Accidentally Born in the ‘60s

Chapter 125: 蚿琣駃


After all, Mrs. Li is an elderly person. Even though she was full of energy at the beginning, she was completely exhausted when she got off the plane after a long flight. Others were no better than Mrs. Li. They were listless and didn't even have the heart to appreciate the exotic scenery. Fortunately, Xi Junjie anticipated this situation and booked a hotel in the city where he would get off the plane in advance.

Mr. and Mrs. Xi had seen some of the world when they were young, but they had not left the capital since the movement began. More than 20 years had passed in the blink of an eye, and they were still a little confused by the rapid changes outside. Not to mention the Li family, who used to stay in a guesthouse when they went out. Such a luxurious hotel was beyond imagination. When the service staff introduced the hotel's supporting facilities, a group of people stared at the swimming pool, as if they couldn't understand why the swimming place was built into the house.

The rooms booked by Xi Junjie are all luxury suites. In order to take care of the elderly, Xi Changbo and his wife live in one room with Mr. and Mrs. Xi, Li Muwu, Wang Sufen and Mrs. Li live in a suite, and the others live with their children. Anyway, there are three bedrooms in a suite, so there is no need to worry about not having enough sleep.

After entering the room, those who were in better spirits took a bath before going to bed, while those who couldn't bear it took off their shoes and fell asleep on the bed. The group slept for seven or eight hours, and when they woke up, they were all a little dazed. Old lady Li was old and slept lightly, and she woke up early because of physical fatigue. Zhenzhen used her consciousness to see that Old lady Li got up and kept rubbing her legs, so she knocked on the door and went to the suite where Old lady Li and Wang Sufen lived.

Wang Sufen came over to open the door, and when she saw Zhenzhen coming, she quickly let her in: "How are the twins resting? Are they having any problems adapting to the local climate?"

Thinking of those two naughty monkeys, Zhenzhen sneered, "No one can adapt as quickly as them. When they first lay down, they were still energetic and refused to sleep. They were talking loudly in their own rooms. After finally falling asleep, they woke us up after only four or five hours of sleep. Junjie took them to the children's activity area to play."

"Our twins are in great health." Mrs. Li sat on the sofa, eating cake and praising the two children. "They have been worry-free since they were young. Except for being a little worse than Zhenzhen, they are better than others. They are in good health too. They have never had diarrhea, fever or colds. It would be great if raising children was this worry-free."

Zhenzhen smiled and said, "What's there to worry about? They're all more noisy than the other." Zhenzhen watched as she finished her cake and handed her a cup of warm water, "Grandma, lie down for a while. I'll clear your meridians."

After Zhenzhen learned how to control her supernatural powers, she never forgot to massage Grandma Li whenever she was at home. Later, she learned acupoints and techniques from Mr. Zhang, and the effect of the massage became more obvious. Apart from other things, Grandma Li's bound feet, which had been bound since childhood, not only had the bones returned to their original positions, but the toes also regained sensation after Zhenzhen used her supernatural powers to clear them for a long time.

The older Mrs. Li gets, the more particular she becomes. Although she was very tired after getting off the plane, she still took a bath before going to sleep. Zhenzhen first pressed her temples. As she pressed with her fingers, a strange energy like an embroidery needle rubbed into her temples through her fingertips. As Zhenzhen squeezed and pressed, Mrs. Li's drowsiness was gone and she became more lively.

Zhenzhen helped Old Lady Li massage from head to toe. After Zhenzhen's massage, she felt refreshed, which was more effective than the few hours of sleep she had just had. Zhenzhen went to the bathroom to wash her hands and said with a smile, "We have booked a restaurant for dinner. I guess my brother and the others are awake. Do you want to go eat first?"

Old Mrs. Xi put on her reading glasses and looked at her watch: "Let me see what time it is?" She squinted at the watch and was a little confused: "How come my watch broke after taking a flight? How can something that costs thousands of dollars be so fragile?" Old Mrs. Li specially brought the watch that Zhenzhen gave her this time, but the pointer on it was clearly a little after twelve o'clock, and when she looked out the window, it looked like dusk.

"Because the two countries are so far apart, there is a time difference." Zhenzhen took the watch and adjusted the time for Mrs. Li: "This place is a few hours ahead of China."

Although Mrs. Li didn't quite understand what it meant, she was still very unhappy that she had lost half a day for no reason: "This is what happened. It's nothing, but I just lost half a day."

Zhenzhen was amused by Old Lady Li and hugged her neck. "It's okay, we'll make up for it when we return to China. Well, I have to go and give Junjie's grandparents a massage, it will take at least an hour, why don't you guys go eat first?"

"It won't take that long." Old Mrs. Li waved her hand and said, "It's only five o'clock. Let's have some cakes and snacks first, and then we can go eat together."

Seeing this, Zhen Zhen did not delay any longer and hurried to the suite on the same floor and knocked on the door. Ling Xiulan saw Zhen Zhen coming and immediately smiled and said, "Did you sleep well? Why didn't the two children come over?"

"Junjie took them downstairs to play. I think grandpa and grandma must be uncomfortable sitting on the plane for so long since they are old. I'll give them a massage." Zhenzhen said with a smile.

When Old Lady Xi heard this in the room, she quickly called her in. In the past, when the old lady went to play mahjong with Old Lady Li, she often suffered from sore waist and legs from sitting, and she often asked Zhenzhen to help her massage, so she naturally knew that she was good at it.

She skillfully transferred the energy representing vitality in her body to the old lady's body through massage. These energy were regenerated for Zhenzhen and would not have any effect on herself at all. Therefore, she had regarded this as a secret weapon to nourish her family's body.

After clearing Mrs. Xi's meridians, she felt refreshed and pulled Zhenzhen to praise her: "I often say at home that among all the people in our family, only Zhenzhen can give me the most comfortable massage. Your aunt is not convinced and says that she learned the techniques from you and there can't be much difference. She insists that I am biased. How can I be biased? Her massage is the same as before, unlike yours. I feel several years younger every time after a massage."

Zhenzhen was amused by the old lady's exaggerated words: "No one is so exaggerated, it's just that I'm younger and stronger, so the massage is more comfortable. If you keep saying that, I'll be jealous."

"She loves to tease me all day long because she's jealous." Old Mrs. Xi has lived with her eldest daughter-in-law for many years, and they have a close relationship like real mother and daughter. She smiles when she mentions her: "The more she does this, the more jealous I am of her."

Zhenzhen smiled and said, "Grandpa, you may not feel well too. I'll go and give him a massage."

When Mrs. Xi heard this, she immediately got up from the bed and said, "Then I'll go with you to call him. Your grandfather is too stubborn."

Mr. Xi has always refused to take Chinese medicine, let alone let his grandson's wife give him a massage. Mrs. Xi walked over with a heroic look and pushed him directly onto the bed, almost crushing him to death: "Hurry up, Zhenzhen, I caught him."

"What are you doing?" Old Man Xi's muffled voice came from below.

"Zhenzhen said she would massage your legs or something." Old Lady Xi patted his head and said, "Lie down and don't move."

"I don't..." As soon as Mr. Xi said the first two words, he felt his back sink. He immediately changed his words, "Just press it. Can you get up first?" Mrs. Xi then climbed up with a groan, but she was still sitting next to him, staring at the old man with a look of concern, as if she would press him down at any time if he didn't behave. Zhenzhen looked at the two people who were like old naughty boys and smiled.

Zhenzhen knew that Mr. Xi was very proud, so she selected a few key acupuncture points and injected some supernatural powers into each acupuncture point. Only when these supernatural powers were connected and circulated in the old man's body did she let go. She felt that the heaviness in her body disappeared, and she felt light and as if she had been several years younger.

Seeing Grandpa Xi looking down in surprise, the old lady raised her head with great pride: "I told you that Zhenzhen's massage is very effective in relieving fatigue, but you still don't believe me. I'm telling you, if I hadn't seen you lying on the bed unable to get up, I wouldn't have wanted my granddaughter-in-law to suffer this."

Zhenzhen washed her hands and smiled, "It's getting late. Junjie has booked a restaurant. Let's go have dinner."

The old couple, who originally had no appetite, were now full of energy and felt hungry, so they hurried back to their room to change clothes. Zhenzhen called each room and asked them to go directly to the cafeteria on the first floor.

Mingdong and his brothers all went to college and had no problem speaking English. Besides, the waiter introduced the hotel to them when they arrived, and they were able to find a place. Xi Junjie had already brought the twins back to the room. Zhenzhen knocked on the door and called them out, and took the two elderly people to the buffet restaurant for dinner.

The chef of this five-star restaurant is very famous, and many tourists from abroad come to try his dishes. The buffet restaurant is also one of the highlights of this five-star restaurant. It is only open one day a week, using the freshest ingredients shipped from all over the world, and the chef team personally cooks. Today is the day when the buffet is open, and Xi Junjie directly booked half of the seats. There is no other way, there are too many family members.

In order to give Xi Junjie and his group a better dining experience, the restaurant rearranged the buffet restaurant in advance and separated a relatively private area for them, so that even though they ate at separate tables, it did not hinder communication.

The group opened the thick menu, half of them stared at the English on it in a daze. Xi Junjie had been here once before when he was handling property rights procedures, and was very familiar with this buffet. He put the menu aside and said to the waiter with a smile: "Serve one of all the dishes." Immediately, everyone shook the very thick menu in their hands and looked at Xi Junjie with shocked eyes: "Serve one of each dish, you are too shameless, what if I can't finish it? We can't waste it!"

But less than three minutes later, the group of people were shocked by the small piece of meat on the exquisite large plate in front of them. Mingbei was the most talkative. He put the meat into his mouth with a fork and muttered: "This meat is too big. People with poor eyesight can't see it." After chewing the meat in his mouth, Mingbei's eyes lit up: "Delicious, so tender, I have to order ten servings."

Zhen Zhen stopped him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "There is a book of dishes here, why are you in such a hurry? You can order more after we finish eating if it's not enough."

After the meal, most people were full after finishing the book, and tasting all kinds of fresh food was an eye-opener. Young and strong people like Mingnan and Mingbei who can eat a lot have already rolled up their sleeves and picked up the menu to order the second round.

After another night's rest in the hotel, and after having a Western breakfast in the restaurant in the morning, a bus took the whole family to the pier. In order to give his family the best travel experience, Xi Junjie rented the most comfortable car and boat.

Although they could see the sea from the car window, after getting off the car, they could smell the blue sky and the blue sea, and everyone was shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of them. Mrs. Li took out a mirror from her bag, adjusted her sun hat, and shouted to Zhenzhen, "Where's my Baoer?"

"Here I come!" Zhen Zhen rushed over with a camera hanging around her neck: "Grandma, where do you want to take pictures?"

Old Lady Li pointed to the sea behind them and said, "Take a few pictures of the sea, and two pictures of that big ship. Wow, it looks much more impressive than our Beicha ship."

Zhenzhen almost laughed herself to death: "Can you not compare this with the small wooden boats on our Beicha River? If three people stand on that kind of boat, one of them has to squeeze out."

After taking photos of his family, Xi Junjie counted them while letting his family get on the boat. There were more than 20 people from two families and their children, so it would be a disaster if one was lost.

The island that Xi Junjie bought has always been famous for its soft sandy beaches and beautiful seascapes, and what people talk about most is the luxurious manor on the island. Many wealthy people and celebrities from all over the world have always wanted to rent the island for weddings or banquets, but the weekly rent of up to $200,000 has deterred many people. If the original owner's family business had not suddenly encountered difficulties and urgently needed a large sum of money to turn around, he would have been reluctant to sell this treasure pot.

The ship docked at the pier of the island. Everyone stepped on the soft sand and looked at the beautiful scenery they had never seen before. They all showed expressions of admiration and obsession. Watermelon and Grape even threw away their shoes and jumped on the beach barefoot, feeling the softness they had never felt before.

In front of the beautiful natural scenery, the family didn't want to enter the manor. Fortunately, the sun was warm but not scorching, and it was very comfortable for everyone. In order to welcome them, the manor's housekeeper team had prepared various interesting tents for the children on the beach, and beach chairs and parasols for the adults.

Everyone found their favorite seats, and the servants brought out plates of fragrant red wine, fresh fruits, freshly squeezed juice, freshly made cakes, and steaming ice cream. No matter whether they were big or small, they couldn't resist the temptation of these things and ran over screaming.

Zhenzhen led them to the bathroom on the beach to wash their hands before allowing them to eat. The purpose of going on vacation is to relax and have fun, so the whole family threw all the dietary restrictions they had at home behind their backs, and even Mrs. Li took a bowl of ice cream and scooped a little into her mouth with a small spoon.

The milky ice cream slowly opened in her mouth, and Mrs. Li nodded in satisfaction: "This thing tastes good, much better than the old popsicles we eat at home."

Zhenzhen laughed as she listened to what Old Lady Li said. She picked up her camera and took a close-up photo of the old lady who was wearing a sun hat and eating ice cream.

The sea view room, luxurious restaurant and fresh ingredients caught from the sea made the vacationing family completely relaxed. After touring the island, Mrs. Li had a higher request: she wanted to see the scenery on the sea.

There was a yacht on the island, and the group set off with two chefs, two waiters and a captain. Xi Changbo asked the waiter for two fishing rods and gave one to Li Muwu: "We used to compete in fishing in your yard. This time, let's see who is better in the sea."

Li Muwu was not afraid of this competition, he always felt that he had improved his level under the influence of his daughter. Both of them threw down the rod confidently, and the waiter brought two glasses of red wine on a tray. Xi Changbo took a sip and shook his head in admiration: "Good wine and beautiful scenery, the most indulgent things in life are nothing more than this."

Li Muwu held up the wine glass and sneered: "It's sour." After that, he gulped down a glass of wine and smacked his lips unhappily: "It's like grape water. Hey, young man, do you have Erguotou?" The waiter smiled and said: "What?"


Ten years later, after seeing that the area of red pine forest in the region was less than 1% of the original area, the Yidong government finally began to panic and stopped deforestation completely, advocating the path of ecological economy. Zhenzhen saw the news she had been waiting for for many years on the Internet and couldn't help but sneer. They cut down trees when the ecology was perfect, but now they think of ecological economy when there are only a few wild animals left.

Today, Zhenzhen is already a well-known female entrepreneur in China. Mingzhen Group has become a well-known enterprise in China. It is the leader in furniture, clothing, cosmetics, and beauty. The plant base built in the imperial capital covers an area of one million square meters. Every summer, the flowers blooming in the plant base have become a famous scenery in the imperial capital. However, the plant base is strictly managed. Tourists can only look at it from the outside, and no one is allowed to enter. At the same time, what makes many pharmaceutical cosmetics jealous is the Chinese herbal medicine planting base under Mingzhen Group. Now it has turned from a barren mountain into more than ten hills, and there is a special Chinese herbal medicine planting team to take care of it.

In contrast, the most impressive achievement of Mingzhen Group is the real estate company. Apart from other things, the housing prices change every day, sometimes they can rise by tens of thousands in half a month, which is really hard to keep up with. Mingzhen Real Estate Company has developed many real estate projects across the country, known for its high-end residential areas and high-end properties. Usually, people start to inquire about the prices at the sales office as soon as construction begins. After all, it is an old real estate company. The real estate projects developed by Mingzhen Real Estate Company have become a symbol of quality.

After closing the news page, Zhenzhen dialed the internal hotline: "Xie Hua, come in for a moment." Xie Hua came in wearing a formal business suit with a standard smile on her face: "Mr. Li, what do you want?"

Zhenzhen printed out the news and handed it to Xie Hua: "Hold a work meeting in half an hour and notify the investment department, operation department, and ecological department to attend to discuss the issue of contracting Yidong Forest."

Xie Hua quickly scanned the news in his hand and immediately notified the relevant departments to hold a meeting. Half an hour later, Zhenzhen appeared in the meeting room on time, and the situation of Yidong Primeval Forest appeared on the projector.

Zhenzhen briefly introduced the past and present of the red pine forest, and then asked, "What suggestions and opinions do you have for this contract project?"

The investment department asked first: "Mr. Li, I think the government's attitude is that the forestry department will do this work, and at the same time, the former forestry workers will be transformed into forest maintenance personnel to ensure that tens of thousands of forestry workers will not lose their jobs. If we want to contract, the annual investment will be very staggering, but the income cannot be guaranteed. Just now, after Assistant Xie issued the meeting notice, I found some relevant information about Yidong City. Although Yidong City has pleasant scenery, it is very remote. Only the slowest train passes through there. The local economy is very depressed. Even the state-owned hydrolysis plant with decades of history has not escaped the fate of bankruptcy. Most young people go out to work and start businesses, and there are many elderly people left behind. I don't think it is suitable for investment."

Thinking of the current state of her hometown, Zhen Zhen sighed, then raised her head very seriously and looked at her team: "I invested there not to make money, but to restore the most beautiful mountain."

Well, the head of the investment department was stunned. In recent years, Mingzhen Group has made a lot of investments every year, and there are no unprofitable projects. How could the chairman suddenly change his style when the investment performance is rising year after year? Just when he was puzzled, a mobile phone was handed to the head of the investment department while Li Mingzhen was staring at Hong Songshan on the big screen. He looked down and saw Li Mingzhen's personal profile on it: from Beicha, Yidong City, Heilongjiang Province.

It is said that money makes things easier, and Zhenzhen has a special place in the hearts of Chinese people. Although Zhenzhen has focused on the business in recent years, she spends a month every year traveling around the world, and brings back many cultural relics every time. This has become a unique sight in China. She is often received by the prime minister and is publicly praised every few years. For this reason, although Zhenzhen is not an official, she often speaks better than officials.

Such a wealthy businessman with status and reputation came to give back to his hometown and was willing to take over the work of forest cultivation and maintenance. The local government readily agreed and processed the relevant documents. In order to show its investment in Mingzhen Group, the government also agreed to allocate the forest cultivation funds allocated from above to Mingzhen Group every year, of course, the requirement is to ensure that forestry workers will not lose their jobs.

This move is a great goodwill to Mingzhen Group, especially the investment department, which is really relieved. With part of the state subsidy, at least the initial losses will be smaller. When the eco-tourism is built, the funds will be recovered eventually, but it will take longer than other investments.

Zhenzhen attaches more importance to this work than any other, and is ready to go home to supervise the afforestation work in person. Having lived with Zhenzhen for twenty years, Xi Junjie knows that all her previous efforts were for today, and also knows that Zhenzhen may stay there for three to five years. Now that he has a high position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Xi Junjie silently submitted his resignation. Facing many puzzled looks, he just smiled faintly: "Go home with my wife to plant trees."

Old Lady Li has passed her 100th birthday, and Li Muwu and Wang Sufen are both in their 80s. When they heard that Zhenzhen was going back to Beicha to cultivate forests, Old Lady Li, who had recently begun to think about returning to her roots, spoke first: "I want to go back, too, and live in the same place where we used to live."

Zhenzhen smiled and held Mrs. Li's hand, tears in her eyes: "Okay, I'll take you back, but our house collapsed a long time ago, and I've had someone build a new one, still in the same place as ours."

After hearing this, Old Lady Li cried out in pain: "It's all wasted all that we built. Your brothers' houses have basically never been lived in. It's such a waste." Zhenzhen smiled and helped Old Lady Li comb her hair, preparing for her return home.

The twins are now fifteen years old. Having been brought up to be independent by Zhenzhen since childhood, they did not feel much about the departure of their parents. However, when they thought about not being able to see their grandparents and great-grandmother who they had lived with day and night when they returned home from school every year, the two who claimed to be grown up could not help crying.

Old Mrs. Li held the twins' hands and smiled kindly, "Your mother will pick you up when the holidays come. The mountains in my hometown are fun. There are pheasants and rabbits, and you can pick mushrooms."

Wang Sufen also held their hands and told them, "Listen to your grandparents and study hard. Your mom always ranked first in the exams when she was in school."

Xi Junjie and Zhenzhen both pay great attention to their children's education, especially the guidance in moral character. In addition, people like Grandma Li, Wang Sufen and Ling Xiulan all have positive values. Under the influence of these people, the two children have grown up very well. Not only have they always been ranked first in their studies, they have never had the extravagant habits of the rich second generation. On weekends, the two even help Wang Sufen to water the garden, pick vegetables, feed chickens and ducks, and do some farm work that people born in the 1980s rarely do.

Ling Xiu Lan now only goes to the company for important matters, and the rest is managed by the manager. She only looks at the financial statements every month. In addition, mobile phone video is very convenient now, so she can know the company's operation well even if she doesn't go to the company. Therefore, Ling Xiu Lan took on the responsibility of taking care of the twins.

It was said to be accurate, but by the time we were ready to leave, it was already three months later. Mingzhen Group established a company in Beicha to be responsible for ecological restoration and the subsequent construction of forest parks and resorts. Because the mountain is rich in wild delicacies, Zhenzhen also specially established a green wild delicacies food factory, hoping to promote Beicha's healthy food nationwide.

Zhenzhen had been away from Beicha for many years and was not very familiar with the people here. However, everyone in Beicha knew her. When she walked on the street, people would come to greet her: "Are you Li Mingzhen? Oh, you celebrity from Beicha. You've come back to build your hometown? That's great!" If she returned to the street, it would be even more amazing. Zhenzhen found that her neighbors knew everything about her years in the capital, and they used it to educate their children, asking them to regard Li Mingzhen as a role model in life.

The kids on the street are almost kneeling down to their parents. They also want to make Li Mingzhen their role model in life. Who in China doesn't want to make her a role model? She was on the Forbes rich list when she was less than 40 years old. Her husband is handsome, gentle and considerate, and her two children are also very outstanding. She is simply a winner in life.

The car stopped in front of a small courtyard. Looking at the familiar gate and courtyard wall, Mrs. Li was a little stunned, and her hands were shaking a little: "Didn't they say that our house collapsed?"

Zhenzhen just smiled and said nothing, helping her get out of the car: "You'll know when you go in and take a look."

Old Mrs. Li was supported by Zhenzhen and walked to the door. She gently stroked the door that had been weathered by the years. After a long time, she pushed the door open, and a familiar courtyard appeared in front of her. In the spacious courtyard, a group of chickens were pecking at the ground. The vegetable gardens on both sides were green, with fresh cucumbers, red tomatoes, and purple eggplants, as if they were exactly the same as many years ago.

My sight slid from the garden to the five-room large tiled house in front of me. Although it didn't look much different from before, it was obviously demolished and rebuilt, and it was much more spacious and imposing than before.

The wooden door of the house was open, with only a screen door closed. Old Lady Li opened the screen door and walked in. The kitchen was the first thing she saw when she entered the house. There were two main rooms on each side. Firewood was burning in the kitchen stove, and the house was filled with the aroma of chicken stewed with mushrooms. Old Lady Li and Wang Sufen stood there in a trance, as if they had only gone out to buy a match and had not been away for long.

Old Mrs. Li took out a handkerchief and wiped her eyes, then turned and walked towards the east room. The familiar earthen kang and the kang mat were exactly the same as when she left. There was a kang piano on the kang, a large box on the ground, and on the big box was the family's first radio. Every furnishing and every detail here seemed to be reproduced as it was back then.

"How could those old furniture last so many years?" Old Mrs. Li touched it doubtfully.

Zhenzhen smiled and said, "To be honest, those antiques of yours are no longer usable. I asked the furniture factory to remake these with solid wood, and I also made them look old based on the marks on our old furniture, so they look exactly the same as before."

"You're really good at making things look old." Old Mrs. Li smiled and crossed her legs on the kang: "Mingdong's mother, what are we having for lunch?"

Wang Sufen wiped her tears and showed a bright smile on her face: "Stew the chicken with mushrooms, dip it in pickles, and stew a fish."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law burst into laughter, while Li Muwu sighed in disappointment: "There is no place to fish here." Zhenzhen couldn't help laughing and said: "It just so happens that the land of my brother's houses is idle. I will go through the procedures and dig a pond for you." Li Muwu looked at Zhenzhen eagerly: "During the winter and summer vacations, can your parents-in-law come to visit us with Watermelon and Grape? It's boring for me to fish alone."

Zhenzhen glanced at her uncle who was standing behind her father and being ignored, and said with a smile, "They were the only ones who came. You are such a fool. You have been fighting with my father-in-law for twenty years and you are still missing him so much after just one or two days of separation."

Li Muwu didn't think there was anything wrong with this. Instead, he thought happily, "Then you should fix the pond as soon as possible and put more fish in it. I need to practice well first and must take advantage of the home field."

Zhenzhen smiled and shook her head and said to Old Lady Li, "If you can't get used to living on a heated kang, I've also bought a building and we can move in anytime."

"What are you moving?" Old Lady Li lay on the kang, feeling the heat from the kang steaming through the mat onto her body: "I told you that sleeping on a heated kang is the best, you won't have back or leg problems anytime."

The family returned to Beicha, and except for the old man, there were only two busy people, so Zhenzhen hired a nanny to take care of the family's daily life. When it was time to eat, Mrs. Li went to the west room and found that the layout of the west room was completely different from the past. It was changed into a living room and dining room. Zhenzhen and Xi Junjie reserved a room for themselves in the west room and planned to stay there for three or four days a week.

Mingnan has been working in Beicha for many years, and has been working for the ecology for many years. He even earns less than Zhenzhen's nanny, but like Zhenzhen, he has his own dreams. Since he was a student at the Forestry University, he realized that such logging is fatal to the original forest. After graduation, he was assigned to the forestry department. He thought he could do his part for the forest, but when he really did it, he realized how naive his idea was. Under the profit-seeking logging, his suggestions and efforts are like a small boat in the ocean, not only useless, but also prone to being overturned by the waves at any time.

Mingnan has been in charge of the forest replanting work. His salary was not high to begin with, but he kept adding money to buy saplings because he also wanted to see the blue sky, clear water and lush forests of his childhood again. Just for this reason, he refused Zhenzhen's request to go to the imperial capital for so many years.

Hearing that his sister had returned, and that she had come for ecological restoration, Ming Nan couldn't hide the joy on his face when he rushed back: "Grandma, Mom and Dad, Zhenzhen."

Seeing Mingnan, who was in his fifties, running like a silly young man, Mrs. Li couldn't help laughing: "How can you be so old but still not steady?"

Mingnan smiled innocently, showing his white teeth, and then pulled Zhenzhen to ask, "Is your company really doing this to restore the forest ecology?"

"Yeah, otherwise why do you think I've made so much money over the years? It's because ecological restoration is a money-burning thing." Zhenzhen smiled and patted Mingnan on the shoulder: "Brother, you're about to retire, why don't you go through the formalities in advance, and we can work together to restore the ecological environment of the red pine forest."

"Sure, I'm willing to do it!" Mingnan stretched out his hand and clapped his hands with Zhenzhen: "Let's work hard together!"


Although Zhenzhen has the ability to instantly restore the red pine forest to its most luxuriant state, she did not do so. Besides being too shocking, she also wanted to let people see how long it takes for a red pine to grow from a sapling into a towering tree. Human life cannot be separated from trees, but the consequences of reasonable use and indiscriminate felling are not the same. We can't always wait until there are no trees left to cut before regretting. There is still a chance to make up for it this time, but what about the next time? Perhaps this piece of primeval forest will never come back.

Mingnan led the workers to check the survival of the replanted trees one by one. One month later, he was surprised to find that none of the trees had died. Touching the saplings as thick as his arm, Mingnan said with great emotion: "It is worthy of being Red Pine Mountain. If it were anywhere else, the survival rate would be 80%."

Xi Junjie and Zhenzhen smiled knowingly when they heard this. It was almost noon, so Zhenzhen turned around and said to Mingnan, "I promised to have lunch with grandma. Do you want to go?"

"We still have to plant a bunch of trees soon, and I'm worried about you guys sitting here watching. You guys go by yourselves. Tell grandma that I'll go see her in the evening." Zhenzhen nodded and went down the mountain with Xi Junjie.

This place is not too far from home, so Zhenzhen did not drive. Now she and Xi Junjie prefer to walk and enjoy the long-lost slow life.

The two of them walked hand in hand on the uneven dirt road. Xi Junjie smiled as he watched Zhenzhen talk about the current situation of the twins. Suddenly, two boys came running from a distance, one in front and one behind, holding wild fruits in their hands and laughing happily.

Zhenzhen couldn't help but stop and look at the two boys' faces. Although she had never seen them before, she felt an indescribable sense of familiarity in her heart.

The older boy stopped in front of Zhenzhen, looking about thirteen or fourteen years old. The younger boy behind him also caught up, about seven or eight years old.

"What's your name?" Looking at this kind-looking boy, Zhenzhen always had the urge to touch his head.

Thirteen or fourteen-year-old boys are at the age of rebellion and mischief, but looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, the boy had no intention of making trouble. Instead, he answered obediently, "My name is Li Yingzhong." Looking into Zhenzhen's eyes, Li Yingzhong added, "My nickname is Hongzhong."

The little boy at the back suddenly started laughing: "My brother gave himself this name. My aunt said that he must have watched too much mahjong when he was a kid."

"What's your name?" Zhenzhen couldn't help but ask.

"My name is Huang Yuhu, and my nickname is much better than his." The little boy looked very proud.

Generally speaking, nicknames for this kind of name are Xiaohu or Huzi, so Zhenzhen asked the same question. Huang Yuhu shook his head and said very complacently: "I knew you couldn't guess right, no one has ever guessed right."

A thought came to her mind, and Zhen Zhen subconsciously said, "Are you Da Huang?"

"Hey, how did you know that?" Huang Yuhu scratched his head, revealing two small tiger teeth: "My cousin gave me my nickname." He pointed at Li Yingzhong and said with a smile: "My mother said it sounds like a dog's name, but I feel comfortable listening to it. They are ignorant of the times. It's obviously a tiger's name."

Listening to Huang Yuhu's babble of defense, Zhen Zhen couldn't help but laugh. She patted the two people's heads and said with relief: "So you've grown up so much, that's great."

"Do you recognize us?" Li Yingzhong couldn't help asking, "I always feel that you are very familiar to me. Could it be that..." A bold idea came to his mind, "Could it be that you are my biological mother? My current mother is my adoptive mother? No wonder she was so mean to me that I couldn't eat until I finished my homework."

Zhen Zhen laughed until tears came out of her eyes when she heard this: "You think too much. I only gave birth to a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, who are now studying in the imperial capital. Apart from them, I have never given birth to any other children."

Li Yingzhong sighed in disappointment: "It's over. I thought I had escaped from the clutches of the devil, but now I still have no lunch today."

Zhenzhen smiled and shook her head: "I think you two kids are quite interesting. Why don't you come home with me for dinner?" Zhenzhen pointed to the brick house not far away, with an especially bright smile on her face: "That's it."

Li Yingzhong and Huang Yuhu had also received safety education since childhood, such as not following strangers or eating food given by strangers, and they were usually very cautious of strangers. But today, when they saw this beautiful sister, their vigilance disappeared, as if it was natural, and they followed him without any precautions.

Walking into the simple courtyard and looking at the sun-filled yard, Li Yingzhong scratched his head and asked in confusion: "Why do I want to sit here and bask in the sun so much?"

Zhenzhen brought him a stool and gave him a pot of freshly picked beans: "Then you can pick beans while basking in the sun."

Old Mrs. Li heard the noise and came out of the house: "Hey, whose child is this?"

Li Yingzhong blurted out subconsciously: "Grandma, I'm Hongzhong."


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the twins grew up. They took over Mingzhen Group together. Zhenzhen was impartial to the two children and left a notarization stating that all the property would be divided equally in the future. However, the museum that Zhenzhen had always wanted to build was unexpectedly not built in the imperial capital, but in Beicha.

On the day the museum opened, a reporter asked, "Ms. Li, why did you choose this place for your private museum instead of big cities like the Imperial Capital and the Magic Capital?"

Zhenzhen smiled faintly and said, "Because there are already many museums to visit in the imperial capital, but people here rarely have the opportunity to visit national treasures, so I chose to build the museum in Beicha and open it for free so that more people can learn about the history and culture of our country." Taking the opportunity of the interview, Zhenzhen announced another important decision: "After I die, all these cultural relics will be donated to the country."

The reporter was shocked: "All?"

Zhenzhen smiled, her eyes fell on the three different colors of Xuande stoves, and her tone was very firm: "Yes, all of them."

As time went by, Li Yingzhong and Huang Yuhu were hired by Zhenzhen's ecological company in Beicha after graduating from university, and joined the ranks of ecological restoration. With the efforts of Zhenzhen and everyone else, the forest area gradually expanded, and the once weak saplings have grown up. The most surprising thing is that because of the control of pine cone picking, especially after the ban on felling and picking pine cones, many naturally grown pine trees have emerged in the forest, which is really a pleasant surprise.

With the protection of the ecology, the number of wild animals in the red pine forest has gradually increased. Some people even said that they heard the voices of tigers and black bears, but no one believed them. Although people today have never seen wild tigers and black bears, they often heard the old generation talk about them when they were young. They all know that they will be eaten if they encounter them. If they really encounter them, they will not be able to escape easily.

In the blink of an eye, Zhenzhen and Xi Junjie are already sixty years old, but they are so favored by God that time has not left too many traces on their faces, and they don't even have a single white hair. If they wear white shirts and jeans and go out and say they are in their thirties, no one will doubt it.

Walking hand in hand for a lifetime and being together for decades more in the future, Zhenzhen feels that this is the best life.

It was spring again. Zhenzhen took Xi Junjie to the top of the mountain. Looking at the lush forest and the little tiger jumping not far away, Zhenzhen waved her hand gently, and in an instant, the rhododendrons all over the mountain bloomed.

The author has something to say: (Update first and then correct typos!)

This article ends here, because everything has been explained very clearly, so I will not write any more sequels. Thank you for following along all the way and helping me complete this story. Thank you all again.

Kaka's new article "Returning to the 1980s with a Treasure Bowl" will be published on June 12. I beg you to collect the author's new article in the column after reading this chapter. Thank you. This chapter will give you 300 red envelopes. The red envelope password is: See you in the next book + your message. The red envelope will be dropped at 4 pm tomorrow.

"Back to the 1980s with a Treasure Bowl" was thrown back to the 1980s by a treasure bowl that fell from the sky. There was an extra money-making system. If you earn one dollar, you will get two dollars. If you earn 100,000, you will have a chance to win a big prize! If you earn one million, you can exchange it for a panacea! Qian Xiaomi: Dear Qianqian, here I come!

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