Accidentally Born in the ‘60s

Chapter 37


Zhenzhen stood by the water, her eyes fixed on the underwater area more than ten meters away. Now Zhenzhen's control over consciousness has reached perfection. Even when she is eating or talking, her consciousness is like her eyes, automatically taking in every blade of grass and every tree within a radius of dozens of meters into her mind.

At this time, Zhenzhen "saw" Li Mingzhong struggling with a ten-pound fish. Usually when hunting in the mountains, Li Mingzhong was a guy who dared to rush even wild boars. But in the water, facing this ten-pound fish, Li Mingzhong had no way to bite it and had to take a breath of air from time to time. He obviously felt powerless, but he was reluctant to let it go.

Zhenzhen was so surprised because she recognized the fish as a salmon that was rarely seen in Beicha. The river where Zhenzhen's family usually went fishing was the Yongcui River, which was closest to their home. After passing through Beicha, the Yongcui River would flow into the Tangwang River and finally into the Songhua River. Zhenzhen estimated that this salmon had migrated back from the sea, but she didn't know how it ended up in the Yongcui River.

Salmon is a kind of fish that was born in the river but grew up in the sea. It lives in the sea for four or five years until it matures and can lay eggs, and then swims back to its birthplace. Every autumn, salmon can often be seen in the Heilongjiang River, Wusuli River, and Tumen River, but half of the salmon lay eggs in the downstream, and few swim to the upstream. Yongcui River in Beicha District is a very small tributary of the Songhua River, and salmon have rarely been seen in these years. I don’t know if this salmon swam too fast or what, when a large number of salmon had not returned to the river, it ran back first, and swam hard to the upper tributary. Zhenzhen’s eyes swept across its bulging belly and couldn’t help swallowing.

Zhenzhen's impression of salmon still lingers on the experience of dining at a Russian restaurant with her classmates in her previous life. She doesn't remember much else, except that a small plate of salmon roe cost more than 600 yuan. At that time, she felt so distressed that she wanted to count each one of them and eat them. She felt that she was not eating fish roe but eating gold. Now it has been so long since that Russian meal that Zhenzhen can't remember the taste of salmon roe, but the expensive price and the golden and crystal clear fish roe remain in Zhenzhen's memory.

"Zhenzhen, what are you looking at?" Old Mrs. Li was a little confused when she saw Zhenzhen staring into the distance.

Zhenzhen looked in the direction of Li Mingzhong and fixed the salmon with her mind: "Li Mingzhong found a big fish. I think it must be at least ten pounds."

When she heard about the fish weighing more than ten kilograms, Mrs. Li became excited: "What kind of fish is it? A bighead carp or a carp?"

This was the first time Zhenzhen had seen salmon in her life, so she paused and said, "I don't know. It looks strange."

Seeing Li Mingzhong helpless with his mouth open, Zhenzhen hooked her finger, and the salmon swam towards her involuntarily. Although Li Mingzhong was a dog, he knew Zhenzhen better than the Li family. When he saw the fish's swimming posture, he knew that Zhenzhen had taken action. He doggy-paddled behind the salmon, staring at the fish fiercely, fearing that it would run away when he was not paying attention.

The fish swam to the shore, Zhenzhen took out the net and put it into the water. The salmon got into the net and immediately caused the net bag to sink. Seeing this, Grandma Li hurried to help. The two of them worked together to pull the salmon out and threw it into the bucket, which immediately crushed half of the shrimps in the bucket.

Salmon is a carnivorous fish. Originally, these fish and shrimps were all its food. But now that they were thrown into the bucket, its sturdy body could only curl up. It couldn't even move, let alone eat shrimps.

Old Mrs. Li squinted her eyes and carefully identified it for a long time, but she still couldn't recognize what kind of fish it was: "I have never seen this thing before, can I eat it?"

"Yes, the meat is thick." Zhenzhen went to fetch the bucket, and Mrs. Li didn't bother to think about it anymore, and hurried to carry it with Zhenzhen. When they walked to the main road, they would ask everyone they knew, "Auntie Li, did you go to the river? What did you catch that's so heavy?"

Old Mrs. Li replied with a smile: "I just caught a fish. I'll go home and ask my granddaughter-in-law to stew it for nourishment."

It is not uncommon to catch fish from the Yongcui River, especially in August when there are the most and fattest fish. Therefore, no one paid much attention to it. They just chatted for a few minutes and then went about their own business.

When they arrived at the door of the house, before Wang Sufen had time to come out to greet her, the braised chicken nuggets rushed to the door first, stood in front of Zhenzhen, and kept calling out "oh-oh-oh-oh".

Old Lady Li put the bucket at the door, rubbed her sore arm, and stared at the braised chicken nuggets in wonder: "It would be fine if this chicken crowed early in the morning, but why is it cawing so loudly now? Was it scared crazy by the meat buns?"

Zhenzhen was listening to the braised chicken showing off how heroic it was. When she heard what Old Lady Li said, she couldn't help but burst out laughing. She bent down and pinched the comb of the braised chicken, then turned to Old Lady Li and said, "Our big rooster is very cunning. Don't think that Roubao chases it all day long. In fact, it's the rooster that's teasing Roubao. Roubao chased it for half a year, but he didn't even touch a hair of its tail."

Old Mrs. Li glanced at the braised chicken with a look of disgust: "That's right, I even suspect it's a spirit, otherwise I would have stewed it long ago just based on the way it makes noises all day long." The braised chicken shrank its neck, turned around pretending to ignore it, and quickly hid back in the chicken coop.

Zhenzhen was just laughing at the braised chicken nuggets when Wang Sufen came out of the house. When she saw the two people standing at the door with a bucket at their feet, she knew that there was something in the bucket and it was quite heavy.

"Mom is back, what did you catch?" Wang Sufen wiped her hands on her apron, lowered her head and glanced into the bucket. She was immediately shocked: "What kind of fish is this? Can I eat it?"

"Zhenzhen said it's edible." Grandma Li trusts her granddaughter very much, not only because of her special abilities, but because she loves to eat so much. From spring to winter, there are 365 days, and she can make you something different every day.

Wang Sufen also understood her daughter's greed very well. When she heard her daughter say that she could eat it, she was relieved. She quickly took out the big basin for cleaning fish at home, picked up the fish and threw it in. Zhenzhen quickly came over to look at the shrimp she had caught earlier. The two or three pounds of shrimp were half crushed. She pursed her lips with some regret: "I wanted to cook a dish and stir-fry a dish, but this time it's not enough."

Wang Sufen was sitting on a small wooden stool cleaning the fish. She glanced at Zhenzhen and said, "Let's make a plate first. Don't we have fish? It's not enough for you to eat." Zhenzhen smiled and nodded, "That's right, mom. I'll go get the shrimps after we finish eating the fish." As she spoke, she squatted beside and picked out the intact shrimps in the bucket one by one, and kept the remaining crushed and flattened ones for the two ducks raised at home.

Wang Sufen cut open the salmon's belly and took out a bunch of golden fish roe. She was stunned: "Mom, look at how come these fish roe are so big and beautiful?"

Old Mrs. Li was lying on the kang, smoking a pipe and resting her legs. When she heard her daughter-in-law's voice, she was full of surprise. She quickly got off the kang to take a look. Guihua happened to come from the backyard with meat buns. When she heard the voice, she also came over to watch the fun.

A string of bright red and crystal fish eggs hung on Wang Sufen's hand, which were four or five times larger than ordinary fish eggs.

"Oh my God, my fish eggs look almost the same size as the seeds in the belly of the forest frog." Old Mrs. Li was amazed and reached out to touch the fish eggs. She felt like there was a bag of water hidden inside.

Guihua looked at the fish, then at the roe, and said hesitantly, "It's salmon, right? I think the roe looks like it."

Old Lady Li had heard about this fish before, and when Guihua mentioned it, she realized it: "It seems to be a salmon, but don't they usually go to Jiamusi? Why did this fish swim here?" She looked at the fish again and asked Guihua: "How do you eat this? Stew it with tofu?"

Guihua pondered for a moment and rolled up her sleeves: "It tastes better if fried. If you don't want to waste oil, you can steam it. You can also stew the cabbage and tofu and make pancakes with it."

"Don't mind wasting oil, let's fry it." Zhenzhen said quickly, then turned around and shook Mrs. Li's arm and said coquettishly: Grandma, let's fry it first, then stew it. After all, there are more than ten pounds of fish, so we have to find three or four ways to eat it."

"You're greedy, right?" Old Lady Li nodded Zhenzhen's forehead lovingly, but turned around and told Wang Sufen, "Listen to Zhenzhen. Let her eat whatever she wants."

Wang Sufen was OK at stewing vegetables, but her cooking of fish and shrimp was not as delicate as Guihua's. Guihua knew that her sister-in-law was picky, so she patted Roubao's butt and told him to go play by himself. She brought a basin of water and washed her hands while saying to Wang Sufen, "Just put it there, mom. I'll fry it later."

Wang Sufen was relieved immediately: "Okay, your fried food is delicious, so I don't have to listen to her nagging after I finish cooking. I have never seen a girl as greedy as her. It's good enough to have enough food now. She always wants to fry or stir-fry every day, but I have never seen any child who is as troublesome as her."

Zhenzhen laughed, and Mrs. Li became unhappy again: "Other children are not as smart as our Zhenzhen."

"That's right." Guihua added, "There's no better child than our Zhenzhen within a ten-mile radius. She's pretty and smart. Mingbei taught her to read and count in one go. She'll definitely be a college student in the future."

When talking about college students, Old Lady Li can't stop talking. Almost every household in Beicha has children who are studying, but only half of them can go to junior high school after finishing elementary school, and half of them are left when they go to high school. Finally, only a few can take the college entrance examination and go to college. In the eyes of local people, going to high school and then having children is the most important thing in life, which is much more practical than college.

But Grandma Li thinks that having a college student in the family is the most glorious thing. Mingdong is the first college student in the family, and he majored in agriculture. He will be popular no matter where he is assigned after graduation. Mingxi is now studying at Bingjungong, which is the best university in the country. Grandma Li heard from her eldest son Li Muwen that many descendants of founding generals are studying there. When she thought that her grandson was a classmate of those descendants whose names she could only hear on the radio, Grandma Li felt very proud.

However, no matter how proud Mrs. Li was, she didn't dare to show off. When Mingxi came back for the Spring Festival last year, his family asked about the school, but Mingxi kept his mouth shut and said it was a military secret, which frightened the family and made them dare not ask anything. Only Mrs. Li knew more about what missile department her grandson was in than anyone else, and she didn't know anything else.

Thinking about her remaining grandchildren, who didn't seem to be good at studying and were lucky enough to finish high school, Grandma Li felt that Zhenzhen would be the next college student in her family.

Zhenzhen watched her two ducks line up to come in from the front door, and quickly threw the dead shrimps in the basin into the duck food bowl. She turned around and saw that Old Lady Li was smiling at her, and she couldn't help asking, "Grandma, why are you looking at me and laughing?"

Mrs. Li looked excited: "I am thinking about which university you will apply to in the future."

Zhenzhen looked at Grandma Li speechlessly: "Grandma, I haven't started elementary school yet."

Mrs. Li was immediately poured with a basin of cold water, and looked at Zhenzhen with some disappointment: "I don't know if grandma can see you get into college."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhen Zhen looked at the disappointed face of Old Lady Li and hurriedly coaxed her: "Grandma is so strong, you can live another 20 or 30 years without any problem. By then, you will not only be able to see me go to college, but also see Meat Bun, Cabbage Bun, Bean Bun and Sugar Bun go to college."

Guihua slipped while carrying the fish into the house, and nearly dropped the fish in the basin. She stood firm with lingering fear, and looked at Zhenzhen speechlessly: "Will my son have a future that can get out of the steamed bun sequence

Zhenzhen blinked her eyes: "Steamed bread? Steamed buns? Chive boxes?"

The author has something to say: I spent the whole day on the highway today. After I got home, I felt nothing but nausea. I wanted to write more but I just didn't have the energy to keep up. I can only update a short post. I should be able to resume normal updates on the sixth day of the New Year.

Let me recommend a hilarious article to you. I’ve been following it these days and it makes me dizzy with joy.

"Gain 10 pounds without eating a meal" by Yi Jin

The 18th-tier celebrity who would gain weight even if she drank cold water, actually got a foodie system when she was starving to death. From then on, the more she ate, the more beautiful she became. Her figure is as good as Victoria's Secret. As long as she eats, her acting skills will burst out and she will be blessed with great fortune!

Shan Zhenzhen: System, I’m not kidding, I can eat you until you go bankrupt, believe it or not!

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