Accidentally Born in the ‘60s

Chapter 74: (Catching insects)


Zhenzhen has been saying that she wants to invite gentlemen to her home since she entered college, but because she is busy taking classes in multiple majors, she has never found time to invite gentlemen to her home. Until last week, when Mrs. Li said that the flowers in the garden were blooming beautifully, Zhenzhen wanted to relax after hearing that, so she agreed with Mrs. Li in advance to invite the gentlemen from the school to her home for dinner.

Mingbei usually didn't have time to go to Imperial University, so he didn't know what Zhenzhen was doing in school. He thought that although the teachers in his own school were very enthusiastic in teaching, some of them didn't teach enough during the day and continued to teach in the dormitory at night, but even so, no students wanted to invite the teachers to their homes.

Mingbei was a little bit incredulous when he heard that Zhenzhen could invite the gentlemen to her home: "Did you tell the gentlemen in advance? They can't come, right?"

"It's settled." Zhen Zhen said with a smile, "Since I started school, the gentlemen have been very helpful to me. It's only right that I invite them to come to my house for a visit."

Although Wang Xinwen couldn't eat or go to class with Zhenzhen, the two of them knew that Zhenzhen was studying three majors: "Zhenzhen taking three majors at the same time is a sight in our school. After Zhenzhen, many students applied, but after studying, the school was still worried that the students would bite off more than they could chew, so they rejected them all. Zhenzhen is the only student in our school who studies three majors, and she is doing well in all of them. The teachers all like her."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Li nodded repeatedly: "Our Zhenzhen is very popular. Don't worry, baby, I will definitely entertain your teachers well."

Since they were coming home, Zhenzhen and Xie Shurang moved their French class on the bus that morning. Xie Shurang did not talk to Zhenzhen completely according to her French book, but guided her to familiarize herself with grammar and phrases during the conversation. Even when she encountered words she did not understand, Xie Shurang explained them in French, which made Zhenzhen go crazy and plead in French: "Say it again! Say it again!"

Grandma Li cleaned up every room and sprinkled some water in the yard to prevent dust. At about nine o'clock, Zhenzhen and her family took the bus home. Grandma Li, who had been waiting at the gate, was so happy when she saw her granddaughter leading a group of people back that her eyes narrowed into slits. She quickly opened all the doors of the house: "Gentlemen, please come in. Zhenzhen asked you to come last week. The family is looking forward to it." Then she stretched her throat and shouted again: "Mingbei, come out quickly." Mingbei had been waiting at the door for a long time and just wanted to go in to drink some water. Before he passed the hanging flower gate, he was called back by Grandma Li.

"Hello, gentlemen." Mingbei saw that there were so many people and didn't have time to look carefully. He greeted them loudly from a distance. When he got there, he saw an old man with half white hair in the front. He was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. "Hey Zhenzhen, you actually managed to invite Mr. Wangwo to your home? That's amazing."

Wangwo smiled modestly: "Zhenzhen and I are close friends regardless of age difference. She invited me to her home, so of course I came. I will come often in the future."

Mrs. Li immediately smiled and said, "That's great, come in and have a seat."

Hearing the voices, Li Muwu, Wang Sufen and Wang Xinwen all came out. Zhenzhen introduced them one by one and then invited them to the main hall to rest.

In the main hall was a set of chicken-wing wood furniture, bought from a scrap collection station. At the time, the furniture had broken legs and knocked corners because no one wanted it because it was thrown in a corner. Zhenzhen looked carefully at the tables and chairs and found that they were maliciously damaged, and the broken legs could be recycled as scrap wood, so she bought them all.

Li Muwen's orderly helped Zhenzhen move all the things, and Zhenzhen repaired them herself, restoring them to their original state. Li Muwu thought she had nailed them together, but in fact she used her supernatural power to connect the broken wood together.

After Xu Mengguo entered the main hall, he did not sit down. He squatted on the ground, touching the carvings on the chair lovingly, and carefully admiring the agate and enamel inlaid on it.

"Zhenzhen, where did you get this set of furniture?" Xu Mengguo regretted not bringing a magnifying glass with him. His eyesight was blurry due to his age, and he couldn't see clearly what the patterns on the bottom were. He was too embarrassed to lie on the ground in front of Zhenzhen's family.

"From the scrap collection station." Zhenzhen helped Wang Xinwen prepare honey water for the teachers and placed them one by one on the square table between the chairs.

When Xu Mengguo raised his head, he saw two large bowls placed on the exquisite square table. He immediately beat his chest and stamped his feet in pain: "Why are there bowls here? It will be a waste if the food spills."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li quickly said, "It's okay if it spilled. I'll pour you another bowl. Drink it while it's hot."

Xu Mengguo's lips twitched: "Sister, I don't feel sorry for the water, I feel sorry for the table."

Seeing that Old Lady Li looked confused, Zhen Zhen quickly explained, "Grandma, this gentleman of mine is here to have a historical relic appraised. This table in our house is probably something used by nobles in the Qing Dynasty, so Mr. Xu must feel bad to see us using this thing as a piece of rough wood."

Upon hearing this, Old Lady Li nodded in understanding and said, "It's okay, you'll get used to it. I wasn't used to sleeping on the big bed in the prince's house at first, but now I feel it's better. The hard bed board is so comfortable to sleep on." Everyone laughed upon hearing this.

It was the first time that the gentlemen met their family members, and Zhenzhen was a little nervous, afraid that she might let something slip. Fortunately, Wangwo and the others were very tactful people, and they never asked about the past of the Li family during the conversation. Old Mrs. Li admired gentlemen, especially those in the university, very much, and she never talked about family matters with others. Zhenzhen was completely relieved at this point.

After resting for a while, Xu Mengguo finally let go of the chair, drank the honey water in the bowl in one gulp, and then asked Zhenzhen if he could go around and have a look.

Seeing that they were going to walk around, Old Lady Li took the opportunity to help Wang Sufen cook. Mingbei was also sent out to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some canned food and other things. Zhenzhen accompanied the gentlemen to visit the house.

The main house was where Old Lady Li and Li Muwu lived. Zhenzhen simply said something in the yard and did not go in. Instead, she took them to the west wing.

The west wing consisted of three rooms with no partitions in between. A landscape painting by Su Weiran hung on the wall as soon as one entered the room. A screen on the west side blocked the view and one could not see what was over there. The screen on the east side was pushed aside, revealing a bed with full carvings on it.

Zhenzhen led everyone over and tidied up the bed curtains: "This bed was there when we moved in."

Xu Mengguo tapped the wood with his fingers: "It's chicken wing wood."

Zhenzhen nodded: "It looks like the same set of tables as the one in the hall outside. I guess the chairs were originally from the palace, but somehow got moved out and then got smashed. I brought it back and fixed it piece by piece for several months before I fixed it."

Xu Mengguo thought of the not-so-obvious joints he had just seen, and looked at Zhenzhen in surprise: "You repaired it yourself? You did a really good job. Hey, Zhenzhen, why don't you change your major? You were born to study cultural relics. Why are you studying journalism? You're wasting such a good talent."

Xie Shurang smiled and said, "She is a very stubborn person. Once she makes up her mind, it doesn't matter what others say."

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they recalled how Xie Shurang had been frustrated countless times in his efforts to get Zhenzhen to learn Peking Opera.

The two boxes next to the bed were made of ordinary mahogany and were not antiques, so the crowd did not stay there for long. When they walked around the screen and came to the west side of the room, not only Xu Mengguo, but everyone else's eyes lit up.

Zhenzhen moved the treasure pavilion that originally existed in the main house to her own room, and placed on it the cultural relics that she had bought after coming to the imperial capital to study. Because she was accompanied by Li Muwen's orderly on several occasions, she had an explanation for the origins of these things and was not afraid of mismatches.

The most eye-catching item in Duobao Pavilion was the Xuande incense burner that was collected from the woodpile. At that time, the outside was covered with stains and its original appearance could no longer be recognized. After returning home, Zhenzhen used a soft cloth to wipe it off little by little, and the Xuande incense burner finally revealed its original appearance.

Seeing Xu Mengguo also staring at her Xuande furnace, Zhenzhen quickly picked it up and handed it to Xu Mengguo: "Mr. Xu, look, I found this at a nearby purchasing station before school started. Judging from the appearance and the inscription on the bottom, it looks like the legendary Xuande furnace, but I have never seen a Xuande furnace, so I can't tell whether it is real or fake."

Xu Mengguo glanced at Zhenzhen with resentment: "You said that as if I have seen it before." He carefully placed the Xuande incense burner on the table beside him and examined it carefully: "The Palace Museum does have a collection of Xuande incense burners, but I am not in charge of bronze ware, so I have never had the chance to see one."

While Xu Mengguo was enjoying the Xuande furnace, others were enjoying other objects on the Duobao Pavilion. All the items on it were acquired after the movement, and there were not many treasures. The few official kiln porcelains were also the kind that existed in large quantities and were not rare.

While Xu Mengguo was admiring antiques, Su Weiran walked to the desk and picked up a brush from the pen holder. Zhen Zhen hurried to grind it and looked at Su Weiran eagerly: "Teacher, are you going to paint another one?"

Su Weiran looked at Zhenzhen speechlessly: "You already have so many of my paintings, and yet you asked me for a painting right after we met."

"They are all treasures." Zhen Zhen laughed, not feeling embarrassed at all: "When the situation gets better in the future, I will hold an exhibition for you, and fill it with your paintings."

"You are quite filial," Su Weiran said with a smile, and then wrote a poem: "I think it's a bit boring with only paintings on the wall, so I'll write a couple of words for you, but I won't take care of the framing, you have to do it yourself."

"No problem." Zhenzhen agreed readily.

Xu Mengguo couldn't move his feet when he saw the antiques. Wangwo and the others wanted to go to the back and take a look, so they urged Xu Mengguo to come out. There was nothing in the back yard because no one lived there. Old Lady Li had nothing to do at home, so she often went to the back to clean up the dust. Every time she thought about Zhenzhen having such a big house that she couldn't even live in it all, she immediately became full of energy.

When they arrived at the garden in the backyard, everyone was stunned by the prosperous scene. Wang Xinwen came to the garden to pick some fresh vegetables to take back. Wangwo, Su Weiran and others immediately snatched the basins that Wang Xinwen brought and said cheerfully, "We haven't done such work for two years. Little girl, sit there and rest for a while, we will go pick vegetables."

When Wang Xinwen heard Mr. Wangwo calling her "little girl", she immediately gave all the pots away in a daze, and sat next to the rockery with her face in her hands, grinning foolishly.

Red tomatoes, tender green cucumbers, bunches of plump beans, curved and strong eggplants, rows of green vegetables... Su Weiran and his friends cultivated the land in the mountain cave. Although it was hard work, they felt a sense of accomplishment when they ate the vegetables they grew. After they came out of the mountain cave, their status was restored, and they received the salary and benefits they had not received for these years. They usually bought vegetables and food with coupons. It has been a long time since they felt like they were planting and picking vegetables.

Several people, each holding a basin, walked through the field, picking the vegetables they liked and putting them into the basin. Ever since the family came to the imperial capital, Zhenzhen has never used her supernatural powers to grow vegetables. She used to help the family grow food because the yield was low. The land in the mountains was blocked by trees and the sunshine time was insufficient, so the growth would not be very vigorous. At the same time, there were a lot of birds and pheasants in the mountains, and they alone could eat half of the crops. Before Zhenzhen was born, the sorghum and soybeans planted by the old Li family were only used as supplements, and they could not harvest much at all. What's more, at that time, Li Muwu had to go to work, so the work of farming basically fell on Old Lady Li and Wang Sufen. Not to mention Old Lady Li, even Wang Sufen was not young anymore, and Zhenzhen really couldn't bear to let them do such heavy work.

After arriving in the imperial capital, Li Muwu had some free time, and Old Lady Li and Wang Sufen had nothing to do either, so Zhenzhen simply let them do whatever they wanted. After all, they were in their own garden and didn't have to walk too far. She could just take it as an exercise to avoid getting sick from being idle. When Zhenzhen was ripe, she would slightly improve the taste, like cucumbers that were more crispy, and tomatoes that were sandy and had sweet juice.

After picking a basin full of tomatoes and cucumbers, Zhenzhen fetched a bucket of water from the nearby well, rinsed the tomatoes and cucumbers in the basin twice, and invited everyone to come and taste them.

After washing their hands by the well, they sat on the ground without worrying about the dirt and ate cucumbers and persimmons around a bowl.

After eating the cucumber, I picked up the persimmon, looked at the butterflies flying around, listened to the chickens in the yard, and couldn't help but sigh: "This kind of life is so beautiful."


Zhenzhen has been in Imperial University for five months now, and is a well-known busy person in the Department of Literature. Entering a new school, which is also a top university in China, none of the students at Imperial University are lazy, and they wish they could spend 24 hours a day studying. They are either in class or in the library, and the dormitory is basically just a place to sleep.

But compared with Zhenzhen, other students feel ashamed of themselves. Zhenzhen has a strong mental strength and can meet the needs of her body with a very short sleep. Therefore, Zhenzhen turned on the academic master mode, getting up before dawn every day and not coming back until the middle of the night.

Wei Yujin used to get up early when she worked in the production team, but now she can't sleep even if she lies in bed. Every morning when she wakes up, it's dark everywhere, and there's no bright place to read. She saw Zhenzhen go out early every morning, thinking that Zhenzhen might have found a place to read, so she quickly put on her clothes and took the book out, but she disappeared as soon as she left the dormitory building.

Wei Yujin couldn't go upstairs again. Just as she was about to push open the door of the dormitory, she suddenly saw the light on in the toilet at the end of the corridor. Her eyes lit up, and she went back to the room, quietly moved a small stool, and went to the toilet to study.

It is easy to develop a competitive mentality in places where top students gather. If one person is studying, the others will feel uneasy. In just a few days, the toilets are packed with students holding books and studying hard. Fortunately, the students clean the toilets in the dormitory building twice a day, so there is no smell. Otherwise, they might not be able to sit there.

Compared to her classmates' hardships, Zhenzhen was much more comfortable. She sat on the comfortable sofa in the western-style building, with fresh fruit and honey water on the coffee table and a delicious breakfast on the dining table. Zhenzhen bought a week's worth of breakfast every week when she came home and put it in the space. She could eat it anytime and it was always hot, without worrying about spoilage.

After reading the French lessons twice, Zhenzhen marked the parts she was unsure about and planned to ask the French teacher during class. After drinking honey water and eating breakfast, she took out the textbook of Economics of Forgetfulness and studied the lessons she had not missed.

After staying in the space for three hours, it was almost time for class. Zhenzhen had already used her consciousness to find a place before quietly showing up. Wei Yujin had reserved a seat for Zhenzhen in advance, and when she saw her coming, she waved at her. Zhenzhen sat in her old seat with a book in her arms, put the book on the table, and greeted her roommates one by one.

Xu Jiajia, who lived on the upper bunk of Zhenzhen, came over and whispered to Zhenzhen, "Where do you read books, sister? I got up a little late today and there was no room in the toilet, so I had to shamelessly grab the toilet upstairs."

Zhenzhen smiled awkwardly: "I found a place by myself. Although there is light, it is too small. There is no room for one more person. I really can't take you there."

Xu Jiajia actually believed this. When she went to the toilet upstairs to read this morning, she saw Zhenzhen's sister-in-law Wang Xinwen also sitting in the toilet with a textbook and memorizing legal provisions. If Zhenzhen could bring someone with her, she would definitely bring Wang Xinwen first.

This morning, Zhenzhen had two classes, one was a journalism class, and the other was economics. Although the journalism students had only studied for a few months, they were eager to set up a news agency to publish some campus news and current affairs articles. Song Shihai, the professional course teacher, praised this and talked about a lot of related professional knowledge in class. The students in the class couldn't wait to set up the news agency after class so that they could give full play to their professional talents.

Zhenzhen listened to Wei Yujin and the others' heated discussion and became very interested in the news agency. However, with her current time, it was impossible for her to participate in the whole process. She could only contribute articles to hone her news writing skills.

There were no other large classes after the professional courses in the Department of Journalism, so after the bell rang, the teachers and students basically sat on their stools without moving, continuing to discuss the establishment of an on-campus newspaper.

Zhang Chenghai, the most active student in the class, volunteered to be the president. He went to the blackboard, wrote everyone's suggestions on it, and discussed them one by one.

Song Shihai watched with interest as they talked about their ideas. Some of them were not feasible, some would obviously take detours, and some suggestions were too immature, but Song Shihai still said nothing. Only by daring to try can one learn more experience and come up with innovative ideas.

Zhenzhen was in a hurry to go to economics class, so she couldn't continue to participate in the discussion. She just said goodbye to her roommate and ran out with her schoolbag on her back. Classmates were already used to Li Mingzhen's schedule of attending classes from morning to night, so they didn't pay much attention to it. However, the boys sitting behind Zhenzhen looked a little disappointed and muttered, "It would be great if Li Mingzhen could be a reporter for our news agency. With her image and affinity, she would definitely be able to interview a lot of people."

Wei Yujin heard this and smiled, "Given our Li Mingzhen's personality, even as a reporter she would be a lone ranger and wouldn't look for a partner."

The boys were exposed and looked a little embarrassed. One of them, Liu Chengmin, was a bit bolder. He smiled and discussed with Wei Yujin, "Sister Wei, this news club is a big event for our class. Go back to the dormitory and discuss it with Li Mingzhen. Ask her to participate more. If you need to run errands or carry heavy objects, we can help you."

Wei Yujin chuckled twice: "When I was in the production team, I could carry 200-jin sacks."

Liu Chengmin swallowed his saliva, looking embarrassed. A boy named Xu Zehai came over and said, "Your arms are thicker than mine. How can Li Mingzhen be like you? She looks so weak. We should show more friendship and mutual assistance among classmates."

Xu Jiajia also turned around and looked at him sympathetically: "Do you know what the result was of the arm wrestling competition in our dormitory last time?"

Liu Chengmin and Xu Zehai looked at each other, not quite understanding why the topic suddenly jumped to this point. Seeing their puzzled expressions, Wei Yujin kindly revealed the answer to them: "I arm wrestled with Li Mingzhen, and I lost."

Suddenly, everyone around, with Wei Yujin as the center, fell silent. Liu Chengmin was heartbroken and pounded his chest, "This is impossible. Li Mingzhen clearly looks like someone who doesn't care about worldly matters."

Xu Jiajia and Wei Yujin couldn't help laughing. They ignored the silly boy and turned around to continue talking about the news agency. Liu Chengmin wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Xu Zehai with some depression, and muttered softly, "Your method doesn't work either."

Xu Zehai was also a little worried: "When I was courting my wife, I tried to please the educated youth who lived with her and asked them to say good things for her. If you don't believe me, I'll try harder for you."

Liu Chengmin immediately regained his spirits and decided to take the initiative to ask Li Mingzhen what she thought about the news agency. So Liu Chengmin estimated that Zhenzhen would leave the classroom early when the get out of class was about to end, and came to the only way from the economics classroom to the cafeteria. As expected, hard work pays off. After waiting for about ten minutes, Liu Chengmin really saw Zhenzhen rushing to the cafeteria. He immediately wiped his hair, adjusted his shirt, and walked over as if he had met by chance: "Hey, classmate Li Mingzhen!"

Zhenzhen turned around and looked at the ordinary-looking classmate in front of her, who would be hard to spot in a crowd, and asked in confusion, "Who are you?"

Liu Chengmin, dead!

Looking at Liu Chengmin's miserable staggering figure, Zhenzhen felt a little embarrassed. She had to take classes in three majors with nearly two hundred classmates, and she also had to take large classes with people from other majors. It turned out that there were several hundred people in her class. She really couldn't remember someone with an ordinary face like this.

Zhenzhen touched her chin and smiled. If she looked like Xi Junjie, a beauty who majored in French, Zhenzhen guaranteed that she would be able to recognize her.

The author has something to say: I took my daughter out to fly a kite today, and dozed off while writing at night. I will definitely finish writing before going out on weekends, otherwise I will be too sleepy. I think there are typos, but I can't muster the energy to fix them. I will get up tomorrow morning to revise them.

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