Accidentally Born in the ‘60s

Chapter 58: (Correct typo)


After breakfast, Zhenzhen went to school with her schoolbag. Since the beginning of last spring, all schools have resumed classes. The wild Zhenzhen was immediately taken back to school by Grandma Li, who specifically asked the teacher to keep an eye on her and not let her skip classes.

Zhenzhen's teacher was somewhat puzzled by Mrs. Li's request: Li Mingzhen is such a good student, she has always scored 100 points in the exams since she started school. Although she doesn't need to take exams to be promoted to the next grade, as a teacher, she still has a clear understanding of the student's academic performance.

Zhenzhen's homeroom teacher, Mr. Li, likes Li Mingzhen very much because she has a pretty face, is good at studying, and is very well-behaved. The teacher wishes that all the students in the class could be like Zhenzhen.

Old Mrs. Li, who knew Zhenzhen's temper very well, was a little worried, but she couldn't expose her granddaughter in public, so she could only keep telling the teacher to tell her if Zhenzhen skipped class.

Zhenzhen followed the teacher into the classroom with her head down. Nowadays, the teacher doesn't call the roll in class. With only a few students, you can tell who has bought and who hasn't by just looking up. Zhenzhen felt a little impatient after listening for a few minutes. In order to resist the idea of skipping school, she took out a big book from her schoolbag and started reading. This was the homework assigned by Mr. Wangwo. After reading this book, Zhenzhen had to consult and communicate with him.

In the past two years, several well-known masters and two famous old Chinese medicine practitioners have joined the Western-style building in the mountains. Although they live in a cramped environment, they look much more energetic than before. When these masters left home, they had read the letters written by Mr. Wangwo and others, so they made preparations in advance and brought out their savings and treasures over the years. In addition to entrusting Zhenzhen with money to buy some food, the people in the Western-style building usually grow their own food and raise a dozen chickens, which basically achieves self-sufficiency.

There are too many people who need to be rescued in this era, and Zhenzhen cannot possibly rescue them all back to the small building. One reason is that the space is limited, and the other is that so many people disappearing will inevitably arouse suspicion. For example, Wangwo and the others left suicide notes at home when they left. Afterwards, Zhenzhen also dropped their blood-stained clothes containing suicide notes near various wild lakes in the imperial capital to create the illusion of suicide to prevent anyone from investigating.

Zhenzhen was able to save only a few people in the mansion, but she couldn't bear to watch innocent people suffer. She always felt that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and she hoped that she could help others more in a safe situation.

Therefore, Zhenzhen often used her consciousness to cover all places. Whenever she found things like beatings and insults, she would use her supernatural powers at will. She would either cause a rat infestation or a group of vicious birds. Those who were closer to the mountain would often be entangled by snakes. However, some large-scale movements could only be affected by animals alone, so Zhenzhen would create some small-scale, precise earthquakes and cracks, which could also scare them to death.

This was not enough. The guards found that the things they had snatched back were always missing. When they were walking on the road, they were hit on the head by a half-broken branch from a tree. Some even felt that someone was talking in their ears when they were sleeping. Gradually, some of them began to get scared. One of them was the most violent. He had just taken back the bloody belt, but when he turned around, he fell to the ground for some reason. He had a big cut on his head and was bleeding. He almost died.

There are more bizarre things. It is said that a combat team was lying on the wall and saw an old couple burying a box in the soil. When they went to break open the door, the pit had just been filled, but the box was gone. The combat team dug more than a meter deep, but did not see even a piece of wood residue. What they did not know was that when they left, the old couple closed the door and reached down into the pit with a shovel. With a clang, they hit the wooden box. They dug away the soil and saw that the wooden box was only one centimeter away from the bottom of the pit.

Some guards looted people's books and materials and threw them together. They would burn them all up as soon as they set fire to them. But when they got home, their own firewood would catch fire, and no matter how they tried to put out the fire, they couldn't. They could only watch it burn to ashes. The most frightening thing was that anyone who did the above evil things would not get any harvest no matter what they planted. Plants that had already borne fruit would either rot overnight or the plump ears would become shrunken. However, those who only posted posters and shouted slogans would not get into any trouble.

If this happened once, it was a coincidence; if it happened twice, it was an accident. But if it happened too many times and happened every time after beating or setting fire, people would have to wonder, and some even wondered if it was the ghost of the person who had killed someone coming to take revenge. When this happened too many times, even the higher-ups knew about it and sent investigators to investigate. But every single one of them seemed to be an accident, with no signs of human intervention. So they gave the guards a lecture and told them not to spread feudal superstitious rumors. Some of them even had big-character posters posted on them for saying something outrageous.

Since these things could not be explained by science or feudal superstition, the guards could only restrain themselves and dare not easily attack others. They dared not burn or smash the confiscated things, and could only send them to the garbage collection station in trucks, which allowed Zhenzhen to collect a lot of good things.

Frightened by Zhenzhen's tricks, the situation outside was getting better day by day, and the guards became civilized. Zhenzhen told them about the situation outside when she delivered the newspapers on weekends. Wangwo and others have been in contact with Zhenzhen for many years and feel that she is not only very smart but also has a strong learning ability. She reads a lot of newspapers every day. When talking about current affairs, she can not only talk eloquently, but also analyzes them clearly and directly to the point. Therefore, no one treats her as a child.

Zhenzhen handed them the newspaper and asked, "Now that things are much calmer outside, do you teachers want to leave here and return to society?"

But they all looked at each other and shook their heads. Mr. Wangwo said bitterly: "Even if we don't get beaten anymore, we will still be charged with various crimes. Why should we go out and suffer such punishment instead of enjoying a good life?"

Zhenzhen looked at him with a smile on her face: "It's okay if others don't go out, but the teacher must go out for business." Mr. Wangwo was startled and his face turned pale.

Seeing this, Zhen Zhen dared not tease him anymore and quickly said, "I heard from people on the street that the teacher was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, and now the Swiss ambassador is looking for you everywhere. If you don't get out, our country will miss the first Nobel Prize in Literature in history."

Upon hearing this, everyone stood up to congratulate Wangwo, but Wangwo was a little worried: "I'm afraid I'll be locked up before I can even meet the Swiss envoy."

Zhenzhen hesitated for a moment and said, "Why don't you write me a letter first, and I will give it to the Swiss envoy for you, and let him handle the relevant procedures before we leave. After you go to Switzerland to receive the award, you might as well stay there for a few years and come back when things are calm here."

Wangwo nodded and said, "That's all I can do. I just hope I can return home soon after receiving the award. I'm already in my seventies or eighties. If I stay in Switzerland, I don't know if I'll ever be able to return home."

Wangwo originally had some old illnesses, but after being treated by the traditional Chinese medical master Jing Dongning, and with the comfortable life here, Wangwo not only no longer has to worry about the outside world, but also has a regular three meals a day and a regular sleep and rest schedule. Every day, in addition to reading and writing, he also goes out with Jing Dongning to practice the Five Animal Exercises. Over the past two years, not only has his body been in good shape, but he has also gained ten pounds more than before.

Zhen Zhen playfully patted Wangwo's slightly bulging belly and said with a smile, "Based on the teacher's physique, ten or eight years won't be a problem."

Everyone smiled knowingly when they heard this, but Wangwo immediately frowned again: "I disappeared without a trace when I hid at first, and I appeared quietly this time. I'm afraid someone will track down where I have been hiding all these years. If someone finds me here, wouldn't I become a criminal? Why don't I go to Jibei for a few days and pretend that I have been hiding in Jibei all these years." He looked at Zhenzhen: "I have to trouble your family to help me find a place to cover up my past."

Zhen Zhen nodded and stood up: "I'll go back and discuss it with my dad."

The mountain stream is in two directions from Jibei. Zhenzhen teleported over and found a house on the border of Jibei with no human habitation for dozens of miles. The roof was covered with thick straw, and two bricks and a wooden board were used as the bed. Zhenzhen found some unwanted quilts and mattresses from her own warehouse and put them on top, leaving some traces of life in the house. In order to dress it up more like a house, Zhenzhen also turned over a piece of land in the back and sowed some seeds to stimulate the growth to the state it should be in this season, which was considered to be the preparation work.

Zhenzhen thought she had thought of everything. If there was any flaw, it was probably because of the teacher who forgot himself. When Zhenzhen went to pick him up, she sighed at him, "Why don't I move to another house? Look at you, you are so plump and healthy. You don't look like someone who has stayed in that shabby place for two years."

Wangwo touched his stomach and regretted eating too much. It was the Chinese medicine master Jing Dongning who came up with an idea. He prepared some medicine powder. As long as the body is soaked in it for 20 minutes, the skin will turn into earthy yellow, and you can tell that it is sick. As for the problem of obesity, there is no need to worry. Nowadays, many malnourished people are like this. They look fat like a ball, but in fact they are swollen due to hunger.

Two days later, Wangwo successfully met with the Swiss ambassador, and the government officials received the news and met with Wangwo. During the conversation, they asked Wangwo where he had lived for the past two years. Wangwo told them the place Zhenzhen had prepared, and explained, "If I hadn't been unable to hold on any longer, I wouldn't have thought of coming back. Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the imperial capital, I heard someone talking about the content in the newspaper, so I hurried here."

The man saw that he was wearing ragged clothes, had a gray face and was swollen all over, so he believed what he said. After he sent someone to find the dilapidated house, the man's attitude became much kinder. He quickly got him a passport. That same day, he forgot himself and left China on a plane with the Swiss ambassador.

After dealing with the affairs of the imperial capital, Zhenzhen concentrated on registering the cultural relics in the space. Since she could control the flow rate of time in the space, she controlled the time of the space to a static state. If nothing else, at least the calligraphy and paintings could maintain their original colors. In the past two years, Zhenzhen has read a lot of books about antiques, and can often consult the archaeologist Xu Mengguo. In addition, there are antiques in the space for comparison, and Zhenzhen's treasure appraisal level has risen sharply.

Putting the Ming Dynasty porcelain in her hand on the shelf, she quickly made a note in the notebook, stretched her body, and came out of the space. As early as last year, Zhenzhen moved to the small house in the west room where Guihua lived before marriage, saying that she was old enough to be independent, and even pestered Mrs. Li to install a bolt in the house.

Coming out of the house, Zhenzhen rubbed her eyes and said, "Grandma, when is dinner? I'm so sleepy."

"Are you tired from doing your homework?" Old Mrs. Li came over and looked into her eyes. "That's terrible. Go out and play for a while. Your sister-in-law stewed fish today. You have to eat more later. I tell you, eating fish is good for your eyes and makes you smarter, don't you know?"

Zhen Zhen looked at Old Lady Li and laughed: "I was the one who told you this, have you forgotten?"

Old Lady Li smiled and patted her hands: "I'm telling you, this little girl won't suffer any loss."

After dinner, Zhenzhen hurriedly washed up and went back to her room to sleep, using the excuse that she was sleepy. She also specifically shouted, "I'm going to lock the door, don't disturb me."

Old Mrs. Li knew that her granddaughter didn't like others to enter her room casually, so she immediately responded, "I know, you should go to bed quickly, because you have to go to school tomorrow morning."

Zhenzhen chuckled and went into the house to plug in the bolt. In the past two years, as she acquired more and more antiques, the yellow croaker was only half of what it was originally. Zhenzhen watched her future startup funds gradually decrease, and she suddenly felt a little restless, which reminded her of something in her previous life.

In her previous life, Tiannan was a tourist destination, crowded with people all year round. In her sophomore year, she and her roommates went on a self-guided tour to Tiannan, and visited an aristocratic manor in a remote place.

It is said that the last owner of this manor was a bully who did all kinds of evil things. Before he was caught, he hid 300 boxes of gold in his home in a secret underground passage. As the bully was shot and the manor was abandoned, the hiding place of the 300 boxes of gold became an unsolved mystery. It is said that in the past few decades, many people who knew this story came to look for treasures and found several secret passages, but there was nothing inside. It is not known whether the 300 boxes of gold disappeared or the real treasure location has not been found.

Zhenzhen and her roommates had enthusiastically guessed many answers at the time, but now she knew the truth. The gold must have been taken away by herself, because she planned to go to Tiannan Gold Manor tonight to find out.

Zhenzhen had prepared for this exploration trip early, buying flashlights, batteries and other items from a store in the capital, and also made a few sticks to put in the space in case of emergency. She checked the things she had prepared, waited for her family to get on the kang and turn off the lights, and then Zhenzhen disappeared into the house.

Beicha and Tiannan are located in the northeast and southwest of China respectively. Zhenzhen would re-sens the new range of consciousness in her mind every time she teleported. It took her more than half an hour to reach Tiannan.

The Golden Manor is located in the Kuoye Mountain area in the middle of Tiannan. It was once a gathering place for bandits during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. Zhenzhen found the Golden Manor very easily because she had been here before and could easily see every inch of Tiannan in her mind.

The Golden Manor was extremely eerie and dilapidated even under the sun, not to mention late at night. It was almost like a haunted place, and as a result, locals seldom came here. Even Zhenzhen felt a little shudder when she shone a flashlight into the dim and gloomy manor.

This was the first time she came to such a place at night, and Zhen Zhen was a little trembling, thinking that it was easy to see ghosts here. She didn't believe in ghosts or gods, but she could suddenly travel through time and have such magical powers, so if a ghost suddenly appeared, it wouldn't be surprising.

The more she thought about it, the more scared she became. She even forgot to look for the gold. She first quickly scanned the manor with her consciousness and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that there were no ghosts or anything like that. She rubbed her cheeks, took out the kettle and drank two sips of honey water, then concentrated on finding the hiding place of the gold.

Although the manor covers a large area, it only occupies a small corner in Zhenzhen's consciousness. Zhenzhen soon found three hundred boxes underground three kilometers away from the manor. According to the images displayed in her consciousness, the correct route is to go through a passage under the manor.

But this is a passage for normal people, so Zhenzhen doesn't need to go through so much trouble. She appeared directly on the ground with three hundred boxes of gold, and made a grabbing gesture with her right hand. The ground trembled slightly like a naughty child. Zhenzhen stamped her feet, and the ground immediately became quiet, and then slowly cracked a gap, and three hundred boxes of gold rose from the ground. Zhenzhen was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth. She threw her hand and stuffed all three hundred boxes into the space, and left this place after the ground here returned to its original state.

Returning to Beicha, Zhenzhen went straight into the space without even leaving the passage. Three hundred boxes were neatly placed together. Zhenzhen waved her hand, and all the box lids opened at the same time. The densely packed gold bars emitted a golden glow. Zhenzhen looked at the countless gold and almost fainted with happiness.

After digging out three hundred boxes of gold, Zhenzhen smiled as she slept. When she woke up in the morning and opened the door, Old Lady Li looked up at her and said, "Oh, why are you so happy? Did you dream of picking up gold?"

Zhenzhen had no one to share her joy with, and she felt uncomfortable holding it in. She could only nod frantically, half-seriously, "I dreamed that I picked up three hundred boxes of gold, and I was rolling around on them, but it hurt so much that I woke up before I finished rolling."

Old Lady Li sat on the kang and laughed: "You are so daring to dream, 300 boxes of gold, how are you going to spend so much gold

Zhenzhen poured a jar of water and drank half of it. She wiped her mouth and said, "It's obvious that poverty has limited your imagination. In fact, these three hundred boxes of gold are really worth spending. I can use it to buy antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and courtyard houses in the imperial capital. I'll buy one after another."

Old Mrs. Li shook her head and laughed: "They are all worthless and useless things. You can only dream about them."

Zhenzhen chuckled and went out to wash up and prepare for breakfast. Mingbei, who had just finished brushing his teeth, pulled Zhenzhen and said, "Next time you have a sweet dream like this, remember to call me. Maybe I can dream about picking up gold, too!"

Zhenzhen almost swallowed the toothpaste foam in her mouth after hearing this. She squinted at Li Mingbei and said, "Then you can still dream of getting married?"

Mingbei nodded immediately, and a silly smile appeared on his face.


As spring turns to autumn, the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers School is in full swing, especially the Agricultural College, which is the most popular place for enrollment. Students from all over the surrounding areas have been sent to study at Anbei Agricultural College, and some are even older than Mingdong. Mingdong's teaching is not just talk. When he was in college, he often went to work on the farm. When he arrived in Anbei, he worked hard on the farm for another year. Combining theory with practice, Mingdong not only teaches clearly, but also can answer many difficult questions that students encountered when they were farming before.

Here, students can learn useful things and answer their previous doubts, so they all respect Mingdong, and no one says anything bad about him behind his back. However, because this is his first semester after being released from the farm, Mingdong did not dare to go home during the summer vacation. When school started in the fall, he saw that the situation was as peaceful as before, and he saw that many colleagues had called their families, so Mingdong was also tempted.

He reported this to the school. The school attached great importance to Mingdong, the only teacher who graduated from East Agricultural University, and immediately arranged for him to live in a two-bedroom family compound. Mingdong was so happy that he quickly wrote a letter home, asking Guihua to bring meat buns and bean buns to Anbei for a reunion.

After receiving the letter, the family was in a state of bustle again. Anbei was even colder than Beicha. Old Lady Li and Wang Sufen took apart the cotton-padded jackets and trousers of Guihua and her son and mother, and added new cotton to make a thicker layer. They also re-stuffed the previous quilt and added a lot of new cotton.

Wang Sufen was quick and efficient, and prepared all the winter supplies in just ten days. Zhenzhen brought back a lot of wild animals, which were either pickled, smoked, or fried. After they were all packed up, they were canned and prepared to be brought to Mingdong to improve his life.

Although the letter said that the school had a cafeteria where they could eat, the Li family believed that it was not possible to eat in the cafeteria every day. It would be better to live at home and cook every day to feel the homely feeling.

Guihua had always wanted to take good care of Mingdong's health. She always felt that the food in the cafeteria was not as nourishing as the food cooked at home. The family discussed it and prepared two bags of cornmeal, one bag of sorghum rice, and half a bag of white flour and rice each. It was not that Old Lady Li was stingy and would not give any, but Guihua was worried that the newcomer would be too eye-catching, and if someone caught him, it would cause trouble for Mingdong, so she was more willing to ask for more coarse grains.

When Mingdong first started working, he sent all his earnings home. He didn't get paid during the year of labor reform, and now that he's back at school, he has an income again. Old Lady Li knew Mingdong's income very well, and she also knew that he didn't save much money. When Guihua was leaving, Old Lady Li handed her a handkerchief and said, "Here are the money Mingdong has earned over the years and various bills. It won't be easy for you to live on your own in the future. Keep them all and spend them carefully. Don't spend them lavishly and starve yourself."

Guihua quickly pushed back after hearing this: "I have been taking care of the two boys and spending a lot of money on food and daily necessities at home these years. Besides, they have taken so much food, I can't accept it."

"Listen to me." Old Lady Li stuffed the money into Guihua's hand forcefully: "If you were at home, I wouldn't give you money either. This means you're living outside. It's not just you who's biased. I'll do the same to Mingxi and Mingnan in the future. You don't understand because you've always been at home. Living outside is not that easy. Put it away quickly, or I'll get angry."

After Guihua heard this, she stuffed the things into her pocket. Old Mrs. Li smiled with satisfaction: "You two have been married for so many years, but you have never spent a few days together. This time, you can be together every day. Maybe I can hold my great-granddaughter in my arms after the New Year."

Zhenzhen was listening with a frown on her face: "Grandma, my sister-in-law hasn't left yet, and you're already arranging the task of giving birth."

Old Lady Li chuckled and said, "What do you know? They call this a reunion after a short separation."

Guihua's face suddenly turned red.

The author has something to say: I’m too sleepy to update first. The story about the 300 boxes of gold is true. Some say they disappeared and some say they couldn’t be found. I’m so anxious. Where did they go

Let's talk about the golden finger. The heroine is the mother of the earth. She can control the land, mountains, rivers, and all plants and animals. She used it less frequently before, but used it more frequently during the campaign to save people. But I won't waste words on this content later. I've covered it in this chapter. Let's continue with the plot.

Although Kaka's resignation procedures are very slow, his resignation is a foregone conclusion. I hope the little angels can support the genuine version. It's only a few cents to read a chapter, which is really not expensive. Give me some motivation~~~

Kaka will also give out red envelopes to everyone. We will continue to give out fifty in this chapter, muah!

I also recommend my completed novel, a hilarious, warm and relaxing time-travel novel: Credit Card "Time Travel: Lucky Star Shines"