Accidentally Born in the ‘60s

Chapter 75


Because Zhenzhen's class was special, the ages were also uneven, with the oldest in their thirties, and many like Zhenzhen who took the exam right after graduating from high school. In that era, it was common to get married early, and getting married at the age of twenty-three or twenty-four was the norm, but some educated youth wanted to return to the city as soon as possible, and delayed until they were twenty-five or twenty-six.

Imperial Capital University is the leading university in China. Those who pass the exam are not ordinary people, especially Zhenzhen's class. Nearly six million people from all over the country took the exam, but less than 280,000 were finally admitted. It can be said that there are thousands of people squeezing on a single-plank bridge. They are all outstanding talents in the future, and many of them are still unmarried. Therefore, many students have the mentality of finding a partner in school. If they get along well, they can get married directly after graduation and get a job. How worry-free. It is not only male students who have this idea. Many girls also think so. Although they are exposed to new knowledge and open culture after entering university, they still agree with the traditional idea that if you don’t get married in your twenties, you are an old maid.

Although many people say that they are good at relationships and can endure hardships, when they are not familiar with each other, their impression of the opposite sex is basically based on appearance. Zhenzhen's appearance is considered top-notch among girls. Although she used to go up the mountain or down the river all day, she was born with fair skin. She didn't need to apply vanishing cream all year round, but her face was always moist and tender.

In addition to her fair skin, another attractive feature of Zhenzhen is her big, lively eyes. Just by standing there, without her saying anything, one can feel that she is full of cleverness.

There was a young, hard-working, and pretty girl like this. Not only the boys from the journalism department, but also the French and economics departments had their eyes on her. However, people of this generation were still relatively simple and honest, and they would not do anything to pester her. Their idea was to find an opportunity to have some contact with Zhenzhen in studies or activities outside of class, to show their good character, and maybe they would fall in love with her.

Zhenzhen really didn't notice the little thoughts of the boys in the class towards her. She stared at the teacher while taking notes during class, and hurried to change classrooms after class. She didn't even have time to look at them, let alone make contact. Like Liu Chengmin, he worked hard to occupy a seat for three months just to sit behind Zhenzhen and seize the opportunity, but Zhenzhen didn't even know who he was, and all his efforts were in vain.

Perhaps it was because Liu Chengmin had hit a snag with Zhenzhen that many boys gave up the idea of taking the lead. They all retracted their heads and waited for a good opportunity.

However, although the students majoring in journalism are somewhat timid when it comes to relationships, they are very enthusiastic about professional matters, especially about running a school newspaper. They are very enthusiastic and motivated. In less than a week, they applied for an empty room to be used as an office, and then began to collect manuscripts for the first issue of "Imperial Capital Campus Newspaper". Wei Yujin, as a representative of the girls, served as the vice president of "Imperial Capital Campus Newspaper".

Students majoring in journalism all received letters of invitation to write articles. After class, Zhenzhen did not read books on her space for the first time. Instead, she returned to the dormitory and discussed with her roommates what articles to prepare.

Wei Yujin wanted to write a commentary based on the obvious changes in policies over the past year, and Xu Jiajia wanted to write an interview article to show the brightness and beauty of the policy through the changes in students' lives over the past year. Everyone expressed their own ideas, and Zhenzhen gave them a lot of suggestions based on her experience in news interviews in newspapers in the future.

Wei Yujin took a pen and wrote down everything Zhenzhen said, then asked, "Zhenzhen, what article are you going to write?"

Zhenzhen smiled and expressed her thoughts: "There are many literary masters in our school, such as Mr. Wangwo and Mr. Baiye. I want to do a series of interviews. I can ask them to talk about their creative experience and the stories behind their works through one of their novels."

"That's a good idea." Xu Jiajia's eyes lit up when she heard it. "I particularly like Mr. Wangwo's "Desperate Life". I have read it at least five times. When the time comes, you must ask Mr. Wangwo to talk more about this aspect."

Meng Ranxiao, a girl from Tianjin, spoke like a firecracker, crackling. She kept agreeing with Xu Jiajia's opinions, and at the end she patted her chest and said, "I have applied for the position of editor. When Zhenzhen finishes writing this article, I will recommend it to the front page."

"Of course!" Xu Jiajia laughed. "When Mr. Wangwo won the award, not to mention the exclusive interview, even the reports were dry and boring. This is the first time Mr. Wangwo has been interviewed in all these years since he won the award. I think our newspaper will get attention just based on this."

Guo Xiaoqiao, a girl from the imperial capital, looked gentle but had big ambitions: "The "Last Name Poetry Magazine" of the literature department next door has already been published before us. We can't fall too far behind them. We must strive to have a good start with the first issue of the school newspaper and surpass their poetry magazine."

"Oh, I also have their magazine. The first issue has just been published." Xu Jiajia jumped up and took out a magazine with simple printing from her desk and put it on the desk. Everyone gathered around with interest. Xu Jiajia opened the first page of the magazine, lowered her voice, and read in a pure Bingcheng accent: "... He took a sharp axe and cut through the haze that enveloped his chest..."

Although Zhenzhen didn't understand poetry very well, she could feel the passion and enthusiasm of these people for poetry from the words. After Xu Jiajia read two poems, she closed the poetry magazine and said seriously: "This one is sold at the entrance of the cafeteria for 60 cents. How much do you think our newspaper can sell for?"

"Did you discuss the cost during the meeting?" Zhenzhen took a sip of water from the enamel pot. "For example, how many copies should be printed for the first issue, and how much will it cost?"

Wei Yujin, Meng Ranxiao, Xu Jiajia, and Guo Xiaoqiao were all from the magazine. They looked at each other and smiled at Zhenzhen: "No one mentioned this?"

Zhen Zhen frowned slightly: "What about the funds for the first printing?"

"I know that." Xu Jiajia said quickly, "The printing company agreed that we can owe it first and pay it back after the newspapers are sold out."

Zhenzhen nodded and put the jar aside. She leaned on the table with both hands and looked at her classmates: "Running a newspaper is not just about passion. We have to think about a lot of details. For example, in the early stage we may only need to maintain the cost, but once the newspaper has established itself, we have to consider the issue of manuscript fees."

"Payment fee?" Guo Xiaoqiao blinked in confusion: "Isn't it all voluntary labor? Why should I pay for it?"

Zhen Zhen looked at the cute little Guo Xiaoqiao and couldn't help pinching her face: "It's because of the special nature of the newspaper."

Zhenzhen turned around and took out the two newspapers she subscribed to, "Imperial Capital Daily" and "Weekly News", from the cabinet and placed them on the table: "Newspapers cannot be as casual as poetry journals and magazines. They must have absolutely fixed publication dates and the latest news. Poetry journals and magazines can collect a lot of manuscripts at a time and then publish them in batches, but newspapers cannot. They must have the most timely news to attract readers' continued attention."

Wei Yujin nodded in agreement, but still didn't quite understand what this had to do with the manuscript fee. Zhenzhen sat down, drank a sip of water and continued, "It's fine at ordinary times. Writing news releases after class can help me apply the theoretical knowledge I learned to practice and improve my news writing skills. But what about the final exam?"

Seeing that everyone was still confused, Zhenzhen sighed. In the past ten years, whether in elementary school, junior high school or high school, there has been no such thing as exams. According to Zhenzhen's experience in her previous life, even the best students have to go through everything they have learned this semester by the end of the semester. By then, they will be too busy to take time to interview. As an incentive mechanism, royalties are definitely indispensable.

However, the school newspaper is still in its infancy, and the enthusiasm of the students in this class alone can support it for at least a year. After a year, when everyone has experienced what they should experience and the newspaper has stabilized, then it will be considered naturally. Thinking of this, Zhenzhen smiled and said, "The final exams are coming soon, and you will know then. It's too early to say now."

Although Zhenzhen is young, she seems very reliable. Wei Yujin and the others believe in her and quickly write down Zhenzhen's suggestion, preparing to discuss it again after the newspaper stabilizes.

After closing the notebook, Wei Yujin saw Zhenzhen taking her lunch box and preparing to go to the cafeteria to eat, and quickly called her: "Wait for me, let's go together." Guo Xiaoqiao and others also quickly took their lunch boxes and went downstairs together, one holding another.

The cafeteria at Imperial Capital University is subsidized by the government, and the food variety is quite rich. Zhenzhen ordered two dishes and four taels of rice, and then she and her roommates found a table for eight and sat down.

Just after taking a few bites of food, a group of law students sat behind her. Wang Xinwen saw Zhenzhen's back and quickly came over to pat her on the shoulder, laughing loudly and exaggeratedly: "Hey, Zhenzhen, I haven't seen you for several days. Let your sister-in-law see if you have lost weight."

Zhenzhen knew that although Wang Xinwen had a quick temper, she seldom spoke so openly in public. She quickly turned around and continued to talk to Wang Xinwen, but her eyes looked around. Sure enough, she saw a boy at the next table looking at Wang Xinwen unwillingly.

Zhenzhen blinked her eyes, and immediately realized what was happening. She hugged Wang Xinwen's arm affectionately, "How can you lose weight so quickly? I eat well every day. By the way, Sister-in-law, I have something to tell you. I have to practice French this weekend. When you get home, tell grandma that I won't be going home this week. You and my brother should go home early after school. You went home late last week, and I cried so hard when I saw the noodles."

"That's right." When Wang Xinwen thought of her son, her exaggerated smile disappeared, and her face became a little gentle. Her pretty face made the boy opposite her stare at her again.

Zhenzhen winked at her quickly, and Wang Xinwen immediately understood: "Mianmian has never left me since he was born. If it weren't for school, he wouldn't be weaned. Even though Mianmian can't speak now, he understands everything. As soon as your brother and I came home, he would hug us and wouldn't let go, and he had to stay in our room for two nights."

The boy opposite, whose originally bright eyes dimmed in an instant, ate two mouthfuls of rice, picked up the rice bowl and left. Wang Xinwen caught a glimpse of his figure out of the corner of her eye and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

After finishing the meal, the aunt and sister-in-law did not rush back, but walked to the lakeside together. Although it was not the hottest summer, it was already a bit stuffy during the day, and the breeze at night not only blew away the heat of the day, but also drove away Wang Xinwen's boredom.

"Sister-in-law, what's going on with that man today? Did he follow you?" Zhenzhen couldn't help asking when she saw Wang Xinwen looking a little annoyed.

"Don't mention it. He's not from our department. I don't know how he knew me. On the way to the cafeteria today, he slipped a note into my hand with a poem written on it. I was scared. I don't even know his name, how could he do such a thing?" Wang Xinwen sighed in frustration: "I'm married, can't he see that?"

Zhenzhen glanced at Wang Xinwen in the moonlight. Her petite figure made her look a few years younger than her actual age. Plus, the Li family lived a good life and had raised her to be very tender and beautiful. Her voice was soft when she spoke. No wonder people thought she was an unmarried girl.

"Who made my sister-in-law so beautiful?" Zhenzhen took Wang Xinwen's arm and said with a smile: "Let my brother come over twice a week to have dinner with you. Let those people see how handsome my brother is, and no one will dare to slip you notes again."

Thinking of the tall Mingbei, even though they have been married for more than two years, Wang Xinwen's cheeks still blushed, her eyes full of sweetness: "I think Mingbei is better than the boys in school, I like people like him."

Rubbing the goose bumps on her arms, Zhenzhen made an expression of disbelief: "You show your affection in front of me every day. Have you ever thought about how a single person like me feels?"

Although she had never heard the words Zhenzhen said, Wang Xinwen still understood the general meaning. She put her arm around Zhenzhen with a wicked smile and asked her in a narrow voice, "My Zhenzhen is so beautiful, has anyone slipped you a note?"

Zhenzhen shook her head and looked at Wang Xinwen sincerely: "No."

I wanted to tease Zhenzhen, but when I heard that Wang Xinwen wasn't there, I got a little anxious: "Why isn't there anyone? Or haven't you found anyone you like? Last week, grandma told me to help you check, and not to date anyone so easily."

"I thought so too, so it's just right that there isn't one." Zhen Zhen looked at Wang Xinwen's tangled expression and burst into laughter: "I don't like ordinary people anyway."

"What kind of person would you like?" Wang Xinwen said worriedly, "Tell me your standards, and I'll keep an eye out for you later."

Zhenzhen tilted her head and thought for a while: "She has to be tall, well-educated, capable, and most importantly, beautiful. She also has to be so beautiful that she can make my heart feel like it's about to burst out of my chest when she's with me."

When Zhenzhen mentioned the first three conditions, Wang Xinwen was still thinking about the right person in her mind. When Zhenzhen said that the person must be beautiful, Wang Xinwen couldn't help but frowned: "What? The person must be beautiful? No, how can a man be beautiful?" Having grown up in the Northeast, Wang Xinwen thought that Mingbei, who was tall and mighty, was the best looking. He looked masculine at first glance. No matter what happened, as long as he was by her side, she would feel at ease. So when Zhenzhen said that he had to be beautiful, Wang Xinwen really couldn't understand. Can a beautiful man still be called a man

Zhenzhen smiled slyly and nodded: "It's like Xi Junjie who majored in French in the Spanish Department. He is handsome but not effeminate. Just looking at him makes me feel comfortable."

The law department's classes were quite far from the Spanish department. Wang Xinwen had never met Xi Junjie, so she planned to take some time tomorrow to go to the Spanish department to see how beautiful he was that could make him so happy just by Zhenzhen talking about him.

In fact, Zhenzhen didn't like Xi Junjie, because after all, the two had never met, and there was no chemistry. Zhenzhen simply looked at his face, just like she liked the handsome guys on the screen in her previous life, purely for appreciation, and didn't think of it as a romantic relationship.

Wang Xinwen couldn't think of what it looked like, and she was so worried that she probably couldn't sleep at night. Zhenzhen couldn't help laughing when she saw Wang Xinwen's tangled expression. Wang Xinwen hit her with a punch in the face: "You are such a careless girl, oh, you are worrying me to death."

The aunt and the sister-in-law laughed as they ran into the woods. At this time, a young man who was sitting on a bench by the lake and admiring the moon turned around and glanced at the two people's backs as they walked away. The young man was probably only about twenty years old. Under the moonlight, his eyes were deep, his nose was high, and his lips were plump. Because of his extremely delicate facial features, he looked very handsome with a bit of beauty. However, just based on his heroic spirit and strong self-confidence, people dare not underestimate him. He turned his head to watch Zhenzhen's back disappear into the darkness. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, and a somewhat amused look appeared on his face: "Li Mingzhen, you are so shameless."


Students majoring in journalism attach great importance to their first issue of newspapers. Although Zhenzhen did not participate in the whole process, she was extremely serious about the manuscript she was responsible for. She spent two days of lunch and time talking with him about the book "Desperate Life" and the unknown stories that happened when she received the award that year. By the way, she also learned about the process of receiving the award.

Zhenzhen got the first-hand materials and worked on it for several nights in her space. She finally finished the interview and handed a thick stack of manuscripts to Wei Yujin. Wei Yujin quickly flipped through the manuscripts in her hand, her face full of surprise: "Zhenzhen, this is a great interview. I will send it to the typesetting right away." She took two steps and hurried back: "The interview with Mr. Wangwo should be on the front page, but there is not enough space for so much content."

Zhenzhen smiled and said, "Just put one paragraph in there, and move the rest to other pages. For our first issue of the newspaper, the front page must highlight a few key points. It won't do to just put one article in there."

Wei Yujin tapped the manuscript in her right hand against her left palm. Her face was full of approval. She patted Zhenzhen on the shoulder and said sincerely, "Zhenzhen, you should come to the news agency and be the president."

Zhenzhen pushed her out with a smile: "Go and do your thing, my big president. I'm thankful that I have time to write press releases. I can only make suggestions for the rest." Seeing that Wei Yujin seemed to want to say something, Zhenzhen let go of her and glanced at the watch on her wrist: "Oh, I have to get to the French classroom. We have an exam for French majors today." Wei Yujin was thinking about the newspaper that was about to be printed, and didn't have time to say anything else. She hurried to the news agency.

As the semester was coming to an end, the French teacher thought that simply asking students to learn words and memorize texts would lead to students being unable to apply what they have learned. Learning a language is not for grammar, but for better communication. Therefore, Meng Huaishu, the French teacher, decided to randomly select students to come up and talk, and their performance on stage would be used as the final exam score for the French class.

Meng Huaishu mentioned this a week ago, so Zhenzhen took two days to practice with Xie Shurang all the scenarios that might be involved in the content they had learned. Since Xie Shurang's usual teaching was not limited to the words and grammar in the textbook, Zhenzhen's current French level should be considered relatively good in the class.

The students sat in the classroom, flipping through their textbooks and silently reciting words, while looking out the window anxiously, wanting to see if Teacher Meng had come. As the bell rang, Meng Huaishu came in carrying two large boxes. He put the boxes on the podium and smiled at the students who were all a little nervous: "Actually, our exams are very simple. Just feel free to say what you want to say."

The students stared at the two boxes above, feeling a little uneasy, as no one knew what was inside. As if he could see what the students were thinking, Meng Huaishu patted the box on the right and said, "This box contains the names of all our students. I will draw them out at that time, and whoever is drawn will come up to talk. Each session will last five minutes."

The students couldn't help but scream when they heard this. They had practiced one-on-one many times in private and had fixed the sentences. They just had to recite them once. Meng Huaishu's move disrupted many people's plans.

Meng Huaishu smiled and patted another box: "There are scenes in here. Whichever scene you draw, you will simulate the dialogue in that scene. For example, if you draw the supply and marketing cooperative, one person will play the salesperson and the other will play the customer. Do you understand what I mean?"

Everyone nodded, and Meng Huaishu smiled: "Okay, I'll start drawing lots now."

As soon as the words fell, the students' hearts were lifted, and even Zhenzhen was a little nervous. Meng Huaishu glanced at the students, and then took out the slips of paper from the two boxes: "Group 1: Xi Junjie, Li Mingzhen, scene: park."

The author has something to say: I haven't completed the resignation procedures, so I decided to take my annual leave first. I will take my daughter to Hainan for a few days on the flight tomorrow morning. I have to get up at 3:30 to go to the airport. I have to go to sleep. Although I am on vacation, I will still update 6,000 words a day. Please support me!

Thank you to all the little angels who voted for Overlord over the past week. Love you!

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