stamina to keep up, it's fine."

Xi Junjie opened the parasol and covered Zhenzhen's head: "I have climbed more than 30 times."

Zhenzhen looked up at a narrow path trampled by people, reached out to close the umbrella and put it in Xi Junjie's schoolbag: "No need to hold an umbrella, the shade of the trees is cool enough. It's inconvenient for you to hold an umbrella and go up the mountain."

"There are still some places without shade. The sun is very strong now. If you get sunburned, your face will hurt when you go back." Xi Junjie was afraid that Zhenzhen would get sunburned, so he was about to take out the umbrella again when Zhenzhen dragged him up the mountain.

It's strange to say, Xi Junjie had come here so many times before, and each time he went up the mountain under the scorching sun. But this time, after walking a few steps, he found that the trees on both sides of the path were particularly dense, blocking the sun above his head completely, and no sunlight could get in.

"This tree is growing really fast." Xi Junjie couldn't help but praise it: "When I came here a few days ago, it looked like a small tree."

Zhenzhen looked up and said nonchalantly, "How could it grow so fast? Maybe you didn't take this road a few days ago."

Xi Junjie looked back and saw several intricate paths that looked like they were trampled out by people. Xi Junjie suddenly became nervous, not knowing when these paths appeared. He was afraid that others would destroy everything he had carefully prepared.

Noticing that Xi Junjie looked a little uneasy, Zhenzhen squeezed his hand and said with a deliberately teasing smile: "It's a little early to be nervous now." They were already there, and Xi Junjie didn't think too much about it anymore. He took Zhenzhen's hand and ran up the mountain.

Perhaps it was because he was in high spirits because of good things happening to him, Xi Junjie felt that the way up the mountain was particularly smooth this time. The weeds and thorns that he had to use a stick to push away before were gone, and a straight path led directly to the top of the mountain.

Looking at the top of the mountain just around the corner, Xi Junjie's palms were sweating from nervousness. He swallowed and was about to speak when Zhen Zhen suddenly took out a water bottle from her bag and handed it to him: "Drink some water and relax."

Xi Junjie took two gulps of water, and seeing Zhenzhen's relaxed expression, he couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you nervous at all?"

Zhen Zhen touched her chest and decided to tell the truth: "I am a little bit nervous, but I am more looking forward to seeing the special surprise you give me."

Xi Junjie smiled, held Zhenzhen's hand, and said solemnly: "Then please close your eyes first, and let me take you to see the surprise I prepared for you."

Zhenzhen placed her hand in Xi Junjie's hand with great trust. She kept all her consciousness within her body and followed Xi Junjie to the top of the mountain step by step.

There was a gentle breeze. Xi Junjie led Zhenzhen to the best viewing position, then he slowly let go of Zhenzhen's hand: "Okay, open your eyes."

Zhenzhen slowly opened her eyes, and after adjusting to the light, the first thing that caught her eye was the lush trees on the opposite mountain. Since Zhenzhen had better eyesight than an average person, she could even see rabbits running in the forest. After blinking, Zhenzhen's sight followed the mountain to the valley, and suddenly, she opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

The valley that was originally full of weeds had been cleared at some point, and the words "Zhenzhen, I love you!" were arranged with roses. Zhenzhen covered her mouth and subconsciously released her consciousness, only to find that the roses were not planted in pots, but planted one by one in the ground. Just by looking at the roots of the roses in the soil and the beautiful roses on them, Zhenzhen knew that Xi Junjie had to spend at least half a year to take care of these flowers to achieve today's effect.

Seeing Zhenzhen's shock, surprise, and tears, Xi Junjie took out the ring from his arms and knelt in front of Zhenzhen: "This is the second time I kneel in front of you. The last time was to ask you to be my girlfriend, and this time is to ask you to be my lifelong lover. Zhenzhen, the luckiest thing in my life is meeting you, and the happiest thing is to love you. I want to continue this happiness until the end of our lives. Do you want to?"

Looking at the sea of flowers in the valley, and then at the man kneeling in front of her, Zhen Zhen's eyes were a little red, and she tried to adjust her face to a smile: "I wanted to embarrass you, but I made you so moved at the beginning that I couldn't bear to let you kneel down again. What should I do?"

Xi Junjie's eyes sparkled with anticipation: "Since you can't bear to let me continue kneeling, then give me your hand, okay?"

Zhenzhen smiled and stretched out her hand to Xi Junjie, who gently held it and kissed it lovingly before pulling out a ring from his arms. The ring was made of platinum, with four teardrop-shaped diamonds surrounding a ruby as red as fire. As Xi Junjie moved, the gems and diamonds sparkled in the sun.

Xi Junjie put the ring on Zhenzhen's hand and was about to stand up and hug his beautiful fiancée, when Zhenzhen suddenly put her hand on his chest. Looking at the ring on her hand, Zhenzhen asked uneasily, "I see that the gemstone and diamond are of very good quality. The price should not be cheap. How can you afford such a good ring when you just graduated? Did you ask Aunt Ling for it?"

Xi Junjie looked at Zhenzhen and pouted: "Shouldn't we kiss each other first at this time?"

"Don't act cute." Zhen Zhen pinched Xi Junjie's mouth and pressed him back: "Speak or not? Be careful and take off the ring and return it to you."

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" Xi Junjie raised his hand, and when Zhenzhen wasn't paying attention, he hugged her in his arms, gave her a quick kiss on the mouth, and then confessed honestly: "When my parents were in France, they had some properties. Before we left France, they put all these houses in my name. Because it's inconvenient to go back, I entrusted the bank to make fixed investments directly from the rent over the years. Fortunately, the returns are very good." Xi Junjie hugged Zhenzhen in his arms: "Last year, when my mother went back to France, I entrusted her to help me withdraw the money to buy this ring. I wonder if you like it?"

Zhen Zhen looked at Xi Junjie and felt a little distressed: "Buying this ring must have drained all your family savings, right?"

Xi Junjie smiled and said, "Fortunately, the remaining money is enough to support you."

Zhen Zhen leaned in Xi Junjie's arms and put her arms around his neck: "Then I will wait for you to support me for the rest of my life?"

Xi Junjie put his head against Zhenzhen's forehead, his lips getting closer and closer to Zhenzhen's red lips: "Keep your word!"

Zhenzhen smiled softly, raised her head and kissed Xi Junjie's lips. Although it was not the first time for them to kiss, they still felt blushing and heartbeating every time their lips touched. Xi Junjie hugged Zhenzhen's slender waist tightly, and rubbed her back with his big hands. They felt like they kissed for a century before they slowly separated their lips.

Zhenzhen rested her head on Xi Junjie's chest, her small hands slowly sliding along the muscle texture under his clothes. The tingling touch made Xi Junjie's Adam's apple slide up and down unconsciously. He held down Zhenzhen's small hand and looked at her helplessly: "If you keep touching me like this, I won't be able to help but enter the bridal chamber with you early."

Zhenzhen's eyes lit up immediately, and she looked at Xi Junjie expectantly: "When? Is it here?"

Xi Junjie looked at Zhenzhen with a helpless look, and reached out to pinch her little nose: "Li Mingzhen, you have no shame."

Zhen Zhen chuckled and interlocked her fingers with Xi Junjie: "It's mainly because your beauty is too hard to resist. I have been able to endure it for so many years because I am a gentleman."

"I should be the one saying this, right? You always steal my lines." Xi Junjie touched Zhenzhen's head and kissed her on the corner of her mouth: "Come on, I'll take you to see the flowers below"

Holding hands, the two walked slowly along the path into the valley. From the top of the mountain, they could see patterns made of roses, and in the valley, they could appreciate the beauty of the roses. Zhenzhen squatted down and smelled the fragrance of the roses, and said reluctantly, "You spent so much effort to take care of these flowers, it would be a pity to leave them here."

Xi Junjie pulled out a pair of large scissors for trimming flowers and plants from a pile of grass on the side: "Then I'll cut them all off and bring them back to you, so that you can see the roses I gave you every day."

Zhenzhen nodded, and Xi Junjie cut the roses one by one. There were hundreds of them. Zhenzhen had already tied the roses up with a straw rope.

Xi Junjie picked up the roses, felt the weight in his hand, looked up at the road up the mountain, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's go out early, it will probably take longer to carry these flowers than to come in."

Zhenzhen then realized that this silly boy had climbed the entire mountain to get to this valley for several months. She immediately felt amused and distressed: "Why are you so silly?"

"Huh?" Xi Junjie was a little confused.

Zhen Zhen couldn't help laughing at him: "Actually, I've been to this place before when I was hunting. There's a cave over there that leads directly to the outside."

Xi Junjie held the rose in his hand with a look of disbelief on his face: "No... No way... I didn't see any cave!"

Zhenzhen held Xi Junjie's hand and led him to push aside the weeds and find the very hidden cave. It only took five or six minutes for the two of them to get out. Xi Junjie looked at his car parked outside and covered his forehead with despair: "I have climbed the mountain more than 30 times!!!"

The author has something to say: The recent plagiarism has really exhausted me. In fact, writing every day is very hard. Everyone only gets 20 or 30 cents for reading a chapter. After careful consideration, I decided to add a manual anti-theft chapter. From now on, I will put an anti-theft chapter after 12 o'clock in the morning. The title is "Anti-theft, don't buy", about 5,000 words, and replace it that night. The number of words replaced is 500 to 1,000 more than the anti-theft word count, so that readers who mistakenly buy will not suffer. After the replacement, it will be changed to a normal title, and you can see the new content by refreshing.

I hope you can understand how hard it is for the author to write this article. Thanks for your support! Thank you everyone!