Accidentally Born in the ‘60s

Chapter 67


"The news that Mr. Wangwo has won the award has been published in the newspaper!" Zhenzhen shouted as she ran, but it was windy in winter and the windows were closed tightly, so no one heard her until Zhenzhen entered the building and shouted again.

"The news of my winning the award has been released?"

"Where's the newspaper? Let me see it!"

All the people in the small building came down at once and surrounded Zhenzhen. Zhenzhen distributed the newspapers she had bought to them with a smile on her face: "Although there is not much content in the newspapers, it at least confirms Mr. Wangwo's identity as a 'people's artist' and his status in literary creation."

"That's great." Su Weiran smiled as he read the newspaper. Peking Opera master Xie Shurang smiled even more, "We must celebrate such a happy event. I will get drunk with everyone even if it means hurting my throat."

Archaeologist Xu Mengguo nodded with a smile, but reminded everyone seriously: "Although Wangwo has won the award, the forces suppressing us will definitely not give up. We will probably have some difficult days in the future."

Su Weiran smiled calmly: "What's so hard about it? We work from sunrise to sunset here, chat and laugh with great scholars and there are no ordinary people. There are no annoying social events. It's even more leisurely than the life of a god."

Xu Mengguo smiled and shook his head: "You can create here, but I am an archaeologist. I can't just dig here to see if there are any ancient tombs, right?"

Su Weiran said: "Now we are all 'destroying the four olds'. Even if you are outside, you can't continue your archaeological work. On the contrary, seeing those people destroying ancient tombs and temples will make me unable to sleep at night."

Zhang Renze, the master of traditional Chinese medicine, pointed at Xu Mengguo and said, "You are destined to be a hard worker, but at least Zhenzhen is willing to learn about antiques from you, so you can be considered a successor."

Xie Shurang nodded: "If Zhenzhen wants me to learn opera singing, I can live here forever. This girl has a good voice, but she is not interested in this."

Zhenzhen smiled and showed him her teeth, which had not yet been replaced. "I can't even speak clearly, and I'm still singing. Please forgive me."

Everyone laughed at once. The famous doctor Li Ran rolled up his sleeves and prepared to go to the kitchen to prepare dinner: "Didn't we say that we should celebrate today? I'll go make some medicinal food for everyone."

Xu Mengguo immediately smiled and said, "Then we are in for a treat today. I'm going to hunt two wild rabbits. It would be even better if we could encounter wild sheep. Eating them is a good tonic in winter."

In order to make life better for everyone in the mountains, Zhenzhen raised a lot of animals such as pheasants, rabbits, and wild goats on the mountains on all sides, and also grew a lot of medicinal herbs in places that were easy to pick.

Seeing them all busy together, Zhenzhen smiled and said goodbye. Before leaving, she used her consciousness to look at Xu Mengguo who was carrying □□ up the mountain, and led a wild sheep into Xu Mengguo's sight...

Because she was so excited about the announcement of the award, Zhenzhen wanted to have a big meal to celebrate. She teleported several times before arriving at the southernmost island of China, found an uninhabited beach, took out two buckets from the space, and put them in the sea water. Lobsters, abalone, scallops, crabs, sea cucumbers, and sea urchins all flowed onto the shore with the sea water and filled two large buckets. Zhenzhen took a look and felt that something was missing, so she put the things into the space, took out an empty bucket, found a shore full of reefs, and picked up a bucket of oysters.

There was no way to bring these delicacies home to share with the family, and it was really hard to explain where they came from, so Zhenzhen could only cook a seafood feast for herself. At this time of year, Beicha was still in the deep winter with snow, but at the southernmost tip of China, Zhenzhen only needed to wear a vest and shorts.

Sunshine, waves, and the beach, Zhenzhen was really reluctant to cook in the space as she looked at the beautiful scenery before her. After she once again confirmed that there were no human habitation within a radius of dozens of miles, she boldly moved out the gas stove and the stove, and built a simple barbecue grill with wood.

The seafood just caught from the sea is always fresh no matter how you eat it. The crabs can be steamed directly after washing. The scallops and oysters that are bigger than the palm of your hand can be scrubbed clean of mud and sand, and then minced garlic is sprinkled inside the shells and grilled directly on the fire. The sea urchins do not need to be cooked and are the most delicious when eaten directly after they are opened. Zhenzhen licked her tongue and said that it would be even more perfect with mustard.

Zhenzhen chopped ginger and prepared the sauce with vinegar and sesame oil, and steamed the crabs. After turning off the stove, Zhenzhen picked up a crab and put it on the plate. She pinched off the crab shell and opened the crab shell, revealing the crab roe. Zhenzhen removed the crab lungs on both sides and broke the crab in half.

Seeing that the crab roe was about to fall out after the crab was cracked open, Zhenzhen didn't bother to dip it in vinegar and couldn't wait to take a big bite. The crab roe and crab meat were so fresh that she almost swallowed her tongue. After eating all the crab roe and crab meat outside the soft shell, Zhenzhen removed the soft shell and dipped it in ginger vinegar. The mixture of ginger vinegar and crab meat covered up the unique fishy smell of seafood and was enough to enhance the freshness.

After eating a crab, Zhenzhen burped, and quickly opened the lid of the pot and took out a male crab. The translucent crab paste had a slippery taste, and mixed with the crab meat, it was fresh and tender. After eating two big crabs, Zhenzhen felt that her stomach was almost full, but when she saw the scallops and oysters roasted by the flames and smelled the unique aroma of garlic mixed with seafood in the air, Zhenzhen immediately thought that it would be no problem to have another dozen.

She found a pair of thick gloves and brought the roasted scallops and crabs to the table one by one. She carefully opened the lid of an oyster, and the minced garlic and oyster meat inside the shell had already blended together. Zhenzhen picked up the oyster and put it to her mouth, sucking the oyster meat and minced garlic into her mouth with a slurp. The freshly roasted oyster meat was tender and sweet, and mixed with the slightly spicy garlic fragrance and fresh and salty juice, it was fresh and smooth, and Zhenzhen's mouth was watering. It was simply irresistible.

In less than ten minutes, eight scallops and oysters, each bigger than a palm, were all eaten by Zhenzhen. She stood up, looked at her bulging belly under her thin vest, and licked her lips in satisfaction. "Luckily, I have this ability to teleport, otherwise I probably wouldn't have any chance to eat seafood before I turned twenty."

Seeing that the sun had begun to move toward the west, Zhenzhen put all her things into the space. She went back to the space to wash her hands and saw the lobsters and seafood in the small pond. She felt that there were not too many, so she went out with a bucket and brought back a lot of seafood and sea fish. It was not easy for her to come here, so she had to bring more things back to avoid being at a loss.

Zhenzhen put on her thick cotton jacket and trousers. When she got home, it was almost dark. Zhenzhen took out two large yellow croakers from the space and went into the house.

"Grandma, I went ice fishing this afternoon. I've never seen the fish I caught this time. Let's stew it tonight." Zhenzhen put the fish into the kitchen with a smile. Before Mrs. Li could say anything, she coquettishly hugged Mrs. Li's waist and said, "I walked too far this time. I'll go home earlier next time."

Old Lady Li tapped Zhenzhen's nose and was so angry that she laughed: "You talk so much that you pee on the bed. You just keep making promises to me all day long, but forget about them when you go out to play. Do you think I believe you?"

Zhenzhen smiled awkwardly and turned to Wang Sufen who was cleaning the fish and said, "Mom, don't stew this fish in sauce. It's freshly caught and it's very fresh. Steam it and I'll make some sauce for you and pour it on it after it's out of the pot."

Wang Sufen asked Mingbei to take one of the fish to the warehouse and hang it up. She cleaned the other one and put it in the pot to steam. She looked back at Zhenzhen and said, "You have never cooked since you were a child, but you know how to make sauce."

Zhenzhen washed her hands, rolled up her sleeves and walked into the kitchen: "Although I can't cook, I can eat. I'll just adjust the taste to the way I want to eat. Anyway, I don't need to use a knife or fire, so it's not difficult."

"You are really capable." Wang Sufen didn't believe her: "Then come over here and let me see how you adjust it."

Zhenzhen poured a few spoonfuls of soy sauce into the bowl. Because the soy sauce nowadays was particularly salty, Zhenzhen added some boiled water, a little vinegar, some chopped green onion and ginger, half a spoonful of sugar, and finally some sesame oil.

Wang Sufen's face twitched with pity as she looked at the sesame oil: "I only got two taels of sesame oil coupons for the New Year. Just pour a drop. Don't waste it so much."

Zhenzhen looked into the bowl with an innocent look on her face: "Isn't this just a drop the size of a soybean?"

"Okay, okay, are you done?" Wang Sufen opened the lid of the pot and the fish was already steamed.

Zhenzhen took out a scallion from the corner and handed it to Wang Sufen: "Mom, please cut this scallion into shreds."

"A whole scallion?" Wang Sufen washed the scallions and bargained with Zhenzhen: "This is too wasteful, why not just cut some scallions into pieces?"

Seeing that everyone was in the house, Zhenzhen leaned over to Wang Sufen's ear and said, "It's okay. If you run out of food, I'll grow you some more."

Seeing her daughter winking at her slyly, Wang Sufen couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Okay, okay, you have the final say in our family."

Cut the scallion into shreds and put them on the steamed fish, pour the prepared sauce on it, and then pour the hot oil on it. It immediately sizzled and the aroma was fragrant. While the oil was still jumping on the fish, Wang Sufen served the scallion oil steamed fish to the table: "Try it quickly, Zhenzhen caught this afternoon, I have never seen this kind of fish before."

Old Mrs. Li took out a piece of meat with her chopsticks and put it in her mouth. She smacked her lips and said, "Dongzi's mother, you forgot to add salt."

"That's right." Wang Sufen put down her chopsticks and was about to take the plate away: "Zhenzhen was giving me orders and making me confused."

Zhenzhen quickly held Wang Sufen's hand and said, "No need to add salt. I've put soy sauce in the soup. Just dip it in the soup and eat it."

Old Lady Li picked up a piece of meat and dipped it in the soup, then nodded: "It's OK, it tastes quite bland, but the flavor is really fresh."

Nowadays, people are tired of eating bland food, and only food with thick oil and red sauce is delicious. However, if too much sauce is added to the freshly caught yellow croaker, the original freshness will be covered up, and Zhenzhen always feels that it is a waste.

The yellow croaker was tender and had few bones. The family members found it good after eating a few bites. Wang Sufen wanted to help Doubao pick out the fish bones, but after searching for a long time, she didn't find any small bones. She quickly put two more pieces into Zhenzhen, Roubao and Doubao's bowls: "This fish is good, the meat is tender and there are no bones. Why haven't I caught one before?"

Guihua thought of the salmon that Zhenzhen had caught a long time ago, and speculated, "Maybe it swam over from some tributary. Our Yongcui River is well connected, and we can often catch fish and shrimps we've never seen before. Didn't the Zhang family catch a huge turtle that year?"

Zhenzhen was moved, and she wanted to find an excuse to take out the lobster. So, when Zhenzhen brought out the big lobster with its teeth and claws bared the next day, the whole family was shocked: "Oh my, this water cricket has become a spirit, how come it has grown so big."

Wang Sufen was so scared when she saw the lobster waving its two large claws that she didn't dare to touch it. "It's too big to fry. Zhenzhen, why don't you just let it go?"

Thinking of the fragrant and tender lobster meat, Zhenzhen swallowed her saliva and said, "Mom, there must be a lot of meat in this water crayfish. If you don't dare to try it, I'll teach you."

Seeing her daughter staring at the "big water crayfish" with eyes wide open, Wang Sufen mustered up the courage to steam the lobster as Zhenzhen said. Because the size of the "water crayfish" was beyond everyone's imagination, when the steamed lobster with garlic was served on the table, except for Mingbei, Zhenzhen, Roubao, and Doubao, no one else dared to pick up their chopsticks.

Zhenzhen ate the tender and fresh lobster meat, and her eyes narrowed with happiness: "It's really delicious, so fresh and tender, and it's definitely different from the crayfish we eat in the summer. You guys should try it." She looked at the stunned expressions of everyone and quickly picked up a piece of crayfish for everyone: "It's so easy to come across such a big crayfish. I don't know when I'll be able to eat it next time."

Seeing Mingbei eating without looking up, Roubao and Doubao stretched out their spoons to scoop up the food. Then the others took up their chopsticks and tasted it. They found it delicious and praised it immediately: "I didn't expect this water cricket to grow so big and its meat is more tender than before."

"That's right, where did Zhenzhen get it from? Let's go check again tomorrow to see if we can find it again."

"Come on, forget it. No one knows where this water cricket has been hiding for so many years. It's a big deal to see one."

Zhenzhen smiled as she watched the whole family finish off the two-pound lobster. Doubao licked his lips and looked at Zhenzhen eagerly: "Aunt, I see the head of the water cricket is still in the kitchen. Let's stew it tomorrow."

Zhenzhen rubbed Doubao's round head with great joy: "Look at how greedy you are. Why are you so willing to follow me?"


After the 20th day of the first lunar month, Mingdong returned to Anbei with his family. Zhenzhen unpacked the biscuits from the western-style building, wrapped them in paper and put them in the small bag that Roubao was carrying: "These are the bulk biscuits that I bought at the hydrolysis factory. Eat them if you're hungry on the train."

Roubao wiped his tears and said, "Aunt, I like you so much. Why don't I stay at home and accompany you up the mountains and down the rivers? Otherwise, you'll be scared and what will you do?"

Zhenzhen smiled and pinched the soft little face of the meat bun: "Do you like me or do you like eating? It's okay, you will be back in summer vacation anyway. When you go home in summer, I will teach you the tricks of fishing. No one in our Li family is better at fishing than me."

When he thought about learning to fish with Zhenzhen, Roubao nodded immediately, wiped his tears, and made a pinky promise with Zhenzhen. Then he was led away by his father, looking back every few steps.

Mingdong's family returned to Anbei. Without the two chattering children, the house suddenly became much quieter. Mingbei saw that his family had used a lot of firewood for the New Year, so he went to the mountain to drag back a lot of firewood. On the 19th day of the first lunar month, he carried bedding, soybean paste, pickles and thick hemp ropes to the youth center.

As spring came and flowers bloomed, Mingnan's marriage was put on the agenda. The big box, kangqin, table and stools made by the carpenter were all brought back and set up. Zhenzhen went to the imperial capital to get back the paintings she had drawn and handed them to Mingnan mysteriously.

"What the hell is this?" Ming Nan looked at the rolled-up paintings and hadn't reacted yet. When he opened one of the scrolls and saw the lotus swaying in the wind, his eyes widened: "This painting is for me."

Seeing Zhenzhen nodding with a smile, he opened them one after another with surprise: plum blossoms, daffodils, peonies, herbaceous peonies, chrysanthemums... each one was in various shapes and sizes, gorgeous but not vulgar.

"Sister, where did you get this? I think it's better than the one painted on our eldest brother's kangqin." Ming Nanle couldn't take his eyes away. He looked at this painting and that one, and was reluctant to put down any of them.

"I once saved an old man who broke his leg in the mountains. He could draw. When I sent him home, I saw the paintings all over the wall and I was attracted by them. I was a hero who did good deeds without leaving a name. It was only because of you that I shamelessly asked someone to paint a kangqin for me." Zhenzhen touched her nose and added, "Don't tell anyone about this."

"I know." Mingnan happily compared the painting to the kangqin and said, "I'll go buy some glass right now. I saved up the glass ticket for a long time and thought it was wasted."

The kangqin was inlaid with paintings, the walls were painted white, and a portrait of the Chairman was placed. Once a large glass mirror was hung on the wall, the new house would be ready.

The wedding was scheduled for the end of July. By this time the weather had gotten warmer and the vegetables grown in the family's fields could be eaten. In addition, Mr. Li's family lived at the foot of the mountain or by the river, so there was no need to worry about meat and fish.

With three days left before the wedding, Li Mulin and his family rushed back from Bingcheng, and Mingdong brought Guihua, who was four months pregnant, and Roubao and Doubao back from Anbei. When Mrs. Li saw Guihua's belly, she laughed and said to Wang Sufen in private, "I said they spent so much toilet paper at home during the New Year that they would get pregnant. You see, I was right."

Wang Sufen couldn't help laughing: "Mom, please don't say that in front of Guihua. Although she is the mother of two children, she is still shallow when it comes to this matter.

"I know." Old Lady Li said with a smile, "You can still ask Roubao and Doubao to sleep in the front at night, so as not to kick Guihua in the stomach."

Roubao went home and called everyone one by one. When he found Zhenzhen, he hugged her tightly and refused to let go: "Aunt, you said you would take me to the mountains and rivers, you can't go back on your word."

Zhenzhen was just about to go to the river to catch some fish for the wedding the day after tomorrow. When she heard that Roubao wanted to go with her, she directly picked up a bucket and said to him, "Today, Auntie will teach you how to fish."

The aunt and nephew arrived at the river. There were many children swimming naked in the river. Roubao was tempted, so he took off his shoes, rolled up his trouser legs, and kicked the water by the river.

"Want to swim?" Zhenzhen put her things down by the river and turned to look at Roubao. Roubao nodded immediately and asked Zhenzhen expectantly, "Can I?"

Roubao is already seven years old. Zhenzhen was also this age when she learned to swim in her previous life. She took one look at Roubao and directly ordered, "Take off your clothes and wear shorts. Don't be naked."

Zhenzhen put the shirt she brought aside and tied a big knot on her vest to prevent it from lifting up after entering the water. She led Roubao to stretch his arms and legs on the shore, and then led him step by step into the river.

Children of this generation swim by doggy paddling. They teach one by one and don't care about the posture, as long as they don't drown. In her previous life, Zhenzhen went to the swimming pool to swim seriously every summer vacation. She could swim breaststroke, butterfly stroke, and freestyle. In recent years, she has been swimming in the river and in the river. With the blessing of supernatural powers, she is like a fish in the water.

Zhenzhen took Roubao's hand and went into the water, teaching him how to float. Roubao looked at the children kicking and floundering not far away, and started to splash water on Zhenzhen's face. The aunt and nephew played in the shallow water for an entire afternoon, and only came ashore when the sun was not so strong.

Zhenzhen pretended to take some water out of the bucket, but in fact she took out a towel from the space. The two of them dried themselves and put on clothes. Roubao then belatedly remembered the purpose of coming out today: "Auntie, we forgot about fishing."

Zhenzhen smiled and picked up the fishing rod from the ground: "Don't worry, your aunt will be fine after fishing for a while."

Zhenzhen put the bait she brought with her on the fishhook and threw it into the river. After about a few minutes, she saw the fishing rod sinking. Zhenzhen immediately reeled in the rod, and a big, lively carp jumped out of the water.

"Wow, little aunt, you are so awesome." Roubao looked at Zhenzhen with eyes full of admiration: "When I grow up, I want to marry a wife as awesome as you, so that I can have fish to eat all day long."

Zhen Zhen looked at Rou Bao's serious expression and immediately smiled: "You are really promising. Why don't you think about fishing for your wife to eat?"

Roubao was stunned for a moment, then he scratched his head embarrassedly: "I forgot about this." He immediately squatted beside Zhenzhen and watched her put the bait on: "Auntie, let me fish this time, you tell me, if I have your skills, I will definitely have no trouble finding a wife in the future."

Zhen Zhen looked at him with great joy: "Your mindset changes quite quickly."

Zhenzhen's fishing bait was specially made, and with the help of supernatural powers, the two of them caught eight fish in less than half an hour, including carp, grass carp, and silver carp. The smallest one weighed more than two kilograms, and the heaviest was four or five kilograms.

As the two of them entered the yard carrying full buckets of water, Zhenzhen saw a military green figure in the house.

"Second brother, you're back?" Zhenzhen put down the bucket and ran towards the yard.

Mingxi turned around and smiled at Zhenzhen from the window: "Wild girl, where have you been going crazy again?"

The author has something to say: I gave out red envelopes to all the funny comments on these chapters today. Thank you all for sharing. I lay on my bed and laughed all day.

It has been raining here since last night. I spent Sunday in bed, favored by my aunt. I actually felt quite comfortable hahaha~~~

There is another funny thing about my uncle. One day, my mother had a fight with him, so she refused to buy him sesame cakes after school. My uncle didn't have dinner that night, and he was hungry in the middle of the night. At that time, my grandmother put a chicken coop in the kitchen. Above the chicken coop was a cabinet for bowls. My uncle turned on the light and stood in front of the chicken coop to open the cabinet to find food. It was hot at that time, and my uncle slept naked. The hen was awakened by the light in the middle of the night, stretched its head out, shone on my uncle's xx and took a bite. So in the middle of the night, a terrible cry woke up the whole family. My mother said that she laughed for half a month.

Thank you to everyone who voted for Overlord. I bow my head in gratitude.

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Naming is a technical job. Throwing a mine

Rain drops 1 mine

lynn guigui threw a mine

Rain drops 1 mine

The demon chrysanthemum threw a mine

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Rain drops 1 mine

Xinran threw a mine

lynn guigui threw a mine

Linglong threw a mine

Su and Mo threw a mine

Xiao Xiao Meng threw a mine

Otaku, threw a mine

rdevilr threw 1 mine

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26217748 threw 1 mine

Su and Mo threw a mine

26217748 threw 1 mine

Killua Kitten threw 1 mine

Yuanyuan threw 1 mine

Mo threw a mine

26217748 threw 1 mine

Ni Ni threw a grenade

Ni Ni threw a grenade

Ni Ni threw a mine

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